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1、lesson 1 年全国卷一dear ralph, im a newcomer here of a small town. i would describe 1._myself as shy and quietly. before my classmates, 2._it seems always difficult for me to do things well as 3._them. im sure they will laugh to me and see me as 4._a fool. so i feel unhappy every day. besides, i have few

2、 friends. 5._i dont know that theydont like to talk with me. sometimes, 6._we talked to each other very well in class, but after class 7._we become stranger at once. i am trying to improve the 8._situation since it doesnt seem to work. can you tell me 9._about what i should do? 10._yoursxiao wei 1.

3、of改为from2. quietly改为quie3. well前面加as4. to改为a 5. 对6. that改为why7. talked改为talk8. stranger改为strangers9. since改为but10. 去掉aboutlesson 2 2004年湖北卷i often dream of a teacher. i dream of standing on the 1._platform in the classroom and give lessons to lovely boys 2._and girls. i teach them, play with them, b

4、ut watch them 3._growing up. i am always young when i was staying with 4._them. i know there is not easy to be a teacher. you have to learn 5._in order to teach. without enough knowledges, you could never 6._learn well. what is more, you have to be friends with your 7._pupils and take good care of h

5、im. only in this way can you be 8._a good teacher and win respect from them. though i am a student 9._now, i will work as very hard to make my dream come true. 10._1. of being becoming2. give改为giving3. but改为and4. was 改为am5. there改为it6. knowledges改为knowledge7. learn改为teach8. him 改为them9. 正确10. 去掉asle

6、sson 3 2004广东卷thoughgreatprogresshasbeenmadeinsciencetheseyears,there 1._arestillmanypeoplelivinginpoorconditions.theymaketheirlives 2._bycollectingandsellingusedthing.theirchildrencannotgotoschool 3._becausetheydont haveenoughmoneytosendtheirchildrentothere. 4._whyyouthinksomanypeoplestillsufferfro

7、mpovertynow? 5._theanswerliesonthepopulationexplosion.apresident 6._ofadevelopingcountryoncesaid:“itisuswhoaretoblamefor 7._thepovertybecauseweusedtoproducechildwithoutlimit.” 8._althoughthisfewwordssoundsimpleenough,theyhave 9._clearpointedoutoneofthecausesofpoverty is the 10. _populationexplosion.

8、1. 正确2. lives改为living3. thing改为things4. 去掉children后面的to5. why后面加do6. on改为in7. us改为we8. child改为children9. this 改为these10. clear改为clearlylesson 4 2004年浙江卷nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a1._hobby which is both interested and fun. every year2._more and more people start a stamp

9、collection of your own3._and discover an interest which can even last lifetime. starting4._your collection of stamps are easy because they are everywhere.5._holiday and birthday postcards from relatives and letters6._from friends can all provide you for stamps from all over7._the world. so once youv

10、e started collecting seriously, you8._will probably want to join in the stamp collectors club9._which exist to help you add more stamps to your collection.10._1. age改为ages2. interested 改为interesting3. your改为their4. lifetime前面加a5. 第一个are改为is6. 正确7.for改为with8. so改为but9. 去掉in10. exist改为existslesson 5 2

11、004年天津卷i still remember my middle school life in tianjin yet. i was then 1._in a school for students from tibet. as we were all left home 2._at early age, we met lots of problems in our daily life. we 3._had to do the washing, cleaning and shopping by us. however,4._we seldom felt lonely or helpless

12、ly. we enjoyed our happy life. 5._at weekends, we would play basketball, swimming in the pool 6._or go for a picnic. we were living in a big family. we treat 7._each other as brothers and sisters. if any one of us had any8._difficulty in our life and study, the other would help him out. 9._it has be

13、en five years when we graduated, but those memories10._are as sweet as ever before.lesson 51. 去掉yet2. 去掉were3. at后面加an4. us改为ourselves5. helplessly改为helpless6. swimming改为swim7. treat改为treated8. 正确9. other改为others10. when改为sincelesson 6 2004江苏卷this is a story my father told me: when i was boy, 1. _th

14、e most exciting thing was when to celebrate the spring 2. _festival. my grandma was the best cooker in the world 3. _but could make the most delicious dishes. one time, i just4. _couldnt wait for the spring festival dinner. as i was 5. _about take a piece from a cooked duck, i saw grandma in 6. _the

15、 kitchen looking at me. shake her head, she said, it 7. _isnt a good time to do that, dear. at once i apologize 8. _and controlled me as best as i could till the dinner started. you 9. _know, that was a dinner we had waited for several month. 10. _lesson 61. was后面加a2. 去掉when3. cooker改为cook4. but改为an

16、d5. 正确6. about后面加to7. shake改为shaking8. apologize改为apologized9. me改为myself10. month改为months 2004年福建卷i have a good friend whos name is liu mei. she is our 1. _monitor and one of the excellent students in our class. 2. _clever as she is, but she works very hard. we have a 3. _lot on common and have a l

17、ot to talk about. one evening she 4. _told me that something happened when her parents was out. 5. _she was doing her homeworks one sunday morning when 6. _she smelt something burning. she stopped look out 7. _of the window and find a cloud of smoke coming out 8. _of her neighbors house. she called

18、119 immediate. ten 9. _minutes later, the firemen came and put out fire. her 10. _neighbor was very thankful for her help.1. whos改为whose2. 正确3. 去掉but4. on改为in5. was改为were6. homeworks改为homework7. stopped后面加to8. find改为found9. immediate改为immediately10. fire前面加thelesson 8 2004全国卷dear susan, im very glad

19、 to hear you are coming to visit 1. _me the next friday. unfortunately, i wont be able to 2. _meet you at the airport although i have classes in the 3. _afternoon. you wont find difficult to get to the city 4. _center. the airport bus leaves every 30 minute and 5. _will take you rightly to the frien

20、dship hotel. my class 6. _will be over by then or i will pick you up there. i will 7. _take you together to a hot-pot restaurant for dinner 8. _and well talk with our plan for the weekend over 9. _dinner. having a pleasant trip and see you friday. 10. _ yours lesson 81. 正确2. 去掉the3. although改为becaus

21、e4. find后面加it5. minute改为minutes6. rightly改为right7. or改为and8. 去掉together9. with改为about10. having改为have lesson 9 2003全国卷when i first learned to write in english, i ran into many 1. _difficulties. the main problem was in that i always thought 2. _in chinese and tried to translate anything into english.

22、 3. _my teacher advised me to keep my diary. i followed her 4. _advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. 5. _soon i began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as i was 6. _learning to express me in simple english. one day i wrote 7. _a little story and showed to my teacher. she liked it 8. _

23、very much and reads it to the class. all said the story was 9. _a good one. their word were a great encouragement to me.10. _lesson 91. 正确2. 去掉in3. anything改为everything4. my改为a5. 去掉should6. talk改为talking7. me改为myself8. showed后加it9. reads改为read10. word改为wordslesson 10 2002全国卷 last week my parents and

24、 i took a two-day trip to emeimountain in sichuan. as everyone knows, its famous 1. _mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. the weather 2. _was fine. it was about noon we arrived at the foot of 3. _the mountain. the three of them were very excited. as we 4. _climbed the mountain, we fed monk

25、eys, visiting temples 5. _and told stories. on the way up i was busy taking picture 6. _since the scenery was so beautiful. the time passes quickly. 7. _evening came down. we spent the night in a hotel at the top 8. _of the mountain . the food was expensive and the service was 9. _good. i was so tir

26、ed that i fell asleep at the moment my head 10._touched the pillow.1. famous前面加a2. 正确3. noon后面加when4. them改为us5. visiting改为visited6. picture改为pictures7. passes改为passed8. 去掉down9. and改为but10. 去掉at lesson 11 2002北京卷what should you do when your parents become angry? if 1. _your parents got mad, try to

27、have a conversation with them 2. _about it. remembering not to shout at them. they usually 3. _will try to change. but they will take some time because 4. _they have gotten angry all their life, and that is all they know. 5. _you might have to change for your method a couple of times. 6. _do any nic

28、e things for your parents that they dont expect 7. _-like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean 8. _the floors. if this doesnt work, bring in friend that you 9. _feel comfortable, and have him or her help you. 10. _1.正确2. got改为get3. remembering改为remember4. they改为it5. life改为lives6. 去掉f

29、or7. any改为some8. clean改为cleaning9. in后面加a10. comfortable后面加withlesson 12 2001全国卷like most of my schoolmates, i have neither brothers nor 1. _sisters in any other words, i am an only child. my parents2. _love me dearly of course and will do all they can make sure3. _that i get a good education. they

30、did not want me to do 4. _any work at family; they want me to devote all my time to5. _my studies so that ill get good marks in all my subject. we6. _may be one family and live under a same roof, but we do7. _not seem to get much time to talk about together. it looks8. _as if my parents treat me as

31、a visitor and a guest. do they9. _really understand their daughter? what are things in10. _other homes, i wonder. 1. 正确2. 去掉any3. can后加to4. did改为do5. family改为home6. subject改为subjects7. a改为the8. 去掉about9. and改为or10. what改为howlesson 13 2001春季i used to love science class all of them 1. _biology, chemis

32、try, geography, physics. i think i 2. _liked those classes because i felt that it helped me 3. _understand what the world works. for example, when 4. _i was a child, the rain was a mystery. in one 5. _class, i learned it rained. i think science classes 6. _clear up mysteries. but then there is alway

33、s more 7. _mysteries look into. what was my least favourite class? 8. _that was maths. after learn the basics of the subject, 9. _nothing else seemed very practically to me. i never 10. _saw how i could use it in my daily life.1. class改为classes2. 正确3. it改为they4. what改为how5. 去掉the6. learned后面加why7. i

34、s改为are8. look前面加to9. learn改为learning10. practically改为practical2000全国卷the day before the speech contest english teacher 1. _talked to me . she said that she and my schoolmate all2. _wished me success , but it didnt matter that i would 3. _win or not . when i was on the stage the next day , i felt so4

35、. _nervous as i shook like a leaf . there were so many people 5. _present! suddenly , i caught a sight of my english teacher in6. _the crowd . she was smiling but nodding at me . i remembered7. _her words and calm down . i did a good job and won the first8. _prize . now my picture and the prize is h

36、anging in the library.9. _whenever i see them i will often think of my english teacher.10. _1. english前面加my2. schoolmate改为schoolmates3. that改为whether4. 正确5. as改为that6. 去掉a7. but改为and8. calm改为calmed9. is改为are10. 去掉oftenlesson 15 2000年春季dear peter, thanks very much on inviting me to your birthday 1._p

37、arty on sunday. id like very much come but 2._i had an examination on monday morning. it is 3. _a very important exam but i cant afford to 4. _fail it. ill spend all the whole weekend reading 5. _and prepare for it. so im really sorry that 6. _i wont be able to come in this time. hope you 7. _can un

38、derstand. ill take this chance to wish 8. _you wonderful time on your birthday. happy 9. _birthday, peter, and many happy return of the day.10. _yoursling minlesson 151. on改为for2. come改为前面加to3. had改为have4. but改为and或so5. 去掉all6. prepare改为preparing7. 去掉in8. 正确9. wonderful前面加a10. return改为returnslesson

39、16 1999年全国卷the problem with televisionnow i dont watch much television but a few years ago 1. _i was used to watch it every night. i was often 2. _a little tired after a days work and watch tv 3. _demands very little effort. unfortunate there are 4. _too many people among my family. some wanted 5. _

40、to see the programme while others preferred 6. _another. i am happy with any programme but 7. _the others spent a lot time arguing and there 8. _was no way of settling the matter except by 9. _selling the set. now someone at home reads instead.10. _1. 去掉much2. 去掉used前面的was3. watch改为watching4. unfort

41、unate改为unfortunately5. among改为in6. the改为one7. am改为was8. lot后面加of9. 正确10. someone改为everyone或everybody1998年全国卷my favourite sport is football. i was a member of 1. _our school football team. we practise for three times 2. _every week and often watch football match on tv 3._together. play football not o

42、nly makes us grow up 4. _tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and 5. _team spirit. we must keep in mind that we play 6. _for the team instead ourselves. also, the sport 7. _teaches us the important of obedience(服从). each 8. _player must obey captain, who is the leader of 9. _the tea

43、m. and they must not break the rules too 10. _often if we want to win the game. 1. was改为am2. 去掉for3. match改为matches4. play改为playing5. give改为gives6. 正确7. instead后面加of8. important改为importance9. captain前面加the10. they改为we 全国卷dear bob,hello. i learn about you from my english teacher, miss fang.1. _id lik

44、e to your pen friend, and get toknow more about your2. _country. first, let me tell you something more about myself. 3. _my name is li hua. i live in beijing, where is the4. _capital of china. i go to hongqi middle school.5. _we study quite a few subject, such as maths, chinese, 6. _english and phys

45、ics. i use to play ping-pong a lot7. _in my spare time, but now i am interesting in football.8. _do you play any ball games? what your favourite9. _sport? i look forward to hear from you soon. 10. _yours,li hua 1. learn改为learned2. to后面加be或become3. 去掉more4. where改为which5. 正确6. subject改为subjects7. use

46、改为used8. interesting改为interested9. what后面加is10. hear改为hearinga while traveled to paris on a bus, i became very sick. 1. _a well-dressing man on the bus helped me greatly. he 2. _took me off the bus, found out where the doctors office. 3. _and took me to there himself. the next day, he came 4. _to vi

47、sit me. i didnt speak french well, so i cant talk with 5. _him very much. however, even if we couldnt talk, but 6. _we could communicate. i communicated myself thanks 7. _to his great kindness, and he communicated his concern 8. _for my healthy. through this experience i have learned 9. _that commun

48、ication can take place without much actual 10. _language at all. keys:a) 71. traveled-traveling 72. well-dressing-well-dressed 73. office 后加was74. 去to 75.cant- couldnt 76. 去but 77. myself- my 78. tofor79. healthy- health 80.b the internet is playing a important part in 81 our daily life. on the net,

49、 we can learn about 82 news both home and abroad and some other83 informations as wellwe can also make phone calls, 84 send messages by e-mails,go to net schools,and85 learn foreign languages by ourselvesbeside,we 86 can enjoy music,watch sports matches,and play the 87 chess or cardsthe net even hel

50、p us do shopping, 88 make a chat with others and make friends with them89 in a word,the internet has made our life more easier 90 b) 81. aan 82. 83home前加at 84informationsinformation85e-mailse-mail 86besidebesides 87去掉the 88helphelps 89第一个makehave 90moremuchca few months after returning the us from g

51、ermany, i took81. part in a college course in french. since i have learned to82. speak german good in germany, i thought that it might be83. interested to begin studying another language. at the first84. class, the teacher asked us to do a pronunciation exercise,85. in which he would say one word or two in french, and each86. student would do their best to copy. when he got to me, he87. kept having me to say more words, and i finally asked him88. why. “i find it great funs. its the first time ive heard an89. american speak french with a german accent.”he explained it.90. c)81. returning 后


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