多途径激发高校学生英语词汇学习兴趣Stimulating College Students’ Interest in Vocabulary LearningIntroducing Various Teaching Methods_第1页
多途径激发高校学生英语词汇学习兴趣Stimulating College Students’ Interest in Vocabulary LearningIntroducing Various Teaching Methods_第2页
多途径激发高校学生英语词汇学习兴趣Stimulating College Students’ Interest in Vocabulary LearningIntroducing Various Teaching Methods_第3页
多途径激发高校学生英语词汇学习兴趣Stimulating College Students’ Interest in Vocabulary LearningIntroducing Various Teaching Methods_第4页
多途径激发高校学生英语词汇学习兴趣Stimulating College Students’ Interest in Vocabulary LearningIntroducing Various Teaching Methods_第5页
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1、多途径激发高校学生英语词汇学习兴趣stimulating college students interest in vocabulary learning by introducing various teaching methods摘要大学生在学习英语时,单词的记忆非常重要,但是大多数的学生都是采取机械式记忆,导致单词的记忆效果不好,还容易产生厌烦的情绪,甚至使学生厌恶英语从而导致放弃英语的学习。针对学生在学习英语时出现的这种现象,本项目对大学一年级机械03班25名学生进行了分析试验。首先笔者运用苏格拉底对话法和问题分析法对学生的问题进行了剖析。调查发现导致问题的原因主要集中于以下三点:1)


3、升学生记忆单词的兴趣,并由此提高学生记忆单词的效果。本项目通过教师的教师日志,学生的反馈和问卷调查的结果得出以下结论:1)较之于实验前,实验组的学生在试验后学习单词的兴趣明显提升。2)大多数的学生认识到除了旧式的机械式记忆法还有很多其他方法可以运用到单词的记忆。3)很多学生转变了以前畏惧记忆单词的观念,认为单词记忆也有趣味性和娱乐性。本项目的成果将对传统英语教学,尤其是对灌输式教学法提供指导和借鉴, 因为它需要全体学生的参与和互动,而不仅仅是教师一个人单方面的教授。关键词: 互动性 娱乐性 积极性abstractvocabulary learning is extremely importan

4、t in students english learning in college, however, most students memorize words mechanically, as this kind of learning is not very effective, it is more likely to cause students feel dull, whats more, students may even loath english and eventually give up learning english.as the phenomenon appears

5、in students english learning, this project which aims at improving students interests in learning vocabulary is implemented. first, the author adopts socratic dialogue and cause analysis to analyze the problems that appear in words learning. from the investigation, it is found there are three main r

6、easons which cause the problems: 1) most students consider that the words memorizing is boring; 2) variety of words are disordered and hard to distinguish. 3) many english teachers use traditional spoon-feed way in their teaching, the interaction between teacher and students during the class is igno

7、red.according to the interactive teaching theory from english language teaching methodology that the author has learnt, a three-week project is designed, which is aimed at arousing the learners interests with more interactive vocabulary teaching activities. during the implementation, the author chos

8、e the students in mechanics 03 as the experimental group, with which new method of teaching vocabulary was tried out for 3 weeks experiment. and the experimental group is experimented by using group teaching and group acting method together, such as words-defining, words bingo, story-telling, watch

9、movies and listen to english songs. teachers aim is to attract the students to join in the activities and promote the students interests in learning vocabulary by using group teaching and group acting activities that designed by teacher, also help students learn vocabulary more effectively.three maj

10、or conclusions were drawn out from the teachers diary, students feedback and questionnaire. 1) compare to the control group before the experiment, students in experimental group after the experiment are more interested in learning vocabulary. 2) most students deem besides the traditional ways of mem

11、orizing words, there are many other ways to memorize words. 3) many students changed their conception of fearing memorizing words, and think its interesting to memorize words.this project may offer some guidance for the traditional way of teaching, especially the spoon-feed teaching, as the new meth

12、ods involve the students full participation and interaction, not only based on one way teaching by the teacher only.key words: interaction entertainment enthusiasmtable of contentspages1. project introduction 12. project identification and analysis2 2.1 description of project problems2 2.2 problem a

13、nalysis33. project objective and hypothesis4 3.1 project objective4 3.2 project hypothesis44. project rationale4 4.1 project aim4 4.2 students level5 4.3 problems5 4.4 teaching ways5 4.5 advantages 5 4.6 comparison between two methods65. project design6 5.1 communicative teaching methods6 5.2 detail

14、ed description of procedures for teaching activities7 5.3 research tools126. project implementation13 6.1 background information13 6.2 sample grouping13 6.3 teaching materials13 6.4 data collection137. results and discussion14 7.1 students general impression of the project14 7.2 students answer to t

15、he questionnaire14 7.3 findings of the teachers diary16 7.4 findings of the post-interview17 7.5 unsolved problems188. conclusion18bibliography21appendix i. pre-interview22appendix ii. questionnaire24appendix iii. teachers diary25appendix iv. post-interview29stimulating college students interest in

16、vocabulary learning by introducing various teaching methods1 project introduction vocabulary is the very foundation of english. if the students cannot grasp the vocabulary, the other aspects of english would be very difficult for them. however, most ways that teachers teach students are almost same,

17、 that is simply explaining to students how to pronounce, how to use and give some examples. the students task is to memorize all the words after the class. in this way, i believe most students dont want to memorize the words, because there are too many words to study in one go; and there are no inte

18、rests in learning words, which becomes a very boring, tedious, and tough work for students. so we need to find some techniques on vocabulary teaching and learning to help students to memorize words effectively. once students want to memorize words and can memorize words, the other aspects of english

19、 will be easier for student to study. vocabulary learning in college is very important, most students, however, gradually lose the interests of learning words. they believe that word-learning is a hard work, which has no pleasure at all. as we know vocabulary is the very foundation of english, if th

20、e foundation is not well built, the other aspects of english are very difficult to establish. as the author discovered the phenomenon appears among college students, this project aims to solve the problem by providing detailed report. the author teaches english at a college. there are about 25 stude

21、nts in my every class whose english levels are really poor. one reason is maybe that they didnt have a good english foundation during their learning in the high school, or their major is science rather than art, therefore, they find english really hard. and my problem is how i can raise their intere

22、sts in learning vocabulary. therefore, i designed variety of activities of learning vocabulary so as to raise their interests in learning vocabulary. to change the phenomenon, a three-week project is designed to introduce a better way of teaching vocabulary that can help students raise their interes

23、ts in learning vocabulary. its hypothesized that if a variety of teaching methods are better used in teaching, my students interests in learning will be increased.the project is carried out with one group of students of about the same initial english level. the control group is taught by using varie

24、ty of activities that are well designed by the researcher in class. the researcher keeps teaching diaries throughout the project and a post-questionnaire is conducted after the project. the hypothesis is testified by the three types of data collected at the end of the project: the teachers diary, th

25、e questionnaire and the students feedback. and from the result it shows that the students in experimental group have become more interested in learning vocabulary, while the control group, which taught by traditional way of teaching before the experiment, feel no interests. in teachers diary, it sho

26、ws the students have felt the interests in the activities, also have realized they leant some ways of memorizing words. in addition, the students feedback and the questionnaire also prove that the activities designed in the project have greatly promoted their desire to learn vocabulary. many student

27、s consider they will use many kinds of ways to learn in their future vocabulary learning, instead of using the traditional way in order to keep their interests high, otherwise, they probably lose their interests again and give up learning english. 2. problem identification and analysis 2.1 descripti

28、on of project problem:the author teaches college students english. there are about 25 students in every class whose english levels are really poor. one reason maybe they didnt have a good english foundation during their junior high school, or their major is science not art, therefore, they find engl

29、ish really hard.my problem is that although i spend a lot of time on teaching vocabulary, they still cannot memorize words.during my class, sometimes, i will ask students some questions about the new words that i just taught before, to my surprise, they told me they didnt know or they cannot memoriz

30、e the words which we just learned. therefore, i have to stop to explain the words one by one. that would cost me a lot of time and finally, i have little time to deliberate the passage.as the problems appeared in the daily teaching, the author wants to find a better way to help students learn vocabu

31、lary more effectively with enjoyment.2.2 problem analysis: two methods of problem analysis are used to analyze the problem. they are socratic dialogue and cause analysis.2.2.1 socratic dialogueat this stage, the researcher asked a series of questions and then answered them.table1: socratic dialogue

32、for problem analysisquestionsanswersa) how do i teach students words?i teach them how to pronounce and give some examples.b) how do i check whether students memorize or not?i check the students one by one by asking some questions in the class.c) what kind of questions do i ask about the words?my que

33、stions are like “whats the meaning of the? or how do you spell the word?”b) what do i do after checking?i will go on teaching new words.( go to the next circle)according to the socratic dialogue, the author finds that it is probably the methods the teacher used are not appropriate, because the metho

34、ds used are typical old way of teaching. the teacher is the center of the class, students just receive, and the students cannot fully participate in the class. the class are lacking of interaction.cause analysisthis analysis starts with some factors that may contribute to the cause: the teachers sid

35、e, the students side as well as the techniques for teaching vocabulary.a) the teachers side-that is me myself- usually i teach new words by learning the pronunciation of the new words first, and then, give one or two examples for each word.- when i was teaching, i seldom asked students questions abo

36、ut the new words, whether they can understand or not, i just teach without stop.-after teaching, i let them memorize the words and ill check whether they can memorize the words in the next class.b) the students side-that is my students- students are used to the traditional classroom teaching and lea

37、rning in the class, they just listen to the lesson, they seldom ask questions even when they have something uncertain, because they dont want to intervene the class.-the aim of students word learning is to cope with teachers checking. once they pass, they think theyve finished their job successfully

38、.-students just memorize words mechanically. they dont find a good way to memorize words, furthermore, students have to memorize many new words every time.c) class management- sometime, the classroom is noisy, some students cant hear teacher clearly and can hardly concentrate.d) findings- the class

39、is lack of interaction, enthusiasm, and entertainment. students find learning english words is full of aridity. the author should find a way that can help students learn vocabulary effectively, and at the same time, the way should promote students interests in learning words.2.3 summaryin a word, if

40、 all these factors are concerned, i can reach the conclusion that lack of effective ways of teaching vocabulary is the major reason why students can not learn vocabulary well. to help them learn vocabulary, the teacher should adopt more effective teaching methods in the teaching and learning of voca

41、bulary3. project objective and hypothesis3.1 project objectivethe project objective is to help students to raise their interests in learning vocabulary.3.2 hypothesisit is hypothesized that if various teaching activities are used in the teaching, the students interests in learning vocabulary will be

42、 increased.4 project rationale: 4.1 the characteristics of communicative teaching methods. presentation is the first step to teach vocabulary. in the experiment the author didnt adopt the traditional way of teaching, instead, the author used a new way of teaching, which reinforces the interaction be

43、tween the teacher and the students. the new way is not only the teacher teaches, but also need the students full participation. like the word-defining and word-guessing, the teacher is not simply to tell students the meanings and pronunciations of the words, but to need students to find the answers

44、by themselves. in this way students learn a word actively, through the task that they have done, the students is bound to have a clear impression. word field and spider map are a kind of activity to enlarge the students vocabulary. also the method that the teacher used is different from the traditio

45、nal way of teaching. the teacher just offered a way, and the students need to think according to the method that the teacher provided. its like a brainstorm. students think and act actively, while they are raising their interests, they are enlarging their vocabulary. story-telling is a game which ai

46、ms to let students know how to use the words correctly. everyone just tells a small part of the story with a word that they have learnt. since everyone will take part in the game, and everyone doesnt know the result, everyone is bound to join in the game actively, apparently, their interests are rai

47、sed. music-listening and movie-watching aim to let students know how to use the words in different situations by native speakers. audio and video are most direct way to teach the students. while they are enjoy the music and movie, they raise their interests. all the methods that the author adopted a

48、re to help students to raise their interests, and then the students will learn vocabulary effectively.4.2 introduction of the activitiesi would like to give vocabulary learning the purpose of interest, an interactive activity, which means during the experiment, i would use some game-like activities,

49、 such as word guessing, spider map, story telling and video watching or music listening. surely, each activity has different aims. word guessing is a game which requires students to know the meaning of each word and know how to explain; spider map is a brainstorm activity which needs students to ext

50、ent their vocabulary; story telling is a game that enables students to speak some simple sentences with the words we have learnt, and know how to use the words correctly; video watching and music listening is a relatively relaxing game which requires students to spot the words from real situations a

51、nd know how to use the words into really situations, certainly, it is a kind of consolidation practice, which checks if students have learnt the words. making it as close to games as possible. classroom learning is not to be judged as a kind of tedious task that students have to do, but has the role

52、 of playing games or raising their interests. this means that the students should feel relaxed, interested and free about learning vocabulary in class. they should also see that learning vocabulary in class has a purpose and should not to be evaluated by teacher all the time. the emphasis should be

53、shifted from passive learning to active learning, and from mechanical memorization to effective memorization.4.3 introduction of communicative teaching methods.communicative teaching methods are the right way to cope with the two problems (which are presented above) and meanwhile, it is definitely a

54、 new way which caters to the students. for example, story-telling is an activity that requires all the students to take part in. first, the teacher gives a beginning, and then each student would think what would happen next, and how they can express their ideas by using the words they have learnt. t

55、he strong point of the communicative teaching method is that it is a game-liking activity. it will attract the students interests first, and then through the interests, make the students to finish the task. therefore, the communicative teaching method is a kind of way to help students learn vocabula

56、ry effectively without feeling boring. everyone is a part of the activities, and of course, it attracts students attention. communicative teaching methods are a series of activities which includes students to speak, listen, watch, think, even act. the teacher should also provide many vivid classroom

57、 aids, such as pictures, movies, songs, and even some body languages. if the teacher teaches the words by using various activities, which attract students fully attention, then the students would quickly raise their interests in learning vocabulary.4.4 compared to old way of teaching vocabulary.old

58、ways of teaching words is like spoon-feeding, students learning is passive; compare to the old ways of teaching, communicative teaching methods are like a baby seeking food, which is active. apparently, communicative teaching methods are superior to the old ways of teaching vocabulary.5. project design5.1 communicative teaching


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