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1、公司英文感谢信范文公司英文感谢信范文【篇一:公司感谢信(中英文)】thanks to employee致员工的感谢信尊敬的各位同仁:2014年是一个充满机遇和挑战的一年, 感谢有你和我们在一起风雨 同舟。去年10月份至今,为了完成南城、虎门、恩平三家工厂的搬迁合并 和车间改造升级,在高强度的产能压力下,我们的同事响应公司号召 加班加点,甚至牺牲了自己的周末时间来完成产量,在这过去的 月里我们的同事工作得很辛苦,很累。但今天,我们有理由自豪,通过我们的努力,艰苦的付出,我们顺 利的完成了 3月份的产量目标100%。工厂搬迁合并没有难住我们, 车间改造升级没有难住我们,客户超额增产波动也没有吓倒我

2、们。今天,我们有理由自豪,南城、虎门、恩平三家工厂已经顺利合并, 并成功调试生产正常。我们在原有人数不变的情况下,超额的完成客 户的产量需求。正是因为你和我们在一起努力付出,才有今天的成就。让我们继续 努力,共同迎接挑战,待到生产高峰期过后,我们再一起相聚庆功。谢谢大家!dear all ,y2014 is a year full of opport un ities and challe nges. tha nks you so much for being with us, stand together through storm and stress.since October last

3、 year, i n order to move and comb ine three facilities: nan che ng, hume n, enping, and reform the workshop, un der high capacity pressure, our employee an swered the call to working hard and ot , even sacrificed their weekend time to complete output. they worked hard and tired in last 6 mon ths.but

4、 today, you can be justly proud of your achieveme nt. for your efforts and hard work, we successfully completed the producti on target of 100% in march. three facilities move and comb ine did not daunt us; workshop reform and upgrad ing did not daunt us; customer in creased producti on or producti o

5、n swings did not daunt, we can be justly proud of . three facilities have been successfully comb ined and worked correctly, we fini shed the capacity in same hc.tha nks for you sta nd together with us and get todays achieveme nt. letus con ti nued to work hard, co-operate closely to meet th

6、e challe nges. after the producti on peak, we celebrate together.【篇二:英语感谢信范文】英语感谢信范文英语感谢信(letter of thanks)是外国政府机构或个人的关心、支持、帮助或热情款待表示感谢的对外函件。其具体格式和要求与邀请函相 同。例文:dear mini ster,i am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to yo

7、ur beautiful coun try. i would also like to tha nk you for yourinteresting discussion with me which i have found very in formative and erati on with chin a. i sin cerely hope we could have more excha nges like this one whe n we would be able to con ti nue our in terest ing discussi on on

8、possible ways to expa nd our bilateral ecomomic and trade relatio ns and bring our bus in ess people together.i am look in gforward to your early visit to china whe n i will be able to pay back some of the hospitality i received during mymemorable stay in yur beautiful country. with kind personal re

9、gards,faithfully yours,mary【篇三:英语感谢信范文】范文1 (感谢款待)directi ons: suppose you were take n good care of by mr. rogers, a friend of yourfather s, when you visited london the week before. write a letter to mr. roger toyour letter, using the your gratitude in about 100 words. do not sig n yo

10、ur own n ame at the end of“wu ting ” in stead. you do not n eed to write【经典范文】dear mr. rogers,it is my great pleasure to show my hearty tha nks to you for your hospitality andcourtesy to me duri ng my stay in london.origi nally i only wan tedto call on you and gave my father sregards to you, as itha

11、d bee n three years since you and he last saw each other. butyou in sisted that i stayin your house duri ng my visit in london and took good care ofmy life as if i were afamily member of you in stead of the daughter of one of yourfrien ds. you really addedgreatly to my convenience and pleasure of th

12、e whole trip.tha nk you aga in for your kindn ess and i hope that i will havethe opport un ity toreturn your charm ing hospitality.yours faithfully,wu ting范文2 (感谢推荐)directi ons: suppose you were recomme nded by professorlia ng to get furthereducatio n in syd ney uni versity last ju ne and now you ha

13、vebee n admitted by thatuniversity. write a letter to professor liang to express yourgratitude in about 100words. do not sign your own name at the end of your letter,usingzha ng yingin stead. you do not n eed to write the address.【经典范文】dear professor lia ng,i am writing to extend my gratitude to you

14、 because with your help i am now astude nt of chemistry departme nt of syd ney uni versity.last j une, whe n i applied to become a graduate stude nt of syd ney uni versity,you really gave me a lot of valuable help. you not only wrote a recomme ndati on forme to professor wells who works in the sydne

15、y university and also gave me carefuland patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the is your ueserved help that en ables me to obta in thissple ndid opport un ity offurther education. for the following two years i will study hard to reciprocate yours

16、in cere help and expectati ons with excelle nt grades.yours truly,zha ng ying范文3 (感谢款待)directi ons: suppose you have just come back from a bus in ess trip with a delegati on.write a letter to your host compa ny who received you to express your gratitude fortheir hospitality, describe the help they g

17、ave you and offer to repay their help. do notsig n your own n ame at the end of the letter. use in stead. you do not n eedto write the address. (10 poi nts)【经典范文】dear pres. smith,i am writing this letter to thank you for your warm hospitality accorded to meand my delegation during our recent visit t

18、o your company. i would also like to tha nkyou for your in teresti ng discussi on with me which i have found very in formative anduseful.during the entire visit, my delegation and i were overwhelmed by theen thusiasm expressed by your bus in ess represe ntatives on cooperati on with ourcompa ny. i s

19、in cerely hope we could have more excha nges like this one whe n wewould be able to con ti nue our in teresti ng discussi on on possible ways to expa nd ourecono mic and trade cooperatio n.i feel obliged to tha nk you once more, and i am look ing forward to your earlyvisit to our compa ny whe n i wi

20、ll be able to pay back some of the hospitality ireceived duri ng my memorable stay in your compa ny.faithfully yours,li mi ng范文4 (感谢款待)dear mini ster,i am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to meand my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful coun try. i w

21、ould also liketo tha nk you for your in terest ing discussi on with me which i have found veryin formative and useful.during the entire visit, my delegation and i were overwhelmed by theen thusiasm expressed by your bus in ess represe ntatives on cooperati on with chin a. isin cerely hope we could h

22、ave more excha nges like this one whe n we would be able tocon ti nue our in terest ing discussi on on possible ways to expa nd our bilateral econo micand trade relati ons and bring our bus in ess people together.i am looking forward to your early visit to china when i will be able to payback some o

23、f the hospitality i received during my memorable stay in your beautifulcoun try. with ki nd pers onal regards,faithfully yours,tom范文5 (感谢面试)dear ms. grasso:tha nk you for in terviewi ng me at credit tech no logies. i was impressed withyour comme nts gave me a good un dersta nding of thebus in ess an

24、d yourexpectati ons for the attor ney you are seek in g. i am con fide nt that my backgro und andexperie nee in banking law and my ability to an alyze statutes and regulati ons in detailcould be useful to credit tech no logies. if you were to offer me this positi on, i believethat i could provide se

25、rvices that would meet the highsta ndards of your corporati on.i look forward to talk ing aga in with you soon.faithfully yours,tom范文6 (感谢面试)dear (boss n ame),i appreciated the opport un ity to meet with you yesterday about the positi onof (job title) with (company name).i really enjoyed meeti ng wi

26、th members of the office and learning about thejob. the entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the workitself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. from our discussi on, i gained a strongsense of (compa ny n ames) commitme nt to their clie nts and their employees. i als

27、oenjoyed our discussi on of my opport un ities and future with in the firm.i feel stron gly that i possess the qualities required as a (job title). ibelieve my educati on and experie nces have prepared me well for a future with you. ieagerly anticipate our next meeting. thank you for considering me

28、for thisopport un ity.sin cerely(sig nature)范文7 (感谢面试)dear (boss n ame),tha nk you so much for see ing me yesterday. the in terview con firmed whatothers have told me -that (compa ny n ame) would be a terrific place for some one withmy skills and in terests.i am convin ced that i could make an impac

29、t and add value as a (job title) inyour departme we reviewed my backgr oun d, i hope that you came to a similar con clusi was in deed a pleasure to discuss the opport un ities with you.i tha nk you aga in forthe opport un ity and look forward to our n ext in teracti on.again, you can rea

30、ch me (when) (call time) at (telephone), or you may leave amessage on my an sweri ng mach ine, and i will retur n your call promptly.sincerely ,mary范文8 (感谢款待)dear mr. smith,i am writi ng to you just to tell you how much i appreciate the warm welcomeyou exte nded to my colleague ms. je nny wils on wh

31、e n she visited your compa ny lastweek.the help and advice you gave her, and the in troducti ons you arran ged for her,have resulted in a nu mber of very useful meet in gs. i should like you to know how grateful i am for all you have done to make them possible.i realized the value of time to a busy pers on like you, and this makes me all the more appreciative of the time you so gen erously gave her.译文敬爱的史密斯先生:我写此信是想告诉您我是多么感激您在我的同事?女士上周访问贵公司时给与她的热情款待。您给与她的协助和宝贵建议,以及对她安排的情况介绍,使她得以 举行几次十分有成效的会议。这一切都得益于您才得以办成,我对此感激不尽。我深知时间对于像您这样忙的人是多么


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