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1、 分类号 密 级 编 号 本科生毕业论文 题 目 试析德伯家的苔丝中的宿命论主题 学 院 外国语学院 专 业 英 语 姓 名 路 琪 班 级 2007级5班 学 号 274010513 指导教师 杨智慧 提交日期 2011.5.25 The Theme of Fatalism Revealed in Tess of dUrbervilles Lu Qi A thesissubmitted to the School of Foreign Languages and Literature Tianshui Normal University in partial fulfillment of t

2、he requirement for the degreeofBACHELOR OF ARTSinENGLISH LANGUAGETianshui, GansuMay, 2011原创性声明本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的论文是在指导教师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。学位论文中凡是引用他人已经发表或未经发表的成果、数据、观点等均已明确注明出处。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的科研成果。本声明的法律责任由本人承担。论文作者签名: 年 月 日 论文指导教师签名:目 录一、 论文正文. 1-14二、 附录1 毕业论文成绩评定表2 答辩小组意见3 答辩成绩评分表4 论

3、文指导记录5 开题报告CONTENTSI. Introduction .1II Literature Review .22.1 Overseas Research Status.22.2 Domestic Research Status.3III. Hardys Fatalism view43.1Hardys fatalism originated in social background.43.2Hardys fatalism originated in educational background4 3.2.1Hardys life experience.53.2.2 Darwinism

4、and Spencers philosophy 5IV. The Theme of Fatalism in Tess of dUrbervilles.6 4.1The theme of fatalism revealed in social settings of the story .6 4.1.1 Customary Morality.6 4.1.2 Religious Ethics.7 4.2The theme of fatalism revealed in accidents and coincidences; omens and signs7 4.2.1 Accidents and

5、coincidences.8 4.2.2 Omens and Signs.10 4.3 Weaknesses in the Tess Personality.11 4.3.1 Tesss proud and independent.12 4.3.2 Tesss passivity and submissiveness12 4.3.3 Tesss over-evolved sensitivity13V. Conclusion.14References.15Acknowledgements.17The Theme of Fatalism Revealed in Tess of dUrbervill

6、es Lu QiAbstract: Thomas Hardys work depicted the great changes in economy, politics, morals and customs of British countryside at the turn of the century and explored the causes of these changes from the infiltration of capitalist dements, from the eternal conflict of the universe. The glamour of H

7、ardys works lies in the critical consciousness of fatalism and tragedy. Hardys thoughts of fatalism are expounded from two aspects in this thesis. First, this thesis expounds the historical background, cultural background and family background, and the social thoughts under the influence of Darwins

8、Evolutionism and Spencers philosophy. The thesis analyzed the forming and characteristics of Hardys fatalism. It pointed out that instead of giving vent to his fatalism, this novel aimed at advocating “struggle for survival”, and praised the spirit of resistance and criticized the capitalize social

9、hypocrisy. Secondly, this thesis observed fatalism embodied in “Tess of dUrbervilles”, in which the social background Tess lives in was introduced; the accidents and coincidences, omens and natural environment the novel were explored; the weaknesses in Tess personality were discussed. Key words: fat

10、alism; tragedy; Tess; Hardy试析小说德伯家的苔丝中的宿命论主题路 琪【摘要】托马斯哈代的创作描写世纪之交英国农村经济、政治、道德、风俗等方面的剧烈变化。从资本主义因素入手,从宇宙生命,制度的永恒关系来探求这种变化的成因。充满批判意识,宿命论和悲剧色彩是哈代的魅力所在。本文从两大方面论述哈代的宿命论观点。一是其命运观念的来源,从哈代生活的社会、教育、文化背景以及当时的社会主要思潮达尔文进化论,斯宾塞得不可知论来叙述哈代宿命论思想体系的形成原因和特点。我哈代小说的写作目的并不是悲观主义的宣泄,而是“为了生存而战”的呐喊。他的代表作苔丝颂扬了这种抗争精神,批判虚伪而陈腐的资

11、本主义道德观。 二是,哈代的命运主题在苔丝中的体现,分为三部分。第一部分,分析苔丝悲剧的社会背景。第二部分,通过苔丝中的事件与巧合,预兆与自然环境等详细论述苔丝悲剧的宿命主义观点。第三部分,论述苔丝本人的性格特点,从中体现哈代本人的宿命观点。【关键词】宿命论;悲剧;苔丝;哈代The Theme of Fatalism Revealed in Tess of dUrbervilles1. Introduction Hardy is the first English novelist to write about the countryside and its inhabitants in a

12、serious manner. As a novelist and writer of short stories, he belongs to the Age of Victoria. The son of a stonemason,he was born on June 2,1840 in Dorset shire in the south of England. He called his native district Wessex in his writing, which revived the ancient AngloSaxon name for the region. It

13、is evident that he drew constantly Oil the inspiration offered to him by the people of the country in which he was born and spent most of his life.When Hardy was born, Dorset was one of the poorest countries in England. But its isolation from the outside world meant that local customs and traditions

14、 were well preserved and so untouched there. A few years later, things began to change. The appearance of the railway in 1847 brought town and country closer together, at the same time, for various reasons, there was a growing tendency for people to leave the land for life in the towns and cities, o

15、r else to give up the old sealed way of life for a seasonal migration from job to job. This change inevitably brought about the result that the conditions under which traditions, customs and folk stories passed from generation to generation no longer existed. All the changes were presented in Hardys

16、 novels. During his long span of life, his religious beliefs also experienced great changes, which are embodied in his works. As a boy Hardy was firmly brought up as a Christian;he read the Bible and knew the words of the church services by heart. But when he grew up his faith in religion disappeare

17、d and in the Victorian period this loss of faith was an experience shared by many people, especially young intellectuals, this was mainly due to the publication of Darwins Origin of Species which gave the world the theory of evolution known as Darwinism.It is well acknowledged that the height of Har

18、dys achievement as a novelist was reached in his last two novels that were both published in the 1890s. The central figures in the two novels, Tess and Jude, are both crushed eventually by the society in which they live. In this thesis, a detailed analysis is tried on one of the novels,Tess of the d

19、Urbervilles, to show the various reasons of the heroines tragedy Although this tragic story focuses upon the heroines love and marriage, yet what Hardy attacks in the novel is not only the system of marriage in the hypocritical bourgeois society but also all the legal, moral, and religious phenomena

20、 of the world of capitalist relations. In the novel Hardy gave a vivid and realistic description about the destruction of the English peasantry towards the end of 19th century, the intrusion of capitalism into countryside and peoples doubts on religious beliefs2. Literature Review Thomas Hardy is a

21、typical fatalist, for him; there is a super natural force that suppresses the human being. He gives this force the first set of destiny, and his work is famous for embodied pessimist fatalism. Chinese and foreign scholars all think that he is a pessimist fatalist.2.1 Overseas Research Status Virgini

22、a Woolf (1982) in her “Thomas Hardys novels” mentioned that Hardy had proved ha was a nuanced nature observer; she thinks he can distinguish differences between a little falls on roots or farmlandHe owns views of sympathy or ridicule or stand undisturbed to human destiny. The former Soviet Unions Li

23、terary Historian O Knicks (1959) in his work “The Hardy Rulers” also thinks that Hardys fate was commanded not only from social contradictions, but also from the universe mysterious power, and let him pursue the explanation for the tragedy factors in life. Huxley (1963) in his work “Thomas Huxley” m

24、entioned that that he put the compares of life into a game; he thinks that mans destiny is invisible, cruel and everywhere prevail enemy. Pinion (1976) in his work “A Hard Companion” thinks that no other work, even the works of Shakespeare, can resemble the Bible that so deeply impact on Hardys thou

25、ghts and characters. Cliffs (1981) in his “Cliffs Notes to Tomas Hardy” pointed out that fate appeared as an artistic theme in various forms, such as opportunity and the time, women and social customs. First of all, in Hardy opinion, accident and opportunities are the important factors to lead to tr

26、agedy. George Sampson (1987) in his “Compendious Cambridge English Literature: in the 19th Century Part” pointed out that Hardy as a traditional writer without much effect ion, who did not believe in god, also not believe in god dominant the world, will suffer “a destiny arrangement”. Hen chord (199

27、2) thinks that fatalism not only as a pure outer effective strength, but also as a inner effective strength from heart; He thinks that Hardy characters fate, reflecting the social reality and disaster for people who suffered physically and mentally pain and reaction(Nie Zhenzhao. Hardys Novel Resear

28、ch-Miserable and Resolute Artist.1992) Evans (1996) thinks that Hardys intuition about life is not rigid into a kind of philosophy, but it is a doctrine(Li Tianyi. Hardy Foundation.1938)2.2 Domestic Research Status Li Tianyi (1938) in his work “Hardy Foundation” pointed out that Thomas Hardy is a pe

29、ssimistic fatalist, he considers that domination of the life is a quenchless natural force, which was called destinyThose who would restrain ones desire, not struggle against fate, no matter your future is unnatural death, or peace live to be death, you can feel temporarily comfort; otherwise became

30、 fate captive. Nie Zhenzhao (1992) in his work “Hardys Novel Research-Miserable and Resolute Artist” mentioned that even if there is a path to good way, but also need a thorough investigation to ugly. Huang Congxiao (2002) in “Thomas Hardys Fatalism Embodied in Tess of dUrbervilles” pointed out that

31、 the purpose of Hardys novel is not a pessimism muted, but aimed at advocating“ struggle for survival”. Zuo Jinmei, Li Xunkui (2003) in “The Fate Theme of Thomas Hardy” also mentioned Thomas Hardys works stressed the role of accidental events happened in fate. Tang Hui (2005:81) in his work “An Anal

32、ysis of Tragedy from Thomas Hardy in Tess of dUrbervilles” said: “In Hardy opinion, Tess fate, victims of her tragedy, which we called the destiny and as a result all her struggle in vain.” Tang Liwei (2005:18) in “The Typical Naturalist-Thomas Hardy” said: “Hardy as a finally important writer in Vi

33、ctorian era, the theme of his works, and the writing skills are different from other writers in his period. He accepts Darwinian thought, from the genetic and environmental aspects to analyses the causes and results of human life. And adhere to objective describe the conflict between human beings. H

34、e is a transition writer from naturalism to modernism.” Yu Yanli (2006) in her work “The Fatalism Consciousness in Tess of dUrbervilles” mentioned that Tess of dUrbervilles fully embodied Hardy fatalism consciousness. Tesss life is filled with destiny. In every period of her life, there are accident

35、al factors pushing her into a tragedy end. Liu Kun, Bai Huijie (2007)in “Pursuing Harmony from the Impact between Nature and Civilization “pointed out that English writer Thomas Hardy cherished the tradition, loved nature and emphasized the relationship between man and nature. Facing the invasion of

36、 capitalist civilization, he showed the great concern and worry, and criticized it s harmful influences on man and nature. Hu Yan (2008) in the work “An Analysis of Fatalism and Tragedy in Tess of dUrbervilles” mentioned that Hardy was influenced by Darwinism, Spencers philosophy and Huxleys agnosti

37、cism, which turned him into doubtful person. Yang Chunhui (2009) in “An Analysis on the Theme of Destiny from Thomas Hardy” mentioned that Thomas Hardy is a typical fatalist, the pessimism view in his novel being obvious. Shi Xiaohong (2010) in “An Analysis of Fatalism and Tragedy of Hardys Novel” s

38、aid Hardys status as a novelist in English literary history is unique. He described the Britain countryside experiencing great changes in economy, polities, and morality customs and so on, and infiltrating from capitalism factors, from the universe, the eternal life, the contradictory relationship o

39、f system to explore the causes of these changes, Hardys work is filled with criticism consciousness, fatalism and tragedy.3. Hardys Fatalism view Thomas Hardy occupied a very important position in the British literary history. His novels finished in Victorian Era, but the theme of novels is far beyo

40、nd that age. His main novels have broken the traditional novel on the bondage of characters and plots, and from genetic and environmental observation and understanding human beings. This is typical of naturalistic style of writing, which filled with a pessimistic feeling. Facing the nature and socie

41、ty, human beings are often under control. They just like the animal that lived in the forest, when its sunny, they can enjoy themselves, once the storm coming, and they all feel panic. As a result, surrender person can survive. However, courageously resist were only suffer more big failure. This kin

42、d of writing style is continued in modernism even post-modernism creation. Hardys naturalistic creation, not only shows the British literature which separated from the Victorian Era, but also the more means to modern socialist.3.1 Hardys fatalism originated in social backgroundThomas Hardy lived in

43、the Victorian Era. The Victorian Era has experienced great changes in every field, which is also believed to be the most prosperous British history, during which the British industrial revolution reached its top. British are moving towards “machine era”. By this time, however, social problems are al

44、so serious; the bourgeoisie and proletariat contradiction is becoming more seriously. The Chartist movement broke out in 1848. Since the 1970s, Britain evolved from free capitalism into monopoly capitalism, but the prosperity of economy not giving ordinary people happiness. Frankly, Hardy cant accep

45、t the most popular Victorian beliefs, such as a belief in god. On the one hand, Hardy witnessed the rapid development of industry; on the other hand, he had witnessed the underclass people suffered a lot. Face with these contradictions, Hardy said that all these are fate. So in his works, most chara

46、cters thoughts are pure, intuition, and rational act is not important.3.2 Hardys fatalism originated in educational background3.2.1 Hardys life experienceThomas Hardy lived in the countryside of Seth. In his youth, Seth is quite different from other areas of Britain. It has its own culture tradition

47、, even its own language. Hardy deeply loves this nature and ordinary rural life. However, industrial capitalist invasion to the countryside and destroyed the original agricultural economy, destroyed poor farmers and traditional patriarchal system. Hardy lost the beautiful countryside land and idylli

48、c life, and felt sad, which is the cornerstone of his pessimism. He hated the industrialization disturbing the rural life. However, he didnt realize the advantages of fatalism and democracy, so he became more and more disappointed, finally turned to pessimism. On the other hand, the formation of Har

49、dys destiny can be traced back to his early family environment. In his childhood, Hardy was deeply influenced by his mother and grandmother; they both grew up in a fatalism countryside, and naturally used fatalism to explain their life experience. Hardys mother and grandmother often use “this is des

50、tined” to explain the difficulties, unpleasant and frustration encountered in the daily life. Hardys characters always have this consolation when they encounter difficulties and unbearable hardship. So the root of his fatalism is associated with his childhood experiences. In his later life and writi

51、ng, he often says that there is a mysterious power just like fate or god which controls the human beings. And no matter how you struggle, the end is fixed; there is no escape from fate.3.2.2 Darwinism and Spencers philosophyIn 1859, Darwin published “the Origin of Species” which known as Darwinism-t

52、he theory that living forms originate by development from earlier forms, not by special creation. This book was regarded as the most significant and profoundly influential scientific work of the 19th century and it exercised immeasurable influence on peoples minds. To many people it seemed obvious t

53、hat, if the evolutionists were right, the church could no longer maintain that God created the world.Hardy was influenced by his reading of Darwin, as well as his own experience of human suffering and unfairness, which made it impossible for him to reconcile with Christian teaching. Therefore, like

54、many others, he rejected Christianity, intellectually, but there was on other philosophy to fill up the emptiness, so he adopted a position of “agnosticism” and turned to fatalism; a belief that the world was governed by the careless operation of chance. This fatalism is reflected in all his novels,

55、 especially in Tess of the dUrbervilles.Hardys thought has also been influenced by Herbert Spencer. Before Darwin, he has already generalized the word-evolution, and was first put forward “Survival is the Fittest”. Then he used natural selection mechanism in sociology, which formed famous views-social Darwinism. Later he published many works, he said the world is composed by some unknown“power”, the world is impossible to know for people. This is the so called agn


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