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1、CiscoCisco虚拟无线控制斋导入到虚拟机&济加(切瞬(R)打开虚拟机按任意键Pressanykoy tousethistcrMinalasthe defaulttorMinal Pressanykey tousethisterMinalasthe defaultterMinal Pressanykey tousethistcrMinalasthe defaultterMinal Pressanykey tousethisterninn 】asthe defaultt emi na 1 Presskey touse(hixterni nrdxtllH defnult(erwi n1 Pre

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3、 (Ucrs ion 6)(nnb.(18P Y8 8P 8b Y8b d8Raot 1 ng Pr inn I Mnge Press vESC non for add Itlonal boot opt ionsBoot ing *PriMary iMag.o88bd88b.|d8P Y8 8p Y8. | 8P 88888b 8888|Y8b d8 8bd&ManageMent Interface ManageMent Interface ManageMent Interface Provisioning SSIDManageMent Interface配宜密码qaz123W

4、ould you 1 ike to terMinate auto install? yes: iSAsteM NaMe LCisco_67: 63 : 91J (31 characters Max): AUTO -INSTALL: no interfaces reg istered RUTO-INSTALL: process terminated no configuration loaded SHlEnter Adnin istrative User NaMe (24 characters Max) : adriin Enter AdMinistrAtiue Password (3 to 2

5、4 characters): * Re-enter AdMinistratiue Password: *Service In terface IP Address Conf iyur at iun Lstat icDHCP: dhup配置管理ip,无线名称IP Address: 192 168 1.78NetMask: 255.255 255 0Default Router : 192 - 168 1 Cleaning upULRN Identifier (0 = untagged):ManageMent Interface Port NUM 1 to 11:1ManaLgeMent Inte

6、rface DHCP Server IP Address : 192 168.1.1Uirtual Gmteway IP Address: 1. 1. 1.2Mobility/RF Group NaMe: open |NetHork Nane (SSID) : YSQ/wfNetwork NaMO (SSID): YSQAwfConf iguro DHCP Bridging Mode AGS JNO:Allow Static IP Addresses YESno:Conf igure a RADIUS Server now? YESLno J: noWarn ing! The default

7、ULftN secur ity policy requ ires a PAD IUS server Please see docuMentat ion for More deta ils Enter Country Code list (enter elp for a list of countries) US: cnlEnab lei lEnab le lEnab le lEnab le|002 - lib002 - 11a002 - llg |Auto-RU |NetHork YESno: NetHorkYESno: NetHorkYESno: LYESpo:配置时间Con figure

8、IConr igurp or the Erder thea NTP server now? YES no : no the syst RM tine now? YFSHnol: date in MM/DD/YV forMat: 12/2/17 t ine in HU:MM:SS fornat: 15: 5& 60Mould you like io configure IPv6 paraMetersCYES Jno: nofonfiguration correct? If yes, syst 巳 M Hill save ii and reset ycsN0: yes fconfiguration

9、 saved!Reset t in (j spsten w i th new conf iyura t ion Conf igurat ion saupd!Resetting sAsteM with new configuration 配宜完成后重启,Ping网关测试Usor: ddMin Password:*(Cisco Controller) ping Solid count =3 Receive count =3 froM (Cisco Control ler) S)OH in? interface inzl id-conf ig invent

10、ory (Cisco Control ler) S)OH interface suzNaryInterface NAMR estPort Ulnn IdIP AddressTypeRp Mgr GuManageMent1un tagged8StaticYesHoservice-portN/nN/n0.0.B.8DHCPNoHovirtualN/AN/AStaticNoHoNiiMher of Interfaces(Cisco Controller) 在进行web访问,进行登录MY f Gsco Systems Login xoa and Cisco Sys6

11、)ns are rcAixuirod trdcfn4rks or trademarks o Cisco Systems. Inc. and/or Hi aHilutos in ttia United Statax and certain oWer coNitvKs. All tltird pony ?rooemarKs ore tfte property of tbeir respective owners.MONHOR 比ControMer Summary Man aoamcrt PJkktew I92.ieo.l.7d2 :2BSOflWwVWS Em*ra*nn* SUQQ VermS)

12、 Ttn HomeOQQQ,:8Q , 2Q8A152X9W1A30gHneQ3c, 1 hxrs RmnxemS 比(sTim,Thu 28 17:32:01 2017 RedundancyMode r Of 03*0Catad0DetAi0X”802.uaStXO802.19SWteS4.dEnPdMost Rcjnt TrapsMObUv Group|H* W Slot: 0 Port- 1EnaWeOper Unk UPLT DoAn: Skc: OPct! I Adm Statut: Enabto Xxr Status: Lir* !ntrfac; m4n9Ti*nt IPvO da

13、 H tu -EACtADLE2 IPvOCISCOMONITORMONITORProvides a view of this controller, its APs and wireless clients 监视器提供这个控制器、它的 AP 和无线客户 机的视图。CONIROtXfcR WjRELESS S6OMUTY rWALfcMErtl CQHMAMOS HELPSummary12 Points SuppoitadOsco Virtual WirHcss ControcrWLANsWLANsProvides WLAN configurations such as SSIDs and s

14、ecurity policies for all user group 无线局域网 WLAN 的配置等提供的所有用户组的SSID和安全政策电玮務PHWiM泮乂(和权)NCfOTOR MJWi OWTOOUfR AWHAS SCOMTrFW4MSeMr C0MHM AtfVMCDdWLANniter 说1 CM ata A Gor MLAN 10 Typft r 1SMrtWLAM SStOAdai* SUtut SMtrirr PolkaM Eruttid : WPA21:Provides con troller wide con figurations such as Layer 2/3 m

15、ode, Multicast and mobility settings 控制器提供控制 器范囤配置,如第2层/3层模式、组播和移动性设置IIMIh fciscoMONITOR WLANs COhTTROLLER WIRELESS SECURITY MANAGEMENT COMMANDS HELP EEFDBACKControllerGeneralGeneralIswl ICtsabkd IInventoryB02.3X Flow Control ModeDisabled IInterfacesInterface GroupsBroadcast ForwardingUnicast J IMul

16、ticastAP Multicast Mode 丄Uncast Network RoutesAP IPv6 Multicast Mode 乂Enabled |ipv4 Mobility ManagementPortsAP Fallback NTPCAPWAP Preferred Mode(Disabled COPFast 5510 changeI Disabled IPV6bnk Local BricJdinoopen-* mDNSDefaut Mobility Domain Name|opan Adva needRF Group Name300User Idle Timeout (secon

17、ds)I300ARP Timeout (seconds)PAP d I DisabledWeb Radius Authentication5WebAuth Proxy Redirection Mod哄EnabledWebAuth Proxy Redirection Port Gobal IPv6loAaultConfigWeb Color TH-meWIRELESSWIRELESSProvides AP configurations, dients management and various RF settings 提供无线 AP 的配置,客户管理和各种 射频设置ucrwwifiwakTM

18、曲專甲乂NathMProOtiHexCowwet Crxx05 RcocCmng ACLfiOfcAP ActsL it80MU/nAac602.1 Nou StniM-CoutuviwcrsHQOKSECURITYSECURITYWirHessAR APsoo/ McMPotaKCurrent FMerIEO 心EC“花门AJAPfi fUdCrSS02 lla:mstNtmbw ot APA0DuW-(UndR4do-8ddcNI CcnfairMnnAPIPAP AP0D-MMn*iCrtiGL4t*swSWSW Adv4nrr1HomeHo4el MAC AP U“ HRCSW5POE

19、 $MV5W Software Activation Tah SupportAebAuih Secu 咼 VebHTTPS Redirection *A*ebSession TmeoutEnobled aJ(Disabled zJ 55Minutestlamft-T/peSerai Member.VMSubset NameIssuof Manio 加 D5 FingcrqrfitSHA1 FngerpnntSave Confiouration pinQ Looout BefresH MONITOR WLANS CONTROLLER WIRELESS SECURITY MANAGEMLN1 CO

20、MMANDS HELP EEEDBACK |After Switch Web configuration wizard saves the configuration and reboots the controller, HTTPS access will be enabled and it uses PKI to secure the transaction while HTTP access will be disabled by default交换机Web配置向导保存配置并重新启动控制器后,将启用HTTPS访问,并且它使用PKI来安全 事务,而HTTP访问将由D禁用default未履行任务或责任SWbsnSfiKVcbdinfv2flrt3rd Party694&41553FfOil 2017Oe 28th. 00:00:01 GMT Until 2027 gc 2 妙.00 00:01 GMTC-U5.0-O5C0 Systems rn


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