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1、Unit1 Will people have robots?Section A period 1 (1a-1c)主备人: 曾丝秀 审核人:初二英语备课组学习目标:1、 学会拼写单词will,robot,everything,paper和wont2、 学会运用will 表示一般将来时和能用will和wont写出表将来的句型3、 创设情景,让学生简单预测自己的未来学习方法: Reading,Listening and writing学习流程及措施:一、 预习自学 (一)通过预习,完成下列单词和词组的拼写1、 将、会;要_2、机器人_3、每件事情_4、纸,纸张_ 5、在人们的家里_6、有个机器人_7

2、、在家通过电脑学习_ 8、活到100岁_ 9、在五年后_10、在纸上_ (二)根据首字母及句意完成单词 1)R_ can do many things for people. 2) There are some pieces of p_ on the desk,and you can write on them. 3) E_ is ready .Lets begin. 4) He u_ a pen to write. 5)There will be more and more tall b_ in our city.二、研讨 一)通过预习完成下列句子 1、人们家中将有机器人。 People _

3、- _ _ in their homes. 2、人们将不再用钱,每样东西都是免费的People _ _ _. Everything_ _ _. 3、将来书只在电脑上出现,而不会在纸上.Books _ _ _ on computer, not _ _.4、孩子们将不去上学,他们将在家中通过电脑学习。 Kids _ go to school, Theyll _ _5、世界上将只有一个国家。There _ _ _ one country.6、人们将活到200岁。People will _ _ _ 200 years old.7、100 年后人们还用钱?_ people _ _ in 100 year

4、s?8、人们将活到200岁?_ people _ _ _200 years old?二)小组研讨 will 和be going to的区别“ ( )1.Look at the dark clouds. It_rain.A.is B.will C.is going to D.may be( )2.In five years,I think I_ a writer,because I love writing.A.am B.will C.be D.will be( )3.Will people live_ 200 years old? A. to be B. till be C. to are D

5、.be to( ) 4. We _ are physics class in the lab tomorrow. A. have B. will have C. are having D.had ( )5.Are you _ your summer vacation next week? A. going to have B. will have C. had D. will(_) 6._an English party in our school this evening.A.There will be B.There is going to have C. There will have

6、D.There is going have三 课堂检测 There be 句型的一般将来时 1、There will be a basketball match on Sunday. 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 肯定回答 _ 否定回答 _2、 There will only be one country.否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 肯定回答 _ 否定回答 _3、 There will be fewer people 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 肯定回答 _ 否定回答 _4、 There will be less free time.否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 肯定回答 _ 否定回答 _ 课堂检

7、测: 用will 写出几个自己的预言。 学习收获:Section A period 2 ( 2a-2c )主备人: 曾丝秀 审核人:初二英语备课组学习目标:1、 学生能说出一般将来时,并能用will 和there will be 展示.2、 学生能辨析in/after, more, less/fewer .3、 能够在听力中完成对more ,less ,fewer的认识和运用。学习重点: 学习目标 1、2学习方法: Reading writing教学流程及措施:一、 预习自学一)预习和预习课本1a到2c,翻译下列短语。1.在人们的家里 2.在家通过电脑学习 3.免费的 4.活到200岁 5.一

8、百年以后 6.更少的污染 7.更少的空闲时间 8.更多的人 9.更少地使用地铁 10.更少的树木 二)检测 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Im sure there _ (be) robots in our homes in the future2. His father _(not be) back home in a week.3.What time _ they _(get) up tomorrow?4. Everything _ (be) free in 100 years.5.They _ (leave )Shanghai in a year.6._they_ (buy)a new h

9、ouse? Yes, they will. 二、研讨一)根据听力完成2a和2b Less/fewer: less 是_的比较级,常修饰_ Fewer是_的比较级,常修饰_二)用more, less,或fewer 填空Now 2000 people A little rain 3 hospitals A lot of pollution 3000 cars 40000 treesIn 30 years 4000 people Plenty of rain 6 hospital Nearly no pollution 2000 cars 35000 treesIn 30 years:1、 Ther

10、e will be _ people.2、 There will be _ rain.3、 There will be _ hospitals4、 There will be_ pollution.5、 There will be _cars6、 There will be _trees.三)检测用few,fewer,little,a little,less和more填空1. The more you are careful,the_mistake you will make.2. Is there _milk in the bottle? Yes,there is3. Drinking_wa

11、ter is good for our health.4. They had _apples than we did,but we had more banbans than they had.5. We are trying to do more work with _money and_people.三、课堂检测用所给词的适当形式填空1、 There will be some robots in_(people)homes.2、 David has _ (little)money than Anna.3、 Father_(fly)to Beijing next week.4、 I thin

12、k there is goingto be less _(pollute)5、 We should plant more_(tree)to make our city clean and beautiful.6、 Everyone in my class _(want) to keep a dog as a pet.7、 There are_(few)cars in my hometown than Beijing.8、 There are many new tall _(build)in our city.9、 There _(be)a heavy rain the day after to

13、morrow.10、 People will have _(much)free time in the future.根据汉语意思完成句子1. 人们将不再用钱了,一切都会是免费的People wont use money,Everything _ _free.2. 未来将会有更多的树、更少的污染。There will be _trees and _ pollution in the future.3. 我们要尽力用更少的人做更多的工作We should try to use _people to do _work.4. 他们将在家里的电脑上学习。Theyll study at home_ _5

14、. 人们将更少的使用地铁。People _ _ the subways_.学习收获:Section A period 3 (3a-4)(3)主备人: 曾丝秀 审核人:初二英语备课组学习目标:1、 会流利的表达出自己过去、现在以及将来的活动2、 会辨别出过去时和将来时的区别3、 学会一些词在句中的运用学习重点: 学习目标 1、2学习方法: Reading writing listening教学流程及措施:一、预习课本3a到4,翻译下列短语。1.五年以前_ 2.在高中 3.在大学 4.在五年以后 5.更多的高层建筑物 二、合作研讨一)运用:( )1.She will be a teacher_th

15、ree month. ( )2.Lucy will come back_Friday.A.in B.at C.on D.after二)、小组合作 Now write about yourself.Five years ago, I was . I played .I had _Today, I am . I play . I have .In five years, I will be . I will play . I will have .三)用上面自己的情况,仿照3b与同桌进行对话。三、迁移延伸句型转换1.Sally played soccer yesterday.(用the day a

16、fter tomorrow代替yesterday改写句子) Sally the day after tomorrow.2.I think Lucy will be a singer in two years.(对划线部分提问) you think Lucy ?3.Do you know if he_to play basketball with us? -I think he will come if he_free tomorrow. A.comes; is B. comes; will be C.will come; is D.will come; will be4.Kids will s

17、tudy at home on computer.(改为一般疑问句)_ kids _at home on computer?5.There are fewer people now.(用in 100 years 替换now)There _ _fewer people in 100 years.四 课堂检测一)单项选择1.His parents went to the cinema half an hour ago and they will be back_about two hoursA after B in C on D for2.It is fun_in the sun on the b

18、each.A lying B to lie C lieing Dto lying3.Do you want to have the same sweater_I do?A with B as C to D than4.The teacher made him_the word five times.A. write B to write C writing D write5.I found that its difficult _this question.A answer B to answer C answering D answered6.Bill is my best friend.

19、He often helps me_my houswork.A does B doing C with do D with二)根据汉语意思完成句子1.玛丽喜欢弹吉他。Mary likes _ _ _2.十年后,鲍勃将成为一名医生Bob _become a doctor _ ten years.3.明天下午我要和莉莉一起去打网球。Tomorrow after I _ _ _ with Lily.4.我觉得二十年以后我们的镇上将会有更多的树和更少的污染。I think there _ _ _trees and _ pollution in our town _ 20 years.5.五年前,我表姐

20、有一只可爱的猫My cousin _ a pretty cat _ _ _6.当汤姆是个中学生的时候,他喜欢踢足球。Tom _ _ soccor when he _ middle school student.7.现在我在上大学。I am _ _ now.学习收获:Section B period 4 (1a-2c)主备人: 曾丝秀 审核人:初二英语备课组学习目标:1、 会默写space station ,aparment,astronaut,rocket 这些单词并会运用这些单词2、 听听力,完成2a 和2b的学习内容。3、 简单的和同伴之间预测谈论一下3年后自己的生活。学习重点: 学习目标

21、 1、2学习方法: writing listening教学流程及措施:一、 预习自学: 一) 英汉互译1. 乘火车 _2.太空站_3.居住的地方_4.弹吉他_5.五年前_6.踢足球_7.a computer programmer_ 8.in college_ 9.near here_二) 单词检测 1. Was your sister a_ to dance when she was three years old?2. When did your uncle f_to Canada?3. Helen thinks its interesting to live on a s_ station

22、.4. Is the m_ smaller than the earth?5. Yang Liwei is the first Chinese a_ travel into space.二、 合作研讨一)听录音完成下列各题1.I _in an apartment. 2.I _near here.3.I _ a computer programmer 4.We _in a house.5.I_ the train to school. 6 I _ an astronaut.7. I _ rocket to the moon . 8. I _ on a space station.二)Pairwo

23、rk谈论一下你自己和同伴现在的生活,三年以前的生活以及从现在起十年以后的生活。三)词汇检测:用所给词的适当形式填空1. Last year my aunt_(keep)a pet cat.2. Today Mr.Green _(look)very smart in a blue T-shirt.3. His father doesnt like _ (wear)a suit.4. Whats the number of the Smiths _(fly )to London?5. The young_(report)comes form Shanghai.6. The children wil

24、l have many _(difference)toys.7. Lets go_(skate) this afternoon.8. Yesterday Bill _(take) the train to Hubei. 三 迁移延伸单项选择1. People will be able to live_ a space station one day.A.on B in C at D for2.The first Chinese space ship with _ into space on Oct.25,2003A. fly B. flies C.flew D.will fly3.He usu

25、ally walks but this morning he _ the taxi to work.A. by B. took C. got D.rode 4.They both landed _ the moon at the same time. A.to B. at C. on D.in 5.He hopes he can be_ astronaunt in ten years. A. the B./ C.a D.an根据汉语意思完成句子1. 我将会穿的更加休闲Ill _ _ _ dress more casually.2. 100年后,人们将住在太空站People _ _ _ a sp

26、ace station _ 100 years.3. 我们下周坐火车去杭州We_ _a train _ Hangzhou next week.4. 长大后我想成为一名作家bI want to be a _ whan I _ _5. 我住在街对面的一栋公寓里I live in _ _ across the street form here.课堂检测1._there_(be)robots in peoples homes? Yes,there will.2.People will live_(be) 200 years old.3.There will be_(little) pollution

27、than now.4.Five years ago,she _(study) in a college.5.She_(work) here in two years.6.We_(fly) to the moon one day.7._(predict) the future can be difficult.8.Shanghai is one of the_(big) cities in China.9.Japanese company made the robot _ (walk) and_(dance).10.This kind of robot will also be fun_(wat

28、ch).学习收获:Section B period 5 ( 3a-4)主备人: 曾丝秀 审核人:初二英语备课组学习目标:1、 阅读3a找出词组并能写下来并能在句中正确运用。2、 以“Students life in 50 years”为题,大胆设想,写一篇短文。学习重点: 学习目标 1、2学习方法: Reading , writing学习过程及措施:一、 预习自学一)通过预习3a完成下列词组1.爱上(某人或某物)_2.一个美丽的城市_3.作为一名记者_4.独自居住_5.许多不同种类的宠物 _6.滑冰和游泳 _7.穿着更随意_8.住在公寓里_9.实现_10.看上去整洁、精神_ 二)词汇运用与检测

29、1.In the day we can see the sun and at night we can see the m_2.The boy is too young to d_ himself.3.Do you want to be an a_ like Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng?4.Many people keep dogs as their p_5.I dont need any help.I can do it a_.二、学习研讨一)再读3a 完成问题What will Mings life be like in ten years? _ _ _Job:_ Pets_ Sports_ Places_Clothes_二)通过3a内容完成下列单词填空1.Little Paul can_ himself.2.Mr. Wang _off his bike and hurt his left leg.3.Dont leave the baby _at


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