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1、广西贵港市2014届高中毕业班下学期5月高考冲刺模拟试题英语(市高考备考中心组成员命制)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. what does the womans sister do? a. she works as a reporter. b. she works for a tv station. c. she works as a lawyer

2、.2. what will the man do this sunday? a. go hiking b. visit his aunt c. see a doctor3. what does tom mean? a. he shouldnt apologize to his brother. b. he didnt damage his brothers bicycle. c. his brother broke his plane on purpose.4. what is the weather like now? a. it is sunny b. it is rainy c. it

3、is cloudy5. when will the class meeting start? a. at 8:00p.m b. at 8:30p.m c. at 9:00p.m第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料回答第67题。6. what is the probable relationship between the speakers? a. colleagu

4、es b. doctor and mother. c. manager and employee7. what is wrong with the womans son?a. he has a cold. b. he has a fever. c. he has a stomachache.听第7段材料回答第8、9题。8. what will the man do this afternoon?a. continue to watch tv. b. go shopping with his wife. c. work on his paper.9. how will the man celeb

5、rate his daughters birthday?a. take her to a concert. b. take her to the amusement park. c. buy her a dress.听第8段材料,回答第i0至12题。10. what did the woman do during her summer vacation?a. worked at a restaurant. b. visited hong kong disneyland. c. went to summer school.11. what does the woman think of the

6、mans vacation?a. it was not nice. b. he was not busy. c. it was interesting.12. what will the woman do this saturday?a. have a party. b. call the man. c. visit betty.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. why does the woman go to the supermarket?a. to ask for some information. b. to apply for a membership card. c. to

7、 ask for a discount.14. what day is it today?a. thursday. b. wednesday. c. friday.15. what is the womans phone number?a. 515-8610991. b. 515-8619901. c. 515-8610919.16. what will the woman do on sunday?a. see the dentist. b. watch a film. c. visit a friend.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. what is the most impo

8、rtant thing when cooking wenchang chicken?a. the boiling time. b. the degree of heating. c. the seasoning.18. how did wenchang chicken become popular?a. an official raised chicken in his hometown.b. the ming emperor enjoyed the chickens dish and named it.c. hainan-born chinese people took chicken to

9、 south-east asian countries.19. how many parts are needed to cook wenchang chicken in total? a. three b. four c. five20. which country has wenchang chicken rice not been spread to? a. vietnam b. malaysia c. thailand第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分):单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项

10、涂黑。21. the man enjoyed practicing_ piano day after day and finally he turned_ pianist.a. the; 不填 b. the; the c. a; 不填 d. a; the22. .john had planned to make a compromise, but_ he changed his mind at the last minute.a. anyhow b. somehow c. therefore d. otherwise 23. hello, i _ to ask if you are free

11、tomorrow afternoon. sorry, i have an important meeting to attend. a. phone b. will phone c. have phoned d. am phoning 24. james said during the interview that he did _ it took for his team to win. a. whenever b. whichever c. whatever d. however 25. they are regularly sent newspapers, but they rarely

12、 read them _ they have so much work to deal with. a. although b. as c. until d. if 26. _ will all the measures actually make a difference. a. if action is taken b. if only action is taken c. as if action is taken d. only if action is taken27. much of the work to _ things _ has happened in the browse

13、r, which people use to load a specific website quickly. a. bring; out b. turn; down c. speed; up d. take; off 28. _in the antarctic ice after rescuing 52 passengers aboard a russian ship, the chinese icebreaker xuelong is waiting its time to save itself. a. trapping b. to be trapped c. having trappe

14、d d. trapped 29. he arrived in hollywood in 1988, _, five years later, he became a successful businessman. a. when b. where c. that d. which 30. you _do anything just because other people think its best. a. mustnt b. darent c. dont have to d. cant 31. .jim, your sister has done most of the cleaning.

15、 could you finish _ when you are free? a. the others b. the other c. another d. the rest32. beijing announced its bid for the 2022 winter olympics, hoping to be the first city _ the winter games after playing host to the summer. a. to stage b. staging c. to be staged d. having staged 33. a human cas

16、e of h7n9 was reported in 2014 when a woman_ to be infected with the bird flu virus. a. confirmed b. had been confirmed c. was confirmed d. have confirmed 34. living in beijing has given her, a german woman, a(n)_ to multi-cultural communities and friends, and exposed her son to three languages at a

17、n early age. a. access b. way c. manner d. method 35. there is a supermarket. shall we go shopping first? _. whatever you want to do is ok with me. a. it just depends b. its all up to you c. all right d. glad to hear that第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后个题所给的四个选项(a,b,c,d)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题

18、卡上将该项涂黑。my morning routine includes shopping at the local convenient store to buy the daily news. one morning not long ago, the convenience of the store prove 36 to people stuck in the 37 behind two small boys. as i approach the counter to 38 the attendant, i noticed the two little guys standing at

19、the front of the line , which was growing 39 by the minutes.the man behind the counter clearly agitated(心烦意乱的) with the boys as his 40 rose above the morning chatter in the store and he said to them, “ look, you 41 nineteen cents more to pay for this candy. if you dont have it, you wont 42 it.”i 43

20、, as the small boys shuffled (移步) from one foot to another without any 44 , just staring at the attendant, their wide eyes filled with tears. the people waiting 45 in the line began to complain loudly, “ just go, boys!” i shouted 46 the noise, “ ive got the nineteen cents. take this dollar for my 47

21、 and keep the change towards their candy.”the attendant seemed relieved to have the matter settled. everyone in the line turned to look at me with the 48 of the two small boys who quickly snatched the candy and 49 the store.i handed over the dollar, smiled at the attendant and left. as i made my way

22、 to my car a small voice called out to me, “ hey, lady!” i 50 to see one of the boys standing around the corner of the building. “ that was pretty 51 !” he was gone. i suppose it was a “thank you” of sorts and i was content to 52 that i would be the topic of their small 53 that morning. i was the “

23、cool lady” who saved the day by paying for their candy. it made me smile to think that my small 54 had brightened their little world, even if for a 55 .36. a. inconvenientb. importantc. differentd. wrong37. a. hallb. storec. trafficd. line38. a. thank b. payc. served. recognize39. a. heavierb. thinn

24、erc. longerd. hotter40. a. powerb. pricec. voiced. spirit41. a. earnb. collectc. saved. need42. a. getb. preparec. carryd. finish43. a. smiledb. respondedc. watchedd. stood44. a. moneyb. wordc. reasond. news45. a. impatientlyb. sadlyc. angrilyd. tensely46. a. withinb. alongc. ford. above47. a. foodb

25、. giftc. paperd. box48. a. exceptionb. changec. noticed. help49. a. managedb. searchedc. leftd. reached50. a. tendedb. turnedc. happenedd. chose51. a. kindb. coolc. easyd. brave52. a. reportb. jokec. proved. think53. a. argumentb. conversationc. articled. meeting54. a. actionb. requestc. businessd.

26、fortune55. a. friend b. boyc. lifed. moment第三部分阅读理解(共20 小题,每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,.并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ai was going to die in antarctica, i was certain. a picture of my frost-covered body, pale and lifeless, filled my mind as i glanced around. in all directions spreads the empty wil

27、derness of antarctica, the only feature being the division between snow and sky. i sadly stared at my team, who were rapidly disappearing from my sight it happened in the year 2009 when i was head of an adventure attempting to reach the south pole the team was made up of ordinary women from all arou

28、nd the worldfrom jamaica, india, singapore and cyprusmany of whom had never seen snow, or spent a night in a tent, before we set off our aim was to be the most international all-female team to reach the south pole by the time i realized that my sledge (雪橇) was firmly stuck, the team were already a l

29、ong way ahead of me i called out to era, my teammate from brunei, who was next in linegetting no response, i called again, but my shouts were carried away in the opposite direction by the wind i had stood and watched the line for a while as it marched away from me, confident that at any moment one o

30、f my teammates would look behind her seconds passed nothing i was gradually being left alonei pushed my sledge again, my strength suddenly increased when i thought of a cold, lonely death this time the sledge moved a little i kicked at the ice with my ski-pole and boot, desperately trying to break t

31、he sledge freeand pushed again the sledge shot forward, knocking me off balance i struggled to my feet and set off after the teami caught up just as they realized i wasnt there as we continued, my panic slowly fadedi found myself laughing to myself as i noticed reena checking behind her every few pa

32、ces in fact for the whole of the rest of the day each member of the team glanced over her shoulder every few minutes they were not going to risk losing me again56 what can we know from the first paragraph?a the authors poor physical conditionb the wonderful sights of antarcticac the authors regret o

33、f being left alone d the rough natural conditions of antarctica57 whats the main idea of the second paragraph?a how the author became the team leaderb brief introduction about the adventurec the process of selecting the team members d complete information about the team members58 what made it possib

34、le for the author to get her sledge out of the ice?a the strong desire to live onb the shouts of her teammatesc a sudden change in wind direction d the natural beauty ahead in antarctica59 why did the team form the habit of looking behind?a because their team leader demanded them to do sob because t

35、hey were expecting their team leaders arrivalc because they wanted to make sure their team leader was followingd because they were afraid there might be danger coming from behind bdo many people you know drive a car? how do you get a license to drive a car in your hometown? read the following handbo

36、ok and you will find out how to get a learner license and how to drive safely in australiaabout your learner licenseto prepare new and young drivers for the complex task of driving, all learner driver applicants must successfully complete a special road ready course to qualify for their licensesabou

37、t the road ready coursein the road ready course, you will take part in exercises to help raise awareness of the complexities of safe drivingyou will be assessed on your level of participation and understanding of the topicsthe final stage of the course is computerized, multiple choice road rules kno

38、wledge testthe course is conducted over several sessions and takes up to 15 hours to completeobtaining a learner licenseany person aged 15 years and 9 months or more may apply for a learner license to drive a car the learner license is valid for 24 months but must be held for a minimum of six months

39、the driver must attain the age of 17 years before attempting a practical driving testto obtain a learner license an applicant must:provide proof of identity, age and residencecomplete and pass a road ready coursepass a knowledge test on the road rules and safe driving practicespass an eyesight testw

40、hen driving, learner drivers must be accompanied by a person holding a full licenselearner plates must be displayed on the front and the back of the vehicle while it is being driven by the learnerdrive and survive, avoid driver fatigue (疲劳)driving when you are fatigued can be deadly30% of single veh

41、icle crashes in country areas involve a fatigued driverfor long trips over 2 hours:have plenty of rest breaks at least every two hourshave a coffee break or walk around and stretch your musclesstay somewhere overnight if its a really long distancedont drive when you would normally be asleepget a goo

42、d nights sleep before the tripshare the drivingtake a passenger who will chat and keep you alertdont drink and drivebefore and during the trip eat properly, avoid any alcohol and dont take medicine that may cause tirednesswhen you feel sleepy, stop and sleepremember that you can become drowsy (昏昏欲睡)

43、 even on short tripsif you have been working or partying hard, avoid driving if possible60according to the handbook, to get a learner license in australia, an applicant must do the following except _afinish and pass a road ready coursebpass a knowledge test on the road rules and safe driving practic

44、escprovide proof of identity, marriage and educational backgrounddtake an eyesight test and meet the requirements61when driving, learner drivers _acan drive by themselves on the roads with light trafficbhave to display their learner licenses on the front and the back of their carscmust be accompanie

45、d by either of their parentsdcant drive alone without being accompanied by a person with a full license62if a driver has to take a two-day trip, which suggestions will you give him?atake a rest break every 2 hoursbask someone else to go with him so that they can take turns to drive without stoppingc

46、start out at 3 in the morning in order to avoid rush hoursdstay somewhere overnighteget a good nights sleep before the tripaabd bade cbce dbcd63. where does this text probably come from?a. a tourist guide book. b. a news report c. a science text book d.a popular magazine cteenage boys, regardless of

47、 race, are more likely to die from gunshot wounds than from all natural causes combined, by the time the average american child leaves primary school, he or she will witness 8,000 murders and more than 100,000 acts of violence on television youth are becoming involved in violence at an alarming rate

48、 in fact, the young arrest rate for murder doubled, from 6 arrests per 100,000 youth aged from 10 to 17 to over 12 per 100,000 for the many youth who have not been directly exposed to violence in their own communities, the entertainment media (television, movies, music and video games) provides many

49、 opportunities for children to see and hear violent exchanges research shows that there are about 56 violent acts per hour on prime time and 2025 violent acts on saturday morning childrens programming in its report, the american psychological association (apa) reported that viewing violence on telev

50、ision hurts children in many ways in particular, the apa concludes that children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, be more fearful of the world around them, be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others, and gradually accept violence as a way to so

51、lve problemsanother form of violence involving youth is physical punishment in the schools this form of discipline (纪律) still remains legally supported in 23 nations in america the office for civil rights in the department of education reported that 555,000 students were physically punished in the s

52、chools during this school year although such punishment has been regarded as an effective method of discipline by those who apply it, the findings are obvious that physical punishment does not work and that children who are victims of physical punishment are subject to potential long-term physical a

53、nd emotional damage64 according to the passage, the american teenage boys lives are most threatened by .a gun murders b natural diseasesc tv violence d physical punishment65 we can learn from paragraph 4 that _a many youth have watched much violence on tvb youth violence in washington ix; is very seriousc fights may be the most widely-seen youth violenced american yout


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