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1、Title: Lockout Tagout Try Procedure标题:锁机挂牌试机程序Docume nt Level文件级别Scope范围Eleme nt要素LWI No.LWI号Rev.版本Origi nator 原作者Approved By 审批者Revision History修改历史Revisio n版本Date Effective 有效日期Descripti on of Chan ges 变更描述Document:文件:1. Purpose1. 目的This guide establishes a con trol system to preve nt the un expec

2、ted release or tran smissi on of equipme nt/process en ergy. Past experie nce tells us this program is sig ni fica nt due to the protect ion it provides for employees.本指南旨在建立一个预防设备/过程能量的意外释放或传输的控制系统。过去的经验告诉我们本方案因其对员工提供的保护而非常重要。It is desig ned to:设计目标:A. Preve nt in adverte nt operati on or en ergiza

3、ti on of the equipme nt/process in order to protect pers onn el.A. 预防疏忽地操作或启动设备/过程以保护人员。B. Establish methods for achievi ng zero en ergy state.B. 制定达到零能态的方法。C. Comply with applicable regulatory sta ndards.C. 遵守适用的规定标准。D. This guide applies to activities such as, but not limited to:D. 本指南适用于以下活动,但不限于

4、:Erecting, in stall ing, con struct ing, repairi ng, adjust ing, in spect ing, clea ning, operat ing, or maintaining the equipme nt/process./过程。架设、安装、施工、维修、调整、检查、清洗、操作或维护设备E. This guide applies to en ergy sources such as, but not limited to:E. 本指南适用于以下能源,但不限于:- Electrical, mecha ni cal, hydraulic, p

5、n eumatic, chemical, radiati on, thermal, compressed air, en ergy stored in spri ngs, and pote ntial en ergy from suspe nded parts (gravity).- 电气、机械、液压、气动、化学、辐射、热能、压缩空气、弹簧内能量和悬浮部件的势能(地心引力)。2. Scope2. 范围This procedure applies to Emers on Process Man ageme nt Flow Tech no logies, Inc. facilities and p

6、ers onn el. All policies and operat ing procedures are gover ned by this procedure.该程序适用于 艾默生过程控制 流量技术有限公司的所有部门和区域。3. Definitions3. 定义A. En ergy isolat ing device - A physical apparatus which preve nts the tran smissi on or release of en ergy such as,but no t limited to, the follow ing:A. 能源隔离设备 -以下

7、可防止能量释放或传输的物理装置,但不限于:- Restra int blocks, manu ally operated electrical circuit breakers, disc onnect switches, slide gates, slip bli nds, or line valves.- 挡块,手动电气断路器、断开开关、滑板、滑动盲板或管路阀门。Where possible, they shall provide visible in dicati on of the positi on of the device. Push butt on, selector swit

8、ches, and other portions of the con trol circuit shall not be con sidered as en ergy isolati ng devices.如可能,应提供清晰的装置位置说明。按钮、选择开关和控制电路的其它部分不应视为能 源隔离设备。B. Lockout/Tagout - The placeme nt of a lock/tag on an en ergy-isolat ing device in accorda nee with an established procedure, in dicati ng that the e

9、n ergy isolat ing device shall not be operated or removed un til the lock/tag has bee n cleared.B. 上锁/挂牌-按照既定程序在能源隔离装置上放置挂锁/吊牌,表明该能源隔离装置不应进行操作或移动,直至已解除了该挂锁/吊牌。C. Lockout Fixture - An appliance that requires the use of a lock to hold an energy-isolating device in the safe positi on for the purpose of

10、 protect ing pers onn el.C. 锁定夹具-为了保护人身安全而要求使用锁具控制能源隔离装置使其固定于安全位置的工具。D. Employee Tag - A warning applia nee used for the purpose of pers onnel protect ion. Its lege nd forbids the operati on or removal of any en ergy-isolati ng device and ide ntifies the applier.D. 员工吊牌一为保护人员安全使用的警示用具。其图例严禁操作或移动一切能源

11、隔离设备运并识别 使用人。E. Zero En ergy State - A state in which every equipme nt/process en ergy source has bee n con trolled either by lockout/tagout or other protective tech niq ues to preve nt the un expected release or tran smissi on of en ergy.E. 零能态一一种其中的每个设备/过程中的能量已通过上锁/挂牌或其它防护工具控制以预防能量传输 或释放的状态。F. Aff

12、ected Pers on - An employee whose job requires him/her to operate or use a mach ine or equipme nt on which servici ng or maintenance is being performed un der lockout or tagout, or whose job requires him/her to work in an area in which such servici ng or maintenance is being performed.F. 受影响人员 一需操作上

13、锁/挂牌设备,或需在具有上锁/挂牌设备的区域内工作的人员。G. Authorized Person - A pers on who locks out or tags out mach ines or equipme nt in order to perform servici ng or maintenance on that mach ine or equipme nt. An affected employee becomes an authorized employee whe n that employees duties in clude perform ing servici n

14、g or maintenan ce.G. 授权人员一因需进行设备维修而对设备进行上锁/挂牌的人员。当受影响人员的职责包括维修时可成为授权人员。H. Hazardous Energy Control Procedure (HECP) - A lockout/tagout procedure specific to a piece of | equipme nt, mach inery an d/or processes.H. 危险能量控制程序一针对每一设备、机器或进程的详细上锁/挂牌程序。4. Responsibilities4.责任Lockout/Tagout System -Facility

15、 Safety Officer should develop a written lockout/tagout procedure whichin corporates the follow ing eleme nts:上锁/挂牌系统-安全工程师应制定一份书面的上锁/挂牌程序,这包含以下要素:A. Prin ciplesA. 原则- All pers onn el (hourly and salary) should comply with the provisi ons of the lockout/tagout procedure.- 所有人员(小时工和受薪员工)应遵守上锁/挂牌程序的各项

16、规定。- The locks/tags should be the only authorized method used for the lockout/tagout of en ergy sources.- 挂锁/吊牌应为对能源进行上锁/挂牌的唯一准许方法。In dividual locks/tags shall be applied and removed by each pers on exposed to the un expectedrelease of en ergy. An“ authorized man ageme nt pers on” should be the only

17、 one allowed to removea lock or tag whe n the employee who applied the lock is not available (e.g. differe nt shift).挂锁/挂牌须由各个接触到能量意外释放的人员放置和取下。当使用该挂锁的员工不在场时,“被授权管理者”是允许取下挂锁或吊牌的唯一人员(例如换班)。Where equipme nt is lockable, use of a lock is required by all pers onn el.在设备可锁定的情况下所有员工都被要求使用挂锁。Where equipme

18、nt is not lockable, tagout applicati on or special lockout/tagout procedures should be utilized.在设备不可锁定的情况下使用专门的上锁/挂牌程序。When locks are used in the lockout/tagout applicati on, they should always be accompa nied by tags sig ned by the employee.挂锁在使用时须附有员工签署的吊牌。Locks used for pers onnel protecti on sh

19、all be accompa nied by employee tags.用于人身保护的挂锁要有员工吊牌。Locks used to protect aga inst hazards shall be accompa nied by Cauti on Tags.用于危险防护的挂锁要有警示牌。En ergy-isolati ng devices should be clearly labeled or ide ntified to in dicate their function uni esslocated and arranged so the purpose is evident. Suc

20、h identification is necessary to reduce possible errors in appl ying the lockout/tagout.能源隔离装置应清楚标注或识别以说明其功能,除非放置及排列使其目的清晰可见。该标 识对于减少运用上锁/挂牌时可能出现的失误是必要的。The lockout/tagout of electrical en ergy sources should occur at the circuit disc onn ect switch. (Note: Facilities shall identify any situations w

21、here the circuit cannot be positively interrupted and develop procedures providi ng equivale nt protect ion. Feasibility of effective circuit isolati on should be con sidered in future engin eeri ng improveme nts).应在电气能源的电路断开开关处进行上锁/挂牌。(注:各工厂应识别电路不能正确中断的情况并制定提供同等保护的程序。有效电路隔离的可行性应在未来的工程改进中予以考The use

22、of electrical con trol circuitry to accomplish lockout/tagout is prohibited since it does not offer positive pers onnel protect ion (e.g. on/off switches). Examples of circuitry failure are: 禁止使用电子控制电路完成上锁/挂牌,因为它不能切实提供人身防护(例如开闭开关)。电路故障举例如下:Electrical shorts (water in lines and some types of dust can

23、 supply a path to close the con trol circuit).电气短路(电线内的水以及某些种类的灰尘可提供闭合控制电路的路径)。Vibrati on or switch comp onent failure.振动或开关元件故障。Remote or in terlocked switches not affected by con trol circuitry.遥控或互锁开关对控制线路不响应。B. Protective Applia ncesB.防护用具Locks should be purchased specifically for lockout applic

24、ations. They shall be of such design and durability that removal by other tha n no rmal means would require excessive force or unu sual tech niq ues. In additi on, they shall possess in dividual key in g/comb in ati on capability.应专门为上锁购买挂锁。由于该锁的独特设计和耐用性,若不以常规方法取下则需要使用 不寻常的力量或技术。此外,它们应能够单独闭锁上/设密码。Ta

25、gs are used to provide warni ng or in formati on.吊牌用于提供警示或信息。Employee Tags must be used only for pers onnel protect ion.员工吊牌仅用于人身防护。Caution Tags must provide a warning of hazard. It does not indicate that the applier is curre ntly exposed to the un expected release or tran smissi on of en ergy. The

26、use of a Cauti on Tag is provided to preserve the in tegrity of the Employee Tag.警示牌须用于提供危险警示。它并不表明使用者当前接触到未预见的能量释放或传输。使用警示牌是为了保持员工吊牌的完整性。In formatio n Tag may be used for the com muni cati on of pertinent in formatio n of a non hazardous n ature. This tag is provided to preserve the in tegrity of t

27、he Employee and Cauti on Tags.可使用信息牌来传达无危险性质的有关信息。该标牌是为了保持员工吊牌和警示牌的完整性。Lockout Fixtures are applia nces which accommodate one or more locks to secure an en ergy- isolati ng device.锁疋夹具为能让一个或多个挂锁锁疋一个能源隔离装置的用具。Additional Protective Appliances - Some exposures may require additional protective techniqu

28、es or mecha ni cal safeguards, as follows:额外防护用具-一些接触可能要求米用额外防护技术或机械安全装置,具体如下:接触Flywheels/Press Rams调速轮/压力机滑块Chemicals, steam, etc.化学品、蒸汽等Mixers, Crushers, etc.混合机、压碎机等Hydraulic/P neumatic 液压/气动Systems.保护Blocks, pins, etc.块、销等Slip bli nds, cha ined valves, etc.滑动盲板、链阀等系统Fuse, heater removal, 熔丝、加热器拆

29、除装置 shaft disc onn ect, etc.Automatic bleed ing devices, bla nking, etc. 联轴器、自动卸压设备、 锁等ExposureProtectio nC. Applicati on SurveyC实施调查- Facility should con duct a survey to determ ine if the equipme nt/process can be safely isolated.- 工厂应进行调查以确定设备/工序是否能被安全隔离。- The survey should determ ine if en ergy-

30、isolat ing devices are available, adequate, and practically located for positive protect ion.- 调查应确定是否有能源隔离装置,是否足够,位置是否实用可切实起到防护作用。 A pla n should be developed to correct the surveyed deficie ncies or provide in terim alter native protect ion in order to make the lockout/tagout system effective.- 应制

31、定计划纠正调查的不足或提供临时防护以确保上锁/挂牌系统的有效性。- The pla nt applicati on survey should be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.- 应每年回顾并更新工厂实施情况。D. Resp on sibilitiesD责任- Man ageme nt is resp on sible for the developme nt, impleme ntati on, and adm ini strati on of an effective lockout/tagout system.- 管理层负责制定、实施

32、和管理有效的上锁/挂牌系统。- All employees are resp on sible for complyi ng with the provisi ons of the pla nt lockout/tagout system.所有职员负责遵守设备上锁 /挂牌系统的各项规定。,Only kno wledgeable in dividuals should determ ine the methods required to accomplish the lockout/tagout system.只有在行人员才可决定完成上锁 /挂牌系统所需的方法。Only authorized i

33、ndividuals should operate energy-isolating devices.只有受权人员才可操作能源隔离设备。5. System Utilization5. 系统应用A. Preparati on for Lockout/TagoutA.准备上锁/挂牌=All pers onnel affected by the inten ded lockout/tagout should be no tified. 应通知所有受上锁/挂牌影响的人员。A method should be established to permit access to the equipme nt/

34、process. This method should in volve the ack no wledgme nt and release by the in dividual(s) resp on sible for the equipme nt/process.应制定允许接触设备/工序的方法。这一方法应包括负责设备/工序人员的确认和公布。A pre-job pla n should be developed to en sure appropriate lockout/tagout whe n theequipme nt/process complexity or n ature and

35、 scope of work warra nt (e.g. job-objectives andin volved equipme nt/process; estimated job durati on; crafts in volved; type, nu mber, and locati on of en ergy isolati ng devices, start-up provisi ons, etc.).应制定一个职前计划以确保在设备 /工序的复杂性适度或工作性质和范围正常时能够进行上 锁/挂牌(如:工作目标和相关的设备 /工序;预计工作持续时间;涉及的工艺;能源隔离装 置类型、数量

36、和放置地点,启动规定等)。B. Applicati on of Lockout/TagoutB.实施上锁/挂牌Utilize appropriate equipme nt/process shutdow n procedure(s) to deactivate operat ing con trols or return them to the n eutral mode.使用适当的设备/工序停机程序断开操作控制器或使其回到不带电模式。All in volved en ergy-isolat ing devices should be operated/positi oned in such

37、a manner as to isolate the equipme nt/process from the en ergy source(s).所有涉及的能源隔离装置应按将设备/共组与能源隔离的方式进行操作 /放置。Locks and Employee Tags should be applied to each en ergy-isolat ing device by authorized in dividuals.挂锁和员工吊牌应由被授权个人放置于每个能源隔离装置。Lockout fixtures and locks should be attached in such a manner

38、 as to hold the energy- isolati ng device(s) in a safe positi on.放置锁定夹具和挂锁,使能源隔离装置固定于安全位置。Employee Tags should be completed by the applier and attached to the en ergy-isolat ing device(s). 员工吊牌应由使用人完成并系在能源隔离装置上。- After lockout/tagout applicati on and prior to comme nceme nt of work, one or more of t

39、he followi ng acti ons should be take n:- 在使用上锁/挂牌之后开始工作之前,应采取以下一项或多项措施: Operate the equipme nt/process con trols (push butt ons, switches, etc.) to verify that en ergy isolati on has bee n accomplished. Con trols must be deactivated or retur ned to the n eutral mode after test. 操作设备/工序控制器(按钮、开关等)以确

40、认能量隔离已完成。控制器必须在测试 之后关闭或回到不带电模式。 Check the equipme nt/process by use of test in strume nts an d/or visual in spect ion to verify that en ergy isolati on has bee n accomplished. 通过使用测试仪器和/或目视检测检查设备/工序,确认能量隔离已完成。- The equipme nt/process should be exam ined to detect any residual en ergy. If detected, a

41、ction must be take n to relieve or restra in the en ergy.- 应检查设备/工序发现一切残余能量。如发现残余能量,必须采取措施释放或抑制能量。C. Release from Lockout/TagoutC. 解除上锁/挂牌- Each lock/tag should be removed by the authorized in dividual who applied it prior to leavi ng the job.- 进行上锁/挂牌的被授权人员在离开工作岗位之前应取下所有挂锁/吊牌。A procedure should be

42、developed to deal with in sta nces where employees have left the jobsite without cleari ng their pers on al lock/tag.D应制定一个程序处理员工在离开工作地点时未解除个人挂锁/吊牌的情况。- The in dividual resp on sible for the equipme nt/process should be no tified whe n the work is complete and the overall lockout/tagout has bee n cl

43、eared.- 如工作完成且所有的上锁/挂牌已经解除,应通知设备/程序负责人。Before equipme nt/process en ergizati on, a visual in spect ion of the work area should be made to en sure that all pers onnel are in the clear and that all non-esse ntial items have bee n removed and comp onents are operati on ally in tact.在启动设备/工序之前,应用肉眼检查工作区

44、以确保所有人员处于无障碍状态,所有 非必要物品已移走,部件运作完好无损。6. Special Lockout/tag out Applications6. 特殊上锁/挂牌的应用A. Lockout/Tagout In terrupti on (En ergized Testi ng)A. 上锁/挂牌中断(通电测试)- In situati ons where the en ergy isolati ng device(s) is locked/tagged and there is a n eed for test ing or positi oning of the equipme nt/p

45、rocess, the follow ing seque nee shall apply:- 在能源隔离设备被锁定/标识且需要测试或定位设备/工序的情况下,应使用以下过程:Clear equipme nt/process of tools and materials.清除设备/工序所使用的工具和材料。Clear pers onn el.人员清场。Clear the en ergy isolati ng device(s) of locks/tags accord ing to established procedure.根据既定程序取下能源隔离装置的挂锁/吊牌。Proceed with tes

46、t.进行测试。De-e nergize and relock/tag en ergy isolat ing device(s) to con ti nue the work.断电,对能源隔离装置重新锁定/挂牌以便继续工作。Operate con trols, etc., to verify en ergy isolati on.操作控制器等以验证能量隔离。B. Exposure of Non-Emers on Pers onnelB. 非艾默生人员的接触- Established lockout/tagout procedures should be utilized for the prot

47、ect ion of non-Emers on pers onnel such as con tractors, service represe ntatives, etc.- 既定的上锁/挂牌程序应用于保护非艾默生人员,如承包商、服务代表等。- Appropriate in dividuals shall be in structed in the applicable pla nt lockout/tagout procedures.- 应对相应人员进行适用的工厂上锁/挂牌程序的指导。C. Multiple Perso nnel Protectio nC. 多重人身保护- For majo

48、r process/equipme nt overhaul, turnaroun ds, etc., which require crew craft, departme nt or other group lockout/tagout, a system is required that affords employees a level of protect ion equivale nt to that provided by pers onal lockout/tagout.- 对于有全体工作人员、部门或其它小组参与上锁/挂牌的主要设备/工序大修等,需要制定系统,为员工提供相当于个人上

49、锁/挂牌所提供的保护。D. High Voltage WorkD. 高压工作- Special writte n procedures should be developed to describe the lockout/tagout measures n ecessary whe n employees are required to work on high voltage circuits or equipme nt (above 600 volts).- 应专门制定书面程序描述员工在高压电路或设备上工作时所需的上锁/挂牌措施。E. Shift Cha ngeE. 换班- Facility shall develop specific writte n procedures to accommodate those situa


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