



1、必修四unit3杨磊译注1必修四unit 3a taste of english humour品味英国人的幽默i vocabularyhumourn.幽默;滑稽punchlinen.故事、笑话中的妙语;关键语verbaladj.口头上nonverbaladj.不用语言的mimen. 哑剧comedyn.戏剧up to now 直到现在brightenvt.使更愉快;使更有希望depressedadj.忧愁的;沮丧的contentadj.满足的;满意的feel/be content with 对满足astonishvt. 使惊诧astonishingadj.令人感到惊讶的fortunateadj

2、.幸运的;吉利的unfortunatelyadv.不幸地badly off 穷的;缺少的ordinaryadj.平常的;普通的boredadj.厌烦的subtleadj.微妙的;精巧的;技艺精湛的entertainvt. & vi. 使欢乐;款待entertainingadj.愉快的; 有趣的charmingadj.迷人的;有魅力的trampn. 流浪的;行乞者throughoutprep.遍及;贯穿adv.到处;始终;全部moustachen.小胡子wornadj.用旧的;用坏的;破烂的worn-outadj.磨破的;穿旧的stifflyadv.僵硬地failuren. 失败(者)optim

3、ismn.乐观;乐观主义overcomevt. & vi. 战胜;克服underdogn.失败者;处于劣势的一方snowstormn.暴风雪leathern. 皮革pick out 挑出;辨别出cut off 切断;断绝chewvt. & vi. 咀嚼mouthfuln.一口;满口enjoymentn.享受;欢乐;乐趣convincevt. 使信服convincingadj.令人信服的directvt. & vi. 导演;指示;指挥star in 担任主角;主演outstandingadj.突出的;杰出的confidencen.信心;信念costumen.服装;戏装gesturen.姿态;手势

4、ii readinga master of nonverbal humour无语的幽默大师as victor hugo once said,“laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face”, and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than charlie chaplin. 正如维克特雨果曾经所说的: “欢笑就是驱走人们脸上冬霭的阳光”,至今为止,在这方面查理卓别林做得最好。he brightened the lives of americans andbr

5、itish through two world wars and the hard yearsin between .在整个两次世界大战及两次大战之间 的艰苦岁月,他点亮了美国人和英国人的生活。【注释 : in between 在中间的状况 :eg.my roommatesdisagreed and i was caught in between.我的室友不同意, 我被夹在中间进退两难】he made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so( that) they could feel more content withtheir

6、 lives. 在人们感到沮丧时,他使人们欢笑,使人们对生活更加满意。【注释: at a time 每次;在某时 be content with =be satisfied with = be pleased with = be happey with 对满意; be content to do sth .乐意做某事 ; content sb./ oneself with sth. 满足于; 对感到满意 ; to ones heart s content 心满意足地; 尽情地 eg. 1) we can swim in the river to our hearts content. 我们可以

7、在河里尽情地游泳。 2) he is content to work as a teacher.他当了一名教师很满意。 3) don t be content with such a small success.不要满足于这样的小成功。 4) we shouldnever content ourselves with book knowledge only. 我们不可以满足于仅仅有一点书本知识。 试题:those who are notwith the progress they have made will have greater success.a. contentb. proudc.

8、strictd. popular辨析 : content 多指内心的满意程度,只能作表语,若需作定语,则用contented;contented 是过去分词作形容词,作表语时与 content 相同,但只能与 with 搭配, 不能接不定式。 eg.a contented smile;he is by all means content/ contented with her answer. 他一定很满意她的答案。 ( by all means 尽一切办法;一定。 )】not that charlie s own life was easy!倒不是查理自己的生活很安逸.【注释: not tha

9、t 倒不是eg.he is poor in english, not that he doesnt work hard, but that he lacks right methods. 】he was born in a poor familyin 1889. 他于 1889 年出生在一个贫苦的家庭,hisparents were both poormusic hall performers. 他的父母两个都是贫穷的音乐大厅演职人员。you may find it astonishing that charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could

10、speak and dance as soon as he could walk. 你也许会觉得令人惊讶4unit3必修四杨磊译注的是:卓别林刚会说话就有人教他音乐,刚一会走路就有人教他跳舞。【注释:astonishingadj. 令人十分惊讶的 ; to ones astonishment 使某人万分惊讶的是; in astonishment 惊讶地 ; be astonished at/ by sth .因某事而吃惊; be astonished to do sth.因干某事而吃惊eg.1) we were astonished at the news of her sudden deat

11、h.2) it was an astonishing story.3) he was astonished to learn hed won the competition.4) to myastonishment, the man lifted the rock effortlessly.5) i looked round me in astonishment.试题:1) they are sofor they have never thought of it before.a. astonishingb. astonishedc. surprisingd. afraid2) i hadn

12、t thought he would attend the party, so his appearance me.a. astonishedb. wokec. assumedd. puzzled辨析: shock,amaze,astonish,surprise(1) shock 程度最强,指“震惊” ,一般指“令人震惊的坏事” 。 eg.they were shocked by her rudeness.(2) amaze 和 astonish 程度较强, amaze一般指“令人惊讶的好事” ; astonish 特指 “由于遇到不可理解的意外而吃惊” 。eg.your passing th

13、e college entrance examination didamaze me.(3) surprise 程度最弱,指“由于意外或突然而感到惊讶”。 i was surprised to learn that he was taking drugs】.such training was common in acting families at this time, especially when the family income was oftenuncertain. 尤其是当 家庭 收 入是经常 的 不确 定时 ,这 种训 练在当 时 的表 演家 庭是 常见 的。unfortunat

14、ely his father died,leaving the family evenworse off , so charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother.不幸的是,他的父亲去世了,使得家庭更为贫困,所以查理的童年是在照看生病的妈妈和弟弟上度过的。【注释: leave sb./sth. + 补语:让某人处于某种状态eg.when i went to school i left my books at home. 去上学时, 我把书落在家里了。worse off 恶化; 情况更坏 ; ba

15、dly off 贫困,贫穷;better off 情况较好eg.youd be better off with a bicycle. 你最好骑自行车。 ; right off 立刻,马上 (= straight off) ; well off 富裕;be well off for 某物充裕eg. 1) i have got a big room so i m not too badly off. 我有一间大房子, 所以住得还不错。2) his family is not well off.他的家境不太富裕。3) were well off for storage space in the ne

16、w offices. 我们的新办公室里有很多储藏东西的地方。试题:in fact, most people in africa arethan those in europe.a. poorer off b. worse offc. better offd. richer off】by his teens, charlis had, through his humour, become one of the most popular child actors in england.到十几岁的时候, 查理通过他的幽默, 已经成为一个英国最受欢迎的儿童演员。 he could mime and a

17、ct the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks .他能模仿表演傻子做的日常事务。 no one was everbored watching him his subtle acting made everything entertaining. 观看他的表演, 没有人会感到厌烦他那微妙的表演使得每一件事都具有娱乐性。as time went by, he began making films. 接着,他开始拍电影。he grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp

18、, became known throughout the world.随着他那迷人的角 色流浪汉闻名于世, 他越来越受欢迎。【注释 :be/ become known for = be famous for 以出名eg.1) the islanders are known for their hospitality. 岛上的居民以好客闻名。 2) this new theatre is becoming known for its good productions. 这家新剧院因上演节目的质量好而渐渐出名。 be known as + 身份名词 = be famous as + 身份名词 :

19、 被称为;以而出名 。 eg. they are known as the house of representatives and thesenate.它们以众议院和参议院而出名。】 the tramp, a poor, homeless man with a moustache, wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round blackhat.那个流浪汉,一个贫穷、无家可归的人, 留着小胡子,穿着肥大的裤子,一双破鞋和一顶小的黑色圆帽。【注释:形容词语序排列: 限描大长高,形年新老少,色国料用类 :限(定词:冠词、数词 基数词和

20、序数词 、指示代词) 描(述性) 大(小) 长(短) 高(低),形(状 方形、圆形 )年(龄) 新(旧) 老少 ,(颜) 色国(籍或来源出处) 料(材料) 用(途)类(别)+名词。如:a small round black hat.】 he walked around stifflycarryinga walkingstick .手里拿着拐杖,僵硬地到处走动。 【注释:carrying a walking stick 是现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随的情况。此时的 carrying 与主语“ he”之间的逻辑关系为主动关系,故用现在分词形式。 】 this character was a soc

21、ial failure but was loved for hisoptimism and determination to overcome all difficulties. 这个角色是一个社会的失败者,但却为他的乐观主义和克服各种困难的决心所喜欢, he was the underdog who was kind even when others were unkind to him. 他是一个受压迫者 :即便当 别人对他不友好, 但他依然对别人友好。 【注释 :even when = even though =even if 即便,即使。】how did the little tram

22、p make a sad situation entertaining?这个小流浪汉是怎样将一个悲伤的境 遇变成愉快的、有趣的呢?【注释 :entertain sb. (to sth.)宴客;招待,款待;entertain sb. (with sth.) (用) 使某人快乐。如:1) they often entertained their friends at weekends. 他们常在周末款待朋友。2) i like to entertain friends with music and refreshments at home. 我喜欢在家里用音乐和茶点招待朋友。试题:1) the a

23、ctorthe children with all kinds of tricks, which theyvery much.a. entertained; entertainedb. entertained; enjoyedc. enjoyed; entertainedd. enjoyed; enjoyed2) in his spare time, he often listens to the music and watchesfilms to relax himself.a. fightingb. entertainingc. educatingd. understanding】here

24、 is an example from one of his most famous films, the gold rush.这是来自他的最著名的电影淘金热的一个例子 。 it is the mid-nineteenthcentury and gold has just been discovered in california. 那是十九世纪中叶, 在加利福尼亚刚刚发现金矿。like so many others, the little tramp and his friend have rushed there in search of gold, but without success

25、 .像那么多的人一样,这个小流浪汉和他的朋友们也冲到那里去寻找金子,但没有成功。【注释:so many/ much/ few/ little + n. 注意 :当 little 表示“少” 时,用 so 修饰; 如果 little 表示的意思为 “小” 时,则不可用 so,而要用 such, 如: they are suchlittle children. 他们是那么小的孩子。there is so little water in the bottle. 这个瓶子里的水是那么少。 】 instead they are hiding in a small huton the edge of a

26、mountain during a snowstormwith nothing to eat.而是在一场暴风雪中躲藏在山边的一间小草屋里,没有东西吃。【注释 :with nothing to eat系“ with + n. +补语(形容词、现在分词、过去分词、介词短语、不定式)”结构。如:1) with nothing to do, all of us went home yesterday.2)tom just sat there with his mouth open.汤姆只张着嘴坐在那儿。3) the teacher came in with a book in his hand.4)

27、with all the workcompleted, the workers are now on holiday.】 they are sohungry that they try boiling a pair of leather shoes for their dinner.他们是那样的饥饿以致于他们试着煮一双皮鞋当饭吃。 【注释: try doing sth. 试着做某事; try to do sth. 试图/努力做某事。 如: 1) he tried to climb the tree, but he could not. 他试图爬树, 可爬不上去。 2) they learned

28、 to try using new methods, and to trust their own ideas instead of follwing older ways. 他们学习试用新的方法 ,相信自己的思想 ,而不是循用老的方法。 (08 湘-34) susan wanted to be independent of her parents. she triedalone, but she didnt like it andmoved back home.a. livingb. to livec. to be livingd. having lived注意 :有些动词后跟动名词和不定式

29、意义完全不一样。如: mean doing sth.意味着做某事;mean to do sth.打算做某事;(06 湘) if you think that treating a woman well means alwaysher permission for things, think again.a. getsb. gotc. to getd. getting forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(已经做过某事,只是忘记了);forget to do sth.忘记做某事(某事忘记做了,即未做某事);regret doing sth.对做过了的事情感到遗憾,即遗憾做过某事; r

30、egret to do sth.对要做的事感到遗憾,即遗憾要做某事;remember doing sth.记得做过某事; remember to do sth.记得要做某事。(95-26) you were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. well, now i regretthat.a. to dob. to be doingc. to have doned. having done (=doing)(09 陕-12) i still rememberto the famen temple and what i saw the

31、re.a. to takeb. to be takenc. takingd. being taken (= having been taken)stop to do sth.停下来(现在做的事)开始做(不定式所表示的)某事; stop doing sth.停止做某事(停止现在在做的事) ;go on to do sth.(做完一件事之后 )接着做另一件事;go on doing sth. 继续做一直在做的某事;cant help to do sth.不能帮助做某事 ;cant help doing sth. 情不自禁地做某事】charlie first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti.查理首先 挑出饰带吃,(吃起来)好像是意大利面条似的。 【注释: pick out : 挑选,选出:eg.picked out the best piece of silk. 挑出最好的一匹丝绸出他们的堂兄弟】分辨:从环境中辩认出;分辨出:picked out their cousins from the crowd.从人群中


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