已阅读5页,还剩22页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精品文档hfss的近场仿真1、软件安装和破解1) hfss13只能安装在 c盘。2)破解时先在控制面板里关闭windows defender 并且退出360杀毒软件。否则ansoft2008fix.exe会被当病毒杀掉。3)将 ansoft2008fix.exe 和 hfss12fix.exe 和 license.lic拷贝到 hfss13.0 目录下。4)以管理员身份运行 ansoft2008fix.exe 。5)以管理员身份运行hfss12fix.exe ,连续patch六个dll。6 ) 打开 hfss ,弹出框框,无视继续。依次点击 tools-options-general opti

2、ons-webupdate options-never2、模型的建立2.1设计变量如 sownsq、um:eprogms: soo 1400m laba ee - h f&dngnls l蛔.g* vmiabiirl |方#3 r cvtinwa剂卜 一 tmi 广 细词(mt 广生闻乂心%r,slrjliljfjmjdefcl.twdewrinkxi:faadq-j hiddm_.hl975+1035rwdes.aflr rr7曲蜀22m-ndmdmr r.卫灯励w和砧南附de$wrr rei db.az-1 naammionr rraoo20amin rri7取wdew-r rdelx10

3、10nrndkkvir rdel*府l&winnnwn 厂md” | add amy.13欢在下载2.2画模型& f mid* pm&ci conducicxe日田。clftltfboa dupikm闽卜 is puplkremlrrare ps出 mpikme口寸mmcx ouplh:就 tmmqr& nfc目p4-0 vacuumq、lfl#f门k cocxdar写产忸e*曲.mmeshj lutl bdilids perfect conductai,pl麻crent r bow岸(xiplkjitrmirrorf (xiplkaiemirrorcprnnriipr叩2小一:800m 14

4、00mlaba ee hfssdesignl - modma1 vaium中、umsi ix coordsnute systems-+- 0- lplzsn4 bsts.m0m1vhuustjewafchl . 1 pebtiipifantommaflidcieaierokcoord ma.glagl-dsilidn-az2 a.z-l = . .bi;z-lzl,f, -hz免上山.匚用a2j7.65fflm,vslj*lls.wmrt.zize司mm -20nnm日金slick日 perfect toiidluclar: pll e (:述玳虫必丫叩 ovptk me mirrorprop

5、erties b00m-14c0mlaba-ef - hfssdesignfl n肝i*1 dupikac# mirror工2/ mp3“fmm vmlilim、linesk coordinflt? system? phngsa ih uconnnnandnamevaluede5rripriccommanddu plicatem irrorcoordinate svsterrglobalbase ptibiljori0 4 qmmuitie .wor m洲 poitiion01 .0mrfigee b -1a a solids- perfect tmidoctor id plj duplicd

6、lminrur1 duplitdtmirfqf何由p2日 幅:我。p4t vacuum酎、ling出 k ccordinatf systems第 wbms回 lliucominaridproperties: 800m-1400mlaba-ee - hfssdesr41am 士meunit上血仙他m.euricthcoimnindduukj:eh-jirrofcpordinel,.qlpblba&e posl= 0 .(1qmmomm . dm.jrmal p.1 c0 r0mm1 mm dm.-f械品 才卜”1p2 ,fp3 丁杭 uumrwajfl6 c/e#iebhcx r? #w1曲w2

7、hw3i-8 w4 k- gmdinff 把 5mm 量ptiftes lh14h q solid?由:田property. boom 14d0mla6a hfssdesnl modclecomnmndperfecr conductor& pi目p2i i t? psi山夕p4b wurrid air-0 createboxbhjnc .vdutuniijevfllumcd! valuec orriandcrestebowscxdiln_globalpm加 5l-a1-joowm4clx ,-bl *joomm-dqy .-h2-si3mmi )32mir . 0j2nrr ./ 50rtex

8、swv伍加第十df dr ?2w4efsw2064rmizshxh1-h2-5o3mmproperties: 800m-1400mlabcommande-& lm16 crpatprmfj同 n unite 午 duplictcmiircij 尸 im2 *史# w4ii 上 coordinate力 phnes4i 点 listsnamevaluecornmnndcreate boxcoordiiid.globalpositionav? a/2 dclx.0v2 07?tcely.omrrxsizeayei;wb/size-h2*i o1e: perfwtt bltlktut可后pi由jp2q

9、 q p3td f4vdcuunit ajh0 createeooca w1e c rp*it?botrf h unitem m rectanglel-q creterectsnqk corurfe5t ; connect . dlipikatpmirror田0m可口 *3田白期m司 u coord inflt systems? planes司 * uitsproperties: 8conirridndnameiconiirnaridcreatekectdnqlecoerdlima _ltglciibalpositiod-delx.dely.h1akr2xsize-al档imb1o* soli

10、dsnm。匚 cjite/ldcrpdirrectiinqlvcoordinfl.lqtlposhiona1 /? a/2 rfix.&1 r/人口fly.naciizxsizeaysizeb.irnrrindproperties- b0o丛l 0 prfllcdrwjuclut j&pl:;i j p3i i- ie, vtkljuing等ar0 creriltfbcm仁。内10 createdcif b-b unitetj 0 r“tjnql/crrdieftevtjngic2j cubilirkvs百卷 cofiiwr:在 aetuf)gle2.n cll-dtfrte.lgkf口 co

11、ved与加 duplitdlminur山* *aj占用i; & 内4s 必 cocrdinate 5yit#nt a p5gjj 0 11 aldrawmodekrhfss tqqis wind* 阳 help分2u t,j elim pout.export”口 串而- 1 n-dslp 12-ll嘴 iosssa i tzi l !%import from,clipboardenmod. group objects by maiterial a&itign material.onductormovement modegm plane*snap mpd, xfw object typ?f.kf

12、tnvcoord indte systemlistedgeatebasfsurfaceqoclentorlhect助沏_measure骷corer l-acesijmcover faces卜limqiyoelete ldm opndonfafes口me object from facepurge historycorer lunesupgrade versionmove fac*sweep faces along nofml fillet口 chamferihickeri slwel.wrap 4h-tmddel arhaly&is.model lleafing+vdlidation sett

13、ings -ft口 ikhmi-1400mlaba$ hf转dnignl (dnvwnmodal)* mudd-tf gjwhr-ipetl。p1e2w rmm exoiutio-model3 yf e-wndflnrso psrfelo peife2tf陶dl3 型 ejcitationsq 抬 schmvi-1400mlaba*-# hfssdesignl (d-mrinmcidal)1 li2.3边界条件a-sl配的im/ 如心帖l&ba电卷3。hfs4口白如勺行5在力mod占了 歹 htodel- h eoundanet h pf+ei . iwe2 。口回- 0 exdtdtifin

14、c廿广由 opeffliiom厚pxuwriici-b riulli而 foil field 印uy三, fiem owrlgw; 足* klfh optmlkj4 户 analyhs域即一mrics t fiesuits liij tort field lmp叫 lipid 口府山vspujk 离na&zg aipj3 edit厂?p5fwkh&idwi5”besuh*bounilary 口/3y 禹q*!1 view) export tiflnsfcr file for 占忖$.(design eroperties.-de彻i视ot meh.,eeit sdurz es“r settifi

15、gt. mm力p心区1b mm啊 pto atrrtkitesst cont?id to active wcdow. .wave partkigene-fjal mnd 士 proces-nng dhauttxnumber of mode qmmfa iiciwm忸水 1mi1wu hf33h - *uynv iwvivilmqh - rirtviii n - iviuui hfs$ rwk wi的g helpidmodd editorset c%j*ci: lemperdturf.udfign 8tmgt.如帅必三第凶屿,operjrw?寓rugts smp fiptm-stric-i am

16、is g5c.fzm,1飞h mmockhgiw*ni mdeqz gt*45g删i曲卯朋幡in tow广 align modi ufing feegal: lim+r 闻电n nnde qkj称 u&g eo削diiucf tyiimu arat |/*皿厂 f*rr modes fcx r#po#reiuh1 debkiik i餐 j 0h 31sdom-1 皿mlam*隔 hfsml.ugnl xmnhkhul3* md del:= d, 自own壶r*,cf periti ar pprlfj,目 9 emeatiora0 1241 i4 mrsh opcirff liensi a- j

17、f mwlgi理 dptlmebic4| a e3 re“h国pwtf泅d 日而图3 f*ld owimt 一日:edit sourcesxinc ud# port po* piiocfttirg ltleci.s因为hfss算出的场强为正弦波波峰,所以输入功率有一个1/2的因子。2.5加运算器hfss tools window helpsolution type+.国 list.总 validation check.,j pnalyp all后 edit notes.ediset object temfeaturedesign settings.boundarieslxc iraiionsm

18、esh operationsanalysis setupoptimetrict anatyis fieldsradiationresults口 add solution setup.,q add frequency weep.li 北,,revert to jnit ial meshapply mesh operationsear linked dgoundary display (solver view) eatoort i ranker kile for aixj!s!s.-utr-l ki rtjhh tf muind”。.呻喷i的俏 er福而nsolution setupucmil o

19、ptich | advanced | ewr$ioii ckhe三 lemcitatvons mesh ope idt oflii 9f aftflljftlss r stluple sweep !q qptimfltricis b rhnmt s fort field display- field 01*0t : r2diartnnpoikt i-dp vsshum a i mawmame setmslunjt i ey 寓 u0te4 独m trace1 deflujlllhi f-i mtbt-ie,wq j*rp jpfc zrnp2.6画近场线p- endbiedisalidi on

20、 frequency:轲won海 mu ki mum dcltfl sderi*出领 | depute | ghz t惠jfwm murnber 0f pe5$;r ute metck converqiuike detdiu h iedit swwps*pp name5*eeptype |.-v wo喃a fdildgjifm.liiay gt e qqeh ce amchfc?口叩 15y dc e*rapdfl*tsi 二研 ufzl后ei匚esjansoft hfssproject draw modeler hfss tools window 卜精品文档properties: 300m-

21、14o0mlaba-ee - hfssdesignl - modelerndme ivalueunitcaludc-d vdluldescriptionse口linepointloitim .2jdcimni .5(jucmrri-h1ortirri,上口ckkniti. w35mm|pt)int2 ornm,s000rnm+h1on rm , -2dooee .vo 四 port field display工,find ojpruy*;rddiajjinsert far field setuplinelineinsert imear field setupantenrid aria/ set

22、up.linsphere.15欠0迎下载力 line 3o line44 i in近场线要一一对应。精品文档1欺速下载3、数据的导出底炉 analysis国 opti metric ecrrhvcreate rorlol solution reportcreate fields report、linesf 吐 coordinate systemsff n pliincii* lisua ; 王目:;秒0;7总;山0:+】 :7总: 州:create near fields repor ciedle far field* report create emk&idn ten report ired

23、le report from file.lete all reportsfleport temp diesoulpji vdiidblet.rectangular plotrectdritjuld1 stacked plotradialion patwndd id tabiajd rectangular plot id polrir plotrectangular t. ontoi.ir plot report: 800m-1400mlaba-ee - hfssdesignl - new report - new trace.,prknary sweep:updott r*oort中 hmi

24、nn*rate families families display)hdriiakzeddi37p- iwmj |rkjrrrialee- =::-?ntare utalolkplli vrii i第 fuiktvn.vai q blemhfe日吨mmoo史 aoutput vd1瓶举hnarepriiasbwar fgrtthem8mtts near fieed paramshea-txffl0slesgiiheareyangdeghucezniq_tfldlmhfelhcpv彳厘力7 raai ttaikfamil es : 1 avsdahec 7s ( 力bleiintkinfsele

25、ctf fir*qlc.fichrr0r?gh2richzrl.lghtrl2ch2rlgt2r1.4giuft.-.m nah |a, e, d7, deix dely, 142output vena bln.new 融pert4d?it tracea t1 7qq*精品文档导出为csv格式。将横坐标反归一化。 画出三维曲面图。4、用脚本画近场线dim oansoftappdim odesktopdim oprojectdim odesigndim oeditordim omoduleset oansoftapp = createobject(ansofthfss.hfssscriptint

26、erface)set odesktop = oansoftapp.getappdesktop()set oproject = odesktop.getactiveproject()set odesign = oproject.getactivedesign()19欠0迎下载set oeditor = odesign.setactiveeditor(3d modeler)声明变量与常数.dim zpos, xnum, ynum, xspan, yspan, dx, dy,posdim units, indexdim y()dim x()units = mm pos=60003米x面units =

27、 inputbox(select the units:&chr(13)& _(cm,mm,um,in,mil), nearfield,mm,pos,pos)zpos = inputbox(input the z plane position:,nearfield, 3200,pos,pos) xspan = inputbox(input x sampling span:,nearfield, 4000,pos,pos) yspan = inputbox(input y sampling span:,nearfield, 2100,pos,pos) xnum = inputbox(input s

28、ampling number in x direction:,nearfield, 100,pos,pos)ynum = inputbox(input sampling number in y direction:,nearfield, 15,pos,pos)redim y(ynum)dx=xspan/(xnum-1)dy=yspan/(ynum-1)y(0)=position of yfor n=1 to ynumy(n尸-yspan/2 + (n-1)*dy将x向点坐标存入数组zvalue=cstr(zpos) & unitsyvalue=cstr(y(n) & unitsxvaluemi

29、n=cstr(-xspan/2) & unitsxvaluemmax=cstr(xspan/2) & unitsindex=lin3mx & cstr(n)oeditor.createpolyline array(name:polylineparameters,ispolylinecovered:=, true, ispolylineclosed:=, _false, array(name:polylinepoints, array(name:plpoint, x:=, xvaluemin, y:=, yvalue, z:=, _zvalue), array(name:plpoint, x:=

30、, xvaluemmax, y:=, yvalue, z:=,zvalue), _array(name:polylinesegments, array(name:plsegment, segmenttype:=, _line, startindex:=, 0, noofpoints:=, 2),array(name:polylinexsection, xsectiontype:=, _none, xsectionorientk,auto, xsectionwidth:=, 0mm,xsectiontopwidthk,_0mm, xsectionheightk,0mm, xsectionnums

31、egmentsk,0,xsectionbendtypek,_corner), array(name:attributes, name:=, index, flags:=,color:=, _(132 132 193), transparencyk,0, partcoordinatesystem:=, global, udmid:=, _,materialvaluek,& chr(34) & vacuum & chr(34) & , solveinside:=,true)namepara=name: & indexset omodule = odesign.getmodule(radfield)

32、omodule.insertnearfieldlinesetup array(namepara,usecustomradiationsurfacek,_false, line:=, index, numpts:=, cstr(xnum)next3米y面units = inputbox(select the units:&chr(13)& _(cm,mm,um,in,mil), nearfield,mm,pos,pos)zpos = inputbox(input the z plane position:,nearfield, 3200,pos,pos) xspan = inputbox(inp

33、ut x sampling span:,nearfield, 2100,pos,pos) yspan = inputbox(input y sampling span:,nearfield, 4000,pos,pos) xnum = inputbox(input sampling number in x direction:,nearfield,精品文档15,pos,pos)ynum = inputbox(input sampling number in y direction:,nearfield, 100,pos,pos)redim x(xnum)dx=xspan/(xnum-1)dy=y

34、span/(ynum-1)x(0)=position of xfor n=1 to xnum x(n尸-xspan/2 + (n-1)*dx将x向点坐标存入数组zvalue=cstr(zpos) & unitsxvalue=cstr(x(n) & unitsyvaluemin=cstr(-yspan/2) & unitsyvaluemmax=cstr(yspan/2) & unitsindex=lin3my & cstr(n)oeditor.createpolyline array(name:polylineparameters,ispolylinecovered:=, true, ispol

35、ylineclosed:=, _false, array(name:polylinepoints, array(name:plpoint, y:=, yvaluemin, x:=, xvalue, z:=, _zvalue), array(name:plpoint, y:=, yvaluemmax, x:=, xvalue, z:=,zvalue), _array(name:polylinesegments, array(name:plsegment, segmenttype:=, _line, startindex:=, 0, noofpoints:=, 2),array(name:poly

36、lineysection, ysectiontype:=, _none, ysectionorientk,auto, ysectionwidth:=, 0mm,ysectiontopwidthk,_0mm, ysectionheightk,0mm, ysectionnumsegmentsk,0,ysectionbendtypek,_corner), array(name:attributes, name:=, index, flags:=,color:=, _(132 132 193), transparencyk,0, partcoordinatesystem:=, global, udmi

37、d:=, _,materialvaluek,& chr(34) & vacuum & chr(34) & , solveinside:=,true)namepara=name: & indexset omodule = odesign.getmodule(radfield) omodule.insertnearfieldlinesetup array(namepara, usecustomradiationsurface:=, _false, line:=, index, numpts:=, cstr(ynum)next 5、用脚本导出近场数据dim oansoftappdim odeskto

38、pdim oprojectdim odesigndim oeditordim omoduleset oansoftapp = createobject(ansofthfss.hfssscriptinterface)set odesktop = oansoftapp.getappdesktop()odesktop.restorewindowset oproject = odesktop.setactiveproject(project6)set odesign = oproject.setactivedesign(hfssdesign1)set omodule = odesign.getmodu

39、le(reportsetup)3mx-0.8gomodule.createreport xy plot 27, near fields, rectangular plot, _setup1 : sweep, array(contextk,lin3mx1),array(normalizeddistance:=, array( _all), array(name:variablevalues, freq:=, 0.8ghz), array(xcomponentk,_normalizeddistance, y components, array(nearetotal), array()omodule

40、.addtraces xy plot 27, setup1 : sweep, array(context:=,lin3mx2),array(normalizeddistance:=, array( _all), array(name:variablevalues, freq:=, 0.8ghz), array(xcomponent:=, _normalizeddistance, y component:=, array(nearetotal), array()omodule.addtraces xy plot 27, setup1 : sweep, array(context:=, lin3m

41、x3), array(normalizeddistance:=, array( _all), array(name:variablevalues, freq:=, 0.8ghz), array(xcomponent:=, _normalizeddistance, y component:=, array(nearetotal), array()#攵迎下载精品文档omodule.addtraces xy plot 27, setupl : sweep, array(contextk,lin3mx4),array(normalizeddistance:=, array( _all), array(

42、name:variablevalues, freq:=, 0.8ghz), array(xcomponent:=, _normalizeddistance, y components, array(nearetotal), array()omodule.addtraces xy plot 27, setup1 : sweep, array(contextk,lin3mx5),array(normalizeddistance:=, array( _all), array(name:variablevalues, freq:=, 0.8ghz), array(xcomponentk,_normal

43、izeddistance, y components, array(nearetotal), array()omodule.addtraces xy plot 27, setup1 : sweep, array(contextk,lin3mx6),array(normalizeddistance:=, array( _all), array(name:variablevalues, freq:=, 0.8ghz), array(xcomponentk,_normalizeddistance, y components, array(nearetotal), array()omodule.add

44、traces xy plot 27, setup1 : sweep, array(context:=,lin3mx7),array(normalizeddistance:=, array( _all), array(name:variablevalues, freq:=, 0.8ghz), array(xcomponent:=, _normalizeddistance, y component:=, array(nearetotal), array()omodule.addtraces xy plot 27, setup1 : sweep, array(context:=, lin3mx8),

45、 array(normalizeddistance:=, array( _all), array(name:variablevalues, freq:=, 0.8ghz), array(xcomponent:=, _normalizeddistance, y component:=, array(nearetotal), array()omodule.addtraces xy plot 27, setup1 : sweep, array(context:=,lin3mx9),array(normalizeddistance:=, array( _all), array(name:variabl

46、evalues, freq:=, 0.8ghz), array(xcomponent:=, _normalizeddistance, y component:=, array(nearetotal), array()omodule.addtraces xy plot 27, setup1 : sweep, array(context:=,lin3mx10), array(normalizeddistance:=, array( _all), array(name:variablevalues, freq:=, 0.8ghz), array(xcomponent:=, _normalizeddi

47、stance, y component:=, array(nearetotal), array()omodule.addtraces xy plot 27, setup1 : sweep, array(context:=,lin3mx11), array(normalizeddistance:=, array( _all), array(name:variablevalues, freq:=, 0.8ghz), array(xcomponents, _normalizeddistance, y components, array(nearetotal), array()omodule.addtraces xy plot 27, setup1 : sweep,


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