1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!美好生活13部曲英文 我们都认为自己知道什么会令我们感到美好,但事实上并不是。许多人信任钱可以使我们感到美好,但事实上也并非如此。接下来,我给大家预备了美妙生活13部曲英文,欢送大家参考与借鉴。 美妙生活13部曲英文 this article is about basics, health fitness, psychology, self-improvement, the best of get rich slowly we think we know what will make us happy, but we dont. many of us
2、believe that money will make us happy, but it wont. except for the very poor, money cannot buy happiness. instead of dreaming of vast wealth, we should dream of close friends and healthy bodies and meaningful work. the psychology of happiness several years ago, james montier, a global equity strateg
3、ist, took a break from investing in order to publish a brief overview of existing research into the psychology of happiness pdf. montier learned that happiness comprises three components: about 50% of individual happiness comes from a genetic set point. that is, were each predisposed to a certain le
4、vel of happiness. some of us are just naturally more inclined to be cheery than others. about 10% of our happiness is due to our circumstances. our age, race, gender, personal history, and, yes, wealth, only make up about one-tenth of our happiness. the remaining 40% of an individuals happiness seem
5、s to be derived from intentional activity, from discrete actions or practices that people can choose to do. if we have no control over our genetic happy point, and if we have little control over our circumstances, then it makes sense to focus on those things that we can do to make ourselves happy. a
6、ccording to montiers paper, these activities include sex, exercise, sleep, and close relationships. what does not bring happiness? money, and the pursuit of happiness for its own sake. a vast array of individuals seriously over-rate the importance of money in making themselves, and others, happy, mo
7、ntier writes. study after study from psychology shows that money doesnt equal happiness. the happiness paradox writing in the washington post last june, shankar vedantam described recent research into this subject. if the united states is generally wealthier than it was thirty or forty years ago, th
8、en why arent people happier? economist richard easterlin of the university of southern california believes that part of the problem is the hedonic treadmill: once we reach a certain level of wealth, we want more. were never satisfied. from vedantams article: easterlin attributes the phenomenon of ha
9、ppiness levels not keeping pace with economic gains to the fact that peoples desires and expectations change along with their material fortunes. where an american in 1970 may have once dreamed about owning a house, he or she might now dream of owning two. where people once dreamed of buying a new ca
10、r, they now dream of buying a luxury model. people are wedded to the idea that more money will bring them more happiness, easterlin said. when they think of the effects of more money, they are failing to factor in the fact that when they get more money they are going to want even more money. when th
11、ey get more money, they are going to want a bigger house. they never have enough money, but what they do is sacrifice their family life and health to get more money. the irony is that health and the quality of personal relationships are among the most potent predictors of whether people report they
12、are happy and they are often the two things people sacrifice in their pursuit of greater wealth. why arent rich people happier? perhaps its because many of them are workaholics, because theyre more focused on money than on the things that would bring them joy. a brief companion piece to the washingt
13、on post story notes that researchers have found that being wealthy is often a powerful predictor that people spend less time doing pleasurable things, and more time doing compulsory things and feeling stressed. in general, rich people arent much happier than those of us in the middle class. yes, mon
14、ey can buy happiness if it elevates you from poverty, but beyond that the benefits are minimal. so why do so many people believe that money will make things better? stumbling on happiness in 2021, harvard psychology professor daniel gilbert published stumbling on happiness, a book about our inabilit
15、y to predict what will really make us happy. the following is a 22-minute video of a presentation gilbert made at ted 2021, in which he compresses his ideas into bite-sized chunks: gilbert says that because humans can plan for the future, we naturally want to structure our lives in such a way that w
16、e are happy, both now and later. but how do we know what will make us happy? we dont. in fact, were surprisingly bad at predicting what will bring us joy. gilbert asks: which future would you prefer? one in which you win the lottery? or one in which you become paraplegic? which would make you happie
17、r? . a year after losing their legs, and a year after winning the lotto, lottery winners and paraplegics are equally happy with their lives. the problem is impact bias, the tendency to overestimate the hedonic impact of future events. put another way, the things that we think will make us happy usua
18、lly dont make us as happy as we think they will. winning the lottery isnt a panacea. having an affair with your hot new co-worker wont be as thrilling as you imagine. and losing a leg isnt the end of the world. it turns out that humans are able to synthesize happiness. many people look outside thems
19、elves for fulfillment; they expect to find it in things, or in relationships, or in large bank accounts. but true happiness comes from within. true happiness comes when we learn to be content with what we have. 13 steps to a better life what does all this mean to you? if money wont bring you happine
20、ss, what will? how can you stop making yourself miserable and start learning to love life? according to my research, these are the thirteen actions most likely to encourage happiness: dont compare yourself to others. financially, physically, and socially, comparing yourself to others is a trap. you
21、will always have friends who have more money than you do, who can run faster than you can, who are more successful in their careers. focus on your own life, on your own goals. foster close relationships. people with five or more close friends are more apt to describe themselves as happy than those w
22、ith fewer. have sex. sex, especially with someone you love, is consistently ranked as a top source of happiness. a long-term loving partnership goes hand-in-hand with this. get regular exercise. theres a strong tie between physical health and happiness. anyone who has experienced a prolonged injury
23、or illness knows just how emotionally devastating it can be. eat right, exercise, and take care of our body. (and read get fit slowly!) obtain adequate sleep. good sleep is an essential component of good health. when youre not well-rested, your body and your mind do not operate at peak capacity. you
24、r mood suffers. (read more in my brief guide to better sleep.) set and pursue goals. i believe that the road to wealth is paved with goals. more than that, the road to happiness is paved with goals. continued self-improvement makes life more fulfilling. find meaningful work. there are some who argue
25、 a job is just a job. i believe that fulfilling work is more than that its a vocation. it can take decades to find the work you were meant to do. but when you find it, it can bring added meaning to your life. join a group. those who are members of a group, like a church congregation, experience grea
26、ter happiness. but the group doesnt have to be religious. join a book group. meet others for a saturday morning bike ride. sit in at the knitting circle down at the yarn shop. dont dwell on the past. i know a guy who beats himself up over mistakes hes made before. rather than concentrate on the pres
27、ent (or, better yet, on the future), he lets the past eat away at his happiness. focus on the now. embrace routine. research shows that although we believe we want variety and choice, were actually happier with limited options. its not that we want no choice at all, just that we dont want to be overwhelmed. routines help limit choices. theyr
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