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1、bft口语考前辅导 suggestions to oral test口试形式及内容 (2:2)测试要点评分标准 (very good 优)o 45-50:充分地掌握了实际运用语言的能力,恰当、准 确、流利,而且理解透彻。o 40-44:充分地掌握了实际运用语言的能力,只是偶尔地、局部地出现表达不准确、不恰当的情况。遇到不常见的场景有时有理解错误。能处理好复杂详细的论证。o 35-39:掌握了实际运用语言的能力,在某些场景中偶尔表达不准确、不恰当和理解不当。总体上能处理好复杂的语言,理解详细的推论。评分标准 (良)o 30-35:尽管有一些不准确、不恰当和理解错误,总体上仍能进行有效的表达。在常

2、见的场景中,能使用和理解相当复杂的语言o 25-29:虽然不能全面地掌握语言,犯有大量错误,在大多数场景中仍明白大概意思。在自己熟悉的方面基本能进行交流。o 20-24:只在常见的场景中基本能运用语言。理解和表达均常犯错误。不能运用复杂的语言。评分标准 (中-差)o 15-19:在很常见的场景中只能表达和懂得大概意思。在交流中经常出现停顿。o 10-14:不能进行真正的交流,表达常见场景的大部分基本信息只能用不相连的单词或短的结构,且不能展开表达。理解书面语和口语都极为困难。o 5-9: 除了认识一些单词,基本上不能使用英语。口试问答的应试技巧备考阶段准备充分要做到:n 熟悉题型以及考试的目的

3、n 背诵一些基本句型n 背诵一些套话n 做好充分心理准备应对各种情况应考阶段反应迅速要做到:n 对主考教师的指示做出反应。n 听懂问题迅速反应。n 如果听懂了问题但确实不知道答案,可凭上一个问题推断出这个问题给一个答案,反正答错与不答同样失分。n 主考教师不会示意考生问题回答的对与错,考生应抛开一切杂念,尽心尽力答题。口语讨论中考生典型错误o 三言两语。o 内容空洞无物。o 没有结尾。o 结构松散,缺乏连贯性。o 卡壳冷场现象。o 有明显的背诵迹象。o 流水账,无比较对照、观点阐述。ten strategies on two-way discussiono 三段式策略:主题特点比较个人见解,有

4、头有尾,内容完整统一。o 举例策略:抽象问题具体化,有概括,有例证。o 替代策略:用英语来解释描述物体。its a kind of 冷静对付不会的词。o 贴近主题策略:切忌没有重点,就事论事。o 身临其境策略:联系自身经验。o 联想策略:打开思路,展开联想或评论o 合作策略:不独霸,不冷漠,主导、引导;注意表达同意与否。o 过渡策略:善于使用连接词,增强逻辑性。o 迂回策略:恰当使用交际套语,转换描述。o 简练策略:1分钟会话,抓重点,不应少于十句话,同时避免滔滔不绝。 part 1 (2-3 minutes)how to ask for repetition?o i beg your par

5、don?o would you mind repeating that?o could you please repeat that?o what did you say?o say it again, please.o pardon?o excuse me? o sorry?口试模拟样题1. about yourself, job etc.o whats your name? is there any special meaning in your name?o whats your job? /what do you do (for a living)?say something abou

6、t a typical working day of yours.o if you have chance to change a job, what would you like to do?o whats your major? - my major was english linguistics. i am a m.a. in linguistics.o could you say something about your work/job/study?o what do you like most about your job?o can you say something more

7、about yourself?- sure, i graduated from university, and have workedat for .years, and i like english very much about your hometowno people/ customs/ food/ living/ housing/ likes/ dislikeso where are you from? /where do you come from? i am from /i come fromo can you tell me something about your home

8、town/village?/ history of your is a beautiful place, its famous foretc.o whats the weather like in your home town/village?it is cold in winter, and hot in summero are you proud of your home town/village? why?yes ,(sure) because.3. about your family & hobbyo can you tell me something abou

9、t your family?-sure. i have a happy family. my husband/wife is, my son/daughter is . i love them very much. (nuclear family vs. extended family )o do you have any hobbies? (do you like sports?)-yes, such as swimming.o what do you do in your spare time?=hobbyo how often do you play?o what do you thin

10、k is good hobby and bad hobby?o what do you usually do on weekends and weekday evening?4. about your future plan/english etc. o what do you hope to do in the next few years?- i plan to learn english and go abroad for further study.o if you have an opportunity to go abroad, which country would you li

11、ke to go to? why?-id like to go to us/ europe etc. because.o which country/city do you like to live in best?- canada, becauseo how important is english/computer for your work?-it is very important in my job, i meet many foreigners so i use english to communicate with them.-i use computer everyday to

12、 edit some files, compose the documents, and get information from the internet. etc.5. otherso can you say something about your boss?-he/she is a nice person, supportive and understandableo what are employment opportunities like in this area?-it is hard to find a good job here. because there are so

13、many graduates/talents, and not so many positions.o could you tell me something about the house or apartment you live in?o could you introduce some beautiful scenery of beijing?-sure, the great wall, summer palace etc.part 2 presentation (4)o testing points: compare and contrasto compare and contras

14、t two photographso -similarity vs. differenceo -advantages vs. disadvantageso -your own feeling of the situationo -your own experience expressions signaling similarity & differenceo differences:on the other handin contrasthoweverwhilerecognizing paraphrases 释义,意译o in other wordso that is (i.e.)o i m

15、eano to put it another wayo what im trying to say isoutline on part 2 - presentationplaces o these photographs show us two distinctively o different places.o from the first one i can see many trees having been cut down. it seems to me that there used to be a forest here, but now it is destroyed. whe

16、n the forest was alive, we could hear birds singing above our heads, and we could see various kinds of animals wandering around. however, only the roots left now by the over-cutting of the trees. obviously the environment has been totally destroyed. o from the second one i can see a residential area

17、 with houses (villas), cars and grassland. the environment is very clean and beautiful and i guess the peoples life must be peaceful and comfortable. maybe the houses were built by using the woods cut from the forest in the first photograph. therefore, we should not destroy the environment when deve

18、loping the economy and society. thats what i saw and felt from the two pictures. travel o now let me try to compare and contrast these photographs and tell you why people choose different places for traveling.o in the first photograph, a group of people are traveling across the desert by driving jee

19、ps. now maybe they stop and have a rest. the traces of the jeeps are obviously seen in the photograph.o in the second one, a young couple are just getting down a luxury ship and walking along the seashore. maybe they are in their honeymoon. seaside tripo both of these pictures show us seaside trip.

20、but they are of different features. in the first picture, there are a lot of people enjoying themselves on the beach. it is crowded and noisy. it looks like a well-developed resort open to the public. in the 2nd picture, there are only more than 10 people relaxing themselves on the beach. it is peac

21、eful and quiet. the sea looks darker. the environment are naturally untouched by human beings. o as for me, id rather go to the crowded beach, because the quiet seaside seems unsafe to me. and i prefer to share my happiness with others instead of being alone.o traveling in desert, there may be no ro

22、ads, no shops, no campground and no facilities. however, people can experience the adventure, exciting and unique culture.o in contrast, traveling in a city by seashore is convenient, comfortable and relaxing. people can also benefit from the pleasant weather, the fresh air, and many kinds of delici

23、ous seafood. o thats what i saw and perceived from the two pictures. sports 1o by looking at these two photographs, two ways of doing exercises are displayed. the first one shows the indoor exercises while the second one shows the outdoor exercises. there are many advantages and disadvantages of ind

24、oor exercises and outdoor exercises. o as to indoor exercises, you can do exercise in gym at any time you like without concerning about the bad weather. furthermore, you can get professional introductions from the coach. however, there are disadvantages of indoor exercises. the air is not fresh, and

25、 it may be a little boring by the way. the cost is relatively expensive. o in term of outdoor exercises, you can breathe the fresh air, enjoy the sunshine, view the beautiful trees and flowers without paying anything. but if it rains, snows or winds, you have to give up your outdoor exercises, which

26、 means you have some limits. thats what i see and feel about these two pictures. lifestyle o in the first picture, a young man is sleeping on a hanging bed in an evergreen park. life to him seems leisure and happy. o in the second picture, a lady is busy with her work. she is doing several things at

27、 the same time: answering the phone, taking notes and studying the materials.o from these two pictures, i realized two different kinds of lifestyle: leisure lifestyle and busy lifestyle. o leisure lifestyle does good to our health, prevents us from diseases, and makes us enjoy our lives. while too m

28、uch leisure may make people lazy and not enterprising anymore. busy lifestyle may make peoples life and work meaningful, successful and satisfactory. while too much pressure upsets people and causes many diseases, such as heart-attack, high-blood pressure, and so on. someone cant handle/stand/tolera

29、nt/bear the pressure and even go to the extreme.o sleeping on a hang bed, reading novels, singing with birds is what i dream of. what a beautiful picture it is! so i prefer the leisure lifestyle.spare timeo in the first picture, a man is doing outdoor sportroller skating. he sweats a lot and looks s

30、trong and healthy. o in the second picture, a lady is watching tv. shes sitting still in a sofa and eating popcorns. she looks excited and seems to be attracted by the program on tv.o these two pictures show us how people nowadays spend their spare time. some of them would prefer to do outdoor activ

31、ities. o others would prefer to stay at home, watching tv. in my opinion, the former is a much healthier way than the latter. in modern society, people are under great pressure and stay longer at work. doing outdoor exercises can help them relax by enjoying the fresh air, sunshine, the beautiful lan

32、dscape and even chatting with friends. while staying too many hours before tv is likely to cause many serious health problems. therefore, id prefer to choose outdoor activities in my spare time.feeling o i have 2 pictures. both of them show me human feeling/emotion.o in the first picture, i can see

33、a mother and her son standing at a railway station/on platform. the son was about to leave by train. “take care of yourself!” the mother said to her son again and again. words seemed endless. separation is really a sad thing. they wont say goodbye to each other but they must do so. o in the second p

34、icture, the ship arrived at the port/harbor just now. the passengers were getting off the ship. and the seaman/sailor, after a long travel/voyage, eventually met his wife and his cute baby again. how happy/excited they were!o the two situations are common to all of us. they are both the most sincere

35、 emotions deeply in our heart. it is without exception that people like the second. we cant stand the separation from our family or our close friends. but i think the two feelings like two twin brothers. when there is reunion, separation will arise some time. no separation, no reunion (or vice versa

36、) . without sadness from separation, how can we have happiness from reunion? when we have to say goodbye, we are expecting the next exciting reunion. and the second picture is just the result of the separation. different ways of communicationo from these two pictures, i can see two different ways of

37、 communication. o 1st picture: a man is using his cell phone to contact with other people. o 2nd picture: a man is reading a letter with sweet smile on his face. o compare the advantages and disadvantages of different ways:convenient and fast but sometimes emotionlesshave abundant time to think abou

38、t the words to express ones feelings to the extreme.o finally, your choice, and the reason. different working placeso comparing the differences:n different locations: inside office & outdoorsn different tasks: paper work, computers & taking helicopter to different places to cure patientsn advantages

39、: safe, regular & excited, satisfied with ones own achievementsn disadvantages: boring, monotonous & dangerous, irregular, threaten to your lifeo your choice and reasonsquestionso which place do you prefer to live in?o which do you like best? o in which situation would you prefer to do physical exer

40、cises?o where do you like to travel?o how did you feel when you left your home for the first time?o which kind of exercise do you like? etc.o what kind of life style do you prefer?o how do you spend your spare time?photographs1. places: city/countryside, seaside/mountain area, place w/wo pollution,

41、environment destroyed or not, city/desert, luxury shop/free market, crowded seaside/less crowded2. sports: indoor/outdoor, w/wo professional instruction3. feeling: sad/happy4. different feature: hungry to death vs. restaurant wastedifferent ways of keeping in touch with friendsdifferent ways of lear

42、ning (class lecture vs. computer)5. transport: bus/plane, bike, train, car, roller etc.6. life: healthy lifeeating or exercising, life style etc.part 3 collaboration (5)testing points: ability to have discussion o to exchange ideas or informationo to put forward your own opinionso to agree or disagr

43、ee with partnero to draw a conclusionthe first stephow to choose and finalize the topic?a: which topic would you like to talk about?b: how about the first one?a: this is difficult. i think the third one is much easier.b. ok. wed like to talk about the 3rd one. the topic is (read the whole topic)expr

44、essing an opiniono i think (that)o i feel (that) o in my opinion, o in my view, agreeingo i agree (with you.)o thats true.o youre absolutely right.o thats for sure.o you can say that again.o yeah, thats right.disagreeingo i disagree (with you). o i dont think so.o i dont agree.o i have a different o

45、pinion.o im not so sure.o im afraid we dont see eye to eye.o thats wrong.o no way!o are you kidding?politely interrupting a speakero can/ could / may i say something here?o id like to say something.o wait (a minute). i have a question.arguing and concedingo conceding a point and continuing the discu

46、ssionmaybe youre right, buti see your point, butyouve got a point there, butthat may be true. yeah, buto conceding finallyyou win.i give up. youre right.o ending the discussion without concedingi respect your opinion, but i dont agree. i just dont see it that way.we just dont see eye to eye on this.

47、sample o how important is computer in your work?a computer is really important in my work.b can you give some examples to show?a of course, such as getting information from theinternet, doing some manage work, storing some documents etc. what do you think of it?b i agree with you, computer does play

48、 very important role in my work too. i always need to write something for the leaders, so i use it to input, save and edit my files and do some paper works by using it. a sure, it is quick and convenient, and you can paste some pictures in your paper and the computers also help you to correct some m

49、istakes.b yeah, the most important thing is, for example, you can cut what you do not satisfy and input what you need immediately. if you make mistake, it is easy to correct without copying the whole article again and again. it does save much of my time in my work.a ok, we have the common view on th

50、e importance of the function of the computer.b yes, but we still cannot depend on computer too much, sometimes it will cause us into trouble. on the whole it is helpful.what do you plan to do if you are sent abroad to study?a: well, lets talk about our future plans. do you have any plan if you have

51、chance to go abroad?b: sure, id like to do further study if i have chance to go abroad.a: what do you mean to study?b: first, i want to improve my english. i hope i can have a perfect command of english. then, i will try to learn something related to my work. you know, i am a government official, so

52、 i plan to learn “ public administration.” it will do better to my work. how about you?o a: thats a good idea. as for me, english is my favorite now. if i have the chance to go abroad, i expect to go further to learn english well. at the same time, i will learn something related to politics and law.

53、 i am really interested in the politics and legal system of america. after all, my major is law.o b: that sounds nice. do you want to be a lawyer?o a: maybe not. the current work is suitable for me. i do hope to learn something new from other developed countries to refresh my work.o b: well, that me

54、ans we have the same ideas. in other words, learning english is the first ting for us to do further study abroad.o a: thats right. we should cherish the opportunity and try our best to learn english well.explain why more and more students are going to carry out their advanced studies abroad. a: nowa

55、days many young people go abroad to seek their further education at colleges or universities. do you notice the phenomena?b: yes. majority of them prefer to go to english speaking countries such as: britain, america and australia. what do you think of the reasons?a: i think they want to have a bette

56、r education. the colleges and universities in these countries have up-to-date facilities and a huge variety of sources. b: yes, and the faculty are highly-skilled professionals, they are experts of the latest development in their fields. a: another reason is that they can obtain experience of another culture, improve their language skills and make many new friends.b: also they will learn and develop interpersonal skills and become more tolerant, more emotionally mature and more independent.a: it sounds great! but there are some case


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