PEP小学英语四年级下册第单元Unit5 How much is it教案_第1页
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1、grade 4 unit5 how much is it?复备人:一、教学内容:第一课时 a lets learn let s chant二、教学目标:1.能听说,认读本课时的主要单词:colourful, pretty, cheap, expensive。2.能用colourful ,pretty ,cheap, expensive。来评价衣服的颜色,款式及价格。3.会唱本单元歌谣。三、教学重难点:1本课时需要重点掌握有关衣服价格和颜色的四个单词。2难点是学生可能会将how many 与how much混淆,因此教师要注意帮助学生加以区别。另外,单词expensive的读音也是一个难点。四、

2、教具准备:1、本课生词的单词卡片能2、衣服的实物3、配套的教学课件4、配套的教学录音带五、教学过程:step 1热身、复习 (warm-up/revision)1. lets chant. ( unit 3 p31)2. free talk.whats the weather like today?what colour is my shirt/t-shirt/dress?what colour are my socks/pants?3. to show some beautiful things, then ask students to describe them.step2呈现新课 (p

3、resentation)1. 教师:今天要参加海绵宝宝的生日party, 但是我没有漂亮的衣服,我们一起去fashion shop,帮忙看看哪件衣服漂亮。出示pretty和colourful的衣服,教师点着图片chant:look at that dress . pretty ,pretty, its very pretty.look at that t-shirt.colourful, colourful, its very colourful.2. t: which one is more beautiful? 3. ask students to follow the teacher.

4、then ask the students to discuss the questions:look at that dress. _ , _, its _.look at that t-shirt. _, _, its _.4. check the answers and teach the new words: pretty, colourful5. 教师出示两件衣服的实物,并标出价格,说:“guess, how much is it?”引导学生回答价格,教师追问:“is it cheap?/is it pretty?”引导学生自己表述:“its cheap/expensive/colo

5、urful/pretty.”教师根据学生的回答适时的出示相应的单词cheap/expensive并进行带读,让孩子进行认读练习。6、观看课件展示,跟读练习.step 3趣味操练 (practice)1. high and low voice.教师点着图片,大声读,学生必须小声重复,老师小声读,学生必须大声重复。2. make a new chant._ , _,the _is _._ , _, the _is _3. free sky.课件出示多种物品、衣服、食物等等,让学生用所学的句子自由描述图片。4. lets chant听lets chant部分的歌谣,孩子边说边两个人一组表演。step

6、 4扩展性活动(add-activities)每个小组拥有一套衣物、文具等物品的单词卡片和一套标有10-100元的几个卡片。孩子两个人一小组,一个孩子任意搭配物品和价格,另一个孩子进行描述:“its expensive/cheap/pretty/nice/colourful/beautiful.step 5练习:1.听录音选出所缺的单词,把单词的编号写在横线上。a. colourful b. pretty c. cheap d. expensive(1).how much is that _ dress.(2) look at that shirt ! its _.(3)this shirt

7、is _ ,but its too long.(4)a:how much is it? b: its ninety-nine yuan. a:oh,its too _.2.单项选项。( )1._that dress. its pretty. a. see b. look c. look at( ) much is that _ dress? a. colourful b. colour c. cheap( )3. a: is that the gym? b: _. a. yes , it is. b. no, it is . c. yes , is it.step 6总结和评价引导学

8、生总结,表扬个别同学和表现有进步的同学。step 7作业布置1、跟录音读熟本课内容。2、预习新课。六、教学板书设计:look at that_. its _.图片expensivecheapcolourfulpretty 小组评价表图片图片图片unit five how much is it?grade 4 unit 5 how much is it ?复备人: 一、 教学内容:第二课时:a lets talk group work c good to know二、 教学目标:1、能够询问物品价格并简略评价。2、会说句型:can i help you ? how much is it ?并能在

9、实际情境中进行运用。3、能用its colourful pretty cheepexpensive句型来描述商品,表达自己的喜好。 4、通过本课的学习,学会以得体的方式与人交际。三、教学重难点: 1、能听、说、用句型:can i help you ? how much is this.? 2、能在实际情景中灵活运用在关句型进行购物,并能用its colourful prettycheepexpensive对商品进行评价。四、课前准备:售货员的头饰;在课前将教室的一角布置成小商店,摆放上连衣裙、短裙、衬衫、书包、笔盒、尺子、铅笔等;投影片;本课的录音带。五、教学过程:step1 warm -up

10、1、欣赏歌曲:the coat in the window2、播放a lets chant 的录音,师生跟唱歌谣。3、greetings and free talk.4、game1 : what s missing?教师依次在投影上出示以下单词:colourful prettycheep expensive shirt skirt dress.学生齐读后,教师快速抽出其中的一张并问:whats missing? 指 名学生回答。反复操练,回答对的学生给予表扬且给本组加一分,得分最多的为优胜组。5. game 2: 认读单词我最棒!教师出示单词(其中只出现第一个字母), 让学生猜单词。step2

11、 pre-task1、设置情境。教师指着教室的小商店那一角介绍说:接下来,有外国 顾客将会来到这个小商店购物。请大家认真听听,售货员每次见到顾客时首先都会怎样说,每个顾客想要买一件物品时,都会问一个怎样的问题。教师戴上售货员的头饰扮演售货员,从门口进来一名外国顾客(学生扮演)。salesperson: can i help you?shopper: yes. how much is this dress?salesperson: its ninety five yuan.shopper: its pretty and colourful. but its too expensive.(离开)进

12、来第二个外国顾客 salesperson: can i help you?shopper: yes. how much is this shirt?salesperson: its ten yuan.shopper: its cheap. i want it.salesperson: here you are.shopper: thank you.step3 while- task1、解决任务:(1)售货员每次见到顾客时首先都会怎样说。指名学生回答。并板书:can i help you? (2)每个顾客想要买一件物品时都会问一个怎样的问题。指名学生回答。并板书: how much is thi

13、s.?2、教师带读黑板上的句子。step4 post-task1、学生听lets talk部分录音,后跟读对话。2、以两人为一个小组,根据教室里的小商店,表演售货员与顾客的对话。然后上台表演。3、根据group work 的内容,完成下面表格:namegoodspriceprettycolourfulexpensivechenjieskirt904、good to know向同学介绍衣服上的字母“l, m, s”意思和鞋子码数在欧洲/美国/英国的区别。5、练习(1)听老师读,根据你所听到的内容,选出最佳的答语。( )1.a. 99.00 b. its 9:00 . c. its very pr

14、etty( )2.a. no ,you cant b. yes. c. its expensive( )3.a. yes. b. yes. c. its expensive( )4.a. its my skirt. b. its pretty. c. she is my sister.( ) 5.a. yes, its hot. b. here s my coat. c. its cool. (2) 选择正确的应答句。( ) can i help you? a. yes,please. b. its nice. c. look at the shirt .( ) how much is the

15、 schoolbag? a. they are 100 yuan . b. its 100 yuan. c. yes, it is.( ) is it nice? a. no, i dont. b. yes, they are. c. yes, it is.( ) its too expensive .how about 50 yuan? a. sorry. b .its big. c. yes,you can.( ) how much are the shoes? a. its 20 yuan. b. they are 20 yuan. c.i like it.step5 assessmen

16、t. 表扬上课认真的同学,评选优秀的合作小组。step6 home- task 大声朗读lets talk部分的对话3遍给家人听,并让家人给予适当的评价。六、板书设计: unit 5 how much is it?小组评价表can i help you?how much is this ? grade 4 unit 5 how much is it?一、教学内容:第三课时a read and write c story time二、教学目标:1.能够听、说、读、写单词“big, small, long, short, nice”。2.掌握“how much is it? its ten yua

17、n.”的拼写。3、情感目标:培养学生的合作意识和竞争意识。三、教学重难点:重点是掌握四会单词和句子“big、small、short、long、nice ”,how much is it? its ten yuan.并能朗读课文。难点是理解课文的含义,掌握句子的结构。四、教学准备:1.教师准备相应的教学挂图;2.录音机和磁带;本课四会单词卡片;3.教师和学生准备:婴儿和成人的衣服,如四人商量好,都带t-shirt。4单词卡片和头饰。五、教学过程:step 1 warm-up1. sing a song “the coat in the window”. 师生一起唱,营造轻松的学习氛围。 2. f

18、ree talk t: can i help you? s: yes. i want that pretty dress. how much is it? t: its 100 yuan. s: its very expensive. how about that colourful dress? t: its 30 yuan. s: ok, its very cheap. i want it step 2 presentation of new knowledge1、猜价格游戏:出示食物、衣物、文具和水果等图片(图片背面标有价格),猜猜他们的价格,同时教师用up和down来提示价格,以此形式

19、来引出重点句型:how much is it?its ten yuan.2、创设情景: 教师课件出示动物的fashion show(动物穿着各种造型的衬衫),逐个介绍自己的衣服,让学生带着问题看课件,然后作答:how many shirts can you see?3、 再次看课件,让学生记住衣物的特点。4、 四人小组讨论,由此引出5个四会单词: big、small、short、long、nice 5、在整体呈现的过程中,教师把四会掌握的单词(big, small, long, short, nice)逐个教学,步骤如下:出示单词教师带读整体拼读小组读个别读教师说big学生说b-i-g big

20、.step 3 practice1. play a game: 火眼金睛教师快速出示四会单词,看哪组的同学最快说出其单词,说的最快最多的,哪组就赢。2、教师设计的chant,录音播放,让学生根据录音补充所缺的单词。this shirt is colourful, but its too .this shirt is good, but its too .this shirt is pretty, but its too .this shirt is ok, but its too .this shirt is , it fits me well. t? its .step 4 do some

21、exercises.1、 教师设计的chant,录音播放,让学生根据录音补充所缺的单词。small, ten, nice , big, long, short, how muchthis shirt is colourful, but its too .this shirt is good, but its too .this shirt is pretty, but its too .this shirt is ok, but its too .this shirt is , it fits me well._is it ? its yuan.2、 看图和字母提示完成单词。 sh_ b_ s

22、m_ l_ n_step 5 story time1.看录像,听故事。2.角色扮演。step 6 summary and assessment四人小组讨论今天所学内容,教师提示学生总结。评价学生。step 7 homework1、背诵课文,部分学生熟读课文。2、写2到3句,描述衣服和价格的句子。六、教学板书设计:unit5 how much is it?a read and writebig small _how much is it?图片 long short _its ten yuan.nice小组评价表grade 4 unit 5 how much is it?一、教学内容 第四课时 b

23、 lets learn lets do c lets sing二、 教学目标 1、能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词。 2、能够跟录音朗读生词。 3、能够听懂lets do的指示语并做出相应动作。 4、能够基本学会本课的歌曲。三、教学重难点 本课时的重、难点都是“sneakers, sandals, slippers, boots”以及“a pair of” 的用法。建议教师使用实物和比较学教学。四、教学准备 1、教师准备五个单词的图片和实物。 2、教师准备本课时的五张单词卡。 3、教师准备录音机及录音带。五、教学过程step 1 warm up1.sing a song: the coat i

24、n the window教师播放教学光碟中的歌曲视频、歌曲录音,引导学生吟唱歌曲、配合相关动作边唱边舞。 the words: 快速出示图片,让学生猜单词。 talk: a:whats the weather like in baihua ? b:its _.a:can i wear my t-shirt ?b: yes, you can ./ no , you cant. step 2 presentation1.t:before our class , i have a chant for you. listen and look at me!sneakers,

25、 sneakers,put on your sneakers, run .sandals,sandals,put on your sandals,, boots,put on your boots, stand .slippers, slippers,put on your slippers, dance.2、引导学生有兴趣的一起chant 一遍,再出示分组任务:(1)我们穿什么鞋子跑?(2)我们穿什么鞋子摇?(3)我们穿什么鞋子跺?(4)我们穿什么鞋子跳舞?3、学生一起再做一遍,接着四人小组讨论并完成任务。step 3 words reading 1、板书、朗读单词。

26、(1)出示图片单词卡,指出每个单词的元音,进行发音教学并提及单词复数形式。(2)展示课题,打开课本,让学生跟录音读,模仿其语音语调。教师板书句子。(3)学生以多种形式认读单词并加上动作,如集体认读,小组认读,四人小组认读,个人认读等。step 4 practice gamesa. big or small voice.教师大声读单词,学生小声读,教师小声读,学生就大声读,看哪组同学反应最快!b.boom game.教师把“炸弹”藏在两个单词下面,教师读单词,学生跟读,如果教师读到有放“炸弹”的单词,学生必须趴下,如果那位同学跟读到有“炸弹”的单词,全班同学就“炸”他/她“boom

27、”!2、拿出实物,设计一间shoes store,让学生进行对话。a:can i help you ?b: yes , i want a pair of _. .step 5 lets dot:well , different places need different kinds of shoes. now put on your shoes and lets do it .(1)follow the tape.(2)follow teacher.(展示实物)(3)do the actions together.(4)have a competition between the teams.

28、step 6 exercises1、听音标序号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2、 连线。 1. 2. 3. 4. a. sneakers b. boots c. sandals d. slippersstep 7 summaryt:today weve learned the 4 new words,再次听到复数形式。学生朗读新单词。step 8 assessment评价:得到最多苹果的小组被评为冠军,并能得到奖励。评出表现最好的学生,即得到最多贴纸奖励的学生。step 9 homework1、回家跟录音读单词。2、试试和家长朋友一起做做lets do.小组评价表unit five how

29、 much is it? b. lets learn &lets do can i help you? yes, i want a pair of .六、教学板书设计grade 4 unit 5 how much is it?一、教学内容:第六课时: b. read and write c task time pronunciation二、教学目标:1、学习apple, banana, orange, pear, watermelon的单词拼写。2、掌握重点句型how much are they? theyre three yuan.拼写。3、巩固复习本单元学过的有关购物的交际用语。三、教学重难点:1、重点学习水果名称的单词拼写。2、难点是理解对话含义并能灵活运用于实践。3、名词复数的发音、书写和运用。 四、教学准备:1、苹果、橘子、梨、西瓜、香蕉2、水果的单词卡片3、录音机4、录音带五、教学过程:step 1 warm-up/revision1. sing a song “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”2. free ta


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