



1、八年级下册Unit 5单元复习句子专项训练一. 句子翻译1. 青少年年龄足够大了,要学习礼仪。Teenagers are old enough.2. 打断别人的话是不礼貌的。is impolite.3. 我们要活到老,学到老。We are.4. 我们所有人应该采取行动阻止游客乱扔垃圾。All of us should take action5. 对我们而言,在图书馆里保持安静很有必要。It is necessary for us.6. 我们最好不要让水龙头一.直流水。We had better.7当你在马路上的时候,你必须遵守交通规那么。When you are on the road. yo

2、u must.&如果你对周围的人友善,乐于助人,你会发现个更美好的世界。You ll findworld if youto people around.9. 公共场所禁止吸烟。in public areas.10. 孩子们没有进行足够的锻炼,因此很多人生病了。Cliildreiibecause they didnt have.11. Amy每次都足够滑稽得使大家大笑。Amy is funny enoughevery time.12. 吴老师告诉我们防止谈论年龄或体重之类的话题。Mr Wu told uslike age or weight.13. 我们应该尽力在公共场合举止文明。We shou

3、ld try our best.14. 我们都认为在别人前面插队是粗鲁的行为。We all think it is aide.15. 这位老师建议Tina在公共场合降低音量。The teacher advises Tina.16如果你挡了他们的路.他们不会碰你或推开你。If you are, they wont.17. Andy不停地查看 ,但他又不想以一种不礼貌的方式离开主人的家。Andyhis mobile phone but he didnt want to leave die hosts house1&对我们而言,使孩子们远离危险非常重要。It mortant for us.19. 这

4、个盒子对我而言太重了,搬不动。The box iscarry.20. 几天前这位善良的人警告我们不要冒险游过河The kind manacross the river the other day.21. 那位老奶奶太老了,不能淸楚地表达自己.The grandma.22. 当我们初次见面的时候这个帅气的男孩与我握手。The handsome boywhen we met for the first time.23. 正如谚语所说,“入乡随俗“。As the saying goes, “24. 什么是开始交谈的正确方式?to start a conversation?25如果他们在街上撞到某人,

5、他们会说对不起。If they they will say sorry:26.防止犯同样的错误是多么有必要啊!二. 同义句转换1. He was so lucky that he got Jay Chous signatureHe was Jay Chous signature.2. He is not old enough to join the army.He is join the army.3. Tina is so kind that she always helps her friends in needTina is her friends in need.4. Peter is

6、 so weak that he cant cany that heay box.Peter is carry that heavy box.5. Amy is so short that she can t catch the apples on the tree.Amy is catch the apples on the tree.三、用enough合并或改写以下句子1 He is very clever. He can answer the questions correctly2. She was very lucky. She survived in the natural dis

7、aster.3. The house is very big. We can live in it.4. The ice isnt thick. We cant skate on it.5. The girl is too short to get on the bike.I to learn about manners2. Cutting in on others3. never too old to learn4. to prevent visitors from dropping litter everywhere5. to keep quiet in the library6. not

8、 leave the tap running7. obey traffic rules8. a nicer; are kind and helpful9. No smoking10. got sick/ill; enough exerciseII to make everyone laugh12. to avoid talking about subjects13. to behave politely in public14. to push in before others15. to keep her voice down in public16. in their way; touch

9、 you or push past you17. kept checking; in an impolite way18. to keep the children away from danger19. too heavy for me to20. warned us not to swim21. is too old to express herself clearly22 shook my hand23. When in Rome, do as the Romans do24. What is the proper way25. bump into someone26. How necessary to avoid making the same mistake!1 1 ucky enough to get2. too young to3. kind enough to help4. too weak to5. not tall enough to1. He is clever enough to answer the questions correctly.2. She was lucky enough to survive in the nat


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