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1、introductions and family1. making a new friend*jon: hi, how are you?dasha: im fine. whats your name?jon: im jon, and yours?dasha: my names dasha, nice to meet you.jon: nice to meet you too. where are you from?dasha: im from ukraine. where are you from?jon: im from australia.dasha: what language do y

2、ou speak in australia?jon: we speak english. what language do you speak in ukraine?dasha: we speak ukrainian and russian.jon: very interesting! how old are you?dasha: im 16, and you?jon: im 14. you speak english very well!dasha: thank you, i study it in school.jon: well, i have to go. ill talk to yo

3、u later.dasha: ok, see you soon! 2. my familytalking to a new friend at school.student 1: whats your family like?student 2: i have a very big family. a mom, a dad, a grandma, two grandpas, an older brother, two younger sisters, one dog, and one goldfish.student 1: wow, that is big! do you live in a

4、house or an apartment?student 2: we live in a house. our grandparents live far away. what about your family? do you have any brothers or sisters?student 1: ive got a small family. its just my mom, my younger sister, my cat, and me. we live in an apartment in the center of town.student 2: what does y

5、our mom do?student 1: shes a lawyer. she is thirty years old and she works very hard for us.student 2: it sounds like you have a nice family.student 1: you too, maybe i can meet them sometime!student 2: sure, i want to meet your cat too!student 1: okay!3. this is my family*stacy: is this a picture o

6、f your family?ellen: yes, this is my family.stacy: who is this?ellen: this is my brother, sam. do you have any brothers?stacy: yes, i have two brothers. their names are alex and john.ellen: oh! you have more brothers than i do. but these are my two sisters. their names are ann and julie.stacy: i see

7、. julie is taller than ann.ellen: yes, and julie is three years older than ann.stacy: and these are your parents?ellen: yes, this is my father. his name is harry. my mothers name is judy.stacy: oh, i see they both have brown hair.ellen: yes, but my fathers hair is darker than my mothers.stacy: thank

8、 you for showing me your family.4. how many brothers?sue: molly, how many brothers do you have?molly: i have two brothers. do you have any brothers, sue?sue: yes, i have one brother. he is seven years old.molly: my brothers are eighteen and fourteen. my brothers are older than your brother.sue: yes,

9、 my brother is young. he does not have homework yet from his school.molly: oh, my brothers help with my homework. i really like their help.sue: do your brothers finish their homework?molly: yes, my brothers are both good students and i want to be a good student also.5. meeting a new friend in class*

10、sam: hi! can i sit here?laura: sure.sam: whats your name?laura: im laura, whats your name?sam: im sam. nice to meet you.laura: nice to meet you too! where are you from?sam: im from springfield, what about you?laura: im from australia.sam: wow, thats really far away! how old are you?laura: im ninetee

11、n, you?sam: im twenty. what are you doing so far away from home?laura: well, my parents and i moved to new york a few years ago. i graduated from high school and i wanted to stay in america for college.sam: what an adventure! this is my first time out of my hometown. springfield is a small town and

12、i have a lot of brothers and sisters so i always had to help take care of them. laura: how many siblings?sam: i have four sisters and three brothers. laura: oh wow! thats a lot! i cant imagine. im an only child. sam: well, it can be a handful sometimes but i love them all. it must be nice to have so

13、 much time to yourself at home. laura: its ok, i can practice my music whenever i want to so, thats nice. sam: music? what kind of music?laura: i play the clarinet, piano and guitar. i love to write music and then record myself playing it. sam: wow thats really cool! i like music too, but i cant rea

14、lly play anything. i try to play to the bass guitar, but im not really that good. laura: well, maybe we can play together sometime! sam: that would be really great! thanks!laura: youre welcome. well, nice to meet you sam. i gotta go now!sam: ok laura. see ya soon.laura: see ya!6. meeting your friend

15、s parents*at your american friend, shauns houseshaun: hi! im so glad you could come over!ukrainian exchange student: thank you very much for the invitation! doing homework by myself is so boring.shaun: no problem! do you want to meet my parents? u.e.s: uh, ok, but im a little shy and im afraid that

16、my english isnt very good.shaun: dont worry about it! theyre excited to meet you. u.e.s: alright!shaun: mom! dad! come and meet my new homework buddy!shauns mom and dad enter the roomshaun: this is my friend from school. shes from ukraine!shauns mom: well hello! nice to meet you!shauns dad: welcome

17、to the united states, and to our home.u.e.s.: thank you very much, you have a lovely house.shauns mom: thank you! mymy can be used as an exclamation such as oh my! , your english is so good! where did you learn to speak so well?u.e.s: back in ukraine at school. during the 9th grade, i had a peace co

18、rps volunteer teacher and she really helped my progress.shauns mom: well, isnt that nice!shauns dad: would you like some tea? i know ukrainians love tea.u.e.s: no thank you. i think maybe we should get started on our homework now.shaun: yeah, we have a big math test tomorrow and we have to study.sha

19、uns mom: ok then, if you need anything, you know where well be!shaun: thanks mom.u.e.s: it was nice talking to you both. shauns dad: you too! good luck on the test!u.e.s. and shaun: thank you!7. on the street*two friends are walking along the street.warren: its a beautiful day today, isnt it peggy s

20、ue?peggy sue: absolutely. the sun is shining, the birds are singing, spring has definitely sprung spring in here.! warren: what do you want to do this afternoon? we could go to a movie, try that new italian restaurant, or how aboutpeggy sues friend judy walks bypeggy sue: judy! hi! judy: hey! how ar

21、e you peggy sue?peggy sue and judy hugpeggy sue: im fine! what are you up to what are you doing?judy: oh, im just out shopping. what are you guys up to?peggy sue: were just out for a walk. this is my friend warren.warren: hi, nice to meet you.warren and judy shake handsjudy: nice to meet you too!war

22、ren: how do you two know each other?peggy sue: we sat next to each other in italian class last year. we havent seen each other in ages!judy: i know! im so happy to run into you to see you on the street!warren: why dont you join us? we were just talking about going to lunch.peggy sue: oh yes! then we

23、 can catch up4. judy: i would love to! thank you.warren: no problem! any friend of peggy sues is a friend of mine.8. filling in a form: personal information*two friends filling in a form togetherjane: your painting is fantastic roger! roger: im happy you like it. im going to enter it into a competit

24、ion. heres the form, could you help me fill it out please? my hands have paint all over them. jane: ok, here are the questions.whats your name?roger: oh, thats easy . roger! jane: ha! whats your last name?roger: im not sure . jane: very funny! ok, surname tailorroger: you got it! jane: next question

25、. married or single?roger: single. im sure about that! jane: whats your address?roger: 72 londonberry road. jane:. and what are your hobbies?roger: hmmm. painting, going surfing and watching movies. jane: what is your nationality?roger: same as yours, americanjane: and your birthday?roger: august 25

26、th 1984jane: ok, and how old are you? roger: cant you do the math?jane: just tell me your age!roger: im twenty-six years old.jane: . ok, last question. whats your telephone number?roger: 0343 897 6514 jane: 0343 897 6514 - got it. lets send it! wheres an envelope?roger: on the desk. thanks so much f

27、or your help!jane: no problem! i know youll win!9. hows the family?*two friends over coffee.john: hi sally, nice to see you.sally: you too, hows your family doing?john: oh, you know, same old, same old. my wife is loving her new job and little johnny just finished the first grade.sally: oh, thats wo

28、nderful. how is your sister?john: julie? shes doing alright. shes been really sick lately, but i think shes getting better.sally: im so sorry to hear that. please send her my regards. john: i will, but enough about me. whats new with you?sally: well, my brother ken just got married and is on his hon

29、eymoon right now in greece.john: im jealous! all we did for our honeymoon was go to the mountains for the weekend.sally: i know, hes lucky! our parents gave the trip to him and his wife as a wedding gift. i just hope they have enough money saved for my honeymoon!john: yeah, is there someone special

30、in the picture?sally: no, not really. ive just been so busy at work, its hard to find the time to date.john: i know what you mean, but enjoy being single while it lasts. family life can be a handful.sally: im sure, im certainly in no hurry for a family. someday i would like to have kids, but right n

31、ow i feel like im too young.john: youll know when the time is right.sally: yeah, i think i will. 10. my familys occupations*person 1: i would like to know more about your family. what is your fathers occupation?person 2: my father is an airline pilot. he has been a pilot for twenty years. right now,

32、 he is flying from kyiv to berlin.person 1: wow, thats interesting. what does your mother do?person 2: my mother is an artist. she paints and draws. she has painted over 100 pictures. now, she is painting a large picture of boats sailing on an ocean.person 1: do you have any brothers or sisters?pers

33、on 2: yes, i have one brother and one sister.person 1: what are their occupations?person 2: my brother is a teacher. he teaches biology and physics at a lyceum. he has been a teacher for five years. this year, he is also coaching the schools football team.person 1: and what does your sister do?perso

34、n 2: my sister is a student at university. she has studied both law and business and she wants to be a lawyer. she is working at a law office this summer.person 1: what a busy family you have!shopping11. at the (ukrainian) shop*seller: good afternoon.customer: hello!seller: how can i help you?custom

35、er: i am looking for apples. do you have any apples?seller: yes! we have many apples.customer: are they fresh?seller: yes, theyre very fresh.customer: great! i would like 1 kilogram of apples please.seller: here you are. anything else?customer: yes, please. i would also like a liter of milk and 1 ki

36、logram of potatoes.seller: anything else?customer: no, thats all. how much does it cost?seller: it costs 18 hryven and 25 kopeks.customer: here you are. thank you!seller: come back soon! 12. returning a shirt to the store*mrs. smith: excuse me, can you help me?shop assistant: yes of course, what can

37、 i do for you?mrs. smith: i bought this t-shirt for my son this afternoon, but it doesnt fit him, its too assistant: would you like to exchange it or get a refund?mrs. smith: id like to exchange it for a larger size. do you have these in large?shop assistant: ill check. lets seewe have la

38、rge or extra large, which would you prefer?mrs. smith: i think large will be assistant: ok, if it doesnt fit just bring it back again. just take it to the cashier, theyll help you.mrs. smith: thank assistant: not a problem!13. getting a pet*wanda= store clerklarry= boy shopperwand

39、a: hello, how may i help you?larry: im here to buy a pet.wanda: what kind of pet are you interested in?larry: do you have any dogs?wanda: yes, of course. are you looking for a specific breed?larry: not really, just one that would be a good companion.wanda: we have quite a few to choose from. why don

40、t you come take a look?larry: okay.wanda shows larry to the dogs that are for sale.wanda: would you like a large dog or a smaller one?larry: how about a medium sized dog? what about this one here?wanda: oh, im sorry. another person has already bought that dog. they will come by later today to pick h

41、im up.larry: oh, thats too bad. hes so adorable! do you have any others that are this size?wanda: yes, right over there. wanda points.larry: oh, hes perfect! i want to take him home with me right now!wanda: do you want to buy some food or toys for him?larry: definitely, ill come back in one hour wit

42、h my mom and well decide what to get then.wanda: okay, see you soon!14. buying shoes*shop assistant: hello, how may i help you?leonard: i would like to buy some shoes assistant: ok, what style?leonard: sneakers, for assistant: sure. the size?leonard: size 9 assis

43、tant: here are some new nikes. try them on.leonard: oh they fit well! thanks! how much are they?shop assistant: 75 bucks, plus tax.leonard: oh, theyre kind of expensive! shop assistant: well, they are of very good quality. theyll last for a long time.leonard: hmm, ok. ill take em! heres $ as

44、sistant: thank you, heres your change. enjoy your new shoes! come back again soon. leonard: thank you! see ya!shop assistant: goodbye. 15. buying a gift*sue: hi, can you help me?sales assistant: sure. what are you looking for?sue: i need to buy a gift for my father and i dont know where to begin!sal

45、es assistant: i can help you with that. what does your father like to do for fun?sue: he loves to golf, ski, and watch movies.sales assistant: okay, and whats your price range?sue: under $50 would be great!sales assistant: well, we are having a sale on dvds, if you want to get him a movie.sue: no, h

46、e has a lot already. maybe he would like some new clothes.sales assistant: ok! we have a wonderful new selection of ski sweaters for around fifty bucks, if youre interested.sue: i think a ski sweater would be great. can you please show them to me?sales assistant: certainly, theyre in the mens sports

47、 department. right this way.they walk to the departmentsales assistant: here you go, what color does he like?sue: i think he would like that blue and white one.sales assistant: whats his size?sue: medium will be fine. thank you so much! im sure hell love it!sales assistant: no problem at all.16. ret

48、urning a microwave to the store*customer: hello, id like to return this microwave assistant: and why do you want to return it?customer: it doesnt work. i turn it on and nothing assistant: i see, do you have a receipt?customer: i threw it away, i didnt think i needed

49、assistant: to get your money back i need to see your receipt, if you dont have one i can give you store credit.customer: thats fine. i dont want my money back; i just want a microwave that works!shop assistant: would you like the same brand or a different one?customer: maybe i should try a different

50、 brand, my confidence in this one is shot shot in this context means ruined, spoiled. after this assistant: okay, here is another one that i can recommend.customer: that one looks very nice, is it more expensive?shop assistant: a little bit, but the quality is much better.customer: i

51、 suppose you get what you pay for. its a little more, but i still think its a good assistant: i can ring you up here if youd like.customer: theres a few more things i want to buy today, ill just buy it at the counter with my other assistant: okay, is there any other way i may

52、be of service?customer: youve been very helpful already, thank you.17. at the supermarket*mother: okay, on our shopping list we have eggs, milk, chicken, lettuce, strawberries, peaches, cucumbers, pasta, cheese, cookies, ketchup, beans, grapes, and juice.son: can we get some ice cream?mother: only i

53、f youre good.son: okay!mother: first, lets go to the dried foods section so that we can get the pasta, beans, and cookies.son: i dont like beans, do we have to eat them tonight?mother: yes. i know you dont like them, but theyre good for you.son: well, as long as we get ice cream its alright.mother:

54、well see. alright, weve got those things. now lets get the produce.son: hey, look at this! can i get this toy mom?mother: no, were just here for groceries today.son: please!mother: not today. put it back and lets go.son: okaymother: oh shoot an exclamation, it looks like they dont have any strawberr

55、ies left today.son: we can get them at the other store.mother: yes, but we dont have time right now dear. well just have to do without them for now. at least we were able to get all the other produce.son: what about the juice?mother: were going to get that now. lets go to the refrigerated isle where they have the juice and dairy products.son: can i pick the juice?mother: sure, as long as you dont get appl


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