1、Vocabulary (II) Authority/ultimatum/autonomy/privilege 1. authority:power to give orders and make others obey 权力; 权威 Authorize:give authority to (sb) 授权; 委任; 委托 authorization Authoritative:having authority; that can be trusted; reliable 有权力的; 有权威的; 可相信的; 可靠的 The leader must be a person of authority.
2、 领袖必须是有权威的人. I have authorized him to act for me while I am away. 我已经委托他 当我不在的时候代我处理. You need special authorization to park here. The information was from an authoritative source 消息来自权威方面 的消息. ultimatum:final demand or statement of terms to be accepted without discussion, eg one sent to a foreign g
3、overnment and threatening war if the conditions are not accepted 最後通牒; Well, give him an ultimatum: either he pays by Friday or he finds somewhere else to live. Autonomy:self-government; independence 自治; 自主; 独立 Autonomous: self-governing; acting independently 自治的; 自主的; 独立的 Branch managers have full
4、autonomy in their own areas. 分支机构 的经理在其管辖范围内有充分的自主权. Teachers aim to help children become autonomous learners. Privilege:special right or advantage available only to a particular person, class or rank, or to the holder of a certain position 特权、 利 益或好处 Privileged: having privilege(s) 享有特权的; 享受特殊待遇的;
5、获得优 待的 She came from a privileged background. 她出身於特权阶层. Parking in this street is the privilege of the residents. 在这条街上停 车是此处居民特有的权利. Aristocracy/nobility/auxiliary/morality/hierarchy Aristocracy:highest social class; the nobility 贵族阶级; 贵族 Aristocrat:member of the aristocracy; nobleman or noblewoman
6、 贵族的成员; 贵族 Aristocratic:belonging to or typical of the aristocracy 贵族的; 贵族统治的; 有 贵族气派的 an aristocratic name, family, bearing, life-style 贵族的名字, 家庭, 仪态, 生活 方式. Nobility:quality of being noble in mind, character, birth or rank 高尚的思想或 品格; 高贵的出身或地位 Noble: having or showing an excellent character; not pe
7、tty or mean 高尚的; 高贵的; 崇高的 Her nobility of character made her much admired. 她的高尚品格令人钦佩. It was noble of you to accept a lower salary to help the company. 你为了帮 助公司而接受低工资真是难能可贵. Auxiliary:giving help or support; additional 帮助的; 辅助的; 附加的; 副的 auxiliary troops 辅助部队/ an auxiliary nurse 助理护士 an auxiliary ge
8、nerator in case of power cuts 万一断电时使用的备用 发电机. Morality: principles of good behaviour 美德; 道德; 道义; 伦理 Moral Morale: state of confidence, enthusiasm, determination, etc of a person or group at a particular time 士气; 精神状态 moralise, (about/on sth) (esp derog 尤作贬义) talk or write (usu critically) about righ
9、t and wrong behaviour, esp in a self-righteous way 训导, 说教(尤指自以为是) The news is good for (the teams) morale. 这消息对提高(全队的) 士气大有好处. Have standards of morality improved? 道德标准是否已有所改进? Hes always moralizing about the behaviour of young people. 他总 是就年轻人的行为进行说教. Hierarchy:system with grades of authority or st
10、atus from the lowest to the highest 等级制度 Hierarchical:of or arranged in a hierarchy 等级制的; 按等级划分的 Shes high up in the management hierarchy. 她在管理阶层中地位很 高. a hierarchical society, system, organization, etc 有等级之分的社会、 体系、 组织等. Analogue/episode/simulation/parallel Analogue: thing that is similar to anothe
11、r thing 类似物 Analogous: (to/with sth) partially similar or parallel; offering an analogy 类似的; 相似的 Analogy:partial similarity between two things that are compared 类似; 相似 He pointed to analogies between the two events 他指出两起事件的 相似之处。 A vegetarian gets protein not from meat but from its analogues. 素食 者所摄
12、取的蛋白质不是来自肉类而是来自近似肉类的食物. The present crisis is analogous with the situation immediately before the war. 目前的危机与大战前夕的形势类似. Episode:event occurring as part of a long series of events as in a novel, ones life, etc (小说或人生等的)片段, 插曲 One of the funniest episodes in the book occurs in Chapter 6. 书中 最有趣的部分是在第6
13、章. Simulate:simulate: pretend to have or feel (esp an emotion) 假装 有或感到 Simulation:action of simulating 假装; 伪装; 模拟; 模仿 Simulated:made to look, sound, etc like (sth) 模仿的; 假的 How wonderful! she said with simulated enthusiasm I tried to simulate surprise at the news. Parallel: (of two or more lines) hav
14、ing the same distance between each other at every point (指至少两条线)平行的 The road and the railway are parallel to each other. 该公路与铁路相 互平行. Omnipresence/equilibrium/solidarity/redumdancy Omnipresent:(fml 文) present everywhere 无处不在的; 普遍存在的 These days the media are omnipresent. Equilibrium: state of being b
15、alanced 平衡; 均势 He cant maintain enough equilibrium to ride a bike. 他骑自行车不能 保持平衡. Solidarity:unity and agreement resulting from shared interests, feelings, actions, sympathies, etc 团结; 一致 We must show solidarity with the strikers, declared the student leaders. 学生领袖声称 我们要申明与罢工工人团结一致. Redundant: (usu o
16、f language or art) not needed; superfluous; unnecessary (通常指语言或艺术)不必要的, 冗赘的, 多余的 Redundancy:material that is redundant(1) (通常指语言或艺术) 多余的材料; The illustration had too much redundant detail. 解说中不必要的细节 太多. The closure of the export department resulted in over 100 redundancies. Incite/deviate/justify Inc
17、ite: sb (to sth) urge or persuade sb to do sth by making him very angry or excited 煽动或鼓动某人做某事 Incitement: n U, C (to sth) action that incites certain behaviour 煽 动; 鼓励 The captain was accused of inciting other officers to mutiny. 该上尉 被控煽动军官叛变. incitement to defy authority 煽动反对当局. Deviate: from sth s
18、top following (a course, standard, etc) 偏离(路 线、 标准等); 背离 Deviation The plane deviated from its usual route. 飞机偏离了正常的航线. There was little deviation from his usual routine. 他没有什麽反常的 举动. Vulgarism/obscurity Vulgarism: rude or obsceneword or phrase 粗俗的词语 Vulgar Vulgarity:rude or obscene act or expressio
19、n 粗鄙下流的举动; 粗话; 下流话 She found their laughter and noisy games coarse and rather vulgar. She was offended by the vulgarity of their jokes. Arse is a vulgarism for the buttocks. arse是用以指臀部的粗俗词. Obscure: not easily or clearly seen or understood; indistinct; hidden 不易看清的; 费解的; 不分明的; 隐藏的 Obscurity: state o
20、f being obscure 不明; 费解; 隐晦; 无闻 He spent most of his life working in obscurity. The meaning of his comment was obscure to everyone but himself. Espinoage/spying/felony/delingquency Espinage:practice of spying or using spies to obtain secret information 间谍活动 spy She may call it research; I call it ind
21、ustrial espionage spy on the enemys movements 侦察敌方行动 spy into other peoples affairs 窥探他人的私事 Im sure my neighbours spy on me. 我肯定邻居暗中监视我. Felony:(law 律) serious crime, eg murder, armed robbery or arson 重 罪 Felon:person guilty of felony 重罪犯. Felonious:of or involving felony; criminal 重罪的; 犯重罪的. Delinq
22、uency: U, C minor crime such as vandalism, esp when committed by young people 不严重的罪 Delinquent:(person) doing wrong or failing to perform a duty 做错事 的或失职的(人) He was a juvenile delinquent 他曾是少年犯。 There is an increase in juvenile delinquency 少年犯罪增加。. Provincial/hazardous/abstruse Province Provincial H
23、azardous: dangerous; risky 危险的; 冒险的 Hazard Abstruse; difficult to understand 难解的; 深奥的 The journey was hazardous. 旅途十分艰险. Wet roads are a hazard to drivers. 道路湿滑会对司机构成危险. Terror/ depression/chagrin Terror:extreme fear 恐怖; 惊骇 Terrible Terrify Terrorist They ran away in terror 他们惊慌地跑开了。 Her husbands vi
24、olence terrified her. The poor lad took a terrible beating. The terrorists are threatening to blow up the hijacked airliner. 恐怖分 子扬言要炸毁劫持的客机. Depress Depression Depressed Depressing Wet weather always depresses me. 我在阴雨天总是心灰意懒. He was depressed about the election results 他因选举结果而垂头丧 气. The crime rate
25、 is depressingly high. 犯罪率太高, 令人忧心忡忡. He committed suicide during a fit of depression. 他一时想不开, 自杀 了. Chagrin :feeling of disappointment or annoyance (at having failed, made a mistake, etc) (因失败、 犯错等)失望, 灰心, 懊恼 Much to his chagrin, he came last in the race. 他因跑个倒数第一而 垂头丧气 Transparency, opaque,closene
26、ss.absence Transparent allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be seen clearly 透明的 a type of plastic that is as transparent as glass but stronger 一种 透明如玻璃且比玻璃坚固的塑料 a box with a transparent lid 带有透明盖儿的盒子 Opaque not allowing light to pass through; not transparent 不透明的; 不透光的 opaque gl
27、ass 不透明的玻璃 an opaque lens 不透光的镜片. Facilitate,modify,soften,alleviate Facilitate:(fml 文) (of an object, a process, etc but not of a person) make (sth) easy or less difficult (指物体、 过程等, 但不用於指人) 使(某事物)容易或减少困难 It would facilitate matters if you were more co-operative. 要是你再 合作些就省事了. Modify change (sth) s
28、lightly, esp to make it less extreme or to improve it 稍改(某事物); (尤指)使缓和, 使改善, 使改进 The union has been forced to modify its position. 工会被迫稍稍改 变立场. The policy was agreed by the committee, but only in a modified form. 那政策惟经修改後始获委员会同意. The heating system has recently been modified to make it more efficien
29、t. 最近供暖设备已稍加改动以提高效率. Soften (cause sth to) become soft or softer (使某事物)软化, 变温 和, 变柔和, 变软弱 The butter will soften out of the fridge. 黄油从冰箱中取出会变软. The lampshade will soften the light. 这个灯罩能使光线柔和一些. Alleviate make (sth) less severe; ease 减轻; 缓和 The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain. 医生
30、给她注 射以减轻疼痛. They alleviated the boredom of waiting by singing songs. 他们以 唱歌来减轻等候的厌烦. jam sth (up) crowd (an area, etc) so as to block; obstruct 堵塞(某地 方等); 阻塞 The holiday traffic is jamming the roads. 假日的车辆堵塞了道路. a river jammed up with logs 被圆木堵塞了的河流 a corridor jammed full of people and luggage 挤满了人和
31、行李的走 廊. Congestion state of being congested 拥挤; 充塞; 充血; 鼻腔阻塞 traffic congestion 交通拥塞 congestion of the lungs 肺充血. block: Heavy snow is blocking all roads into Scotland. 大雪阻塞了所 有通往苏格兰的道路. A large crowd blocked the corridors and exits. 人群把走廊和出口 都堵死了. My nose is blocked (up), eg because of a heavy cold
32、. 我鼻子堵了 Oracle: (fig 比喻) person considered able to give reliable advice 能提 供可靠意见的人 My sisters the oracle on beauty matters. 我妹妹是美容方面的大行 家. Solitude: (state or quality of) being alone without companions; solitary state 孤单; 独居 not fond of solitude 不喜欢孤身一人 She enjoys the solitude of her own flat. 她喜欢独自
33、在自己的公寓 里. penetrate Ipr, Tn (into/through) sth make a way into or through sth 进入或穿过某物 Our troops have penetrated (into) enemy territory. 我部队已深入到 敌占区. The mist penetrated (into) the room. 雾已渗入室内. The heavy rain had penetrated right through her coat. 大雨湿透了 她的大衣 Penetrating: having or showing the abili
34、ty to think and understand quickly and deeply 思想敏锐的; 有洞察力的 a penetrating mind, question, thinker 敏捷的头脑、 尖锐的问题、 有洞察力的思想家 a penetrating look, glance, stare, etc 深明其意的目光、 一瞥、 注 视等. a penetrative analysis 精辟的分析. our penetration of the enemys defences 我军对敌人防线的突破. Impenetrable: (to sth) that cannot be ent
35、ered, passed through, etc 不能通过的; 不可穿越的; 透不过的 an impenetrable jungle, swamp, fortress, etc 无法通过的丛林、 无 法经过的沼泽、 不可越的要塞 impenetrable darkness, fog, etc, ie that cannot be seen through 一片漆黑、 浓雾重锁 Impregnable (a) so strong and well-constructed that it cannot be entered orcaptured 坚固得不能进入或无法占领的 an impregna
36、ble fortress 坚不可摧的要塞. (b) (fig 比喻) so strong that it cannot be overcome or broken down 无法征服的; 压不倒摧不垮的 impregnable arguments, defences, reserve 驳不倒的论点、 有理 有据的辩护、 无法改变的拘谨. Impregnate: sth (with sth) cause (one substance) to be filled in every part with another substance; saturate sth 使(一物质)中充满另一物质; 使某
37、物浸透或 饱和 water impregnated with salt 饱和的盐水. Permeate (through) sth (fml 文) enter sth and spread to every part 弥漫; 散布; 充满; 遍布 Water has permeated (through) the soil. 水已渗遍那片土壤. The smell of cooking permeates (through) the flat. 整套房间都弥 漫著做菜的气味 Impermeable (of a substance) not allowing a liquid to pass t
38、hrough (指物质)不 容液体渗透的, 不透水的 an impermeable membrane 不渗透的膜. 参看 permeable (permeate). Saturate : sth (with/in sth) make sth very wet; soak sth 浸湿或浸透 某物 clothes saturated with water 浸湿的衣服 Saturate the meat in the mixture of oil and herbs. 把肉浸泡在油和 作料的卤汁 I went out in the rain and got saturated. 我冒著雨出门, 浑
39、身都淋透 了. a saturated solution of salt 饱和的食盐溶液. Precaution (against sth) thing done in advance to avoid danger, prevent problems, etc 预防措施或方法 take an umbrella just as a precaution 带把伞, 有备无患 fire precautions/precautions against fire 防火措施 I took the precaution of locking everything in the safe. 我把一切东 西都
40、锁在保险箱里以防万一. Precarious 1 depending on chance; uncertain 依靠机会的; 不确定的 She makes a rather precarious living as a novelist. 她当小说家, 过 著不太稳定的生活. 2 unsteady; unsafe 不稳固的; 不安全的 He was unable to get down from his precarious position on the rocks. 他无法从岩石危险的位置上下来. Prudent acting with or showing care and foresight; showing good judgement 审慎的; 有先见之明的; 判断力强的 prudent housekeeping 精明的治家 a prudent saver of money 很会精打细算的储蓄者 One can rely on the
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