



1、少儿英语考试:三星笔试题36 he wrote a book keeping fit.A .for B.on C.of D with37 of the two runners is trying his best to win theraceA Neither B Both C All D Any38 Turn off the TV! There is interesting to watch.A something B anything C things D nothing39 -are you going to stay there?-A weekA How often B How lon

2、g C How far D How soon40 Walking for at least half an hour a day is good you.A for B to C with D on41 Peter sometimes cook himself a dinner whenhis mother is away.A must B has to C may D should42 Her father has been ill for weeks. These dayshes getting ever .A rather .ill B veryworse C quite bad D v

3、ery .iller43 Mr Chen,my 68-years-old neighbour,the EXPO fourtimes.A has been to B has gone to C goes to D went to44 This kind of TV program has no for my father.A interests B interesting C interest D interested45 ducks in the middle of the road?A Are you often seeing B Do you often see C Do you see

4、often D Did you often see46 He is his school uniform.A wearing B keeping C having D putting47 The policeman told the drivers .A stopping B stop C to stop D stops48 -What are you looking ?-My exercise book .A at B for C into D after49 Please your hand if you have a question.A raise B rise C put D hol

5、d50 Joan didnt go to work, had a headache.A when B then C so D because51 He used to go to work foot, but now he his car.A by takes B on drives C on takes D by drives52 Dont stop! doing your work.A Go on B Do on C Run on D Make with53 I am glad to see my daughter her newclassmates.A getting along B g

6、etting along with C getting together D getting together with54 It usually Mrs Smith four hours to make acake.A makes B spends C takes D works55 They this house since 1990.A have had B have bought C lived D were living56 The manager arrives at the office than the staff.A earlier B more earlier C much

7、 early D early57 As soon as she heard the phone ringing ,Mary went to it.A received B reply C answer D pick 58 The boy not to go to school late.A has told B is told C told D is telling59 缺60 The finally reaching the top of the mountain.A succeeded in B succeeded C managed D got61 he is over 80, he is able to look afterhimself.A Because B When C But D Though62 Who is going to see John at the railwaystation?A of B off C out D after63 What will China be like in 20 years?A other B others C another D more64 缺65 , he solved th


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