已阅读5页,还剩16页未读 继续免费阅读




1、高中英语必修一教材分析话题词汇语法重难点句子交际用语情感目标写作音形义运用第一单元 友谊1朋友和友谊2人际关系dusk series exactly, teenagertip swap, suitcase partner upset, outdoors entirely pack, looserecover grateful, ignore, calm on purpose, calm downa series of, have got to, dislike,no longer, face to face, settledisagree, join in,happen set downadd

2、的四个短语 go through, in order to get/be tired of/ from , suffer frompack () upbe concerned about直接引语和间接引语(陈述句、疑问句)1.(P1 Warming up)Are you good to your friends?2.(P1)you had to pay to get it repaired.3.(P2Pre-reading)and find who was Annes best friend.4.(P2line 1)Do you want a friend whom you could tel

3、l everything to 5.(P2)I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.6.(P2)But as the moon gave far too much light, I didnt dare open a window.7. (P2)it was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night fa

4、ce to face.8.(P2)Its no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.同意与不同意 课本第6页如何正确结交、对待朋友以及如何正确看待友谊一建议信课本第7页(相关练习见课本第5、42页)相关练习见课本第4、41页第二单元世界英语1英语及发展2不同的英语role international native elevatorflat apartment rubber petrol gasmodern culture ad

5、actually in factvocabulary usage identitygovernment rapidly block phrasecandy lorry retell polite standard gradually accent direction rule(v.)such as believe it or not developplay a role/ part of sth. in. enrichespecially communicate withinclude because ofpresent(adj.& adv.)command requestrecognize

6、spendcome的短语 expect直接引语和间接引语(祈使句)1.(P9Warming up)Why not go by underground?2.(P10Pre-reading)With your partner, list the countries that use English as an official language.3.(P10 Pre-reading)Which country do you think has the most English learners?4.(P10 Line 1)Native English speakers can understand

7、 each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.5.(P10Line 3)Would you like to see my flat?6.(P10Line 10)At first the English spoke in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today.7.(P10Line11)It was based more on German than the English w speak

8、 at present.8.(P10Line25)Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.9.(P10Line27)Only time will tell.10.(P13)Many people believe the English spoken on TV and the radio is standard English.语言交流中的困难课本第15页了解英语发展状况,认识不同的英语,了解英美英语差异。应用文:海报课本第16页相关练习见课本第页相关练习见课本第12、49页第三单元旅

9、游日志1旅游2写旅游日志journal, transport, flow, graduate,disadvantage fare, pace, schedule, stubborn, shortcoming, beneath,detail, bend, insurance, valley,source, altitude, glacier, reliable,boil, parcel forecast, finallyas usual midnight, be similar todetailed, organize, be fond ofchange ones mind, make up o

10、nes mindprefer persuadeinsist care aboutjourney give inattitude现在进行时态表示将来1.(P18)It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong Rover from where it begins to where it ends.2. (P)Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.3. (P)Onc

11、e she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.4. (P)It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, 5. (P)As it enters Southeast Asia, its pace slows.6. (P)To climb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around us, we were surprised 7. (P)Although she didnt know the best way of gettin

12、g to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly.8. (P)(-to do doing主动表示被动)课文中出现的语法例句1谈论将来计划2美好祝愿课本第23页掌握旅游常识,学会旅游制定计划;了解生态旅游,树立环境意识应用文:电子邮件课本第23页相关练习见课本第页相关练习见课本第页第四单元 地震1地震常识2自救常识earthquake crack bury smelly well(n) pipe trap burst nation canal suffering extreme trackelectricity disas

13、ter title reporter sincerely congratulation headlineoutline useless rescue shelter express in ruins at an endruin damageshock injurejudge fromfrighten定语从句I关系代词1.It seemed as if the world was at an end!2.It was felt in Beijing, which is more than two3.Never before in history has a city been so comple

14、tely destroyed.课文中出现的语法例句1.A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty kilometers wide cut across houses, roads and canals.2.Later that afternoon, another big quake which was as strong as the first shook Tangshan.3.The number of the people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,

15、000.1道谢课本第30页2讨论过去的经历了解地震常识,学会在自然灾害中以积极的态度去自救和救人写作技巧:列提纲,写文章课本第31页相关练习见课本第页相关练习见课本第页第五单元 曼德拉1伟人的品质2伟人的生平事迹generous found (v) fee selflessprinciple selfish livelihoodrepublic peaceful nationalismleap giant guidance legalillegal president hopeful violenceviolent stage willing attack unfairrelease rela

16、tive terror reward opinion escape quality howeveractive vote cruelty devotededucated in trouble out of workcome to power die for/frombe generous with as a matter of factdevote allow fight for /against /withencourage be proud of give的短语定语从句II 关系副词和介词+关系代词1.(P.33) He helped black people get the same r

17、ights as white people.2.(P.33) He was the first man to land on the moon in July 1969.3.(P.34) Sadly I did not have it.4.(P.34) The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.5.(P.

18、34) Only then we decided to answer violence with violence.6.(P.38) but they did pass their exams.7.(P.38) Since I was better educated, I got a job working in an office.课文中出现的语法例句本单元出现定语从句17句(who P.33, P.38 ; to whomP.34; when P.34 P.38; for which P.34 P.38; in which P.34; where P. 34; which P.34; 省略

19、关系代词P.34 P.38)1询问别人的观点2表达自己的观点课本第6 39页学习为人的高尚品质,提高自身素质名人传记(大事记)课本第40页相关练习见课本第页相关练习见课本第页41阅读文章题目及页码STUDENTS BOOKWORKBOOK第一单元 友谊Annes Best FriendP2Friendship In Hawaii欣赏Love And FriendshipP44P47知识短文:A Letter From Xiao DongP7第二单元 世界英语The Road To Modern EnglishP9The Oxford English Dictionary欣赏The CodeP5

20、1P53知识短文:Standard English And DialectP13第三单元 旅游日志Journey Down The MekongP18The End Of Our Journey*Ever-ready ToursP59P60The Dream And The PlanP18A Night In MountainsP22第四单元 地震A Night The Earth Didnt SleepP26The Story Of An EyewitnessP65知识短文:A Letter Of InvitationP30第五单元 曼德拉Elias StoryP34Two Ideas Ab

21、out Bill GatesP73The Rest Of Eliass StoryP38必修一 第一单元 单元教学内容分析Topic: friends and friendship; interpersonal relationshipVocabulary: dusk series exactly teenager tip swap suitcase partner upset outdoors entirely pack loose recover grateful add up, calm down, have got to, go through, a series of, in ord

22、er to, no longer, get/be tired of, face to face, be concerned about, set down, on purpose, pack () up, join in, suffer from settle dislike ignore suffer disagree calm concern 重点 concern suffer happen join in, add相关短语, suffer from, be concerned about, go through, set downSentence structure: 强调句 It be

23、 序数词 time that Grammar:直接引语和间接引语Daily language:表示同意和不同意(课本第6页)Emotional goal:如何正确结交、对待朋友以及如何正确看待友谊。Writing:英文书信本单元的主题是“友谊”,大部分的内容都是围绕这一主题展开的。本单元涉及的话题有:人们为什么要朋友,如何交朋友,怎样处理与朋友的关系。生活在二战时期的安妮是如何渴望朋友、如何与朋友相处的,在夏威夷表示右脑、建立友谊的集中表达方式。Warming up部分:涉及了调查问卷,涉及日常生活中朋友之间可能发生的真是问题以及解决问题的方法,帮助学生学会审视自我,引导学生形成正确的价值观和


25、阅读技巧的训练,学习一些新的词汇和短语,还要在阅读的过程中学习并欣赏英语语言的美感,感受主人公的乐观、自信的人生态度,纯洁美丽的心灵。Comprehending部分:重点考察学生对文章的理解程度,同时也是对阅读技能的考查。该部分的联系是根据阅读理解的三个层次,按照由易到难的顺序设计的。 练习一:对表岑阅读信息的考查,练习形式是连接句子;练习二:对深层阅读信息的考查,回答问题。练习三和联系四是对推理信息的考察,以及拓展性的问题讨论,练习形式是头脑风暴和填写表格。Learning about language部分:包括词汇学习和语法学习。Using language部分:包括听说读写的单项或综合练

26、习。课时安排:(初步计划,因这是学生进入高中以来的第一个新课单元,可能会随课程进展的实际情况相应变动)Period I The first part of the new words and Ex 1-3 on P.4 Period II The second part of the new words and Ex 1-2 on P42Period III Review the new words and Explain 7 key words Period IV Pre-view the reading text individually or in groupsPeriod V Warm

27、ing-up, pre-reading, reading and comprehending Period VI Extensive reading and writingPeriod VII -IX Grammar The direct speech and indirect speech高中英语教学设计 (一) 教学课题Unit III The Million Pound Bank NoteNew words and Exercises课程类型生词传授及训练课课时3课时理论依据 语用学中指出:在实际语境中学习。本节课设置的初衷就是引导学生在实际运用中识记单词。教材分析本单元的单词表中列有5

28、7个生词,但经过一番分析与筛选后,需要学生要用心学习或重点掌握的为47个,其中的重点词汇也不过才7个。鉴于学生的基础现实,决定从解决基础问题入手,增设单词课。据实际情况,本部分内容大约需3课时,具体安排如下:第一课时:听/领读第一部分单词(将全单元单词分为两部分),校对学生发音;学生以小组合作或个人方式完成课本第4页的1-3题。第二课时:核对题目答案,做必要的解释。 领读第二部分单词;学生以小组合作或个人方式完成课本第42页的1-2题。第三课时:核对题目答案,做必要解释。 讲解7个重点词或短语。学情分析学生的词汇量小的可怜,而且一看单词表里那么多的单词就眼晕,就像打退堂鼓;他们不知道哪些该记词

29、义,哪些该记应用,而且不了解或未拥有一种有效的单词识记方法。本节旨在帮助学生在实际应用中了解、尝试、直至掌握在应用中识记单词的有效性,掌握一种有效的识记方法。教学重点1. Pronounce the new words and expressions correctly. 2. Grasp the use of some key words.3. Learn at least one way to memorize new words and expressions教学难点1. How to help the students learn new words more efficiently.

30、2. How to help the Ss be aware of the way of learning words in practical using.教学目标(一)知识目标 Period I1. Pronounce the first group new words and expressions correctly.2. Memorize the spelling and Chinese meanings of the words. 3. Finish Exx 1-3 on P4Period II 1. Review the words learned last period, an

31、d understand the Exx on P4 2. Pronounce the second group of the words. 3. Memorize the words. 4. Finish Exx 1-2 on P42Period III 1. Review the words learned last period, and understand the Exx on P42. 2. Master the 7 key words use.(二)能力目标 Period I 1. Learn at least one way to memorize the new words

32、2. Finish Exx 1-3 on P4Period II1. Learn at least one way to memorize the new words 2. Finish Exx 1-2 on P42Period III1. Learn at least one way to memorize the new words 2. Grasp the key words use and learn to use them correctly.教学目标3. Finish the Exx given.(三)情感目标 Learn to grasp new words more effic

33、iently and make themselves more confident and interested in English.教学方法1. Co-operative 2. Practising with explaining教学过程设计时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Period IminStep 1Distinguishing Play the tape/Read the first group of the new word for the Ss.Just listen. No reading.Be sure to be clear of the correct pronun

34、ciation.明辨音,才能正确的拼读minStep 2ReadingPlay/Read again.Read along.Imitate the pronunciation, as well as the stress, etc.跟读,模仿正确的发音、重读、语调等minStep 3Practising Walk around the classroom.Provide any help if the Ss have any trouble in pronouncing the words.Practise reading the words.Ask for help at any time

35、they have trouble in pronouncing.及时练习,在亲身实践中发现问题和解决问题minStep 4CheckingRead the new words or play the tape again and ask the Ss to followFollow the teacher or the tape.学生在自己的实际拼读中或多或少的遇到一些问题,这一遍领读的目的就是要他们进行校对1. Ask the Ss to stand up voluntarily to read aloud.2. Evaluate their performance scien- tifi

36、cally.Listen carefully to check or improve their own pronun- ciation 通过几位同学的阅读,检测学生练习的情况,也是了解学生难点、问题所在的方式minStep 5Exercises1. Explain the demands of the Exx. Make sure everyone knows what they should do next.2. Walk around the classroom to provide any prompt helpFinish the Exx individually or in gro

37、ups本节课中的重点与中心环节,希望通过本节的设置,能让学生在实际运用中较为有效的识记单词,体会语用的功效。minStep 6CheckingIf time permits, Check the answersCheck the answers and correct their own. Try to be clear why they are right or wrong.核对答案,让学生明白自己的成功与失误minStep 7Homework1 Read the new words and expressions.2 Finish the Exx.Period IIminStep 1Rev

38、isionA: Dictation: 5 wordsB: Provide several words or expressions check whether the Ss grasp the spelling and meanings.Do the checking activity to see whether they have learnt well.检查学生上一节课的学习情况minStep 2Checking(If this part has already been done in the last period, it can be omitted.)Check the answ

39、ers to the Exx on P4;Explain sth if necessaryCheck the answers and correct their own. Try to be clear why they are right or wrong.核对答案,让学生明白自己的成功与失误minStep 3Distinguishing Play the tape/Read the second group of the new word for the Ss.Just listen. No reading.Be sure they are clear of the correct pro

40、nunciation明辨音,才能正确的拼读Step 4ReadingPlay/Read again.Read togetherImitate the pronunciation, as well as the stress, etc.跟读,模仿正确的发音、重读、语调等minStep 5Practising Walk around the classroom.Provide any help if the Ss have any trouble in pronouncing the words.Practise reading the words.Ask for help at any time

41、 they have trouble in pronouncing.及时练习,在亲身实践中发现问题和解决问题minStep 6Checking1. Ask the Ss to stand up voluntarily to read aloud.2. Evaluate their performance scien- tifically.Listen carefully to check or improve their own pronun- ciation 通过几位同学的阅读,检测学生练习的情况,也是了解学生难点、问题所在的方式minStep 7Exercises1. Explain th

42、e demands of the Exx. 1-2 on P42. Make sure everyone knows what they should do next.2. Walk around the classroom to provide any prompt helpFinish the Exx individually or in groupsCheck the answers and correct their own. Try to be clear why they are right or wrong.本节课中的重点与中心环节,希望通过本节的设置,能让学生在实际运用中较为有

43、效的识记单词,体会语用的功效。minStep 8CheckingIf time permits, Check the answersCheck the answers and correct their own. Try to be clear why they are right or wrong.核对答案,让学生明白自己的成功与失误minStep 9Homework1. Read the new words and expressions.2. Finish the Exx.Period IIIminStep 1RevisionA: Dictation: 7 wordsB: Provide

44、 several words or expressions check whether the Ss grasp the spelling and meanings.Do the checking activity to see whether they have learnt well.检查学生上一节课的学习情况minStep 2Checking(If this part has already been done in the last period, it can be omitted.)Check the answers to the Exx on P42;Explain sth if

45、 necessaryCheck the answers and correct their own. Try to be clear why they are right or wrong.核对答案,让学生明白自己的成功与失误minStep 3Explaining some key wordsExplain some key words, and at the same time provide some Exercises.Listen carefully. Try to understand what the teacher teaching. Make some necessary no

46、tes.重点讲解7个重点词汇,做到重点知识点做重点突破minStep 4SummarySummarize the main contents of this period.Go over the main points in this period and be clear what they should pay special attention to.通过及时总结,让学生明了自己的努力方向,也起到复习的作用minStep 5Homework1. Go over the new words, be sure to pronounce the words correctly and memo

47、rize some words Chinese meanings. 2. Grasp some key words use. 3. Pre-view the reading passage.附录1. add的四个短语add to 增加(数量) add to 增加(程度)add up (将数字)累加起来 add up to(数字累加起来后)得到多少2. join in, join3. get/be tired of/ from4 suffer from5. go的相关短语go about 四处走动;(谣言故事等)流传;(船)改变航行方向 go after 设法追求某人(某物);追赶;跟在后面go

48、 ahead 进步;走在前面;发生,进行;准许进行;向前走;同意别人请求时的答语 go along 进行;继续;进展,发展go away 离去;离家出走(尤指度假);消失 go away with sb/sth 带走;卷逃go back 回来;回溯(=date back/date from);相识(一段时间)go between 斡旋,做中间人go beyond sth 超出;胜过 go by 经过;(时间)逝去;遵循/依照某事物go down (船只等)沉没;(日月)落到地平线下;(食物饮料)被吞下;已毕业;(海风)平静;(物价)跌落;(质量,温度等)下降;染病;倒下,落下;暂停作业/运行g

49、o in for 喜欢;参加考试/竞赛go into sth 进入, (使自己)进入(某种状态);(交通工具)猛烈地撞上某物;(交通工具,驾驶员)开始某种动作;加入某组织,从事某职业;(以某种方式)开始做某事;详细调查或研究某事;(金钱,时间,精力)投入某事go off 开火,爆炸,发射;变质,变坏;(睡眠或晕倒时)失去知觉;(货物)卖出,卖掉;(事件)进行良好;(灯)熄灭,(电)中断;变质;离开(尤指去做某事);(警报器等)突然发出巨响;(英,非)入睡;(英)质量下降go on (情况,形势)继续;保持;(灯)亮了;(时间)过去;(Whats going on?)发生,进行;(戏剧)出场;(

50、比赛中)以替补队员身份上场;通(电);开始运行;(短暂停顿后)继续说;(用于鼓励)来吧go out 离开建筑物房间等;外出参加社交活动;参加舞会;熄灭;过时;(政府)下台;(岁月)结束;退职;罢工;退潮,落潮;送出,发出;(广播,电视节目)播出;(新闻消息)发布发表go over sth 仔细检查;视察;复习;横穿;浏览;反复研究go round (在数量上)足够分配;绕道;旋转;流传,传播;(=go about)常处于某种状态或以某种方式行动go through (法律,合同等正式)被通过;被订立;通过;经过;审查;经历;习惯于;完成;仔细查看某物;(尤指反复的)详细研究;执行某行动;用完,

51、耗尽go up (价格,温度等)上升,增长;被建立;被炸坏;被焚毁;进大学;进城;(幕布)升起(07安徽,27)- Didnt you have a good time at the party? - Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to _ so quickly. A. go by B. go away C. go out D. go over 6. be concerned about = be worried about7. set的相关短语set about (doing) st

52、h 开始,着手(工作);散布(谣言) set back 阻止;阻碍set down 卸下;记下;制定;使飞机着陆 set off 开始(旅程赛跑等);出发;使爆炸;引起;衬托set out出发;陈述,提出;陈列出;布置;移植;(工程)设计,布局;(怀着目标)开始展开工作高中英语教学设计 教学课题Period I Warming Up And Pre-Reading课程类型口语交流课课时一课时教材分析This is the first teaching period of this unit. The main topic is about friendship. To attract the

53、Ss interest, Auld Lang Syne will be played. If they are interested, they may have some time to learn to sing it. Next, a question will be offered: what is a friend like? Brainstorming will be in use. The students may use the adjectives theyve learnt to describe their friends. At the same time, news

54、words can be presented in different color. After that, the students are asked to finish the quiz before the evaluation standard is offered. At last, analyses the quiz to sum up:” what is a friend like”.The second part of this unit is speaking. Several questions will be given for the students to discuss.学情分析 New lesson begins. The students are ready. But they are still puzzled at new learning way. Slow down and easy.教学重点1. Use the given adjectives and sentence structure to describe one of their friends.2. Learn to evaluate friends an


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