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1、lesson one going to the farmteaching aims:1. students are able to read the words and phrases: farm, zoo, park, hand in hand, arm in arm, so they can recite the rhyme to the farm correctly and freely.2. be able to understand and use the drills:where are you going? im going tokey points: read the rhym

2、e correctly.difficult points:1.rhyme: to the farm2.the correct pronunciation of two words: farm, armteaching methods: games, song, communication, tprteaching aids: cai, picturesteaching periods: threeteaching procedures:step 1 warm-up1.greeting:t: good morning! boys and girls. how are you today? (做o

3、k手势,学生根据手势回答)2. 出示不同动物的图片,用动物来导入“farm”的主题来。 t:(pig的图片)whats this? its a pig. ss: its a pig.3. 同法展示不同的动物。t:where are the animals? ss: theyre on the farm.教学单词farm. t::lets go and have a look.4. 播放歌曲:to the farmstep 2 presentation1.歌曲完毕后,课件呈现农场果园的画面,t: oh, we are here. here is the farm. what can you se

4、e?( 给一秒钟时间学生看看,想想)wow , i can see hello, terry, kay, mary and jack. t: they are very happy. they are hand in hand , arm in arm to the farm.2. 教学短语hand in hand , arm in arm。(1)让学生边读边配动作。(2)game: high low voice。(3)让学生出来示范。3播放rhyme:to the farm,教授rhyme。(1)read after the tape.(2)teach the new word: happy

5、, kid, road.(3)read the rhyme group by group.(4)follow me , lets say and do.(5)让学生边拍手边有节奏地说唱整一首歌谣,并且掌声不断的加快,学生也要相应加速。(6)show time, lets see which group is the best.step 3 extension1. 利用game来教学句型“where are you going? im going to”2. group work: 一个学生为发令者,另外三个学生找不同的目的地(farm, zoo, park)出口。活动开始时,发令者问另外三个学

6、生:“where are you going?”三个学生分别根据自己要到达的目的地用“to the park./to the zoo./to the farm.”来回答。3. story time t: 现在我们都知道 hello和他的伙伴们去农场了。lets listen and watch the story. the second time, answer my question: “does hello know the farm?” 4. lets sing a song to the farm.step 4 summary结合板书,让学生说一说“今天我学会了什么?”选出这节课表现最

7、好的哪个组。step 5 homework:act and say the rhyme toyour parents.bb design:lesson one going to the farmto the farmwhere to go? where to go?happy kids are on the road.hand in hand, arm in arm. we are going to the farm.teaching reflection: lesson two on the mountainteaching aims:1. be able to listen and rec

8、ite the rhyme:a beautiful scene!2. be able to read the new words:beautiful,scene,river,deep,clean,mountain,steep,highway,wide,long。key points: able to read the rhyme correctly.difficult points:the correct pronunciation of the words: steep, deep, clean, river.teaching methods: games, song, communicat

9、ion, tprteaching aids: cai, pictures, tape, flashcardsteaching periods: threeteaching procedures:step 1 warm up1. 全班跟课件唱歌谣:to the farm2. 分小组跟课件唱歌曲to a farm,一个小组唱一句或者两句。3. greeting出示一幅农场的图片。张有山、河、公路等的图片。t: where are you going? ss: im going to the farm.t: ok. lets get on the bus. let s go.cai呈现一段去农场的动

10、画。看完后老师对动画里出现的风景进行提问。t: what is this/it /that? its a hill/bus/.step 2 presentation and practice1. 承接上面的问题用what is this/it /that?引出beautiful,scene,mountain,highway等单词的教学。利用图片和单词卡进行教学。2. 开火车操练beautiful,scene,mountain,highway等单词。3. 指导学生看课本的图让学生说出图中的景物,当学生说river,mountain,highway的时候,老师问小河的水怎样呢? 山怎样呢? 高速公

11、路怎样呢? 引出形容词:deep,clean,steep, wide等单词的教学。4. learn the rhyme: a beautiful scene!(1) listen and watch the cai first. and then teacher explain the rhyme. (2)read after the teacher and do the actions. (3)listen to the cai and read the rhyme together(three times) .(4)lets act the rhyme team by team.(5)as

12、k some students to show the rhyme.5. 帮助学生编一首中文歌谣加深记忆:小河,小河,深又净。高山,高山,陡又绿。高速公路,高速公路,宽又长,快乐的孩子,快乐的歌。step 3 extension1. 让学生拿出准备好的白纸和颜色笔,听老师的指令进行作画。t: draw a river. draw three hills. draw a highway. draw some happy children. ok. when you finish you can colour them.把画得好的同学的图画在课堂上展示。2. 思想教育:大家喜欢这些美丽的风景吗?美

13、丽的风景要靠我们人类去保护和爱护,我们应该怎样保护环境呢?对了,我们爱护环境就不能乱扔垃圾,不能破坏花草树木等等。3. 总结小组评价。step 4 homework1. listen to the tape p1-8 for 15 minutes.2. act and say the rhyme toyour parents.bb design:unit two on the mountaina beautiful scene!river, river, deep and clean, mountain, mountain, steep and green, highway, highway,

14、 wide and long, happy children, happy song!teaching reflection: unit three meeting the familyteaching aims: 1. be able to listen and say the words: family grandma grandpa brother call mama papa bump2. be able to understand and say the rhymekey points: able to read the rhyme correctly.difficult point

15、s: “no more monkeys jumping on my head!”teaching methods: activities, song, pairing comparision, actingteaching aids: tape, word cards ,pictureteaching periods: threeteaching procedures:step 1 warm up1. read the rhyme to the farm, a beautiful scene!together2. sing the song to a farm, a happy day tog

16、ether3. greeting t: whats this /it? s: its a river/highway /mountain.t: where are you going? s: to the farm/school/park/zoot: where are you ? s: on a river/highway /mountainstep 2 presentation and practice1. ask the students to bring their family photo to the class. t:wow! is this your family? use “

17、who is he /she”? to guide “mama papa grandma grandpa brother” and then to teach the new words.2. t: do you know monkeys family. lets learn the chant.“ a monkeys family”3. 指导学生看课本的图,并告诉学生这是猴子的一家。老师逐一指图用who is he /she?来问学生。如果学生能正确用英语回答mama papa grandma grandpa brother等单词并给予表扬。.4. learn the rhyme a mon

18、keys family.(1)listen to the tape first. and then explain the rhyme (2)read after the teacher and do the action (3)listen to the tape and read the rhyme together(three times)(4)lets act the rhyme team by team.(5)ask some students to read the rhyme. 5. games: point and say.step 3 homework1. listen to

19、 the tape p1-13 for 15 minutes2. read the rhyme and sing the song(p1-13) to your parentsbb design:unit three meeting the familya monkeys family grandma and grandpa jumping on the bed, little brother bumped his head. mama called papa and papa said, “no more monkeys jumping on my head!”teaching reflec

20、tion: lesson four in the houseteaching aims: 1. able to listen and say the words: father, mother.2. able to understand and say the rhyme.3. able to describe family and relationships.key points: the words of family: grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister , family difficult points: read the

21、 rhyme correctly.teaching methods: activities, song, actingteaching aids: cards , tape, caiteaching periods: threeteaching procedures:step 1 greetingt : class begins! ss: good morning ellie. t: good morning boys and girls. how are you ? ss: im fine, thank you!step 2 presentation1. lets sing a song m

22、eeting the family.2. t: last lesson we met marys family. can you tell me how many people in her family? who are they? ss: grandpa, grandma, brother, sister, mum, dad. t:(出示卡片)review the words.3. learn the new words: father , mother4. play a game to practice the words(开火车)5. t: now, look at the pictu

23、re. do you know who is she?(出示小丸子的图片)yes, this is xiao wanzis family. lets meeting her family. this is grandpa / grandma / father / mother / sister. can you introduce your family?(找两个学生带照片,介绍自己的家庭)6. group work:(4人小组,介绍自己的家庭。老师下去指导)step 3 practicet: we all know that hello is come from e-star ,but do

24、 you know his family? how about his father , mother, brother or sister? do you want to know? lets have a look!1. play cai, listen to the rhyme.2. ask and answer: how many people in hellos family? who are they? what are they doing?3. check the answer and review the words: playing, running, singing, d

25、ancing4. listen to the rhyme again.5. call some students act the rhyme.6. read the rhyme sentence by sentence.7. read it together.8. read it team by team.step 4 homework1. listen to the tape 20 minutes.2. say the rhyme to your parents.bb design:lesson four in the housein the houseliving room, a fami

26、ly room.for everyone at home.little bedroom, a sleeping room,a place of my own.teaching reflection: lesson five i like green fruit!teaching aims:1. students can read the rhyme.2. able to ask and show ones preference of the fruits.main points: read the rhyme correctly.difficult points: the correct pr

27、onunciation of the words: papaya, banana, strawberry, cherry.teaching methods: games, song, acting, pairing comparisionteaching aids: cards , tape, cai, real fruits, pictures of fruitsteaching periods: threeteaching procedures:step 1 warm up1. greeting 2. sing a song and go to the farmt: what a sunn

28、y day ! lets sing a song “the animals in the zoo” ok? s: ok! (sing a song)t: who is it ? s: monkey .t: yes! monkey has a harvest at its farm. lets go and have a look! stand up, please !get on the bus! t &ss: (sing a song )what a happy day !step 2 presentation &practice1. introduce the “ monkey ” , “

29、tang seng ”and the fruits(1)t: get off the bus!we are at the farm now. wow! 猴子也把它的师傅邀请来了哦!listen, what are they talking?(cai: welcome to my farm! 师傅,小朋友们!你瞧,管理这个果圆可不容易哦,现在让我为你介绍介绍我果园里的水果吧!)(2)listen to the rhyme.2. recall the contents of the rhyme (1)分组比赛 t: i like those fruits very much, do you lik

30、e them? s: yes .t: if you can tell me the fruits as many as possible, you will get the prize ! you can taste the fruits.ok? now, we have four groups! lets see who can get the most fruit cards .(2)teach the rhyme t: what are they?(教师拿出水果图片,呈现背面给学生看,根据水果的形状,说出歌谣的第一句)s& t: watermelons, papayat: do you

31、have the watermelons and papaya? show me, please .s: showing the fruits and sing in the mean time .ss say and do after the teacher (add assessment to the groups who can read well and guess right)3. listen to the rhyme and follow reading and acting.4. game: picking the fruits . (communicative activit

32、y)t: you know the fruits quite well. mm, id like the watermelon. what would you like? can you pick the fruits you like ? s: yes!t: how to pick? (the teacher does the demo) what would you like ?s1: id like a watermelon and a papaya .s2: id like a mango, a peach and a bananagroup: what would you like

33、? what would you like?choose t two students from two different groups to pick the fruits. the others ask “what would you like ?”5. game : carrying the fruits . (communicative activity)6. sing a song and sharing the fruits .(1)t: you are wonderful. we work so hard . time for enjoying our fruits . let

34、s sing a song to celebrate it ! ok? s: ok!(2)sing the song in the text book.(3)sharing the fruits .step 3 extensionmake a new rhyme with the fruits on the blackboard.step 4 sum up1. education 2. assessment3. sing a song and leave the farm .step 5 homework1. listen to the tape, read the rhyme “fruit”

35、 three times.2. teach the fruits you learned to your parents.bb design:lesson five i like green fruits!fruit teaching reflection: unit six picking applesteaching aims: 1. be able to listen and say the words: pick quick 2. be able to understand and say the rhymekey points: read the rhyme correctly.di

36、fficult points: the correct pronunciation of the words: pick, quick.teaching methods: activities, song, actingteaching aids: tape, word cards, pictureteaching periods: threeteaching procedures:step 1 warm up1. read the rhyme “fruit” together.2. lets sing a song: “i like green fruit”. ( the teacher t

37、akes a basket in the band with some fruit in it.)t: oh, you sing so well! group one is better.y ou can have my fruit. who wants to have some fruit? ( five the all fruit to the students.) oh, no more fruit. what should we do? lets go the farm and pick it.3. sing a song: to a farm.step 2 presentation

38、and practice1.指图t: here is a farm. wow ,so many apples here. lets pick apples 教pick2. learn the rhyme picking apples.(1)listen to the tape first.(2)read after the teacher and do the action (3)listen to the tape and read the rhyme together(three times)(4)read the rhyme team by team(5)lets act the rhy

39、me . 3. play a game: guessing game4. play a game: listen and stand up.5. sing a song: hello, watermelon do oh do.step 3 homework1. listen to the tape p13-31 for 15 minutes2. read the rhyme( p13-31)toyour parentsbb design: unit six picking applesteaching reflection: lesson seven a big dinnerteaching

40、aims:1. students are able to say the rhyme and act out it.2. students are able to remember some words of foods what they have learned.3.students are able to understand the rhyme.key points: be able to say and act out the rhyme.difficult points: be able to understand the rhyme.teaching methods: games

41、, communication, match, songteaching aids: cai、picturesteaching periods: threeteaching procedures:step 1 warm up1. greeting2. t says, ss do with t. t: stand up. /touch your nose./wash your face. /sit down.3. t: lovely boys and girls, i will give you two plates on the blackboard, which group get more

42、 foods, which group is the winner?step 2 presentation1. look at the clock. what time is it now? (cai) ss: its 12 oclock. t: yes, its time for lunch. but what is hello doing after lunch? (cai) ss: picking apples.t: yes, you are right. do you remember the rhyme of picking apples?ss: yes.(ss say the rh

43、yme together: picking apples.)2. t: hello is hungry now. look, what time is it now? ss: its 6 oclock. t: its time for dinner. grandma is coming. what is she doing ? lets watch the story.3. t asks some questions. t: there are so many food for dinner. what can you see? ss: beef, pork, eggs and potatoe

44、s.t: mm, they are delicious. this is a big dinner. all the food is good and fine! id like salads for dinner. what would you like? ss: id like .(t shows pictures.)t/s: salads, eggs, fish and meat. mm, all the food is good and fine.(do the action)t: what should we do before dinner time? stand up or si

45、t down? ss: sit down.t: yes, you should sit in a line. dinner time, sit in a line. all the food is good and fine! (ss read and do the action after t in correct rhythm.)4. t: oh, so many food here. salads, eggs, fish and meat. (t points to the pictures and says.) ss: salads, eggs, fish and meat.5. t:

46、 before you eat, you should wash your hands, ok? (t does the action as she says.)t: wash your hands before you eat. (ss read and do the action after t in correct rhythm.)step 3 practice1. listen and read after vcd twice.2. a game: sentence relay3. divide ss into two groups, each groups say two sente

47、nces. (two times)group 1: dinner time, sit in a line. group 2: all the food is good and fine! group 1: salads,eggs, fish and meat. group 2: wash your hands before you eat.4. some ss act out the rhyme, and the others say the rhyme.(two times)step 4 consolidation1. group work: make a new chant in grou

48、ps. dinner time, sit in a line. all the food is good and fine! hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken and soup. (use all the food we have learned to change it.) wash your hands before you eat.2. sing a song: have your food.t: hello is full now. he is happy to sing a song. lets sing together.step 5 homework:

49、1. listen to the tape more than three times and read after the rhyme.2. try to say and act out the rhyme for your dad and mom.bb design:lesson seven a big dinnerdinner timedinner time, sit in a line.all the food is good and fine!_, _, _ and _.wash your hands before you eat.teaching reflection: lesso

50、n eight a beehiveteaching aims:1. pupils can know about the story of lesson eight .2. pupils can know about the song of lesson eight .3. pupils can say the rhyme of lesson eight .4. let pupils know that its dangerous to touch the beehive.key points: pupils can say the rhyme of lesson eight.difficult points: pupils can change the number of the rhyme and make a new rhyme.teaching methods: games, song, acting, communicationteaching aids: cai, headgearsteaching periods: threeteaching procedure:step 1 greeting1. t: hello, boys and girls .im very happy to meet you here. are


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