高中英语 2.Name Stories课后练习 北师大版选修6_第1页
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1、2.name stories课后练习 北师大版选修6.单词拼写1the new drug has great_(重要性) for the treatment of the h1n1 virus.答案:significance2my daughter is a child with_(生动的) imagination.答案:vivid3do you know the _(起源) of life on earth?答案:origin4he gave us s_instructions on how to get there.答案:specific5dont be so serious.he was

2、 just t_.答案:teasing6he dreams of one day becoming a famous v_.答案:violinist7i was never d_against learning english.答案:discouraged8we still need some m_instruments for the concert.答案:musical9it is a_for such a strong man to sleep all day.答案:abnormal10english is a b_to much knowledge.答案:bridge.短语填空选择合适

3、的短语填空。come across,in particular,count on,end up,name after,put up with,figure out,hold up,now that,stand fo 11peter was lying on the sofa doing nothing_.答案:in particular12volt _its discoverer.答案:was named after13when you _a word you dont know,you dont have to look it up in the dictionary at once.答案:

4、come across14i have just_how to solve this question.答案:figured out15we should _each other to conquer the difficulty.答案:count on16an accident is_traffic.答案:holding up17_you are well again,you can travel.答案:now that18shes not going to _their smoking any longer.答案:put up with19ill tell you some stories

5、 about my friends who_in prison.答案:ended up20prc_the peoples republic of china.答案:stands for.完形填空every summer a great many students travel to other countries looking for work and adventure.most of the _21_are in seasonal work,mainly connected with tourism and_22_.the pay is usually poor,but most peo

6、ple work abroad for the_23_of travel.you can pick grapes in france,entertain kids on american summer camps,and,of course,there are_24_jobs in hotels and restaurants.but it is not easy now to find work.“ _25_you speak the language of the country well,there will be very few openings,”says althea ellis

7、,an adviser on_26_for students.“if you work with a family in italy,youll have to speak italian.when you wash dishes in a restaurant in paris,the owner will expect you to speak_27_.british students only have a language_28_for jobs in the usa and australia.”_29_enjoys the experience.sarah james was em

8、ployed to help forty american children in europe.the two teachers with the children had never been_30_.one child lost his passport; another became seriously ill and was_31_home; the whole group was thrown out of one hotel because of the _32_they made,and whats worse,sarah herself was robbed on her o

9、nly_33_evening of the entire trip.“i did visit a lot of new places,” she says,“but it wasnt worth it.the pay was_34_and it really was a 24houraday job.the kids never slept!”“the trouble is,students expect to have a(n)_35_time of it.”althea ellis points out.“after all,they see it as a_36_.in fact,_37

10、_,you have to work hard.at the same time,all vacation work is casual(临时的)work.youll have a job when the hotel,the restaurant,or the camp site is busy.in other words,youll work if its convenient for the company to_38_you.so you have_39_employment rights.as soon as the holiday season_40_,theyll get ri

11、d of you.”21a.worksbchallenges cchances dhardships解析:大多数的机会是季节性的。works作品;challenges挑战;chances机会;hardships困难。答案:c22a.service bindustry cbusiness dscience解析:根据下文可知,季节性的工作主要是旅游业和服务业。答案:a23a.pains bcomfort cdifficulty dexcitement答案:d24a.always bhardly cnever dseldom解析:宾馆和餐馆是用人较多的地方,在那儿总可以找到工作。所以用always。

12、答案:a25a.if bunless cbecause dalthough解析:根据后文可知,雇主希望雇员会说自己国家的语言,所以,除非你会说他们的语言,否则你很少有机会。答案:b26a.health care bvacation workclanguage studies dtourist safety答案:b27a.italian benglish cfrench dspanish答案:c28a.chance bability cpossibility dadvantage答案:d29a.no one bnonecnot everyone deverybody解析:根据后文sarah ja

13、mes的糟糕经历可知,不是每一个人都能在这种类型的工作中得到愉悦感。答案:c30a.abroad bemployedcworking drespected解析:sarah james带着40个美国孩子在欧洲旅游,老师和学生们都没有出过国。employed被雇用;working工作;respected被尊重。b、c、d都不符合句意。答案:a31a.driven bridden cleft dflown答案:d32a.friends bdecisions cnoise ddestruction答案:c33a.busy bfree ctiring dpleasant解析:sarah带着这些孩子一路都

14、不顺利,好不容易有个完全自由的晚上,又被抢了。答案:b34a.nice breasonablecfair dpoor解析:尽管去了许多地方,但sarah觉得不值,所以可判断,她得到的报酬很少。答案:d35a.hard beasy cdifficult dordinary答案:b36a.holiday bjob cfestival dstudy解析:毕竟,学生们还是把工作看成是在度假,是假期的一部分。答案:a37a.besides bthereforechowever dmeanwhile解析:此处表转折。学生们的想法是一种情况,然而,实际又是另一种情况。答案:c38a.fire bemploy

15、crecommend dappreciate答案:b39a.few blittle call dmuch解析:因此。你有很少的权利。c、d不合题意,little修饰不可数名词。答案:a40a.starts blastscapproaches dfinishes解析:一旦假期或旺季结束,雇主就可以解雇你。start开始;last持续;approach靠近,接近;finish结束。答案:d.地方题型:短文改错last sunday morning,when i was having a walk in the park near my home,i came across a crew make

16、a new film with one of my favourite actor.i didnt have my camera with me at that time,but i rushed back home to get.unfortunately,by the time i got back,they have finished the scene and the actor couldnt be seen everywhere.i was really disappointing and about to leave when he walked out a building.h

17、e was right there in the front of me!i couldnt believe my lucknot only did i had my photo taken with him,but he signed his name on my shirt!答案:last sunday morning,when i was having a walk in the park near my home,i came across a crew a new film with one of my favourite .i didnt have my camera with me at that time, i rushed back home to get .unfortunately,by


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