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1、Module 6Part 1 Of 2视角突破飞饭天惊:1deliver =send vt.投递(信件,由卩包等)deliver a letter 送信deliver milk 送牛奶deliver a parcel / package 寄包裹Every day the milkman delivers milk to our hous 每天送奶员都把牛奶送到我们家。delivery n. 丨 i 丨 i i i i i邮递员必须每天送信件。The postman must deliver letters ei/e/y day.2. strike vi.打,击,敲;使突然想,给以印象He st

2、ruck me with a stick.他用棍子打我。 n.打,击;罢工 常见搭配on a strike 1 Three strikes of the hammer drove the nail in the wood.三锤子就把钉子敲进了木头。1. 我突然想到一个主意。An idea suddenly struck me.2. 她的美貌给我留下了深刻的印象。I was struck by her beauty.3. 卡车司机正在罢工。;:The truck drivers are on a strike.3. mixwith混合,搅拌He mixed some salt into the

3、water.:他把一些盐混在水里。;Oil does not mix with water.油不能和水融合在一起。1. 不要把工作和娱乐掺和在一起。Dont mix business with pleasure.2. 这些颜色调和得不错。:These colours mix well.4.把作为对待We treated him as a friend.我们把他当朋友对待。treat n.殊遇,请客;vt.对待,招待,治疗 treat sb. to sth.用招待某人My aunt took me to the zoo as a treat. 姑姑带我去逛动物园,作为对我的特

4、殊招待。Lets eat out tonight Its my treat. 今晚岀去吃吧,我请客。The nurse treated the children very well. 保姆待孩子们很好。He treated his friends to some been 亡他请朋友们喝了些啤酒。募滉坯柝t与curetreat指“治痔”,含义最广。包括对伤口,病人进行诊断,制订治疗 方案,着重过程,不涉及结果。This boy is being treated for a heart disease.这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。cure指通过药物,特别的食物或运动治疗病人或治病,强调结果。 c

5、ure作动词时不能接双宾语,但可用于cure sb. of sth.结构中,也可用 于被动语态。E傩境渤用 I Illi1. 目前仍没有治愈癌症的良药。At present there is stillforcancer.2. 阿斯匹林治愈了他的头痛。Aspirinheadache.【答案】1 no cure2. cured him of3. 我来请你们大家。/7/ treat you alL4他对他们很友好。He treked them with great kindness.5她现在正在治疗中。;:She is now under medical treatment5. recommend

6、 v.推荐,建议recommend (doing) sth.推荐(做)某事 recommend sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事 recomme nd+that 从句(用 should+动词原形, should可省略)推荐Id like to recommend a book to you.我趣给你推荐一本书。E My teacher always recommends me to have a good sleep before every examination.老师总是建议我在每次考试之前要睡个好觉。I recommend you that you (should) buy a

7、 W dictionary.我建议你买一本词典。recommendation n.on the recommendation of在的 推荐下亡 I had the operation on the recommendation of my doctor.我根据医生的建议做了手术。1 她建议看那部电影。She recommended seeinq that film.2他建议早餐前去散步。He recommended a walk before breakfast3.医生劝我好好休息一下。The doctor recommended me to take a good rest.4.老师建议我

8、们读读那本小说。The toucher recommended thS we(should) read that novel.6. in addition=also 另夕卜;还When Diane fell, she hurt her arm and, in addition, broke her glasses黛安妮摔倒时,摔伤了胳臂,还摔坏了眼镜。Q 寻:异 列味常iition与 in addition to 占詆litio課副両蔚红,劃思为“加之,另外,还有”, 在句中通常有逗号与主句隔开。You need money and time .In additi on, you n eed

9、dilige nee. 你需要金钱和时间,此外你还需要勤奋。in addition to是介词词组,意思为“除了之外”,后面要跟宾语。In addition to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil. 除了一本相簿外,我还给他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。) 依境活用1.此外,还有一点要说。There is, one further pointto make.2除了维修费用,还有邮费和包装费。:Theres a postage and packing feethe repair charge.【答案】1. in addition2. in addition to7. a variety of牙中类繁多的All of them arrive late for a


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