已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、产品简介hcd989p/tsdl5c-8型来电显示电话机是采用微电脑技术,结合先进电子线路设计而成,具有完善的来电显示功能。本机适合于家庭、企业、行 政事业单位以及宾馆、酒店等作通话联络。为了您能正确使用本机,从而充 分发挥本机各项功能,请详细阅读本说明书。主要功能高清晰度动画显示效果未接来电18组已接来电18组去电号码10组自动ip出局码1位设置,适应虚拟网区域码5位设置,来电过滤单键重拨语音报号真人原唱,高品质和弦光随乐动音量数码调节长途锁控超强防雷击功能技术条件1 .使用条件环境温度:-10c+40c相对湿度:10%-95%大气压力:86-106kpa环境噪声:v 60db (a)2 .

2、主要技术指标1)传输指标发送频率响应,接收频率响应符合国家标准2)双音频拨号特性;标称频率低频群频率:697hz、770hz、852hz、941hz。标称频率高频群频率:1209hz、1336hz、1477hz。单一频率的偏差在标称频率的士1.5%范围内。双音多频信号中低频群单一频率的电平:-9 3dbm双音多频信号中高频群单一频率的电平:-7 3dbm3)电话铃特性:响铃声级70db1 .本机要求使用前必须装上高性能四节五号电池。打开电池盖,按正常极性 装入电池,并盖上电池盖。当发现显示暗淡和个别功能不能使用,请及时 更换电池。2 .将直线的插头插入话机顶部的外线插座内,叉头与外线接线盒相连

3、。3 .将四芯曲线的一端插入手柄尾部的插座内,另一端插入话机左侧的插座内注意事项1 .话机要实现来电显示功能,必须到当地电信局申请开通此项业务。2 .话机应安放在干燥、通风处 ,切勿放在阳光直射、高温、强磁场干扰的地 方。3 .切勿使用甲苯等腐蚀性液体擦洗话机。1 .接听电话:当外线来电,本机响铃,此时提起手柄或按免提键即可与对方通话。2 .拨打电话:当需要拨打电话时,提起手柄或按免提键听到信号音后,即可进行拨号,显 示屏显示所拨打的电话号码,通话完毕,放下手柄即可挂机。3 .重拨和暂停功能摘机状态下按重拨键,重拨前次所拨号码;按暂停键将暂停4 .收线功能:3.6s 。摘机状态才登闪断/亮度”

4、键话机将自动收线 600ms,闪断时间可选择。5 .亮度调节功能:在挂机状态下,按闪断/亮度”键,可调节屏幕显示亮度。其中有5级亮度可调节,初始状态为第 3级。在挂机状态下,按设置”键进入设置菜单,显示屏显示set1 date, 此时按*/# 键或按数字键改变菜单设置选项,显示屏同时显示对应的设置 项,再按设置”键进入该项设置,在某项完成后,按删除 /秒表”键退出 设置菜单。具体设置项目如下:1 .设置日期/时间:按设置”键,显示屏会显示 set 1 date 此时按设置”键确认进 入日期/时间设置后,年的显示闪烁,按*/# 键修改,完成后按设置”键确认进入月的设置, 修改方法与年的设置相同,

5、 再按设置键可依次修改日、 小时和分钟。2 .设置区域码:按设置”键选择 2, lcd提示set2 acode,按设置”键确认,lcd显示acode一一 ”,进入区号的设置,第一个-闪烁,按*/# 键设置 或修改为0-9,完成第一位设置后,按设置键进入第二位设置。3 .设置出局码:按设置”键选择 3, lcd显示set 3 pcode,按设置”确认,此时 lcd会显示出pcode-,进入出局码设置,第一个-闪烁,按*/# 键设置或修改为 0-9 ,按设置键进入一下项设置。4 .设置自动ip:按设置”键选择 4,显示屏会显示set 4 auto ip ,再按设置” 键lcd显示autoip of

6、f,按 */# ”键设置自动ip开或关。选择到 autoip on,按设置键确认,则lcd会显示input code此时请用不同电信公司ip 服务的不同方式输入特服号吗、卡号、密码,输入过程中可用删除/ 秒表键进行修改,输入完成后按设置键进入下一项设置。在设置了自动ip 号码以后,在挂机预拨后时,如拨号首位号码为“0” ,则话机会自动在预拨号号码前加拨所设置ip 号码,或者在回拨以“0”开始的来电或去电号码时都会自动在所回拨的号码前加拨设置的 ip 号码。ip 号码的拨号:预拨号+ip/挂机+去电+ip/挂机(或摘机)+ip+号码/在挂机状态下,如果有出局码,会自动加拨出局码。5 .设置闪断时

7、间:按设置”键选择 5 , lcd显示set 5 flash工按设置键确认,lcd显示flash 3 600 ”,表示初始时闪断时间为600ms,按 */# 键选择所要求的时间,按设置键进入下一项设置。共有110ms, 300ms, 600ms, 1000ms。6 . 设置拨号方式:按设置”键选择 6, lcd显示set 6 p-t工按设置键进入设置状态, 此日t lcd会显示tone(或pulse,表示当前拨号方式为音频拨号(脉冲 拨号) 。按“*/# ”键进行选择,按设置键确认。7 . 设置防盗 :按 “设置”键选择 7,lcd 显示“ set 7 alar ” ,按“设置”键进入设置状态

8、,此时 lcd 显示“ alar off ” ,表示软件防盗功能关闭,按“ */# ”键选择“ on 或 off” ,对应软件防盗 “开”或“关” 。8 . 设置语音报号开关:按“设置”键选择8, lcd 显示“ set 8 speech ” ,按设置确认,进入设置后,显示“speech 0” ,按“*/# ”键选择语音报号次数为0-3 ,分别表示不报,报号 1-3 次。在设置中打开了语音报号功能,则每次收到来电时会自动报出来电号码。如果在报号过程中,本机摘机或并机摘机则报号自动终止;报号过程中除免提和手柄外,不响应其它按键,没有电池不报号。9 .铃声选择:挂机状态按“原唱欣赏键,可欣赏n种和

9、弦铃声+1种标准铃声,同时lcd上显示ring x , x是数字时表示第几首和弦铃声,最后一首为普通铃声,ring a是表示来铃时随机响和弦铃声。ring off表示不响铃声。当选择了某一首和弦音乐,来铃时会响相应的铃声,如果没有电池会自动转为标 准铃声。10 .音量调节:挂机状态按音量键调节铃声音量(4档,显示为 ring vol14 ),摘机调节免提音量(2档,显示为hi, lo)。来电/去电功能操作1 .未接来电:挂机或摘机状态,按未接来电”,可查看未接来电信息,共有 18条信息。按一次“未接来电显示:未接来电序号和来电时间/日期;再按一次显示该组来电号码。在最后一声铃声断6秒内没有摘机

10、,认为是未接来电,否则是已接来电。2 .已接来电:挂机或摘机状态,按已接来电” ,可查看已接来电信息,共有 18条信息, 按一次“已接来电”显示:已接来电序号和来电时间/日期,再按一次显示该组来电号码。3 .来电回拨:查询到来电后,直接按回拨键,即可对来电号码进行回拨。4 .去电查询:挂机或摘机状态,按 去电,可查看去电信息。 共有10条信息,按一次去 电”显示去电序号,通话时间,再按一次,显示该组号码。5 .删除功能:在预拨号状态,删除/秒表”键可用来删除输入的错误号码;在未接来电查 看状态,删除/秒表”键可用来删除某条不需要的未接来电信息;在已接来 电查看状态,删除/秒表”键可用来删除某条

11、不需要的已接来电信息;在去 电信息状态,删除/秒表”键可用来删除某条不需要的去电信息。其它功能操作1 .音乐保留:在通话状态,按原唱欣赏键进入音乐保留状态,此时播放献给爱丽丝”, 接收静音。2 .七彩背光:在响音乐时,七彩背光会随着音乐节奏闪动3 .秒表功能:在待机状态,按删除 /秒表”键进入秒表功能,显示号码的lcd上显示时-分-秒-01秒:00-00-00-01 ,分别表示时/分/秒/0.1秒,同时在时钟 lcd上从 0秒开始记时,最大记时为11时59分59.9秒。再按一次删除/秒表”键退 出秒表功能。4 .锁功能:逆时针方向转到红点为开锁,所有号码均能拨出;顺时针方向转到绿点为锁0,所有

12、以0为首的号码均不能拨出。固障现象蹒加碍dm弓nhlmtratn ahitwrweiriultalectfli顿障排除1、无声检查话筒及曲线是否脱落将脱落点接回或 更换线材2、没有来 电显示a.是否开通来电显示服务b.检查电池是否有电a.到电信局开通 来电显示业务。3、杂音a检查线路是否有松动或 脱皮现象b接线盒是否潮湿生锈a更换线路b更换接线盒4、电话铃 只响一声 即断线但 仍可拨出a查明接线位置是否潮湿b查明是否有接分机,分机品质可能不良c若有接分机时,将分机拆下5、死机或无和弦a重复按收线钮b取下电池,拔出外线五分钟后装上产品保修卡话机型号:hcd989p/tsdl 5c-8设备序号:购

13、买日期:顾客姓名:顾客地址:保修条例1 .购机之日起,本公司负责保修一年,保修期凭发票核定,对机件正常的损坏,本公司免费代为修理。2 .保修期间,如有下列情况,则不属免费维修范围。如因下列情况 需修理,则要收取适当的修理费及零件费。1 .未按说明书所指示操作或保管不妥所造成的故障;2 .非本公司人员维修或自行拆卸所造成的损坏;3 .由于自然环境等外部因素所造成的损坏;4 .遗失保修卡或未按要求填写保修内容。3 .超出保修期限范围或由以上原因造成损坏的,维修时收取零件成 本费。4 .用户在保修期内,如有任何质量问题,可凭保修卡及发票到各大经销 处或本公司维修点维修。hcd989p/tsdl (5

14、c-8) user s manualproduct introduction in briefthanks for using hcd989p/tsdl (5c-8) caller id telephone. this type adopted advanced microcomputer technology, integrated circuit design .it is suitable for family, office and hotel. it has excellent quality and neoteric aspect. ensure that every functi

15、on could runs on the rails, please read this manual carefully first.main function1. high definition innervation picture display impression2. 18 groups of missed incoming calls3. 18 groups of received incoming calls4. 10 groups of outgoing calls5. auto and manual ip6. a digit out code can set, adapt

16、to virtual network7. 5 digit local code can set, filtrable incoming call8. redial can use only one key9. speech (talking) in chinese10. actual person original music and excellent quality space chord ring11. rainbow music back light12. lock function13. super anti-thunder functiontechnology condition1

17、 . use conditionenvironment temperature: -10 s -40 crelative humidity: 10%-95%atmospheric pressure: 86-106kpaenvironment voice: 60db(a)2 . main technology index:1) transmission index -transmission and receiving frequency response should accord with national standard.2) tone dialing speciality:low fr

18、equency:697hz,770hz, 852hz,941hz.high frequency:1209hz,1336hz,1477hz.the tolerance of signal frequency : 70dbminstallation1. this phone requires 4 x 1.5v aa batteries. open the battery cover and insert the batteries in the right polarity, then close the cover. when you find lcd becomes dark and some

19、 function is not correct, please change the batteries at once.2. plug line cord into jack at the rear of telephone base, the other end of the line cord is for connecting telephone line wall jack.3. plug coiled cord into handset modular jack, plug the other end into the jack at the left side of the t

20、elephone.notice1. in order to realize caller id function of the telephone, please apply for caller id service at local telephone bureau first.2. keep the telephone dry and airiness, and do not put it in the sun , high temperature and powerful magnetic field.3. do not use caustic liquid to clean the

21、telephone such as toluene etc.common function operation(1 ) receiving a call:when you hear the ring, pick up the handset or press hf button again to make the conversation. when finished ,hang up the handset or press hf button to end the call.(2 ) making a phone call:pick up the handset or press hf(h

22、andsfree) button ,dial the phone number you want .when finishing conversation, hang up the handset or press hf button again to end the call.(3) redial and pause function:at off-hook state, press redial/back button, you may dial the last number once more. when dialing or pre-dialing, press pause butt

23、on, time will delay 3.6 seconds.(4) flash function:at off-hook state, press “ flash/brt ,the telephone will flash 600ms automatically, flash time can be selected.(5) lcd brightness adjustment function:at on-hook state, press “flash/brt ,you can adjust lcd brightness.altogether have 5 step brightness

24、 adjustment, default is 3 step brightness.set function operationat on-hook state, press set to enter the setting menu, lcd display set 1date ” , press * and # key to change setting option. press set to enter this option setting, after finish setting, press del /s.w. to exit.1. date/s.w. setting:pres

25、s set key , lcd display “ set 1 date ” , press set to affirm. lcd display year and flash, press * or # to modify year; month, date, hour, minute is the same setting with year. in the course of setting, after finishingone item setting, press set key to enter the next item setting.2. area code setting

26、 :press set select 2, lcd display “ set 2 acode ” , pressset key toconfirm, lcd display“acode ” , enter area code setting, the first-“ flashing, press * #“ modify 0-9, after finish setting, pressset keyconfirm and enter next setting.3. out code setting:pressset key select 3, lcd display “set 3 pcode

27、 ” , pressset keyto confirm, lcd display“ pcode ” , enter the out code setting, press #toconfirm and enter the out code setting, press* #“ modify 0-9, presssetkey to next set.4. auto ip setting:press set key to select 4, lcd display“ set 4 auto ip ” , press “set” key again, lcd display “ auto ip off

28、 ,press * 悻select ip on or off, select “auto ip on ,press set key, lcd displaynput code ” , please input special service number, card number and password because different telecom company have different way of ip service, during the setting process youcan usedeletekey to amend. after you finished pr

29、essset” key to center next setting. after you set auto ip. at on-hook pre-dialing state, if you dial number with“ 0” th, is phone will add the ip number you have set in front of itautomatically, it will also add ip number you set automatically when you redial the incoming and outgoing call.5. flash

30、time set:press“set” key select 5, lcd display“ set 5 flash ” , press set key toconfirm, lcd display “ flash 3 600 ” , express default is 600ms, press“ */# ” to select required time,press set key to enter next setting. altogether have 110ms, 300ms, 600ms, 1000ms.6. tone/pulse dialing set:press“ set”

31、key select 6, lcd display “ set 6 p-t ” . press“ set” to enterset menu, lcd display“ tone (pulse) ” , express dialing is tone/pulse,press “ * ” or “ # ” key to select, press“ set” to confirm.7. defend setting:pres s “set” select 7, lcd display “ set 7 alar ” , press“set” key toenter set, lcd display

32、“ alar off ” , express defend off, press * or # toselect on of off, press“ set” to confirm.8. speech switch set:press “ set” to select 8, lcd display “ set 8 speech ” , pres s “ set” key to confirm, lcd display “ speech 0 ” , press * or select talking times(0- 3 times), press“ set” to confirm .9. ri

33、ng select:at on-hook state, press “ play ” can enjoy chord music ring, lcd display ring x, x express which chord music ring. ring off express chord music is closed.10. volume adjustment :at on-hook state, press “ vol ” adjust ring volume, display ring vol 14;at off-hook state adjust h.f. volume disp

34、lay hi or lo.incoming /outgoing function operation1. missed incoming call:press this key to check missed incoming call, have 18 messages. press once this key, lcd will display missed incoming call sequence number and missed incoming call time/date, press this key once more will display this group ci

35、d number.2. received incoming call:press this key to check received incoming call, have 18 messages. pressonce this key, lcd will display received incoming call sequence number and received incoming call time/date, press this key once more will display this group cid number.3. back function:when you

36、 check cid telephone number , directly press“ rd/back ” keyand you can dial out cid telephone no. you have checked . at on-hook state, input the number directly. if inputting wrong number, use del to delete it. after finishing inputting, press rd/back to dial out.4. outgoing check:press “out ” key c

37、ontinuously, you can check the talking time and outgoing call.5. del function:at on-hook state, when pre-dialing or setting ip code, use del /s.w. ” to delete the wrong code; when checking incoming and outgoing call, use it to delete the useless call, press it for 3s to delete all; when setting, press it to quit this setting.other function1. mus


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