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1、学年下学期教学进度表 (一年级)周次时间教学单元教学内容课时备注1.2/21-2/25module 1unit 1. unit 232.2/28-3/4module 2unit 1 & .unit 2 33.3/7-3/11module 3unit 1 & .unit 2 34.3/14-3/18module 4unit 1 & .unit 2 35.3/21-3/25module 5unit 1 & .unit 2 36.3/28-4/1module 6unit 1 & .unit 2 37.4/4-4/8复习16练习、试卷38.4-11-4/15module 7unit 1 & .unit

2、 2 39.4/18-4/22复习准备练习、测试310.4/25-4/29期中考试 测试 及讲评 311.5/2-5/6放假12.5/9-5/13module 8unit 1 & .unit 2 313.5/16-5/20module 9unit 1 & .unit 2 14.5/23-5/27module 10unit 1 & .unit 2 315.5/30-6/3review module unit 1 & .unit 2 316.6/6-6/10复习m7-10练习、测试 317.6/13-6/17复习重点词汇318.6/20-6/24复习重点句子319.6/27-7/1期考320.7/

3、4-7/8321.7/11-7/15322.课 时 教 案 ( 1 )课题module 1 unit 1 where is the cat?课型new教学目标语言功能:询问及回答物品的位置。 学习任务:where is the cat? its on/ in/ under how many cats? one, two, threetwelve cats. 运用任务:tpr活动,hide and seek, 数手指,猜拳。 重点询问及回答物品的位置。 难点学习where is the cat? its on/ in/ under how many

4、 cats? one, two, threetwelve cats.教学时间、时数1 period教具tape, pictures, etc.教学手段、方法交际,活动,情境,练习教学过程step 1 greetingsstep 2 sing the song: numbers song. review: count 1 to 10 together.step 3 activity 1 listen and point 1. t: boys and girls, please open your books on page 2.hold up your book to show the chil

5、dren the correct page.please listen to the cd, point the pictures and find “wheres?”.2. talk about the picture in chinese. ask the children to guess as much information as possible. t: look at your book, whatre these? s: cats.t: where are they? on the bed or under the bed?t: how many cats on the bed

6、? can you count? lets count together, ok ? oh! there are 12 cats on the bed.step 4 learn the words 、sentences and the text.teacher can tick the new words, and writes on the bb, then let the ss guess the meaning. teach them, drill them.sb unit1 part 2: t: boys and girls, lets listen to the tape and r

7、ead after it. please point to the person saying each utterance. demonstrate by holding up your book.listen to the part1 again, ss read after it.step 5 practice (sb unit1 part3)first, read the following words three times, then teacher makes a example with gestures: s1:wheres the pencil? t: is it unde

8、r the book?s1: yes, it is. / no, it isnt.ss practise in pairs, then act it.step6: tpr活动:teacher say , ss do!t: put your book on your desk. put your pencil in your pencil-box. put your ruler under the book.step7: game: who is winner?! 板书设计module 1 unit 1 wheres the cat ? its under the bed. in on unde

9、r 课后反思课 时 教 案 ( 2 )课题module 1 unit 2 how many green birds?课型new教学目标语言功能:询问及回答物品的位置。 学习任务:where is the cat? its on/ in/ under how many cats? one, two, threetwelve cats. 运用任务:tpr活动,hide and seek, 数手指,猜拳。 重点语言功能:询问及回答物品的位置。 学习任务:where is the cat? its on/ in/ under how many cats? one, two, threetwelve c

10、ats. 难点句型和四会单词教学时间、时数1 period教具tape, pictures, etc.教学手段、方法讲解,活动,练习教学过程step1: warmer 1. greetings.2.review: teacher point to some things and ask: “wheres ?”ss answer. (use on , in , under)3.sing a song: ten little indian boys.step2:presentation and drill1. lead in: game: magic eyes. teacher shows the

11、 number cards quickly, ss say the numbers.2. learn words, sentence patterns.teacher shows the picture of sbunit2 part1, ss listen and point.teacher makes gestures to help ss understand.teacher tick the new words and writes on the bb, let ss guess the meaning. then teach them, drill them.t: how many

12、green birds? lets count together, ok?one, two, three, four. four green birds.ss read after to the teacher. then practise group by group.listen part1 again, point and read after it.3. chant: listen and look at the pictures to understand the meaning.read after to the teacher with clap hands.listen aga

13、in and chant together. have a match!step3: practice1. sbunit2 part2.t: look, a tree. how many blue birds? ss answer. practise in pairs. act it .2. game: teacher show a box and some beautiful things. catch some, let ss guess the number. t: how many ?4. sb unit2 part4listen and say. teacher makes a ex

14、ample.ss play this game in group, act it.5.abunit2 part1 and part2.step4: consolidationlook at the classroom, there are some things.we can make some dialogues.板书设计 module 1 unit 2 how many green birds? tree one, two, three, four. so four green birds. lets课后反思课 时 教 案 ( 3 )课题module 1 课型review教学目标语言功能:

15、询问及回答物品的位置。 学习任务:where is the cat? its on/ in/ under how many cats? one, two, threetwelve cats. 运用任务:tpr活动,hide and seek, 数手指,猜拳。 重点句型的掌握和运用难点句型和四会单词 教学时间、时数1 period教具tape, pictures, etc.教学手段、方法交际, 活动 , practice 教学过程i. revision:1. read the whole module together.2. listen and repeat.ii. new concepts:

16、 . show a picture of the text. listen and try to understand. listen and point.listen and imitate.iii. class work: activity book, page 2-51. listen and match.2. count and write the number3. listen and tick or cross4. look,point and sayvi. homework: 1. read the text after the tape. (5 times) 2. to tel

17、l your parents what you learnt. 3. 准备一张全家福照片板书设计module 1 where is the cat? on in under how many green birds? one, two, three, four. . 课后反思课 时 教 案 ( 4 )课题module 2 unit 1 that is my father.课型new教学目标语言功能:家庭成员的英语表达以及如何向他人介绍他们的职业。 学习任务:that is my father. this is your sister. he is a doctor. she is a teac

18、her. 运用任务:介绍自己的朋友,介绍自己的家庭成员。重点家庭成员的英语表达以及如何向他人介绍他们的职业。 难点学习任务:that is my father. this is your sister. he is a doctor. she is a teacher.教学时间、时数1 period教具tape, pictures, etc.教学手段、方法交际,活动,情境,练习教学过程1、 warm up1、 greeting2、 sing a song2 presentationteacher to be samt:boys and girls,today i bring a picture

19、,they are my family。你们想学学怎么表达家庭成员吗?s:yes。t:ok ,lets learnt them together .3 new concepts1、出示:爸爸(father)drills,在黑板上板书单词(注意口型,分个人,组抽查)2、 on the same way to teach:妈妈(mother)爷爷(grandpa)奶奶(grandma)兄弟(brother)姐妹(sisther)4 practice:1、drive a train, (groups)2、用单词做找家人的游戏我是panpan ,我和家人走失了,我在找我的家人呢 ?小朋友你们呢能帮我找

20、找吗?s:ok找到带了头饰的小朋友,就到前面的讲台,让panpan介绍他的家人。follow to read them together。3、 给学生做例子1 拿出自己家的照片向学生家人,让学生懂得如何运用今天的所学的知识去用与实际的生活中。2 让学生拿出自己带来的照片,向自己的小组成员介绍自己的家庭成员。3 抽查一部分的小朋友到展示台,向全班的小朋友介绍。四、 总结:给予每个小朋友这节课的评价,都做鼓励。板书设计module 2 unit 1 this is my father.that is _.课后反思年 月 日课 时 教 案 ( 5 )课题module 2 unit 2 hes a d

21、octor.课型new教学目标语言功能:家庭成员的英语表达以及如何向他人介绍他们的职业。 学习任务:that is my father. this is your sister. he is a doctor. she is a teacher. 运用任务:介绍自己的朋友,介绍自己的家庭成员。重点that is my father. this is your sister. he is a doctor. she is a teacher. 运用任务:介绍自己的朋友,介绍自己的家庭成员。难点家庭成员的英语表达以及如何向他人介绍他们的职业。教学时间、时数1 period教具tape, pictu

22、res, etc.教学手段、方法讲解,活动,练习教学过程step1 warm up1. sing an active english song.2. do tpr: show me your english book, point to the window, etc.3. review the family members by a family tree. grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sisterstep2 presentation1. to lead in the new knowledge by students acting:

23、准备人物头饰让学生扮演t: who is he/she now?2. drill the key words: teacher, doctor, pupil by the pictures.3. lead in the key structures : he/shes a .替换练习(男女互问,小组互问,师生互问). then listen and repeat.step 3 practise 1. group work: 一人介绍,其余表演2. guessing game: two students stand back to back, guess he or she, then rete

24、ll the professions.he/shes a teacher.step 4 productionmake a survey: 师生调查,或请小老师来调查what does your father/mother do?my mother is a . my father is a.step 5 sum uptalk about others professions.step 6 homework say your report to your friends.板书设计module 2 unit 2 hes a doctor. my mother is a . my father is

25、 a. 课后反思课 时 教 案 ( 6 )课题module 2课型review教学目标语言功能:家庭成员的英语表达以及如何向他人介绍他们的职业。 学习任务:that is my father. this is your sister. he is a doctor. she is a teacher. 运用任务:介绍自己的朋友,介绍自己的家庭成员。重点通过课文及其他活动使学生了解了如何用英语描述家庭难点英语介绍家庭成员教学时间、时数1 period教具tape, pictures, etc.教学手段、方法交际, 活动 , practice 教学过程i. revision:2.read the

26、whole module together.3. listen and repeat.ii. new concepts: .1. listen and say the chant.2. game: think and say.iii. class work: activity book, page 6-9(1) listen and tick or cross.(2) draw your family and say(3) match and say(4) listen and numbervi. homework: 1. read the text after the tape. (5 ti

27、mes)板书设计module 2 this _ is _sell 课后反思课 时 教 案 ( 7 )课题module 3 unit 1 this ia her bag.课型new教学目标语言功能:谈论物品的所属关系。 学习任务:this is her bag. that is his hat. look! their school bags. 运用任务:向他人介绍自己所画的东西,并且写上自己的名字;把自己的物品介绍给朋友;把大家画好的东西放在一起,看谁能找到正确的主人。重点学习任务:this is her bag. that is his hat. look! their school bag

28、s. 难点语言功能:谈论物品的所属关系。教学时间、时数 period 1教具tape, pictures, etc.教学手段、方法交际,活动,情境,练习教学过程warm up 1. greetings:2. free talk1) whats your name? how old are you? whats this? teach“this”: 同样方式引出that.2) introduction: this is my seat. this is my desk. and this is our teacher, lily. and this is my friend, .(teach “

29、her”, check individually)3) lets play a guessing game: whats in my school bag? (review school bag, hat, book, teachcoat, check individually.), teach goat, boat presentation1. story-telling: today lets learn a funny story. lingling and daming are at school. they couldnt find anybody. who are they loo

30、king for? lets have a look. (video once): theyre looking for ms smart, the doctor and the pupils. (stick the pictures on board)2. tell the story one picture by one.解说图1: now theyre in ms smarts办公室. but, wheres ms smart? 也许学生会说 i dont know.) but 他忘记了东西. look, this is her bag. ( bb and practise. ) wha

31、ts on the desk? this is her book.(practise.)解说图 2: look. daming and lingling are in the doctors office. wheres the doctor? (i dont know. ) 他也忘记了东西 whats that? yes. that is his coat. bb.)解说图 3: where are daming and lingling now? in the classroom. where are the pupils? and the pupils.? (i dont know. )

32、 look, their school bags. yes, their(show the picture of some pupils) school bags. 教授 their their school bags解说图 4: look, the teacher, the doctor and the pupils! theyre having fun. who is the funny man? its a clown. 教授clown. 3. listen to the story one more time. 4. 集中教授生词: practise1. sum up: her(女生拍

33、手说) his(男生拍手说) their (大家拍手说)2. chant :my my 是我的 your your 是你的 her her 女她的 his his 男他的 their their 他们的 人称一定要分清summary and homework.1. sum up: what did we learn today?2. homework1) listen and imitate the text. (5 times)2) 教你的父母学一学.1)板书module 3 unit 1 this is her bagthis is her and this is her. that is

34、 his反思课时教案(8)课题module 3 unit 2 my mother is a nurse.课型review教学目标语言功能:谈论物品的所属关系。 学习任务:this is her bag. that is his hat. look! their school bags. 运用任务:向他人介绍自己所画的东西,并且写上自己的名字;把自己的物品介绍给朋友;把大家画好的东西放在一起,看谁能找到正确的主人。重点学习任务:this is her bag. that is his hat. look! their school bags. 难点语言功能:谈论物品的所属关系。教学时间、时数1

35、period教具tape, pictures, etc.教学手段、方法交际, 活动 , practice 教学过程step 1 review1.复习方位2.count from 1-123.review: mother, father, step 2 extensiont: xxx,how are you? do you love your father? father是做什么工作的?用这样的方式引出要教授的职业单词step 3 relaxt: just now, we sang: doctor, driver, nurse, clown (elicit do and say)t: ok. n

36、ow lets play a game. imitate and guess. using “are you a ?” (板书)who wants to do an action ?谁先来模仿一种职业?s1: imitate.t: are you a ?s1: yes, i am.t: oh, im clever. a sticker for me. understand ?ss: yes.t: who wants to do ?s1: do.t: who can guess?s2: are you a ?s1: yes, i am. / no, im not. t: now i do and

37、 you guess.(模仿医生动作)ss: are you a doctor?t: yes, i am. and my father is a doctor. this is his coat. look. (cai)step 4 introducet: please talk about your family member and his or her thing.和同伴介绍一下你家庭成员的职业和他们的物品吧(教师巡视,参与到学生的练习中,指导学生)t: who wants to try ?s1: my is a this is his / her t: good. 我们一起来介绍一下他

38、爸爸(妈妈)的ss: this is his / her step 5 sum-up小结抽查。方式:开大炮step 6 homework.t: today we have reviewed module 3. after class , please imitate the story on p10 and talk about your family members. 板书设计module 3 unit 2 my mother is a nurse. his are you a ?this is yes, i am. her no, im not.课后反思课 时 教 案 ( 10 )课题mo

39、dule 3 课型review教学目标语言功能:谈论物品的所属关系。 学习任务:this is her bag. that is his hat. look! their school bags. 运用任务:向他人介绍自己所画的东西,并且写上自己的名字;把自己的物品介绍给朋友;把大家画好的东西放在一起,看谁能找到正确的主人。重点学习任务:this is her bag. that is his hat. look! their school bags. 难点语言功能:谈论物品的所属关系。教学时间、时数1 period教具tape, pictures, etc.教学手段、方法交际, 活动 , p

40、ractice 教学过程i. revision:1.read the whole module together.2.listen and repeat.3. sing a song.ii. new concepts: .iii. class work: activity book, page 1013 (1) point and say(2) listen and match(3) listen and colourvi. homework: 1. read the text after the tape. (5 times)板书设计module 3 课后反思课 时 教 案 ( 11 )课题

41、module 4 unit 1 this is my head.课型new教学目标语言功能:描述身体部位。 学习任务:this is my (your) head/ nose/ mouth/ eye/ ear/face. 运用任务:向他人描述自己所画的,制作的东西的身体部位,还可以让学生发挥想象力,自己制作一个面具,进行展示。 重点学习任务:this is my (your) head/ nose/ mouth/ eye/ ear/face. 难点语言功能:描述身体部位。单词nose、mouth的发音以及句型“this is my,this is your”的用法是本课的教学难点。教学时间、时

42、数1 period教具tape, pictures, etc.教学手段、方法交际,活动,情境,练习aa1.review(1)sing a songone, two, three, fourstand up ,sit down.()lets do .point to your desk.point to your book.point to a girl.point to a boy.point to the window/door/ceiling/door.new lesson(1) 用猴子的头像逐个教学单词head、eye、ear、mouth、nose、face,教学时注意用多种方式教学,并

43、渗透教学my ,your (2) 完成运用任务2.边做动作边教学chant :eye ,eye ,eye , this is my eye ,aear , ear , ear , this is my ear ,a mouth, a nose ,make a face . 3. 完成任务1. 完成运用任务1:clape and point. 教师发指令,如eye,学生快速反应,先拍手再快速指向教师所说的部位。2. 教师指着自己的眼睛,教学this is my eye .再邀请一名学生当搭档,教师指着他的眼睛对他说:this is your eye .3. 再让学生两人一小组,完成运用任务3:学

44、生每人拿出一张自己的照片,指着自己的照片用this is my介绍自己照片上的头部各器官,用句子this is your 说一说同桌照片上的头部各器官,说完后请两组学生到前面来表演。4. 完成运用任务4:贴amy头像。 教师出示一张没有五官的amy 头像,让学生一起来贴一个漂亮的amy头像,并一边贴一边说:“amy ,this is your .”4. 拓展延伸1. 完成运用任务5 教师出示一张怪物的图片,怪物有三只蓝色的眼睛,一个红色的鼻子,两张黄色的嘴巴,让学生用学过的词汇来描述这只魔鬼,如“three blue eyes.”等等。5. 总结新课并布置作业教师拿出一个面具,戴在自己的脸上,

45、并用英语描述:“look, this is my head . this is my eye . this is my mouth”并鼓励学生回家自己制作一个面具,并像教师刚才那样用英语介绍自己的头部各器官给自己的家长听。板书设计module 4 unit 1 this is my,this is your.课后反思年 月 日课 时 教 案 ( 12 )课题module 4 unit 2 these are your legs.课型new教学目标语言功能:描述身体部位。 学习任务:this is my (your) head/ nose/ mouth/ eye/ ear/face. 运用任务:

46、向他人描述自己所画的,制作的东西的身体部位,还可以让学生发挥想象力,自己制作一个面具,进行展示。重点语言功能:描述身体部位。 难点能听懂会说this is / these are 及mouth, eye, ear, foot, hand, arm, nose, leg, head, eyes, ears, feet教学时间、时数1 period教具tape, pictures, etc.教学手段、方法讲解,活动,练习教学过程step 1.warming-up1.教师亲切热情地和学生做free talk.2.play a game:point your nose;mouth;ear;eye;he

47、ad;face.学生指的同时要齐读,“this is my ”。3.revision:point and say.出示上课的panda,教师指,学生快速说出名称。step 2.presentation1.t:today, panpans friend comes. look, whats this?教师为学生呈现一幅卡通蜘蛛的挂图。先让学生猜,然活说:“hello, spider”友好地与蜘蛛打招呼。 s: 教师教授学生新单词“spider”,并让学生仔细观察这幅图画t: oh, so many legs. (教师可以通过指自己的身体器官让学生上来指spider的器官,并跟自己读。) t: h

48、ow many?one ,two threeeight. these are 8 legs.教师让学生数数有几个,让学生初步接触these are。2. t:同学们,有一只小蜘蛛正在向妈妈询问它的身体部位,它们都说了些什么呢?让我们听听吧!教师为学生呈现这个单元活动1的教学挂图,并播放活动1的录音。3.教师请学生认真听录音,把本课的新单词画出来。第一遍录音播放完毕之后,教师领读新单词,并进行升降调的领读训练。4.教师拿起学生的一本书对他说:“this is your book.。”然后又从这个同学桌上取了一本书,把两本书一起举起来,说:“these are your books.” ,通过手势

49、表明数字,让学生明白these are与this is 的不同。教师这时对学生说:“因为小蜘蛛有8条腿,8只眼镜,所以蜘蛛妈妈在介绍时用了these are”。5.教师请学生再听一遍录音,边听边模仿课文对话。6.教师可以以各种形式让学生来练习这段对话,但要提醒学生,只有注意模仿录音中的语音和语调,才能将对话表演地惟妙惟肖。7.最后教师可以请同学们上台来表演,评出“最棒男蜘蛛侠”、“最棒女蜘蛛侠”。step3. practice.1.学生两人一组。学生a指着自己的两只眼睛问学生b:“what are these?”学生b要快速地反应出来:“these are your eyes”然后两人交换,由

50、学生b指着自己的身体部位进行提问,看看谁的反应快,说得准。2.教师将一些身体部位(如:腿、肩膀;手、膝盖、脚趾等)的图片分成两部分,并且打乱顺序排列在黑板上。然后给学生一点时间让他们记住都有哪些身体部位的图片以及它们的位置。然后教师将这些图片翻面。学生根据自己的记忆,找出这些身体部位中一对对的图片,并用英语表达:“these are legsshoulders”step4. learn to the song.1.老师放录音,让学生听活动3的歌曲,并从整体上把握歌曲大意。2.然后逐行进行教授,帮助学生理解歌词含义,并在必要时以夸张的肢体语言辅助教学。3.再放录音,每句话后停顿,以便学生指相应的部位。鼓励学生自己给歌曲编排动作,边唱边表演出来。4.最后,请同学们上前面来表演,并评选“最佳表演奖”和“最佳演唱奖”,并给予奖励。 step5.activity 1.教师让学生看课本活动4的挂图。2.然后请两名同学到前面来配合示范。教师说:“touch heads”两人就轻轻地把头碰在一起,教师示范后,学生三人一组用这种方式继续练习其它身体部位。如:“touch shoulders! touch hands !touch legs!”等。教师也可以请几位学生围成一个圈子,一起做这个游戏。每次由一名学生发出指令。 step 6. summary学生以小组为单位一起归纳本单元所学的语言项目


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