1、Klass.-Nr. 04 81 7April 2002VOLKSWAGEN AGGas-Shielded Arc Weldi ngPart 3: Al Welded Joi ntsVW011 06-3KonzernnormReplaces PV 6465iptors: weldi ng, gas-shielded arc weldi ng, MIG, metal in ert-gas weldi ng, alu minum, weldContentsPage11.11.2233.13.23.344. of re
2、quirementsRequireme nts and evaluationTestCharacteristics for the external findings Characteristics for the internal findings. SamplingEvaluati on criteria Exter nal findings (visual inspection)Lap joints with fillet weld T-joint with fillet weldButt jo int with square butt weldEvaluati on of porosi
3、tyRefere need standards. orrrrrpeUSRrtnfiFUcre dladnalskcehc/ nellp+KZIh auTKAf ua gnuane wnArov S-ONThe follow ing chan ges have bee n made as compared to VW 011 06-3: 2000-08: Section 4.2, table 3, no. 3: h 0.25 mm cha nged to h 0.25 t Section 4.3, table 5, no.
4、3: h 1/2 0.25 mm changed to h 1/2 0.25 tPrevious issuesVW 011 06-3: 2000-081 General1.1 ScopeThis standard defines evaluation criteria for irregularities in MIG fusion welded joints for various types of jo in t (lap joint, T-joint, butt jo in t).It is valid for joi nts with material thick nesses fro
5、m 0.8 mm to 5 mm.These evaluati ons relate to the product ion quality and not to the performa nee capability. The performa nee capability must be verified by suitable crash tests, vehicle en dura nee tests and fun ctio n tests.The tests must be performed by qualified pers onnel using tech ni cally a
6、ppropriate test methods that comply with the current state of the art.Page 1 of 14Fachverantwortung/ ResponsibilityN/GQ-554 Hr. NicolaNormung/ StandardsI/ET-31 Tel: +49-841 89 33904GradlVertraulich. Alle Rechte vorbehalte n. Weitergabe Oder Vervielf?ltig ung ohne vorherige schriftliche Zustimm ung e
7、iner Norme nabteil ung der Volkswage n AG nicht gestattet. Vertragspartner erhalten die Norm nuru ber die zust?ndige Beschaffungsabteilung.Con fide ntial. All rights reserved. No part of this docume nt may be tan smitted or reproduced without the prior writte n permissi on of a Stan dard Departme nt
8、 of the Volkswage n Group,. Parties to a con tract can only obta in this sta ndard via the resp on sible procureme nt departme nt.CQ_JQZ .lllulldqVOLKSWAGEN AGpage 3VW 011 06-3: 2002-041.2 Validity of requirementsThe requirements shall apply to all welds if the number of this VW standard is indicate
9、d in a drawing or a technical supply specification or if its application is agreed as part of other specifications.If the drawings or other specifications (e.g. those of the responsible engineering departments or rework catalogs) contain individual deviating stipulations, then these shall have prior
10、ity. Likewise, a component-specific test specification has priority over this VW standard if this is defined in the drawing.The joint types described in this standard are ideal representations. Welded seams that are not shown are to be treated analogously.The standard is divided into evaluations of
11、type A and type B. If the index is not given in the drawing, type A shall be used for the evaluation.Type B stipulates slightly lower requirements for some evaluation criteria. The responsibility for allocating joints to type B rests with the engineering department.2 Requirements and evaluation OK e
12、valuati on:The test according to VW 011 06-3 is evaluated as OK if the welded seams comply with thelisted evaluation criteria. Conditionally OK evaluation:The test according to VW 011 06-3 is evaluated as being conditionally OK if max. 2“soft ”evaluation criteria according to Table 2:, Table 4:, Tab
13、le 6: or Table 8: are not OK. The evaluation criteria according to table 1, Table 3:, Table 5: and Table 7: as well as the porosity evaluation according to Table 9: must be OK under all circumstances. Steps must be taken to ensure that the items that were not OK are rectified. Not OK evaluation:The
14、test according to VW 011 06-3 is deemed not to be OK in all other cases.3 Test3.1 Characteristics for the external findingsAccording to Table 1: and Table 2: by visual test.The dimensions, position, number and presence of seams are evaluated according to the drawing and the evaluation criteria set o
15、ut in Table 1: and Table 2: in a visual test.The test is performed with the naked eye. In case of doubt, other suitable test procedures and/or equipment must be used (e.g., magnifying glass, stereo microscope, dye-penetration procedure).3.2 Characteristics for the internal findingsAccording to Table
16、 3: to Table 9: by evaluating microsections.page 6VW 011 06-3: 2002-043.3 SamplingUnless otherwise agreed between the engineering departments, metallographic microsections shall be taken from each welded seam at the specified points, cross-wise to the direction of the seam (e.g. defined in TLD sheet
17、s, PVs or ground section plans).The microsections are sawn, ground and polished.Additional microsections can be taken in the direction of the seam if required.Recommended specimen removal:Seam length 50 mmSeam length 100 mmSeam length 10 mm4 EvaluationcriteriaThe evaluation takes the form of a visua
18、l inspection of the seam (section 4.1), a test of the seam and penetration geometry (sections 4.2 to 4.4) and a test of the porosity (section 4.5). A reflected light microscope must be used for evaluation as per sections 4.2 to 4.5. The use of a stereo microscope can also be agreed; however, impairm
19、ents in the quantitative pore analysis must be taken into consideration.Definitions:tMaterial thickness of the thinner materialtbMaterial thickness of the bottom material (lap joints)ttMaterial thickness of the top material (lap joints)t1Material thickness of the base material (T-joint)t2Material th
20、ickness of the material that is welded on (T-joint)h Height/depth of the criterion describedbWidth of the criterion describeddDiameter of the criterion describedrRadiusaThroat thickness4.1 Exter nal findings (visual in spect ion)The stipulations of Table 1: and Table 2: have equal weight and apply a
21、ccordingly to lap joints with fillet welds, butt jo ints with square butt welds and T-joints with fillet welds.If series monitoring produces the result“ not OK ” , the agreed rework options (see e.g. VW 011 42)cricrcan be applied.Table 1: Characteristics for irregularities, external findings (visual
22、 inspection),“ hard ”No.Desig nati onDrawi ngLimit values, comme ntsVW 011 06-3-AVW 011 06-3-B1Burn ed-through spotsNot permissibleIsolatedpermissible if d 1 mm2Welded seam mismatch Edges that have bee n melted offMaterial not welded or fused without bondingNot permissible3Cracks (particularly en d-
23、crater cracks)Not permissibleTable 2: Characteristics for irregularities, external findings (visual inspection),“soft ”No.Desig nati onDrawi ngLimit values, comme ntsVW 011 06-3-AVW 011 06-3-B1Open end cratersEnd craters with a decrease in the welded seam cross sect ionNot permissible2Partially melt
24、ed weld spatterMaterial drops that are fused onto the surface of the base material or the welded seamPermissible for inner pan els.Spatters must be removed from visible areas (particularly skin) and function areas (e.g. points at which parts are secured or which have seali ng function s). Weld spatt
25、er that is not firmly stuck on must always be removed.Permissible; spatters must be removed from visible areas (particularly skin) and function areas (e.g. points at which parts are secured or which have seali ng function s). Weld spatter that is not firmly stuck on must always be removed.3Visible s
26、tray arci ngLocalized partial melting as a result of arcing on the tool surfacePermissible for inner pan els if it does not impair the function of the component. Spatters must be removed from visible areas (particularly skin) and function areas (e.g. points at which parts are secured or which have s
27、eali ng fun ctio ns).Permissible, as long as it does not impair the function of the comp onent. Spatters must be removed from visible areas (particularly skin) and fun cti on areas (e.g. points at which parts are secured or which have seali ng function s).4Visible poresNot permissiblePermissible in
28、isolated cases if d t must be fulfilled. In practice, the throat thick ness can beexceeded. As this sta ndard describes the minimum requireme nts ,amin is always en tered in thedraw in gs.Examples:4page #VW 011 06-3: 2002-044page #VW 011 06-3: 2002-04No.Desig nati onDrawi ngLimit values, comme ntsVW
29、 011 06-3-AVW 011 06-3-BThroat thick-n ess(dime nsion a )a 0.7 ta 0.5 tPen etrati onwidthb t(The geometric rela-tion ships result fromno. 1)b 0.7 tPen etrati ondepthh 0.25 tA slight fall below set values in the area 15 mm from the start of the seam is permitted. The face surface of the top material
30、must be 100% fused.Gap be-twee n thejoined partsh 0.5tmax. 1.5 mmTable 3:Characteristics for irregularities, internal findings (to be assessed in the micro section),“ hard criteria4page 8VW 011 06-3: 2002-04No.Desig nati onDrawi ngLimit values, comme ntsVW 011 06-3-AVW 011 06-3-BUn dercuth 0.1 t b,t
31、Root-sidesuckback inthe eve nt ofroot pene-trati onh 0.1 tbh 0.2 tbLack of rootfusio nNot permissibleRoot no tchNot permissible if it causes the seam orpen etrati on geometry to be in correctan d/or if the no tch is sharp-edged.Permissible if the shape is round (e.g.air in clusi on) with h0.1 mm and
32、 if the“ a dimension is fulfilledCracksNot permissibleInternal and external cracks in the weld metal and in the zone in flu- enced by the heat (evaluated on the microsecti on)page 9VW 011 06-3: 2002-04No. Desig nati onDrawi ng1 Excess weld metal2 Weldcon cavityLimit values, comme ntsVW 011 06-3-AVW
33、011 06-3-BPermissibleFor visually releva nt welded seams, theexcess weld metal h shall be stipulated onthe draw ing by the resp on sible desig ndepartme nt. The throat thick ness a (seeTable 3: no. 1) must be achieved in anyeve nt.Permissibleif the throat thick ness a is achieved.For visually releva
34、 nt welded seams, theweld con cavity h can be limited on thedraw ing by the resp on sible desig n de-partme nt.3 Weld edgean gle(applies to the top and bottom materials).a 60The tran siti on be-twee n the weldmetal/base materialon the seam edgesmust be smooth.a 90The tra nsiti on be-twee n the weldm
35、etal/base materialon the seam edgesmust be smooth.Drop- through at the root in the eve nt of root pene- trati onh 1.5 tbmax. 2.0 mmPermissible as longas the function ofthe comp onent isnot affected.Overlap on the root sideb 1.0 t bmax. 2.5 mmThe throat thick nessa (see Table 1:no. 1) must beachieved
36、 in anyeve nt.b t must be fulfilled. In practice, the throat thick ness can beexceeded. As this sta ndard describes the minimum requireme nts ,amin is always en tered in thedraw in gs.Examples:page 11VW 011 06-3: 2002-04page 12VW 011 06-3: 2002-04Table 5: Characteristics for irregularities, internal
37、 findings (to be assessed in the microsection),“ hard ” criteriapage 13VW 011 06-3: 2002-04page #VW 011 06-3: 2002-04No.Desig nati onRoot con cav-ity on the rearside in theeve nt of rootpen etrati onLack of rootfusio nDrawi ngLimit values, comme ntsVW 011 06-3-AVW 011 06-3-Bb 0.3 t2The throat thick
38、nessa (see Table 5: no. 1)must be achieved inany eve nt.b 0.4 12The throat thick nessa (see Table 5: no. 1)must be achieved inany eve nt.Not permissiblepage #VW 011 06-3: 2002-04page 14VW 011 06-3: 2002-04Root no tchNot permissible if it causes the seam orpen etrati on geometry to be in correct, imp
39、airsthe fun cti on of the comp onent an d/or if theno tch is sharp-edgedPermissible if the shape is round (e.g. airin clusi on) and the requireme nts of Table 5:are fulfilled.page #VW 011 06-3: 2002-04page 16VW 011 06-3: 2002-04CracksNot permissibleInternal and external cracks in the weld metal and
40、in the zone in flue need by the heat (evaluated on the microsection)Table 6:Characteristics for irregularities, internal findings (to be assessed in the micro sect ion),“ soft ” criteriaNo. Desig nati onDraw ingLimit values, comme ntsVW 011 06-3-A VW 011 06-3-BPermissibleFor visually releva nt welde
41、d seams, the ex-cess weld metal h shall be stipulated on thedraw ing by the resp on sible desig n depart-ment. The throat thick ness a (see table 5,no. 1) must be achieved in any eve nt.Permissibleif the throat thick ness a is achieved.For visually releva nt welded seams, the weldcon cavity h can be
42、 limited on the draw ing bythe resp on sible desig n departme nt.Permissibleif the requirements of table 5 are fulfilled andif b1/b2 is not stipulated by drawing entries.Applies to t1 & t25Drop-through inthe eve nt ofbroot pene-ntrati onJ、La 60 a 90 The tran siti on betwee nThe tran siti on be-the w
43、eld metal/basetwee n the weldmaterial on the seammetal/base materialedges must beon the seam edgessmooth.must be smooth.b 0.9 ts at least 2 mm(applies to all-ro undweldi ng, e.g. for profiles)VW 011 06-3-Bs 0.8 tPen etrati onwidthWeldcon cavityRoot-sidesuckback inthe eve nt ofroot pene-trati onUn de
44、rcutLack of fusi onfor material thick ness 2mmfor material thick ness 2mmFor material thick nesses b2b1b”2 0.25 mmh 2mmThe throat thick ness s (see no. 1) must be achieved in any eve nt, i.e. weld con cavity is not permissible for t 2mmh 2 mm, the throatthick ness a must beachieved in any eve nt,not
45、 permissible fort 2 mmh 0.1 th 0.2 tThe throat thick-n ess s must beachieved in anyeventh 0.1 tThe throat thick-n ess a must beachieved in anyeve nt.Not permissibleCracksNot permissibleCracks in the weld metal an d/or in the zone in flue need by heat (evaluated on the microsect ion)page 17VW 011 06-
46、3: 2002-04Table 8:Characteristics for irregularities, internal findings (to be assessed in the micro sect ion),“ soft ” criteriapage #VW 011 06-3: 2002-04page 18VW 011 06-3: 2002-04No.Desig nati onDrawi ngExcess weldmetal-bLimit values / comme ntsVW 011 06-3-A VW 011 06-3-Bh 0.5 bFor visually releva
47、 nt welded seams, h shallbe stipulated on the draw ing by the resp on-sible desig n departme nt.2Pen etrati onbead in theeve nt of rootpen etrati onh 0.5 bFor visually releva nt welded seams, h shallbe stipulated on the draw ing by the resp on-sible desig n departme nt.3 Edge offseth 1.0 tThe welded
48、 seammust cover the edgescompletelyh 0.9 tThe welded seammust cover theedges completelyAn glemismatchNot permissiblea 10page #VW 011 06-3: 2002-045 Weld edge an gleaa 60The tran siti on betwee nthe weld metal/basematerial on the seamedges must be smooth(also applies to theroot of the weld).a 90The tran siti
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