1、全国外经贸从业人员认证考试高级国际贸易业务员实务考试试卷2007年12月题目序号一二三四五总分核分人应得分数3220121224100实际得分得分评卷人复核人一、 计算题(共32分)1运费计算(12分)金海进出口公司出口机器一批,共30箱,每箱重量0.58公吨,每箱的包装是60cm80cm100cm。由宁波装中国远洋运输公司轮船(班轮),经香港转船至苏丹港。已知:查阅货物分级表,该机器属于10级货,计算标准为wm;在中国香港航线费率表中查出10级货从宁波运至香港的费率为23美元,香港中转费为15美元;再从香港红海航线费率表中查出10级货的费率为95美元;最后查附加费率表,了解到苏丹港要收港口拥
2、挤附加费,费率为基本运费的8。试计算a公司应付船公司运费多少?(计算过程保留四位小数,有结果没过程不给分。)并请回答下列问题:问题:班轮运输费用的基本运费如采用按货物的毛重计收或按货物的体积计收有几种,在运价表内是如何表示的,请分别说明。2出口价格核算(20分)品名:aluminum tool case货号:tc1788计量单位:只包装:纸箱包装方式:1pc/inner box,4pc/carton每个纸箱尺码:98cm(长)58cm(宽)35cm(高)每个纸箱毛重/净重:g.w.:15kgn.w.: 13kg报价数量200只核算数据 采购成本:150元人民币只(含增值税) 出口费用:单位商品
3、出口的包干费约为:¥2.50 件杂货拼箱海运费率为:(计费标准“m/ w”)u s60.00(每运费吨) 出口定额费率为:(按采购成本计)3.50 垫款周期为:30天 银行贷款年利率为:(1年按360天计)8.00 海运货物保险费率为:0.70 投保加成率为:10.00 增值税率为:17.00 出口退税率为:13.00 国外客户的佣金为:(按报价计)3.00 银行手续费率为:(按报价计)0.35 汇率为:(1美元兑换人民币)¥7.50 预期利润:销售利润率为:10.00要求:每一步计算都保留4位小数,且四舍五入。计算的每一步都填在下列表中。fob报价、cfr报价和cif报价均为美元/只。计算项
4、目计算过程计算结果单位货物总体积货物总毛重实际成本退税收入贷款利息海洋运费海运保险费出口业务定额费包干费fob报价cfr报价cif报价得分评卷人复核人二、 单证制作题(共20分)缮制来料加工合同资料:合同号码: jm07001006 日期: jun.,2 2006甲方:上海鼎好国际商务有限公司shanghai dinghao international business development co.,ltd.上海北京东路688号26楼floor 26, no.688 beijing road(e),shanghai 200001 p.r.china乙方: banstead managemen
5、t co.,ltd.96 mark lane,new york,ny 10069tel:001-212-993-6948 fax:001-212-993-69491 料件情况数量quantity来料品名及规格description包装packing金额(包括保险费及运费)amount(insurance & freight included)3,950 mtrs90%modal/10%silk knitted fabric(90%modal人造丝10%丝针织布)width:58/60”纸箱cif ningbousd15,800.00来料装运: 2006年6月28日以前来料交付目的港:中国宁波
6、2成品情况数量成品名及规格包装加工费单价1,500pcs 2,000pcs ladies knitted dress(针织连衣裙)ladies knitted wear(针织女上衣)纸箱usd2.80/pcusd2.50/pc(1)付款条件: 电汇 (2)保险和海运费: 由乙方负责 (3)成品装运时间:aug.,1,2006 (4)成品装运目的口岸: 纽约 甲方负责人:唐镜如 乙方负责人:robertmeade3合同格式 来料加工合同 合同号码: contract contract no.:(for business of processing (party bs) 日 期:materials
7、 into finished products) date: 甲 方:party a: 乙 方: party b: 甲乙双方经过洽谈,达成来料加工下列商品的协议,现订立合同如下:an agreement is reached on this date between party a and party b on the conclusion of the following business of processing party bs materials into finished products according to the provisions of this contract:
8、一、乙方向甲方负责提供下列原(辅)料,其运输、保险等费用均由乙方负担。materials (and finding, if any) to be supplied to party a by party b, at party bs expense, freight and insurance also to be borne contract.数量quantity来料品名及规格description包装packing金额(包括保险费及运费)amount(insurance & freight included)来料装运期shipment:来料交付目的港destination(for mate
9、rials): 二、 甲方向乙方提供下列商品:finished products to be supplied to party b by party a.数量quantity成品名及规格description包装packing加工费processing chargesunit priceamount(1) 付款条件terms of payment: (2) 保险和海运费insurance and freight charge: . (3) 成品装运时间time of shipment (subject to materials for processing arriving at ningb
10、o not later than ) (4) 成品装运目的口岸destination(for finished products) : (5) 凡有关本合同或执行本合同发生争议,由双方友好协商解决。如协商不成,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会,按照该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。 all disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with this sales confirmation, shall be settled amicably through friendly negoti
11、ation. in case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted to china international economic and trade arbitration commission, shanghai commission for arbitration in accordance with rules of arbitration of china international economic and trade arbitration commis
12、sion. the award made by the commission should be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. 甲 方 乙 方 party a party b 得分评卷人复核人三、 根据销售合同审核信用证,指出信用证存在的问题并说明应如何修改。(共 12分)(1)销售合同宁波易新进出口有限公司ningbo yixin imp. & exp. co., ltd. no.1005 zhongshan road(e.1), ningbo china 售 货 确 认 书 编号: sc0601260tel: 0086-0
13、532-66080888 sales confirmation no. fax:0086日期: dec.,1,2006 dateto messrs: shinorman co.,ltd. itc building 6th floor suite 602 1-8-4 chome isobe-dori chuo-ku kobe japantel: 0081-78-362-1444fax:0081-78-362-1445谨启者: 兹确认授予你方下列货品,其成交条款如下:dear sirs : we hereby confirm having sold to you th
14、e following goods on the terms and conditions as specified below:(1)货物名称及规格name of commodity and specification(2)数量quantity(3)单价unit price(4)总价amount(1) wide mouth flask packaging: normal color box (2)thermosstainless steel capacity: 500mlpacking: color box/pc, 12pcs/carton3000pcs4400pcscfr kobeusd5
15、.00usd6.00usd15000.00usd26400.00totalusd41400.00total amount in words:say us dollars forty one thousand four hundred only (5) 装运期限:time of shipment: shipment to be effected before feb.28,2007(6) 装运港:port of loading: ningbo china(7) 目的港:port of destination:kobe japan(8) 分批装运: partial shipments: not a
16、llowed(9) 转船: transshipment: not allowed(10) 付款条件:terms of payment: the buyer shall open through a bank acceptable to the seller an irrevocable sight letter of credit which remains valid for negotiatlon in china until the 15th day after the date of shipment.(11) 保险: insurance: to be covered by the b
17、uyer.(12) remarks: confirmed by: 买 方 高 岛 卖 方 洪 坡the buyer the seller (2)信用证2006dec25 15:55:52 logical terminal poo5mt700 issue of a documentary credit page 00001runc swpr3umr 00182387magack dws7651 auth ok, key b19604214faea9b2, bkchcnbj saib jpjt recordbasic header f 01 bkchcnbja300 81 18 157214app
18、lication header 0 700 1547 061225 saibjpjtcxxx 3846 992024 050225 1447*asahi bank ltd, *tokyouser header service code 103:bank priority 113:msg user ref. 108:info. from ci 115:sequence of total *27 :1/1applicable rules *40 :irrevocabledoc, credit number *20 :lc-788-392328date of issue *31c :061225ex
19、piry *31d :date 070215place in the country of the applicantapplicant *50 : ningbo yixin imp. & exp. co., ltd. no.1005 zhongshan road(e.1), ningbo chinabeneficiary *59 : shinorman co.,ltd. itc building 6th floor suite 602 1-8-4 chome isobe-dori chuo-ku kobe japanamount *32b :currency hkd amount 26400
20、,00max. credit amount *39 :up toavailable with/by *41d :any bankby negotiationdrafts at . *42c :drafts at sight for full invoice valuedrawee *42a :*asahi bank ltd, *tokyopartial shipments *43p : allowedtransshipment *43t : allowedloading on board/dispatch/taking in charge at/from. *44a:shanghai,chin
21、afor transportation to. *44b:kobe, japanlatest date of ship.*44c :070130descript. of goods *45a : (1) wide mouth flask 3000pcs usd5,00packaging: normal color box (2)thermos 4000pcs usd6,00stainless steel capacity: 500mlpacking: color box/pc, 12pcs/cartonprice term: cif kobedocuments required *46a :+
22、 3/3 set of original clean on board ocean bills of lading made out to order of shipper and blank endorsed, marked “freight prepaid” and notify applicant+ original signed commercial invoice in 5 fold indicating contract no.+ insurance policy or certificate, endorsed in blank, for 110pct of the invoic
23、e valueincluding: the institute cargo clauses (a), the institute war clauses and the institute strikes, riots and civil motions clauses, insurance claims to be payable in japan+ certificate of origin in 1 original and 1 copy.+ packing list in 3 fold+ weight list in 3 foldadditional cond. *47 :1. t.t
24、. reimbursement is prohibited.2. 10pct more or less in quantity acceptable.3. the goods to be packed in strong export cartons.details of charges *71b :all banking charges outside japan including reimbursement commissions are for account of beneficiary.presentation period *48 :documents to be present
25、ed within 2 day after the date of shipment, but within the validity of the credit.confirmation *49 :withoutinstructions *78:this credit is non-operative unless the opening bank give further advise.the negotiation bank must forward the drafts and all documents by registered airmail direct to us (intl
26、 operations center mail address: c.p.o.box no. 800 tokyo 100-91 japan) in two consecutive lots, upon receipt of the drafts and documents in order, we will reimburse the negotiating bank in accordance with their instructions.trailer :order is mac:3cdff763chk:8a1aa1203070修改表格序号swift代码存 在 问 题修 改得分评卷人复核
27、人四、简述题(共 12 分)试述国际贸易单证的重要性和制作的要求。得分评卷人复核人五、案例分析题(共24分)(一)缺乏市场营销调研带来的后果(12分)2004年7月27日我方厦门a公司应挪威b公司的请求,报出口某初级产品200公吨、每公吨cif布雷维克(brevik)人民币260美元、即期装运的发盘。但对方接到我报盘,未作接受,而一味请求我方增加数量,降低价格,并延长有效期。我方曾将数量增至300公吨,价格每公吨cif布雷维克(brevik)减至人民币250美元,有效期经两次延长,最后延至8月25日。b公司于8月22日来电接受该盘。但我方接到对方接受电报时,发现因该初级产品主要产地巴西受冻灾而
29、但均未能达到目的。最后以我方执行合同而告终,共损失差价达2.85万美元之多,对外也产生一定的不良影响。从这个案例来看,我们从中吸取的教训是多方面的。 请问:1我方在推销技术上有哪些缺陷? 2我方在处理问题的策略上有哪些不足?3试说明市场营销调研在企业经营中的重要性。(二)商品品质不符引起的纠纷案(12分)我某出口公司与德国一公司签订出口某商品的合同,数量为100长吨,单价为每长吨cif汉堡300美元,品质规格为:水分最高15、杂质不超过3,交货品质以中国商品检验局品质检验为最后依据。但在成交前我方公司曾向对方寄送样品,合同签订后又电告对方,确认成交货物与样品相似。货物装运前由中国商品检验局检验
31、低7。由于我方出口公司已将留存的样品遗失,对自己的陈述无法加以说明,我仲裁机构也难以处理。最后只好赔付了一笔品质差价而结案。请问:(1)该商品在合同中仅规定了凭规格交货,有没有寄送样品的必要?(2)如果既凭样品又凭规格达成的交易要注意哪些问题?(3)上述案例给我们哪些启示?高级国际业务员实务考试试卷答案(考试编号:0702)一、计算题1运费计算(12分)参考答案:解:总毛重 300.58=17.40公吨 (1分) 总体积 3060cm80cm100cm=14.40立方米 (1分) 17.40公吨14.40立方米,根据计算标准为wm,取重量计算。运费吨的运价=23+15+95+958=140.6
32、0(美元) (4分)总运费=17.40140.60= 2446.44美元) (3分)答:金海进出口公司应付船公司运费为2446.44美元。问题: 1按货物的毛重计收。即以重量吨(weight ton)为计算单位计收,在运价表内用“w”字母表示。 (1分)2按货物的体积计收。即以尺码吨(measurement ton)为计算单位计收,在运价表内用“m”表示。 (1分)以上两种计算运费的重量吨和尺码吨统称为运费吨(freight ton)。 3按货物的毛重或体积,由船公司选择中收费较高的一种计收运费,在运价表中用“w/m”表示。 (1分)2出口价格核算(20分)答:计算项目分数计算过程计算结果单位
33、货物总体积1200/4(98 35 58)/10000009.947立方米货物总毛重1200/4 15/10000.75公吨实际成本1150 (1+17-13)/(1+17)133.33人民币元/只退税收入1150 13/(1+17)16.67人民币元/只贷款利息1150 8 30/3601人民币元/只海洋运费19.947 60/200 7.5022.3808人民币元/只海运保险费325.5334 (1+10)0.7 7.501.4746人民币元/只出口业务定额费1150 3.505.25人民币元包干费12.50人民币元fob报价3(133.33+1+5.25+2.5)/(1-3-0.35-1
34、0)/7.5=142.08/0.8665/7.521.8627美元/只cfr报价3(133.33+1+5.25+2.5+22.3808)/(1-3-0.35-10)/7.5=164.4608/0.8665/7.525.3065美元/只cif报价3(133.33+1+5.25+2.5+22.3808)/1-(1+10) 0.70-3-0.35-10/7.5=164.4608/0.8588/7.525.5334美元/只二、缮制来料加工合同答:(共20分,错一点,扣1分,扣完为止) 来料加工合同 合同号码: contract contract no.:jm07001006(for business
35、of processing (party bs) 日 期:materials into finished products) date: jun.,2 2006甲 方:party a: 上海鼎好国际商务有限公司shanghai dinghao international business development co.,ltd.上海北京东路688号26楼floor 26, no.688 beijing road(e),shanghai 200001 p.r.china乙 方: party b: banstead management co.,ltd.96 mark lane,new york,
36、ny 10069tel:001-212-993-6948 fax:001-212-993-6949 甲乙双方经过洽谈,达成来料加工下列商品的协议,现订立合同如下:an agreement is reached on this date between party a and party b on the conclusion of the following business of processing party bs materials into finished products according to the provisions of this contract: 一、乙方向甲方负
37、责提供下列原(辅)料,其运输、保险等费用均由乙方负担。materials (and finding, if any) to be supplied to party a by party b, at party bs expense, freight and insurance also to be borne contract.数量quantity来料品名及规格description包装packing金额(包括保险费及运费)amount(insurance & freight included)3,950 mtrs90%modal/10%silk knitted fabric(90%moda
38、l人造丝10%丝针织布)width:58/60”cartonscif ningbousd15,800.00total: usd15,800.00来料装运期shipment:before jun.,28,2006来料交付目的港destination(for materials):ningbo china 三、 甲方向乙方提供下列商品:finished products to be supplied to party b by party a.数量quantity成品名及规格description包装packing加工费processing chargesunit priceamount1,500
39、pcs 2,000pcs ladies knitted dress(针织连衣裙)ladies knitted wear(针织女上衣)cartonusd2.80/pcusd2.50/pctotal:usd4,200.00usd5,000.00usd9,200.00 totalusd25000.00(1) 付款条件terms of payment: t/t (2) 保险和海运费insurance and freight charge: 由乙方负责 to be covered by party b. (3) 成品装运时间time of shipment (subject to materials f
40、or processing arriving at ningbo not later than aug.,1,2006 ) (4) 成品装运目的口岸destination(for finished products) : new york (5) 凡有关本合同或执行本合同发生争议,由双方友好协商解决。如协商不成,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会,按照该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。 all disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with this sales confirmatio
41、n, shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted to china international economic and trade arbitration commission, shanghai commission for arbitration in accordance with rules of arbitration of china
42、 international economic and trade arbitration commission. the award made by the commission should be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. 甲 方 乙 方 party a party b 唐镜如 robertmeade 三、根据销售合同审核信用证,指出信用证存在的问题并说明应如何修改。(12分)答:序号swift代码存 在 问 题修 改150,59开证人与受益人换错应互相对调231d到期地点在申请人所在国(in the country
43、of applicant)应改为在受益人所在国(in the country of beneficiary)332b信用证金额和币别错改为 usd41400.00445a货物描述中:(2) thermos 4000pcs有误应改为thermos 4400pcs545a货物描述中的价格条款(cif kobe)错误应改为cfr kobe646a系cfr交易,受益人无需提交保单应删去保险单据条款747附加条款中关于溢短装数量(10 more or less)与合同规定不符2. 10pct more or less in quantity acceptable.语句删除848交单期为2天,过短应改为1
44、5天943ppartial shipments: allowed应改为partial shipments: not allowed1043t转船:transshipment: allowed应改为transshipment: not allowed1178指示条款中有限制信用证生效的规定(this credit is non-operative unless the opening bank give further advise.)应删除1244a装运港 shanghai,china应改为 ningbo,china四、简述题(12分)答:国际贸易作为商业行为,绝大部分表现为商品和资金的双向或
45、多向的交流,而由于商品的单证化和资金的单证化,以致在国际贸易实务中,贸易的最终完成往往是以单证交流的形式来实现的。提高单证质量,对保证安全迅速收汇有着十分重要的意义,特别是在信用证付款条件下,实行的是单据和货款对流的原则,单证不相符,单单不一致,银行和进口商就可能拒收单据和拒付货款,因此,缮制结汇单据时,要求做到以下几点: (2分)(1)正确。单据内容必须正确,既要符合信用证的要求,又要能真实反映货物的实际情况。各单据的填制的内容之间不能相互矛盾。在信用证业务中,单据的重要性集中体现在单据与信用证条款的一致,单据与单据之间彼此一致。 (2分) (2)完整。单据的种类、份数应符合信用证的规定,不能短少,单据本身的内容,应当完备,不能出现项目短缺情况。 (2分) (3)及时。制单制作应及时,以免错过交单日期或信用证有效期。 (2分) (4)简明。单据内容应按信用证要求和国际惯例填写,力求简明,切勿加列不必要的内容。 (2分)(5)整洁。单据的布局要美观大方,缮写或打印的字迹要清楚醒目,单据表面要洁净,更改的地方要加盖校对章。一些重要单据如提单、汇票以及单据的主要项目如金额、件数、数量和重量等,不宜改动。 (2分)五、案例分析(一
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