



1、数词专项练习数词专项练习 50 题(一)() 1. lincoln was born on.a. february 12, 1809b. 1809, february 12c. 1809, 12 februaryd. february 1809,12 () 2. aboy can sing the english song very well.a. ten-years-oldb. ten years oldc. ten-year-oldd. fifth years old() 3. an hour later,minister was sent to see the“ magic cloth”

2、woven by those two men.a. twob. the secondc. the twod. second() 4. abraham lincoln waspresident of the united states.a. 16b. the 16c. 16thd. the 16th () 5. do you think there is any room for us?a. twob. the twoc. secondd. the second() 6. -how many students are there in your class?-.a. twenty nineb.

3、thirty and twoc. forty-fived. fifties() 7. which number is wrong? .a. ninetyb. ninteenc. ninthd. nineteenth () 8 . the people s liberation army was founded.a. on august 1, 1927b. in 1927, 1 augustc. on august 1st, 1927d. in august 1, 1927 () 9. the number 4,123 is read.a. four thousand one hundred a

4、nd twenty-threeb. four thousand and one hundred twenty-threec. four thousand and a hundred and twenty-threed. four thousands a hundred and twenty-three() 10. the old professor still works hard though he is.a. in his sixtyb. in his sixtiesc. in sixtiesd. in the sixty () 11. this classroom isours.a. t

5、hree times big asb. as three times big asc. three times as big asd. as big three times as() 12. the basketball team of our school ranksin the match.a. threeb. thirdc. the threed. the third () 13. -which is the car that he drives?- it s.a. fifty twob. the fifty-two carsc. the car fifty fourd. the fif

6、ty-fourth car() 14. which of the following is wrong? .a. he is a fifteen-year-old boy.b. he is at the age of 15.c. he is a boy of 15.d. he is fifteen year old. () 15. our school is not very big. there are onlystudents.a. nine hundreds ofb. nine hundredc. nine hundredsd. nine hundred of () 16. -how m

7、any new words are there inlesson?-there are only.a. five; fifthb. fifth; fivec. the fifth; the fived. the fifth; five() 17., coca- cola began to enter china s market.a. in 1970 s b. in 1970sc. in the 1970sd. in the 1970s第 5页() 18. there was no bus in that small town. we had a.a. ten miles walkb. ten

8、-mile walkc. ten mile s walkd. tenth mi le walk () 19. today is the first day and.a. tuesday is fourthb. thursday is the fourthc. second is tuesdayd. a second is thursday () 20. -which room do you live in?-.a. the 201 roomb. room 201c. room 201std. the 201 s room () 21. -how many magazines do you ha

9、ve?-i have.a. twob. bothc. twiced. the second() 22. three hundred thousand one hundred and seventy means.a. 3,170b. 3,117c. 300,170d. 30,170() 23. on may,people traveled round the country.a. the first, millionsb. the first, millions ofc. first, the millionthd. first, millions () 24.of them are dinin

10、g at school.a. twelveb. twelfthc. the twelved. the 12th () 25. it s 7:17 is read.a. seven and seventeenb. seven sevenc. seven one sevend. seven seventeen () 26. fourtwo is two.a. plusb. minusc. timesd. divided by () 27. threefive is eight.a. plusb. minusc. timesd. divided by () 28. threeseven is twe

11、nty-one.a. plusb. minusc. timesd. divided by () 29. forty-twoseven is six.a. plusb. minusc. timesd. divided by() 30. there aredays in a year.a. three hundred sixty and fiveb. three hundred and sixty-fivec. three hundreds and sixty-fived. three hundred sixty-five () 31. there arestudents in that scho

12、ol.a. two thousand eight-sixb. two thousand eighty-sixc. two thousand and eighty-sixd. two thousands and eighty-six () 32. it took meto get there.a. two hours and a halfb. two hours and halfc. two hour and a halfd. two hour and half () 33. september ismonth of the year.a. the ninethb. the ninthc. ni

13、nethd. ninth () 34. please pass mebook on the left.a. thirdb. threec. the thirdd. the three () 35.is a very tall boy.a. the twelveb. the twelvethc. the twelfethd. the twelfth () 36. we have known each other for.a. a year and halfb. a year with halfc. a year and a halfd. a year with a half() 37. - “

14、what year is it?-”“ it s .”a. nineteen hundred and ninety-sevenb. nineteen and ninety-sevenc. nineteen ninety and sevend. nineteen ninety-seven() 38. - “ what s the date today?-“”it s .”1. a11. c21. a31. c41. a2. c12. d22. c32. a42. a3. b13. d23. b33. b43. d4. d14. d24. a34. c44. d5. a15. b25. d35.

15、d45. c6. c16. d26. b36. c46. b7. b17. d27. a37. d47. b8. a18. b28. c38. d48. b9. a19. b29. d39. d49. b10. b20. b30. b40. b50. aa. tuesdayb. june fourthc. june the fourd. june the fourth () 39. the train from shanghai will arrive.a. in quarter past sixb. in a quarter past sixc. at quarter past sixd.

16、at a quarter past six () 40. my friend was born on.a. three of july, 1979b. the third of july,1979c. 1979, july the thirdd. 1979, the third of july () 41.is less than.a. one-third; two-thirdsb. one-third; two-thirdc. first-three; first-threesd. one-third; one-three () 42. -which lesson did you learn

17、 yesterday?-.a. lesson sevenb. lesson seventhc. the 7 lessond. 7 lesson() 43. - “ what s the date today? -“”it s .”a. the fourth of mayb. the fourth mayc. may fourd. may the fourth () 44. 334 is read.a. three hundreds and thirty fourb. three hundreds thirty fourc. three hundred and thirty fourthd. t

18、hree hundred and thirty-four () 45. in february, there are onlydays.a. twenty nineb. twenty-ninethc. twenty-nined. twenty eight() 46. there will be a comedy on tv atthis evening.a. seven past thirtyb. half past sevenc. seven the thirtyd. thirty to seven () 47. it took meto find out the key to the dr

19、awer.a. one and half hoursb. one and a half hoursc. one and a half hourd. one and half hour () 48. i m so tired afterwalk.a. three hoursb. three hoursc. three hourds. three hour () 49. there arestars in the sky.a. million ofb. millions ofc. the milliond. a million of () 50. the street iswide.a. two

20、metersb. two meterc. the two meterd. a two meter 50 题参考答案数词专项练习 (二)() 76. tuesday is theday of a week in english.a. firstb. fifthc. thirdd. fourth() 77. there areseasons in a year in our country.a. twob. fourc. secondd. fourth() 78. the game ofolympics will be held in beijing in 2019.a. 29b. the 29t

21、hc. the 29d. 29th() 79. most of the stars are much more bigger than the sun. but they are light years away from us.a. thousandb. thousandsc. thousand ofd. thousands of () 80.of the surface( 表面 ) of the earth is covered with water.a. first thirdb. two thirdsc. one threed. two three() 81. there arepeo

22、ple in my family. we live on thefloor in a tall building.a. five, sixb. fifth, sixthc. fifth, sixd. five, sixth () 82. boys and girls, we are going to learntoday.a. four lessonb. the fourth lessonc. the lesson fourd. the four lesson () 83. my lovely daughter is.a. eight years oldb. eight-year-oldc.

23、eight year oldd. eight-years-old () 84. the flood happened.a. in the summer of 2019b. in the summer of 2019sc. in 2019 of the summerd. in 2019s of the summer () 85. february 28 should be read as.a. february of the 28thb. february of 28c. 28 of februaryd. the 28th of february() 86. -how soon will you

24、 finish your work?-in about.a. one and a half monthb. one month and a halfc. one and half a monthd. a month and half() 87. we will have aholiday. what about going to suzhou?a. five daysb. five dayc. five-dayd. five-days () 88. we are sure thecentury will bring us more hopes.a. twentieth-firstb. twen

25、tieth-onec. twenty-oned. twenty-first () 89. -what is 1/2 and 1/3?-its.a. 2/5b. 1/5c. 5/6d. 4/6() 90. at the age of, he had his own lab.a. thirtyb. thirtiethc. the thirtiethd. the thirty () 91. five times five is.a. fiveb. zeroc. tend. twenty-five() 92.are in the army.a. two their sonsb. their two sonsc. their sons twod. two sons their () 93. my sister is a student of.a. the first classb. class onec. one classd. class first () 94. the boy can count from one to.a. hundredb. a hundredc. one hundredsd. hundreds () 95. their house is aboutas b


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