1、增加 EXP810存储柜及内存tsm 优化实施方案目录一、项目描述3二、硬件位置31)DS4700 机柜位置图和描述32)DS4700 前视图33)DS4700 控制柜后视图44)EXP810前视图45)EXP810控制柜后视图56)EXP810扩展柜与控制柜连接图:5三、操作系统mksysb 备份6四、DS4700 扩展柜物理上架,不上电的步骤8五、通过 SM 软件,观察存储健康情况9六、通过 sm 操作 exp810 增加过程10七、小型机增加内存操作10八、TSM 改进方案181 /filevault无法扩大的问题182 Tsm 增加 copy pool 的方式18附录: IBM Tot
2、alStorage DS4000 系列存储扩展柜EXP810介绍18产品概述19一、项目描述项目描述系统配置1 台扩展柜EXP81016 块 300GB/15K E-DDM 磁盘配置2 个主机光纤通道(FC, 4GB)接口4 组 4GB 小型机内存二、硬件位置1) DS4700 机柜位置图和描述其他设备DS4700控制柜EXP810, ENID:116x300GB Disk(增加后位置 )2) DS4700前视图3) DS4700 控制柜后视图4) EXP810 前视图5) EXP810 控制柜后视图6) EXP810 扩展柜与控制柜连接图:三、操作系统 mksysb备份通过磁带机备份aix
3、操作系统,展示如下:四、DS4700 扩展柜物理上架, 不上电的步骤将扩展柜EXP810拆包,物理安装存储柜。机架安装如下:物理连接图:五、通过 SM 软件,观察存储健康情况主要是通过sm 软件的, Recovery Guru 处,是否有报错,图示为小听筒处。六、通过 sm 操作 exp810 增加过程服务器不停机,停止应用服务器上的应用及停止掉相应的应用及 oracle 数据库。oracle数据库DS4700 不停电,在线,连接扩展柜EXP810将光纤线连接后,扩展柜EXP810上电,通过SM软件进行RAID 设置。检验存储扩展柜增加情况,再进行下一步操作Raid 设置建议如下:使用raid
4、6 保护,一块热备盘,另外保存两块硬盘存余,不配置到raid 中,这样保证当硬盘存现硬件损坏的情况下,能及时更换,当然这两块盘,在整个raid 空间不足时,随时都能加入到raid 组中。 300*11=3300G ,接近 3T 的容量。七、Flashcopy 配置原 flashcopy 配置如下:希望在扩展柜上进行新建flashcopy LUN。并把脚本进行更改。对相应脚本进行更改,例如:recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive oravgt1 userlabel=oravgt1;recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive oravgt2 userlabe
5、l=oravgt2; recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive oravgt3 userlabel=oravgt3; recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive oravgt4 userlabel=oravgt4; recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive windchillvgt1 userlabel=windchillvgt1; recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive windchillvgt2 userlabel=windchillvgt2; recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive pl
6、m3_ptcvgt1 userlabel=plm3_ptcvgt1;增加入新的flashcopy 卷。recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive oravgt1 userlabel=oravgt1_e; recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive oravgt2 userlabel=oravgt2_e ; recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive oravgt3 userlabel=oravgt3_e ; recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive oravgt4 userlabel=oravgt4_e ; recrea
7、teFlashcopy logicalDrive windchillvgt1 userlabel=windchillvgt1_e ; recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive windchillvgt2 userlabel=windchillvgt2_e ; recreateFlashcopy logicalDrive plm3_ptcvgt1 userlabel=plm3_ptcvgt1_e ;八、小型机增加内存操作1. 将应用服务器上的应用,通过 HACMP 切换到数据库机器上,手工重启应用服务器,验证能够重启。2. 停止应用服务器,关机,添加内存3. 启动应用服务器,
8、验证内存添加情况4. 停止数据库服务器,关机,添加内存5. 启动数据库服务器,验证内存添加情况6. 验证应用可以访问情况P5 561 增加内存规则:Install model 9116-561 or 570 memory modulesYou might need to install memorymodules in the server. Use the procedure in this section to perform this task.If your system is managed by the Hardware Management Console (HMC), see
9、Table 1 for the order in which you place the memorymodules, and then usethe HMC to complete the steps for installing memory modules. Forinstructions, see Install a feature using the Hardware ManagementConsole . If you do not have an HMC,complete the following steps to install memory modules:Prepare
10、the system1.Perform the prerequisite tasks described inBefore you begin .2. Stop the system. For instructions, see Stop the system or logical partition .3. Disconnect the power source from the system by unplugging the system.Note: This system may be equipped with a second power supply. Before contin
11、uing with this procedure, ensure that the power source to the system has been completely disconnected.4.Remove the front cover from the system unit. For instructions, see Remove the front cover from the model 9116-561 or 570 .5. If necessary, Disconnect the SMP processor cable from a system unit .6.
12、Remove the control panel. For instructions, see Remove the control panel with power off.7. Remove the voltage regulator card assemblies, as described in Model 9116-561 or 570 voltage regulator assembly .8. Remove the system backplane assembly. For instructions, see Remove the model9116-561 or 570 sy
13、stem backplane . Skip any steps that you have already completed.9. Remove the system processor assembly cover A by unlocking the two retention knobs B and pulling back and lifting up the cover, as shown in the following figure.Figure1.Removingthesystemprocessorassemblycover10. If a Mylar cover is in
14、stalled over the memory modules, remove the cover.11. If necessary, remove memory modules from the processor card assembly. For instructions, see Remove model 9116-561 or 570 memory modules .12. Remove the memory module filler, if one is present, by pushing the locking tabs out and then down. The le
15、ver action of the tabs forces the memory module filler out of the connector.13. Determine the slots in which the memory modules will be placed. Notes:o Ensure you have read and understand the restrictions and notes at thebeginning of this topic, see Model 9116-561 or 570 memory modules.o Each proces
16、sor assembly has eight memory module slots. The memory modules should be plugged into the slots as follows (see Figure 2 for memory module slot locations in the processor assembly):First quad of memory modules is plugged into memory module slots P2-Cx-C1, P2-Cx-C3, P2-Cx-C6, and P2-Cx-C8.Second quad
17、 of memory modules is plugged into memory module slots P2-Cx-C2, P2-Cx-C4, P2-Cx-C5, and P2-Cx-C7.Figure 2. Memory module slot locations in the processor assemblyo A quad set of 8 GB memory modules can only be installed in a processor card asa set alone, with another 8 GB quad set, or with a 4 GB qu
18、ad set.o For a maximum 16-way configured system, fill additional quads according to the order in Table 1. When adding additional memory modules, begin with the first open quad. If the system is less than a 16-way configured system, eliminate the appropriate number of enclosures and processor cards.T
19、able 1. Memory module plugging orderSystem unitProcessor cardWhere to install memory modulesEnclosure 1P2-C1Slots C1, C3, C6, and C8Enclosure 1P2-C2Slots C1, C3, C6, and C8Enclosure 2P2-C1Slots C1, C3, C6, and C8Enclosure 2P2-C2Slots C1, C3, C6, and C8Enclosure 3P2-C1Slots C1, C3, C6, and C8Enclosur
20、e 3P2-C2Slots C1, C3, C6, and C8Enclosure 4P2-C1Slots C1, C3, C6, and C8Enclosure 4P2-C2Slots C1, C3, C6, and C8Enclosure 4P2-C1Slots C2, C4, C5, and C7Enclosure 4P2-C2Slots C2, C4, C5, and C7Enclosure 3P2-C1Slots C2, C4, C5, and C7Enclosure 3P2-C2Slots C2, C4, C5, and C7Enclosure 2P2-C1Slots C2, C4
21、, C5, and C7Enclosure 2P2-C2Slots C2, C4, C5, and C7Enclosure 1P2-C1Slots C2, C4, C5, and C7Enclosure 1P2-C2Slots C2, C4, C5, and C7Install memory modules1. If necessary, remove the memory module from its antistatic package.2. As shown in Figure 3, ensure that the connector locking tabs A are pushed
22、 out into the unlocked position before installing a new memory module.3. Carefully grasp the memory module B along two edges and align it with the connector.Attention: Memory modules are keyed to prevent a memory module from being installed incorrectly. Note the locations of the key tabs within the
23、memory module connector before attempting to install the memory module.4. Push the memory module B firmly into the connector until the connector locking tabs A engage.Figure 3. Replacing a memory module5. If you have tall 4 GB or 8 GB memory modules, use the Mylar cover to prevent the memory modules
24、 from contacting the lid. When you have finished inserting the memorymodules A, place the Mylar cover B over them as shown in Figure 4. If you replace tall 4 GB or 8 GB memory modules with any other size memory modules, remove the Mylar cover. If you do not to remove the Mylar cover it might restric
25、t airflow in the unit.Attention: Do not install 8 GB memory modules on a processor assembly with any size memory modules other than 4 GB memory modules. Installing 8 GB memory modules with sizes other than 4 GB memory modules might unconfigure of the other size memory modules and you will see an ass
26、ociated System Reference Code of B123F688. Yoursystem might have other size memory modules on a different processor assembly.Figure 4. Mylar cover placed over 4 GB or 8 GB memory modulesComplete the procedure1. As shown in Figure 5, place the cover A on the processor assembly and then lock the two r
27、etention knobs B.Figure 5. Replacing the system processor assembly cover2. Replace the system backplane. For instructions, see Replace the model 9116-561 or 570 system backplane.3. Replace the voltage regulator card assemblies, as described in Model 9116-561 or 570 voltage regulator assembly .4.Repl
28、ace the control panel. For instructions, see Replace the control panel with power off .5.Install the front cover. For instructions, see Install the front cover on the model 9116-561or 570.6. Reconnect all power and signal cables to their respective connectors.7. Start the system. For instructions, s
29、ee Start the system or logical partition .8.Verify the installed part. For instructions, seeVerify the installed part .9. If you installed memory modules as part of another procedure, return to the procedure now.九、TSM 改进方案1 /filevault无法扩大的问题解决方案:通过增加pv,增加 vg,新划文件系统的方式解决。2 Tsm 增加 copy pool的方式通过增加一个copy pool ,全备份时产生多一个拷贝,并手工checkout 磁带,拿到别处进行异地保存,这样备份一次就产生了两个拷贝,确保恢复时,能有两份数据的保证。具体实施如下:1. define stgpool COPYPOOL LTO3 description=Copy Storagepool reclaim=100 maxscratch=1000000 collocate=node2. 在备份脚本中,或手工输入以下命令,设置备份增加多一份备份拷贝。dsmadmc -id=admin -password=admin update stg
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