



1、我的绩效管理我的绩效管理myperformance brief guidance notes使用指引摘要使用指引摘要use this form: 使用时使用时1.at the beginning of the performance year to help you agree your objectives and learning and development actions with your team leader在绩效年度年初在绩效年度年初帮助你和你的主管就绩效目标和个人学习发展计划达成一致2.during the year to review your performance w

2、ith your team leader. aim to do this every quarter but at least once each half year.与你的直属主管一起进行年中绩效回顾年中绩效回顾。建议每季度一次,但至少每半年一次。3.at the end of the performance year for the final review of your performance with your team leader.在绩效年度结束时,在绩效年度结束时,与你的主管一起作绩效回顾和总结when you have completed your each review d

3、iscussion: 每次总结后每次总结后1.print and sign the form打印打印完成的表格并签名签名2.forward it to your team leader for signature; after final review, should also forward to next line manager 递交给直属主管递交给直属主管签名;年终总结后还需交主管的上级主管签名3.keep a copy for your personal records.个人保留一份拷贝件保留一份拷贝件4.send the original to your hr team for r

4、ecording.将原件交人力资源部原件交人力资源部存档。personal details 个人基本信息个人基本信息performance year:绩效年度 department or s/s name:部门或油站名name:员工姓名employee i.d.:员工编号level:工作级别location:工作地点job title:职位date in current position:开始此职位日期team leader name:直属主管姓名next line manager name:主管的上级主管姓名myperformance 2 of 6 confidentialsection a

5、 year beginning: performance objectivea 部分部分 年初:绩效目标设置年初:绩效目标设置for each objective describe successful outcomes, performance measures, weighting and deadline.描述每项目标应实现的成果、绩效衡量标准、目标权重和完成日期。objectives & measures绩效目标与衡量指标绩效目标与衡量指标weighting权重权重by when完成日期完成日期core objectives (main tasks that make up your

6、job.)主要目标(你日常的主要工作、任务和职责) special (other activities and special projects)特殊目标(主要工作职责以外的其他工作内容或项目) changes new objectives or agreed revisions目标调整(新的目标或目标修订)myperformance 3 of 6 confidentialsection b year beginning: training & development needs b 部分部分 年初:培训发展需求年初:培训发展需求at the beginning of the year, co

7、nsider how you will achieve your objectives. identify competencies you need to develop. identify and agree actions you will take this year to develop those competencies. note down the action plan.年初时,考虑你将如何完成你的绩效目标。明确你需要发展什么技能、如何发展。制定行动计划并记录下来。what you need to improve你需要提高的方面你需要提高的方面how to improve (

8、self learning/coach/training/practice)提高的途径提高的途径 (自学自学/ 上级辅导上级辅导/ 培训培训/ 练习练习)action plan行动计划行动计划core competency & skills 主要工作技能主要工作技能knowledge 知识知识experience 经验经验learning and training record of previous year上年度培训记录上年度培训记录daysperformance record绩效面谈记录绩效面谈记录date日期日期your signature你的签名你的签名team leader sig

9、nature直属主管签名直属主管签名objectives agreed同意绩效目标同意绩效目标changes agreed同意调整目标同意调整目标training & development needs培训发展需求培训发展需求myperformance 4 of 6 confidentialsection c mid year: performance reviewc 部分部分 年中:绩效回顾年中:绩效回顾aim to review your performance against your objectives with your team leader in june or july. r

10、ecord agreed comments on what youve achieved. add new objectives or agreed revision to performance objective changes.年中(6、7月)你要根据年初设定的目标与你的上司一起回顾你自已的绩效表现。把双方讨论认可的工作成绩和绩效反馈结果记录下来。如果有新目标或目标修订,记录在目标设置的“目标调整”部分。self review on 1h outcomes & performance对上半年工作成绩和绩效的自我回顾对上半年工作成绩和绩效的自我回顾core主要目标主要目标special特殊

11、目标特殊目标agreed interim comments on outcomes & performance双方认可的成绩和绩效反馈结果双方认可的成绩和绩效反馈结果performance record绩效面谈记录绩效面谈记录date日期日期your signature你的签名你的签名team leader signature直属主管签名直属主管签名interim reviews年中回顾年中回顾myperformance 5 of 6 confidentialsection d end year: final performance appraisald 部分部分 年终:绩效总结年终:绩效总结

12、at the end of the year, review your performance against your objectives with your team leader. comment on what you have achieved, how you have done so and the agreed action to improve your performance in the year ahead. also note other achievements not covered by your objectives. 在年终你需要与你的上司根据先前设定的目

13、标进行绩效回顾。讨论着重于你取得的成绩和你为获得该成绩所采取的方法和途径,以及为了提高你的业绩今后需采取哪些行动。请注意你们还应该讨论那些原来设定的目标中没有涉及的成绩。employee comments员工自我评估员工自我评估core主要目标主要目标special特殊目标特殊目标achievements or other activities not covered by your objectives未涵盖在上述目标内的其他工作成绩未涵盖在上述目标内的其他工作成绩team leader comments直属主管评估直属主管评估agreed actions to improve perfor

14、mance双方认可的绩效改善行动计划双方认可的绩效改善行动计划(please put as appropriate 请在相应的选项上打请在相应的选项上打 )outstanding performance (o) 杰出杰出superior performance (s) 优秀优秀consistent effective performance (e+) 很很好好effective performance (e) 良好良好need improvement (e-) 需需提高提高unacceptable performance (u)不合格不合格myperformance 6 of 6 confidentialfurther comments (optional)其他意见其他意见 (视需要选择性填写视需要选择性填写)employee员工本人员工


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