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1、翻译技巧讲解与练习一、英汉词汇翻译技巧1、增词法l 省略增补例: All other sounds are essentially mixtures of frequencies, and can generally be described as notes if harmonious or noise if they are an unpleasant mixture of random frequencies.所有其他的声音基本上是各种频率的混合物,如果声音悦耳,则通常可称为律音;如果声音是一种使人不悦的一些随机频率的混合物,则通常称之为噪音。l 关联词语增补例:However care

2、fully boiler casings and steam-pipes are sealed, some heat escapes and is lost.无论锅炉壳和蒸气管封闭地如何严密,然而还是会有一部分热损耗。l 复数增补例:However, in spite of all this similarity between a voltmeter and an ammeter there are also important differences. 可是尽管伏特表与安培表之间有这些类似之处,他们之间还是存在了很多重要的差别。l 名词增补例: Since conduction is by

3、 both holes and electrons, the junction transistor is bipolar.电子传导是靠空穴和电子两者进行的,因为结型晶体管是双极式的。l 概括词增补与被动增补例:The resistance of the pipe to the flow of water through it depends upon the length of the pipe, the diameter of the pipe, and the nature of the inside walls (rough or smooth).水管对于通过的水流的阻力取决于下列三个

4、因素:管长、管道直径、管道内壁的性状(粗糙或平滑)。l 语气词增补例: The chemical purity of the sponge iron had a positive effect, especially for the production of spheroidal graphite cast iron and high-grade hot metal for steel making.海绵铁的化学纯度具有积极影响,特别对于球磨铸铁和优质炼钢生铁的生产来说更是如此。 2、省略法l 冠词省略例:The cutting tool that removes metal from th

5、e work-piece must not only be considerably harder than the metal being cut but also be able to retain this hardness during the heat produced by the cutting action.切削金属工件的刀具不仅应当具有比工件本身更高的硬度,而且能够在因切削而产生的高温中继续保持其硬度。 l 代词省略例: There are three things we have to know about every force in order to understan

6、d the effects that it produces; these are its size, direction and its points of application.为了了解力所产生的作用,对于每个力必须知道三个要素,即力的大小、方向和着力点。l 连词省略例: The third law of motion tells us that the two forces which constitute such a pair are equal in magnitude and opposite direction.运动第三定律告诉我们,像这样成对的两个力大小相等方向相反。l 介

7、词省略例:In the absence of force, a body will either remain at rest, or continue to move with constant speed in a straight line.倘无外力作用,物体则保持其静止状态,或做匀速直线运动。l 动词省略例1:In most cases the soil near the surface is merely damp and is not completely saturated with water.在大多数情况下,地表附近的土壤仅仅有些潮湿,但含水量并未完全饱和。该句的系动词被省略

8、不译。3、具体与抽象译法l 具体译法例:The major problem in fabrication is the control of contamination and foreign materials.制造中的一个主要问题是如何控制沾染和杂质。例: The harder the rock, so much the more difficult is the work of drilling, though few types of rock are sufficiently hard to be allowed to remain after blasting without a

9、lining of masonry or concrete.岩石越硬,开凿工作就越困难,尽管如此,也很少有什么岩石坚硬到爆破后不用垢工或混凝土进行衬砌就可以直接形成隧道壁。l 抽象译法例8. The low-power diode-transistor logic monolithic integrated circuits provides the combined advantages of low-power consumption and excellent noise margins in low and medium-speed general purpose logic appl

10、ications.这种低功率二极管-晶体管逻辑单片集成电路,在低、中速通用逻辑电路应用中,兼有两大优点:一是功耗低;二是噪声容限好。4、词性转换法l 转化为动词例:These depressing pumps ensure contamination-free transfer of abrasive and aggressive fluids such as acids, dyes and alcohol among others.在输送酸、燃料、醇以及其他摩擦力大、腐蚀性强的流体时,这类压缩泵能够保证无污染输送。l 转化为名词例: Such materials are characteri

11、zed by good insulation and high resistance to wear.这些材料的特点是:绝缘性好,耐磨性强。例:In a given period of time the new machine produced twice as much as the old one.在给定时间内心机器的产量是旧机器的两倍。l 转化为形容词例:This communication system is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of operation and the ease with which it can be ma

12、intained.这种通讯系统的主要特点是操作简单,维修容易。例:The magma within the earth may be heavily charged with gases and steam.地球内的岩浆可能含有大量的气体和蒸汽。l 转化为副词例:Below 4C, water is in continuous expansion instead of continuous contraction.水温在4度以下不是不断地收缩而是不断地膨胀。 例:Most hardening steps employ some form of shaft furnace.淬火操作大多使用某种形

13、式的竖炉。5、重复法(repetition)例:The device is also widely applied in automation for switching engines, for counting parts on a conveyer belt, for various systems of emergency signals, for the reproduction of sound in cinematograph, for reading the sound track and so on.该项装置也广泛用于自动启动引擎,传动带上的自动计数,各种不同的紧急信号自动控

14、制系统,电影音响自动复制以及录音带的自动辨读等等。二、英汉句子翻译方法1、 语态转换l 仍翻译为被动句。例:The rest of the volume of the transceiver is occupied by the case, antenna, speaker, microphone, battery, switches, and so forth. 无线电收发机的其余空间被机壳、天线、喇叭、送话器、电源盒开关等所占用。l 保留原文中的主语例:In other words, each part of a machine or mechanism is made to a cert

15、ain size and shape so it will fit into any other machine or mechanism of the same type. 换句话说,机器和机构的每一个零部件都应该加工成一定的尺寸和形状,以便能够与同一类型的其它机器或机构相配合。l 被动语态中含有施事着或行事,可把它提出做主语。例:A new kind of substance has been found by the scientific workers.科学工作者已经发现了一种新物质。(by短语译成主语)l 判断句例:The electrochemical process is bas

16、ed onf the same principles used in electroplating except that the workpeice is the anode and the tool is the cathode. 电化学加工法是根据电镀法使用的相同原理,只有一点不同,即工件是阳极,刀具是阴极。 l 无主句例:In the past hundred years, many different synthetics have been developed, in many cases the synthetic product being the result of the

17、imitation of some natural material. 在过去的百年中,已经开发了许多不同的合成材料,在许多情况下,合成材料产品是模仿某些天然材料的结果。 l 增加泛称词做主语如 “有人”、“大家”、“人们”、“我们”等。例:The origin of these particles is believed to be almost exclusively the jet drops formed during the bursting of bubbles at the ocean surface. 我们认为海洋表面气泡破裂时形成的水滴差不多是这些粒子的唯一来源。2、肯定和否

18、定的转换l 英语原文中的肯定句译成否定形式。例:Computers may eventually be able to learn by using such senses as smell, touch and taste. But will computers become smarter than people? That is anybodys guess. 计算机也许最终能通过嗅、触、味等感觉来学习。但计算机会变得比人更聪明吗?这可谁也说不准。l 英语原文中的否定译成肯定形式例:There is no material but will deform more or less und

19、er the action of force.在压力的作用下,任何材料或多或少都会变形。l 英语中常有一些暗含否定含义的习惯用法,如fail, absent, other than ,rufuse, neglect,翻译时经常译为否定句。例:The other evident stresses, like the indisputable property bubble, are manageable and far short of what brought down the American economy.其他明显压力,像房产泡沫,还处于可控范围,远不足以搞垮经济。l 英语中的重否定的句

20、式可灵活处理。既可以译为肯定,也可保留双重否定的形式。 例:One body never exerts a force upon anothe without the second reacting against the first.一个物体对另一个物体施加作用力必然会受到这另一物体的反作用力。3、 合译和分译l 单词的分译例: American prisoners are permitted to receive RedCross food parcels and write censored letters. 准许美国的囚犯接受红十字会食物包裹,也准许他们写信,但信件要经过审查。l 短语

21、分译例:Seismic measurements of travel time and amplitude define the subsurface geometry and give estimates fo the acoustic impedances related tp rpcl ve;pcotoes amd demsotoes.如果我们测得地震波的走时和振幅,我们就能够确定地下的几何形状并估算与岩石速率和密度有关的声阻抗。l 从句分译Maglev is a system in which the vechile runs levitated from the guidway (c

22、orrespongding to the rail tracks of conventional railways)by using electromagnetic forces between superconducting magnets on board the vehicle and coils on the ground 悬浮列车是一个系统。在该系统中,车辆利用车载超导磁铁和地面线圈之间产生的电磁吸力或斥力从导轨上浮升起来。 l 合译法Denger fever is a mosquito-borne infection. The disease is characterized by

23、 high fever, headache, bone or joint and muscle pains, andrash.登革热是蚊虫传播的疾病,特点是高热、头痛、骨头或关节疼痛、肌肉痛以及皮疹。4、 各类从句的翻译方法l 主语从句例:What most hydraulic machines do is to use a liquid to transmit a force from one place to another. 大多数液压机机械做的工作是利用液体把力从一个地方传到另一个地方。例:It is no secret that during the financial crisis

24、 companies did not write off as much goodwill as they probably should have.那在金融危机期间,企业核销的商誉很可能低于它们应该核销的金额。这一点并不是什么秘密l 宾语从句例:Past financial crises show that this downward spiral can be arrested only by bold policies to regain market confidence. 以往的经济危机经验告诉我们,只有实施大刀阔斧的政策,重拾市场信心才能走出这种螺旋式下降的怪圈,扭转时局。l 表语

25、从句例:Another theory applied to hydraulic machines is that the pressure put on a confined liquid is transmitted equally throughout the liquid. 适用于液压机的另一个原理是,施加在受限制液体上压力以同样的大小传遍液体各处。l 同位语从句例:The fact that such a head would have to answer to the taxpayers of the world only at a distance could be very da

26、maging. 此类总裁不用直接面对全球纳税人的事实,可能具有非常大的破坏性。例:Above is the evidence that in previous times when fresh meat was in short supply, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of meat. 以上证据表明,远古时期当新鲜的肉类短缺时,很多家庭养殖鸽例:A recent survey highlighted the fact that women tend to fare much better than men after d

27、ivorce. 近日的一项调查突显了一个事实,即离婚后女人通常比男人好过得多例:Even the most precisely conducted experiments offer no hope that the result can be obtained without any error.即使是最精确的实验,也没有希望获得无任何误差的实验结果。l 定语从句例:The problem is to balance the needs of th eenvironment against those of the economy or consumers trying to cope wi

28、th the high cost of living without destroying the earth on which we all depend. 问题在于把保护环境的需要同经济需要和试图既能应付昂贵的生活费用而又不致破坏人们所赖以为生的地球的消费者的需要平衡起来。 例:Tunnels are also used to supply water to power stations, and may be combined with the steel penstocks which are often the only visible evidence fo hydro-elect

29、ric power chemes. 隧道也用来给发电站供水,而且可以和钢门结合在一起,这些钢门常常是唯一看得见的水力发电厂的证据。例:Recent scientific innovations point to a future where tiny amounts of electricity will run superfast comoputers. 最近的科学创新表明,在未来,极少量的电能就足以运行超高速计算机。例:Physicists detected particles travelling faster than light, which, if the reading was

30、accurate, means time travel is possible. 物理学家发现粒子运行速度超过光速,如果测量度数准确无误,那就意味着时间旅行是可能的。l 状语从句例:But he said the Commission had to act when eurozone governments failed to live up to their commitments. 但他表示,当欧元区各国政府未能信守承诺时,欧盟委员会不得不采取行动。 例:The earth turns round its axis as it travels about the sun. 地球一面绕太阳运

31、行, 一面绕地轴自转。例:Malinvestment had not been restructured, and losses had not disappeared, because government intervention inhibited their liquidation. 由于政府的干涉抑制他们的清算,不正当的投资已经没有重组,损失没有消失。例:Because Chinese could not invest offshore, much of that saving went into state banks at low interest rates. 中国人不能进行海

32、外投资,大多数的储蓄以低利率流进了国内的银行。例:Step two would be to produce a budget for top pay, so that if one executive merited exceptional rewards, others would have to take less. 第二步措施应该是制定高管薪酬预算,从而在一名高管应得到超额奖励时,其他高管将不得不少拿报酬。例:It s important for you to read the fine print in any insurance policy so that you know wha

33、t kind of coverage you are buying. 阅读保险单上的“细则”对你是十分重要的,这样就能知道你要买的保险包括哪些项目。例:In order that we may discuss the possibility of marketing your new product, please provide us with samples within a week. 我们有可能会讨论销售你们的新产品,请在一个星期内为我们提供样品。例:Although the “officials” found none of the options appealing, they u

34、ltimately chose recapitalisation while keeping the door open to a sale. 尽管“官员们”发现没有一种方法是最好的,他们最终选择了资产重组的同时进行大抛售。例: Even where there is a Give way sign it is often better to stop before you turn. 即使路上设有让字的标志,在转弯前,最好仍先停车。例:Where there is no debate on a motion not intended to have legislative effect at

35、 a meeting, no more than 10 oral questions shall be asked. 会议上若不会就不拟具立法效力的议案进行辩论,可提出的口头质询不得多于10项。l 长句的翻译方法例:Where gorges exist, and where the rock is capable of sustaining heavy loading, concrete has been used in the form of arches, like those used in bridges, which are curved horizontally and in so

36、me cases vertically as well.在有峡谷而且演示能偶承受重载的地方,大坝用混凝土建成拱形,像大桥中采用的拱形一样,水平弯曲,在有些情形中也垂直弯曲。例:It is common experience that a certain amount of regular exercise improves the health and contributes to a feeling of well-being whether or not exercise adds to the length of life.不管运动是否能益寿延年,一定量有规律的运动可以增进健康并使人精神

37、愉快,这一点却是人们共同的体验。例:Article 1 of the GATT is the celebrated most favored nation (MFN) clause under which each member nation must give treatment to other member nations imports and exports that is at least as favorable as that applied to the most favored nation.关贸总协定的第一条是著名的最惠国条款。按照该条款,每一个成员国给予其他成员国的进出

38、口货物的待遇起码应和给予最惠国的待遇同样优惠。例:This is no class war, but a war in which the whole British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations is engaged, without distinction of race, creed or party. 这不是一场阶级之间的战争, 而是一场不分种族、不分信仰、不分党派, 整个大英帝国及英联邦全体成员国无不参加的。例:Computer languages may range from detailed low level close to that

39、immediately understood by the particular computer, to the sophisticated high level which can be rendered automatically acceptable to a wide range of computer. 计算机语言有低级、高级之分。前者比较繁琐,很接近特定计算机能直接理解的语言;后者比较复杂,使用范围广,能自动为多种计算机所接受。三、科技语体翻译科技文体是科技研究人员研究成果的直接记录,或阐述理论,或描述实验。文章内容比较专业,语言正规,严谨。其语言主要呈现出一种显性的(expli

40、cit)结构关系,即语义成分之间的关系条理清晰、层次分明、结构严谨、逻辑连贯、表达清晰;科技文体还具有非主体性(impersonality)特征,语义上突出“客观性”,排除人的感情、好恶和个人见解等对事物认识的影响,表现为施动者常以被动语态或非人称形式等语法手段表示;此外,科技文章有时使用视觉表现手段(visual presentation)在翻译科技文章时,一定要注意三点:一是译文的概念要准确,不能使用似是而非、模棱两可的词语。二是译文要简洁明了,不要拖泥带水,画蛇添足。三要注意文章的逻辑关系,不能随意颠倒,因果互换。下面将从科技语体词汇、句法及语篇等三个方面来分析翻译特点。1、科技语体词汇

41、特点l 名词化现象 例:The filament is heated by the application of a voltage. 灯丝因加上电压而加热。 例:The accuracy of the results is doubtful. 此结果的准确性值得怀疑。l 派生词 派生词的使用是英语科技文体所独有的特征。派生词是加前、后缀构成的不同词出现频率远远高于其他方法构成的词。例如,由前缀“anti-“(反抗)构成的科技词有:“anti-aircraft, antibiotics, anticatalyst”; 由后缀构成的词也很多,以“-logy”结尾的词表示某种学科,如“biolog

42、y, ecology, psychology”等l 语义确切、语体正式的词下面是一组对照,横线右侧的例子更适合于专业论文或书面文体。 To use upto exhaust To wear awayto erode To push intoto insert To speed upto accelerate To breath into inhalel 合成词 科技文章中,作者要解释不同的科学现象和不同物质特点。合成词表义直接,清楚,在科技文章中出现频率较高。合成词包括复合名词、复合形容词和复合动词。如“horsepower, blueprint, waterproof, dust-free”

43、等。2、 科技语体句法特点l 被动语态的广泛使用例:A further advantage is that a scale build-up is prevented and corrosion minimized, so that the high efficiency of the sealed system is maintained and the service life increased. 一个更大的好处是防止水垢的生成和减少生锈腐蚀,这样就保持封闭式系统的高效运行和延长其使用寿命。l 动词非谓语形式的使用 例:In addition, it is possible to rec

44、over heat from a sealed system, allowing savings in boiler feed water and domestic hot water supplies. 此外,还有可能从封闭式系统中回收热能,从而节约锅炉给水和家用热水的供应。 例:About a day after a sector boundary, the total spin of all the storms in the North hemisphere declines by about 10 per cent, making the storms less severe, an

45、d then returns to normal. 在地球通过一个区界大约一天以后,北半球的所有旋风的总旋转速度下降了约10%;同时,旋风强度减弱,随后又恢复正常。例:Sealed industrial cooling systems originally developed to offer efficient and cost saving cooling alternatives to industry, giving considerable operational and financial advantages to the user. 最初开发封闭式工业冷却系统是给工业提供一种高

46、效的和节约费用的冷却办法,其好处是操作方便,节省费用。 例:The development of industrial technology largely strengthens human physical capabilities, enabling people to harness more energy, process and shape materials more easily. 工业科技的发展极大地增强了人类的体能,它令人们能够利用更多的能量和工序,更加容易地将材料塑型。例5: Bred in the areas around the equator, this proto

47、zoan proves very inactive out of the tropical zone. 这种在赤道周围繁殖的原生物,在热带地区以外的地方是不活跃的。l 复杂句翻译例:These sealed cooling sys, it is claimed, can actually provide payback within a mater of months because of the water and effluent cost savings and the removal of the need for a chemical treatment plant and the

48、resultant chemical costs. 据说,使用这些封闭式冷却系统实际上在几个月时间之内就能收回投资,因为用水及排水费用节省了,而且可以省去一个化学处理车间以及必要的化学处理的费用。例:Chemical treatment does help to reduce such risks but for various reasons, chemicals have not yet provided total protection from, for example, Legionnaries Disease which can be propagated via the evap

49、oration taking place in cooling towers. 水经过化学处理确实有助于减少这种危害,但由于各种各样的原因,化学物质还不能完全防止诸如呼吸道方面的疾病,这种疾病通过冷却塔产生的蒸汽散发出去。3、 科技语体的篇章特点l 无人称 例:The Two cooling drums are elevated above the spent catalyst hoppers. After cooling catalyst to 52, all the diesel cooling oil remaining in the drum is drained back to th

50、e diesel oil surge drum through the screen cone, provided at the bottom of the vessels. Cooling drums can be put under nitrogen pressure up to about 350kPa(G), to assist the draining of all free oil from the washed spent catalyst. Separate cooling drums also allow ample time for complete draining of

51、 free oil from the catalyst. The spent catalyst should be free of oil, before disposal. 两个冷却罐的安装位置都比废催化剂料斗高。经过冷却催化剂的温度降到52,所有罐底留存的冷却柴油经过锥形过滤器过滤后排放到位于容器底部的柴油缓冲罐。可以用氮气对冷却罐加压至350千帕(表压)来排净附着在冲洗过的废催化剂上的游离油。两个反应器各配有一个冷却罐,分别用于冷却一级和二级反应器中的催化剂。两个分开设置的冷却罐保证有充分设置的冷却罐保证有充分的时间来完全排净催化剂上附着的游离油。废催化剂在重新处理之前应该是无油。 l

52、陈述客观、准确例:Liquid from Hot Low Pressure Separator, V-107, constitutes most of the fractionator feed and this stream is sent to the atmospheric fractionator through a feed heater. A filtering system is provided to remove any entrained catalyst fines from the hot liquid prior to atmospheric fractionatio

53、n. 来自热低压分离器V107的液体是构成分馏塔进料的主要成分,这股物流经过进料加热炉加热后送入常压分馏塔。在常压分馏装置面前设置一个分馏系统以除去高温液体中夹带的催化剂粉末。l 语言规范例:Oil sand is composed of sand, bitumen, mineral rich clays and water. Bitumen, in its raw state, is a black oil- as thick as molasses. It requires upgrading to make it transportable by conventional refiner

54、ies. The upgraded bitumen product consists of naphtha, light and heavy gas oils that are combined to produce a light crude oil that we call Syncrude Blend. Water makes up about four percent of the oil sand by weight. It surrounds each grain of sand, keeping it separate from the oil. Without this wat

55、er envelope, the oil and the sand could not be separated by the water-based extraction methods we now use. 油砂由砂子、沥青、富含矿物质的黏土和水组成。自然状态下的沥青是一种粘稠度类似糖浆的黑色油状物。沥青要经过提质加工后才能通过管道输送并被常规的炼油厂炼制。经过提质加工的沥青产品中含有石脑油、轻油和重质蜡油,经过混合可以制成一种轻质原油,我们称之为“混合合成原油”。 水约占油砂总重量的百分之四。水包覆着砂土颗粒使沙砾和油分开。如果没有水的包覆,油和砂子就不能通过人们现在使用的水基萃取法进

56、行分离。翻译练习:1. It is difficult for the layman to imagine the rate at which water is consumed throughout the UK.2. In the beginning,the actual dates of these two days had to be calculated for each individual year, and depended on what kind of calendar was being used. 3. Account should be taken of the lo

57、w melting point of this substance. 4. The solar wind grossly distorts the earths magnetic field, dragging it out to a long tail. 5. A significant bonus of a sealed system, not yet fully appreciated, stems from the fact that industry can now be more mobile in terms of location. 6. Be conscious in you

58、r observation that there are traps around which, given the slightest opportunity, will take you in. 7. Theorists believe that the waves are generated near the bottom of a coronal hole and ride outward, exert added pressure on the high speed stream. 8. The flight mechanism used by insects is similar to that of sails driving a boat, according to Dr Robin Wootton of Exeter Un


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