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1、2020-2021年译林版江苏省连云港市七年级第一学期期末统考试卷二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21 . Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others ? A . age B . match C . date D . paper 22 . - What do you think of_ film My People My Homeland ? - It s _interesting and heart-warming film . A . th

2、e ; an B . the ; a C . a ; an D . a ; the 23 . More than 2 0 0 players joined the half marathon(马拉松) around Huaguo Mountain _the morning of October 3 1 , 2 0 2 0 . A . in B . of C . at D . on 24 . Miss Lin teaches _English . We all like her . A . he B . they C . us D . we 25 . - _do you dance every

3、day ? - For about an hour . A . How long B . How far C . How often D . How soon 26 . Who_ your dog when you are at work ? A . looks up B . looks down C . looks after D . looks around 27 . American English is a bit _from British English . A . different B . far C . soft D . tired 28 . Maradona could p

4、lay football very _.We feel sad about his death . A . good B . nice C . well D . most 29 . Sandy s new fashion design _a white blouse and blue jeans . A . including B . include C . includes D . is including 30 . I want to buy this new bike . How much does it _?A . take B . cost C . get D . have 31 .

5、 There _some bread and two apples on the table . A . be B . are C . has D . is 32 . This pair of shoes is too large for me . Could you show me_ pair ? A . one B . another C . other D . else 33. - What drink do you want ? - Please give me_. A . two carton of milk B . two carton of milks C . two carto

6、ns of milk D . two cartons of milks 34.Would you please give me_ salt ? A . some B . many C . any D . few 35.- I m going on holiday with my parents next month . -_.A . Yes , I d like to . B . Wish you good luck ! C . Let me see . D . Have a great time ! 三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、

7、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Helen is a student at Sunset High School . She loves elephants very much . She 36_many elephant bags and toys . She puts elephant pictures 37_ her bedroom wall . When she was two years old , she visited a 38_ An elephant was 39_ to me . It was so big . I was a little 40_ Then I g

8、ot some bananas and gave it to 41_ . It was great . she said , Elephants are just like us . They also want to 4 2 _happily in the world . Her 43_ of elephants makes her do something for the animals . 44_starts a foundation (基金) called All Ears Elephant . As a violinist , she 45 _to have a concert(音乐

9、会 ) to raise money for the foundation . 46_ the COVID - 1 9 breaks out , the concert has to go online.She does the 47_thing herself.She 48_ videos from many people and uploads(上传)them on the Internet.How 49_the girl is ! People around her learn 50 _from her . To our surprise , she raises about 4 ,00

10、0 dollars for the elephants . 36 . A . worries B . has C . begins D . hopes 37 . A . at B . from C . on D . under 38 . A . shop B . zoo C . building D . hall 39 . A . walking B . working C . talking D . thinking 40 . A . weak B . strong C . sad D . afraid 41 . A . drink B . eat C . play D . shout 42

11、 . A . live B . like C . dislike D . meet 43 . A . luck B . love C . gift D . call 44 . A . They B . It C . He D . She 45 . A . asks B . plans C . guesses D . orders 46 . A . Before B . And C . But D . So 47 . A . cheap B . poor C . all D . whole 48 . A . collects B . draws C . knocks D . waits 49 .

12、 A . angry B . lazy C . free D . kind 50 . A . little B . much C . few D . less 四、阅读理解(共两节,20小题;满分35分)第一节:阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ADo you want to join us ? Come and work with us now ! Our name is China Daily , the largest official English media in China . We are in Beijin

13、g . We have more than 45 ,000,000 online readers around the world . Requirements (要求)Age 27 - 37 . Good at speaking and writing English . Over 3 years of working experience (经验) JobsAs an editor (编辑) 5,000 - 8,000 a monthAs a reporter 6,000 - 10,000 a month As a storywriter 4,000 - 7,000 a month 51.

14、 China Daily is in_. A. Shanghai B . Nanjing C . Guangzhou D . Beijing 52. How many jobs are mentioned in the table ? A.Three B.Four C.Five . D.Six . 53.Who may find a job in China Daily ? A.Tony , 2 5 , very good at English . B . John , 3 0 , 4 years of working experience . C . Hebe , 3 5 , only ab

15、le to speak Chinese . D . Alice , 4 5 , 2 years of working experience . BDo you know what a couch potato is ? If we say someone is a couch potato , we mean he spends all day on the couch . What does he do on the couch ? He can watch all the TV shows he wants , play games and chat with friends . But

16、one day , the power(电力) goes out ! All of the electronic devices (电子设备) do not work . What is he going to do now ? He doesn t sit at home in the dark . He takes his dog for a walk . It really changes his life . To his surprise , he starts to forget about his favourite shows and games . He misses how

17、 the birds sound , how the trees look and how the air smells . He comes to know how beautiful the world can be when he puts down the devices . 54.What does a couch potato always do ? A.He stays on the couch all day . B . He cooks potatoes every day . C.He works from morning till night . D . He eats

18、potatoes on the couch . 55. After the power goes out , the couch potato_. A.sits in the dark B . helps someone C.goes to sleep D . walks his dog 56.In the last paragraph , the couch potato finds that_. A.he likes staying at home better. B . the birds don t make sounds C.the world outside is beautifu

19、l .D . he misses his favourite shows 57.What can be the best title(标题)for the passage ?A.Buy more electronic devices ! B . Put down electronic devices ! C.Choose your favourite TV shows ! D . Be a couch potato at home ! CA father had three sons who were always arguing(争吵)among themselves . Nothing h

20、e said would stop them , and so one day he decided to show them something that would make them think . Go into the forest , he said , and bring me back some The sons did as he asked and soon came back with some sticks . He took the sticks from them and tied(捆)them together . Try to break(折断)these st

21、icks in two , he said . Each of his sons tried to break the sticks in two , but they could not . Now try to break the sticks one at a time , he told them . The sons each took a stick out of the bundle and broke it easily . If you all work together and do not quarrel , the father said , you will be s

22、trong . If each of you go your own way , you will be weak . 58 . The sons went into the forest to_. A . bring back some sticks B . sell some sticks C . borrow some sticks D . buy some sticks 59 . What did the father do to the sticks ? A . He broke the sticks . B . He gave the sticks away . C . He ti

23、ed the sticks together . D . He planted the sticks . 60 . It was difficult for each son to_. A . find sticks in the forest B . take a stick out of the bundle C . break the sticks one at a time D . break the sticks in two at a time 61 . We can learn from the passage that_. A . we should always ask fo

24、r help from others B . we need to be careful when we re in the forest C . it is good to go your own way in your life D . working together will make us strong DWe all love food . But when you can t finish your meal , how do you feel ? You may think that wasting(浪费)a little food isn t serious (严重的). B

25、ut when a whole school began to save food in their cafeteria , there was a big change . At Hengyang No . I Middle School in Hunan Province , students don t take more food than they need . Two years ago , they wasted about 1 0 0 kg of food every day . But now , the amount of waste is down by 75 perce

26、nt , said the cafeteria s manager . In China , people waste 35 million tons of food each year . That s enough to feed the people in South Korea for a year . Food waste is a big problem around the world . According to the United Nations , 820 million people are living in hunger today . But every year

27、 , the world wastes 1.3 billion tons of food . That s one - third of all the food we have . 62.The underlined word amount in paragraph 2 probably means A.标准B.成分C.数量D.措施63.Now students at Hengyang No . 1 Middle School A . cook their own food at school B . eat food out of the cafeteria C . only take t

28、he food they need D . don t have any food at school 64.The food waste around the world every year is A.1.3 million tons B.1.3 billion tons C. 35 million tons D.35 billion tons 65.What is the main idea of the passage ? A. How you feel when you can t finish meal . B. How people living in hunger change

29、 their life . C. How we save food for people in hunger . D. How serious the food waste is around the world . 第二节:选出能够填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺连贯,其中有两项是多余的。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)People around the world have their own traditional clothes. In Scotland men wear kilts(短裙). 66 Also the colour and style of a mans kilt

30、 can tell you what the name of his family is. They also wear long white socks with a small knife in one of their socks. They keep their money safe in special wallets. Indian ladies wear beautiful clothes made of cotton and silk. 68 They wrap it round their bodies carefully. Japanese ladies have very

31、 expensive clothes. They wear special wooden sandals and a dress led kimono(和服) 69Russian men often wear big fur hats because it is cold in Russia in winter. 70 People in the Middle East often wear very long clothes and hats to protect them from the sun.A.Their long dress is called sari, a tradition

32、al Indian costume.B. The hat keeps them warm.C.Many kimonos are made of silk and sometimes they are very heavy.D.They wear the wallets on the front of their kilts.E. People from Holland wear big and strong wooden shoes.F. They also wear small white hatsG .A kilt looks like a skirt but it is very thi

33、ck.五、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。71. Tom often (拿,提) bags for his mother.72. Young people like trainers because they are (舒适的).73. My grandmother is 87 years old and she (很少) goes out.74. On Halloween,children always (用颜料涂) their faces.75. Those (英雄) during the COVID-19 outbreak

34、are great.B.根据短文内容和首字母填空提示,写出合适的单词。地理位置万达广场旁开放时间上午9:00一下午5:30内部构造共6层;有各种书籍;有多个阅览室、体息区你的感受和希望. China is a tea loving country. Chinese tea has a long (76)h of about 5,000 years. There are many kinds of tea in China. Chinese people (77)1 tea for many reasons. First, they think it is a good way for them

35、 to keep(78)h .Second, most people believe (79) i they drink tea every day, they can enjoy life better. Third, tea is an (80)i part of Chinese culture(文化). Now, tea is popular all over the world.六、选词填空(共10小题;每小题分,满分10分)从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确的形式填空(每个词或短语只能用一次)。 match; lend.to; wait for; let off; both.and

36、.;celebrate; dress up; in ones free time; play; be interested in81. Thank you for your new blouse me for the show.82. Sandy would like to as Snow White at the party.83. All my family get together the Mid-Autumn Festival.84. Millie music, so I want to buy a CD for her.85. This pair of white shoes my red dress well. 86. Lets the school bus together, Kitty.8


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