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1、英语中级口语lesson 13lesson 13whats wrong with them?text aim forty and married with two children. my trouble is thati havent got enough to do. the kids are at school all day and the house is empty. so i eat chocolates, mostly. ive put on a lot of weight , but i cant give them up. i try as hard as i can bu

2、t i just cant stop eating.doctor bruce writes : i think mrs allen would be happier if she found a job, or if she got out of the house more and made some interesting friends. if she did that, i think the weight problem would be solved.im sixteen. my trouble is my spotty skin. ive used all the creams

3、on the market, but none of them do any good. and now ive met a marvellous girl. but im afraid to ask her to goout with me.doctor bruce writes: most teenagers suffer from this, of course, at some time or other. and it makes them very shy and self-conscious. what will other people think of me, if they

4、 see me like this? they wonder. and its a pity, because if they didnt worry so much, the skin trouble would soon disappear. tom should learn a relaxation technique, yoga for example. then i think hed solve the problem very quickly.my problem is time. i havent enough of it. i sleep badly, and i wake

5、up tired. i get indigestion every day and now im beginning to get bad headaches and pains in my chest. and dont tell me to take a holiday, doctor. i havent got time.doctor bruce writes ; if mr tyler had more common sense ,hed find the time to have a holiday, or change his job. if he thought for a mi

6、nute, hed see that he cant go on like this. he should rest more. then hed work better. but thats the silly thing about men like him. they only believe theyre ill when theyre almost dead.text bdear doctor :i am forty-seven years old, male, and of average height and weight. my health generally seems q

7、uite good except for one problem. i wake up every morning feeling tired-so tired that i can hardly get out of bed.all day at work i fight this tired feeling, just dragging myself around. when i get home from work around 5. 30, i have a good dinner with my family and then sit dow n to read the newspa

8、per. but before i have finished reading the front page, i fall asleep in my chair and often sleep until 8. 30 or 9. 00 p.m.when i wake up from this nap, i feel wonderful. im full of energy and ready to do a days work. but at that hour there is nothing to do but watch television, which i do until aft

9、er midnight.even at midnight i still do not feel sleepy, but i know i ought to get a good nights rest, so i take a sleeping pill and go to bed. its often two oclock in the morning before the pill puts me to sleep. just a few hours after that i have to drag myself out of bed again to go to work. all

10、day i feel too tired to work. i just drag myself around until its time to go home.do you think there might be something wrong with my blood?j. t. l.when this letter appeared in the dear doctor column of a newspaper, the doctors reply zeras printed belozo it. here is mhat the doctor answered :dear mr

11、 l.:i dont think there is anything wrong with your blood. the key to your problem is that long nap after dinner.if you didnt sleep for hours during the early part of the evening, you would be more ready to sleep at bedtime. if you didnt nap after dinner, you would not want to stay up so late, and yo

12、u would not feel the need to take a sleeping pill. the pill is still working in your system when you get up in the morning. this helps account for the fact that you feel tired all day.you should get out of the habit of sleeping during the evening. right after your evening meal, engage in some sort o

13、f physical activity-a sport such as bowling, perhaps. or get. together with friends for an evening of cards and conversation.then go to bed at your usual time or a little earlier, and you should be able to get a good nights rest without taking a pill.if you can get into the habit of spending your ev

14、enings this way, i am sure you will feel less tired during the day. at first it may be hard for you to go to sleep without taking a pill.if so,get up and watch television or do some jobs around your house until you feel sleepy. if you fall asleep and then wake up a few hours later, get up but do not

15、 take a leeping pill.read a while or listen to the radio, and make yourself a warm drink. eat a sandwich or a cookie. then go back to bed. even if you get only a few hours sleep that night, you will feel better, in the morning than you usually feel after taking a pill.the next night you will be read

16、y to sleep at an earlier hour.the most important thing is to avoid taking that nap right after dinner and to avoid taking pills.additional informationyesterdays drizzle did not dampen beijingers enthusiasm in events marking the first national dental care day.people of all ages crowded around medical

17、 experts who answered questions about dental care, and about toothbrushes and toothpaste.a girl in her 20s approached the consulting desk set by the oral medical college of the beijing university of medical sciences at the xidan crossroad. she wanted to know if there was anything wrong with her teet

18、h.the girl dreamed about losing all her teeth , and , worseyet , her teeth ached when she awoke every morning.after examining her mouth, a consultant said her teeth looked all right. sometimes,however, tension makes peoples teeth ache. relax, she was told. and if that does not help, get a thorough d

19、ental examination.young parents wanted to know how to keep their childrens teeth healthy.one by one , the doctors answered their questions and outlined the best solutions for them.more than 500 medical specialists from 18 districts and suburban counties across the municipality as well as over 200 te

20、achers and students from the oral medical college of the beijing university of medical sciences took part in the sidewalk consultations.and about 47 consulting stations were set up in major streets and the four big department stores at downtown xidan, wangfujing, dongsi and the dongan market.in addi

21、tion to offering suggestions, the medical workers also brought with them some simple medical equipment for fast dental checks and toothpaste and toothbrushes for sale.posters and propaganda blackboards were also set up in most primary and middle schools in beijing.i never thought there would be so m

22、uch scientificknowledge on tooth brushing, said a middle-aged man. national dental care day has taught me how important it is to take care of my teeth and how to do it, he said. according to information from the national dental diseases prevention group , similar activities were conducted yesterday in most of the countrys provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.a massive campaign to teach people how to


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