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1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!高二下学期英语期末考试试卷 高二是高中学习的关键时期,不仅课程任务重,而且很大程度上打算着同学今后的进展方向,以及能否考入抱负的大学。多做练习能有效进步英语成果。 试卷内容 第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每题0.5分,总分值10分) 从a,b,c,d中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确答案,并在答题卡上把该项涂黑。 1.no matter how frequently ,i always remember never to stop improving myself. a.praised b.praising c.to be praised d.being

2、praised 2.i hear as many as 228 people have been missing in the air crash of an air france flight 447. yes, news came as shock to me. a./;the b.the;a c.the;the d./;a 3. more and more people may refer to the internet for up-to-minute news,it is unlikely that the newspaper will disappear. a.when b.as

3、c.since d.while 4.defeat is .you lose one or two games and you stop believing you can win. a.physical b.political c.psychological d.beneficial 5.how soon do you think the world economy will recover? ? a.what for b.who knows c.why not d.how so 6.october 15th,2021 is the first global hand washing day,

4、 goal is to create a culture of hand washing with soap. a.what b.whose c.when d.which 7.id rather have some wine.if you dont mind. .dont forget you will drive. . a.anything but that b.a11 the best c.take it easy d.never mind 8.it me only half an hour to climb to the top of the mountain. a.cost b.too

5、k c.spent d.paid 9.its true that the old road is less direct and a bit longer.we wont take the new one, _, because we dont feel as safe on it. a.though b.therefore c.too d.instead 10.alice, together with two boys,_for having broken the rule. a. was punished b. punished c. were punished d. being puni

6、shed 11. medicine shouldnt be kept _ it is accessible to children. a. even if b. which c. where d. so that 12. im glad you told me about the show being put off. _, id have travelled all the way to glasgow for nothing. a. otherwise b. anyway c. however d. besides 13. my train arrives in ningbo at sev

7、en oclock tomorrow. the plane i would like to take from there _ by then. a. would have b. will have left c. has left d. had left 14. -i want to go to beijing with you. -if so, your holiday arrangement must _mine. a. catch up with b. come up with c. put up with d. fit in with 15. _80 tons, the b-19 w

8、as clearly the largest and most advanced warplane in the world. a. weighed b. being weighed c. to weigh d. weighing 16. - _ twenty dollars a big sum to her? - i suppose so. a. will be b. is c. are d. were 17. though many extra planes and trains are used to carry passengers, traffic tools are still _

9、 needed during may day holidays. a. slightly b. eagerly c. badly d. hardly 18. e-shopping, if properly_, can save us a lot of time and energy. a. doing b. done c. having done d. being done 19. the police turned the whole house _ looking for clues. a. upside down b. inside out c. side by side d. down

10、 to earth 20. - how would you like your coffee? -_. a. its well done b. very nice. thank you c. one cup. thats enough d. the stronger, the better. 其次节 阅读理解(每题2分,总分值10分) forest guards in western india are using cell phones with ringtones(铃音)of cows mooing,goats bleating and roosters crowing to attrac

11、t leopards(豹)that have wandered into human settlements,officials said on monday. the wild cats in the state of gujarat often get into villages near forests in search of food,say officials, adding that this results in attacks on people.but rather than use methods such as live bait(诱惑物)like goats tied

12、 to trees to attract the leopards,which then fall into large pits dug by guards,officials say they have found a safer method to trap the eats. the moos of a cow, bleating of a goat from the phone has proved effective to trap leopards, said d. vasani, a senior forest official in gujarat.this trick wo

13、rks,vasani said forest guards have downloaded the sounds of over a dozen animals as ringtones on their mobiles which they attach to speakers and fix behind a cage. they then play the ringtone continuously for up to two hours until the curious leopard appears and moves into the cage looking for its e

14、asy meal. at least five leopards have so far been caught from villages since the new ringtone method was introduced three months ago.the cats have all been freed back into forest areas. wildlife activists welcomed the new measure saying that previous methods of trapping the cats using pits often res

15、ulted in the animals getting injured. 21.what can be the best title of the passage? a.cell phones to hunt animals b.practical uses of cell phones c.wildlife and new technology d.phone ringtones to catch leopards 22.forest guards in india try to catch leopards mainly because . a.1eopards attack villa

16、gers b.they want leopard fur c.1eopards attack animals d.they have new ringtones 23.according to the wildlife activists,the new method is . a.appreciated because it benefits leopards b.not good because it may injure animals c.effective because ringtones work d.not safer than the former one 24.we can

17、 learn from the passage except that . a.forest guards dont mean to hurt the leopards b.forest guards no longer use pits to trap leopards c.forest guards used live animals to attract leopards d.forest guards used recorded animal sounds to attract leopards 25.what will be needed to trap the leopards u

18、sing the new method? cell phones animals sounds of animals cages large pits a. b. c. d. 第三节:短文改错(10小题,计10分) 假设英语课上教师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/),在其下面写上该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,在该词下面写上修改后的词。 留意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 re

19、cently,our school has held the meaningful discussion on whether it is reasonable for middle school students to have classes on weekends.some of our classmates believe we should have classes on weekends.because we can make fully use of the free time to review the lessons we had learnt.some others are

20、 against the opinion,saying we had better to have a good rest on weekends so that we can work effective during the weekdays.the rest agree with neither of the opinion.they have the view which keeping the balance between work and play are both important for us.they suggest one day of the weekend should used to learn our lessens and during the other day they do something interested or have a rest. 参考答案: ii.单项填空(20小题,计10分) 1-5 abdcb 6-10 babaa 11-15 cabdd 16-20 bcbad 21-25 da abd v短文改错(10小题,计10分) recently,our school has held the meaningful discussion on whether it is reaso


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