1、青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水定语从句用法归纳 篇一:定语从句的用法 一、定语从句的有关概念 所谓定语从句,就是在复合句中起定语作用以修饰主句中的名词或代词的从句。学习定语从句,首先要弄清两个重要概念先行词和关系词。 先行词是我们汉语中从来没有听过的一个新概念,它其实指的就是被定语从句所修饰的词。由于定语从句修饰名词或代词时,定语从句通常是后置的,所以人们就将放在定语从句前被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。 那什么是关系词呢?其实它就是用于引导定语从句的引导词。事实上,英语中的各类从句,不管性质如何,它们都需要有一个词来“引导”,正如人们给引导状语从句的词语取了个名字叫从属连词一样
2、,人们也给引导定语从句的词语取了个名字,叫它关系词,因为它通常被放在先行词和定语从句之间起连接作用,以表明两者之间的修饰关系,同时它还在定语从句中充当一定的句子成分。 二、定语从句中关系词与所修饰先行词的关系 为了更好地理解定语从句,我们还有必要研究一下关系词与先行词之间的关系。但在研究这种关系之前,我们先来看看关系词有哪些。 根据关系词在定语从句中的作用,我们可以将关系词分为关系代词和关系副词两种。所谓关系代词就是指起代词作用的关系词,它们在引导定语从句的同时,还在定语从句中充当主语、宾语、宾语等,英语中比较常用的关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose等。 类似
3、地,关系副词就是指起副词作用的关系词,它们在引导定语从句的同时,还在 定语从句中充当状语等,英语中比较常用的关系副词只有三个,即when, where和why。 许多初学定语从句的人弄不清关系词与先行词之间到底是什么关系。其实啊,关系词与先行词之间的关系很简单,简单得可以划一个等号。因为,关系词的含义在本质上等价于先行词,它与先行词指的就是同一个人或同一个事物。为便于理解,下面我们来看几个例子吧。 i know the man who lives next door. 我认识住在隔壁的那个人。 这是一个含有定语从句的复合句。句中的the man为先行词,who lives next door为
4、 修饰the man的定语从句;在定语从句中,who是关系词,它在定语从句中用作主语,从意义上说,它在此所表示的意思与先行词the man等价,换句话说,上面这个句子与下面这个句子等价:i know the man. he lives next door. 我认识这个人,它就住在隔壁。 she will never forget the day when she got married. 她永远不会忘记她结婚的这一天。 句中的the day为先行词,when she got married为修饰the day的定语从句;在定语 从句中,when是关系词,它在定语从句中用作状语,从意义上说,它在
5、此与“介词+先行词”所表示的意思等价,也就是说上面的句子与下面这个句子等价:she will never forget the day. on that day she got married. 她永远不会忘记这一天,在这一天她结婚了。 三、定语从句的翻译 许多英语初学者往往弄不明白为什么引导定语从句的关系词which不能译为“哪一 个”,who不能译为“谁”,when不能译为“什么时候”,where不能译为“什么地方”,等等。 首先,我们必须要明白一点,那就是引导定语从句的which, who, when, where, why 等是关系词(关系代词或关系副词),而不是疑问词,所以不能按疑问
6、词的意思来理解。 前面我们讲到,英语中的定语从句总是后置的,即要放在被修饰名词或代词之后;但在汉语中,定语通常是前置的,也就是说定语要放在被修饰名词的前面,并通常表现为“的”这样的形式。当我们翻译英语中定语从句的时候,一般可以按汉语习惯,将定语从句翻译在被修饰的名词或代词之前,而其中的关系词一般就是译成汉语中的“的”。如: he showed me the article that he had written. 他把他写的文章拿给我看。 句中的that he had written为修饰名词the article的定语从句,翻译时就可译为“他写 的文章”,其中的关系代词that在此译成了“的
7、”字。 she was not in the train which arrived just now. 她不在刚到的那列火车上。 句中的which arrived just now为修饰名词the train的定语从句,翻译时就可译为“刚 才到的那列火车”,其中的关系代词which在此也译成了“的”字。 sunday is the day when very few people go to work. 星期日是没什么人上班的日子。句中的when very few people go to work为修饰名词the day的定语从句,翻译时就可译为“没什么人去上班的日子”,其中的关系副词wh
8、en在此也译成了“的”字。 thats the hotel where we were staying last summer. 这就是我们去年夏天住的旅馆。句中的when very few people go to work为修饰名词the day的定语从句,翻译时就可译为“没什么人去上班的日子”,其中的关系副词when在此也译成了“的”字。 give me one reason why we should help you. 给我举出一个我们应当帮助你的理由。句中的why we should help you为修饰名词one reason的定语从句,翻译时就可译为 “我们应当帮助你的理由”
9、,其中的关系副词why在此也译成了“的”字。 当然,我们上面介绍的是翻译定语从句最简单同时也是最基本的方法,由于英语句子千变万化,定语从句的表现形式也灵活多样,有些含有定语从句的句子可能用此方法 翻译会显得别扭,但只要掌握了这个基本的方法,再加上适当的变通,翻译定语从句也就不难了。 四、定语从句中关系代词的省略 省略关系代词最典型的情形就是当关系代词在定语从句中用作宾语的时候。在定语从句中能够用作宾语的关系代词有that, which, who, whom。如: those books (that) you lent me were very useful. 你借给我的那些书很有用。 句中的(
10、that) you lent me为修饰those books的定语从句,引导定语从句的关系代词that在定语从句中用作动词lent的宾语,故可以省略。 i wore the necklace (which) my mother had left me. 我戴着我妈留给我的项链。句中的(which) my mother had left me为修饰the necklace的定语从句,引导定语从句的关系代词which在定语从句中用作动词left的宾语,故可以省略。 do you still remember the boy (who, whom) i was going out with? 你还
11、记得那个跟我约会的小伙子吗? 句中的(who, whom) i was going out with为修饰the boy的定语从句,引导定语从句的关系代词who / whom在定语从句中用作句尾介词with的宾语,故可以省略。 注意:我们说的关系代词的省略只限于限制性定语从句,在非限制性定语从句中,即使关系代词用作宾语也不能省略。另外,当关系代词直接用作介词后作宾语时,此时也不能省略。如: i wanted to find someone with whom i could discuss books and music. 我想找到一个可以和我谈书和音乐的人。 此句中的关系代词which虽然也
12、是用作宾语,但不能省略,因为它是直接跟在介词with后面作宾语。但是,如果将此句改写一下,将介词with置于句末,则可以将关系代词whom省略。如: i wanted to find someone (whom) i could discuss books and music with. 我想找到一个可以和我谈书和音乐的人。 五、引导定语从句的主要关系代词 1. that的用法 that是所有关系代词中最常用的,它既可指人也可指物,既可用作主语也可用作宾语。如: this is the photo (that) i took. 这就是我拍的照片。 引导定语从句的关系代词that在此指事,且在定
13、语从句中用作宾语,故可以省略。they live in a house that was built 200 years ago. 他们住在一座两百年前盖的房子里。引导定语从句的关系代词that在此指物,且在定语从句中用作主语,故不可以省略。the man that i saw told me to come here. 我见到的人让我到这里来。 引导定语从句的关系代词that在此指人,且在定语从句中用作宾语,故可以省略。 2. who / whom的用法 关系代词who和whom均只能指人,不能指物;从理论上说,who是主格,在定语从句中用作主语;whom是宾格,在定语从句中用作宾语。但在实
14、际运用中,除非是直接用作介词后作宾语,否则凡是用宾格whom的地方。如(): i met someone who said he knew you. 我碰到一个人,他说认识你。 引导定语从句的关系代词who在此指人,且在定语从句中用作主语,故不可以省略。she is the girl (who, whom) you saw in school. 她就是你在学校见到的那个女孩。关系代词在定语从句中用作宾语,从理论上说应用whom,但也可以用who;由于是用作主语,所以它们也可以省略。 注意,如果关系代词是直接用作介词后作宾语,不可以用who来代替whom。如:the girl to whom i
15、 spoke is my cousin. 我和她谈话的那个姑娘是我表妹。 句中的whom直接用在介词to的后面作宾语,故不可省略。 3. whose的用法 不要以为关系代词whose只用于指人,其实它也可以用于指事物;whose在定语从句中主要用作定语。如: he is the man whose car was stolen. 他就是汽车被窃的人。 it was an island whose name i have forgotten. 这是一座岛,名字我忘了。 第一句中的关系代词whose指人,第二句中的关系代词whose 指物。 六、引导定语从句的主要关系副词 1. when的用法 关
16、系副词when在定语从句中用作状语,表示时间,用以修饰表示时间的先行词;在许多情况下可以理解为“介词+which”的意思(which的意思与先行词所表示的意思等价),其中的“介词”通常应根据先行词的含与搭配来确定。如: 1988 was the year when he was born. 1988是他的出生年。 句中的when he was born为修饰the year的定语从句,关系副词when在此相当于in which。表示在某一年,英语习惯上用介词in,如in 1988, in 2021等,所以此处用in which。 ill never forget the day when i
17、first met you. 我永远不会忘记第一次见你的那天。句中的when i first met you为修饰the day的定语从句,关系副词when在此相当于on which。表示在某一天,英语习惯上用介词on,如on that day, on friday等,所以此处用on which。 dont forget the time when the wedding will start. 不要忘记婚礼开始的时间。句中的when the wedding will start为修饰the time的定语从句,关系副词when在此相当于at which。表示在某一时刻,英语习惯上用介词at,
18、如at that time, at the moment等,所以此处用at which。 2. where的用法 关系副词where在定语从句中也是用作状语,表示地点,用以修饰表示地点的先行词;在许多情况下也可以理解为“介词+which”的意思(which的意思与先行词所表示的意思等价),其中的“介词”通常应根据先行词的含与搭配来确定。如: what is the name of the town where you live? 你住的那个城市叫什么名字? 句中的where you live为修饰the town的定语从句,关系副词where在此相当于in which。表示在住在某城市,英语习
19、惯上说明live in a city,所以此处用at which。 this cross marks the spot where she died. 这个十字符号标明她死去的地点。句中的where she died为修饰the spot的定语从句,关系副词where在此相当于at 3. 3.why的用法 关系副词why在定语从句中也是用作状语,表示原因;why引导定语从句时,其先行词只有一个,那就是the reason;在许多情况下why也可以理解为for which。如: these are the reasons why we do it. 这些就是我们这样做的理由。 句中的why we
20、 do it为修饰the reason的定语从句,关系副词why在此相当于for which。 do you know the reason why she doesnt like me? 你知道她不喜欢我的原因吗? 句中的why she doesnt like me为修饰the reason的定语从句,关系副词why在此相当于for which。 whyfor which外,有时也可换成that,甚至省略。如: 篇二:英语中六大从句用法总结 英语中六大从句用法总结 1.主语从句 1)主语从句可直接位于主语的位置,如果从句较长,谓语又较短,可用it作形式主语,而将从句放在句末。常见的句型有:
21、*it is a facta pitya questiongood news that. *it seemsappearshappenedhas turned out that. *it is clearimportantlikelypossible that. *it is saidreportedestimatedhas been proved that. it is said that comic books create a connection between people of the same generation. it seems that the performance i
22、s very useful. 2)what引导的主语从句表示“.的东西时”,一般不用it作形式主语。 what we lack is experience. 3)what,who,when,why,whether等词含有各自的疑问意义,但它们引导的主语从句,都用陈述语序。 how the plan is to be carried out should be discussed again. i did know why i felt like crying. 2.宾语从句 1)宾语从句可位于及物动词、介词和某些形容词后。连词that常可省略。介词后一般接疑问词引导的宾语从句。in that(
23、因为),except that(除了),but that(只是)已构成固定搭配,其他介词后一般不接that引导的宾语从句。 *i promised that i would change the situation. *all this is different from what american young people would say about friendship. *he is certain that watching so much television is not good for children. *this article is well-written exce
24、pt that it is a bit too long. 2)宾语从句后如有宾补,要用形式宾语it来代替,而把宾语从句移至宾补之后。 he has made it clear that he would not change his mind. 3)在think,believe,suppose,expect等动词后的宾语从句中,如果谓语是否定的,一般将否定词移至主句谓语上,宾语从句则变成肯定形式。 he didnt think that the money was well spent. 3.表语从句 表语从句出现在结构为“主语+系动词+表语从句”的句子中。表语从句除可用that,what,
25、when,why,whether,how等引导外,还可由because,as if(though)等引导。that常可省略。如主句主语为reason,只能用that引导表语从句,不可用because. perhaps the most important thing to remember is that there is no one common type of life in america. the reason why so many people died there is that there were not enough food supplies. it looks as
26、if successful international cultural communication will make the world smaller. 4.同位语从句 同位语从句用于对前面出现的名词作进一步说明,一般用连词that引导,由于先行名词的意义不同,也可用whether,who,when,where,what,why,how等引导。常见的先行名词有fact,idea,belief,news,hope,conclusion,evidence,suggestion,order,problem,report,decision.有时由于谓语较短,将同位语从句位于谓语之后。 she f
27、inally made the decision that she would join the fashion show. i had no idea how many books i could borrow at a time. the news came that their team had won the championship. 5.定语从句 定语从句所修饰的先行词可以是名词或代词,也可以是一个句子。定语从句通常位于先行词之后,由关系代词或关系副词引导。 *限制性定语从句 限制性定语从句修饰先行词,对先行词起修饰作用,紧接先行词之后,无逗号,若省去,原句意思不完整。引导定语从句
28、的关系代词有who,whom,whose,which,that等。who,whom,whose用于指人,whose有时也可指物,相当于of which;which用于指物;that既可指人也可指物,但只用于限制性定语从句中。关系代词除了引导定语从句,替代先行词外,还在从句中担任主语、宾语、定语等。 the computers and cables which make up the internet are owned by people and organizations. those who live alone or who are sick may have trouble in ge
29、tting close to other people. the girl whose parents died in an accident is living with her grandmother. 1)当先行词是all,anything,everything,something,nothing等不定代词或先行词前有first,last,any,few,much,some,no,only以及形容词最高级修饰时,只能用关系代词that引导从句。 that is all that ive heard from him. hes the first person that im going
30、to interview this afternoon. 2)关系代词的省略 在从句中作宾语的关系代词常可省略。关系代词紧跟介词,作介词宾语时不可用that,只可用which或whom引导从句,并且不可省略,但当介词位于宾语从句句末时,作为介词宾语的关系代词仍可用that,也可省略。 this is one of those things with which we have to put up. this is one of those things (whichthat) we have to put up with. 3)引导定语从句的关系副词有when,where,why等。关系副词在
31、从句中作状语,意义上相当于一个“介词+which”的结构。 even in comic books where(=in which) there are no words,the stories are fully expressed through the drawings. no one knows the reason why(=for which) he was so angry that day. 5.定语从句 *非限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句既可修饰先行词,也可修饰整个主句,起补充说明作用,与主句之间有逗号隔开,若省去,原句意思不受影响。不可用that引导非限制性定语从句。关系
32、词不可省略。 every object has a gravitational pull,which is rather like magnetism. *“介词+whichwhomwhose”引导的定语从句 “介词+whichwhomwhose”可引导限制性定语从句,也可引导非限制性定语从句,该结构中介词的选择取决于从句谓语动词的固定搭配,或先行词的习惯搭配。 this is the computer on which he spent all his savings it is written by a person with whom we are all familiar. *as引导
33、的定语从句 as引导的定语从句主要用于“such.as”及“the same.as”的结构中,代替先行词是人或物的名词。as引导非限制性定语从句时,代替整个主句,从句可位于主句之前、之后或中间。 these are not such problems as can be easily solved.(as代替先行词problems) as is mentioned above,no single company or group can control what happens on the internet.(as代替主语) 6.状语从句 *时间状语从句 引导时间状语从句的从属连词和词组有:
34、 1)when,whenever,while,as,after,before,since,till,until,once等。 we have learnt quite a lot about it since we came here. 2)as soon as,hardly(scarcely).when,no sooner.than,each(every) time,the moment,immediately(that)等。 as soon as i sent an e-mail message,i received positive responses. the moment he he
35、ard the good news,he jumped with joy. *地点状语从句 引导地点状语从句的连词是where,wherever. wherever she went,she took her little daughter with her. *原因、结果和目的状语从句 1)引导原因状语从句的从属连词有:because,as,since,now(that),seeing that,considering that,in that等。 considering that he is a freshman,we must say he is doing well. 2)引导结果状语
36、从句的连词有:so.that,such.that ,so that,that,so等。 mickey mouse is so attractive that the children are reluctant to leave. 3)引导目的状语从句的连词有:so that,in order that,for fear that,lest等,从句常使用may,might,can,could,would等情态动词。 we got up early this morning so that we could catch the first bus to the railway station.
37、*条件和让步状语从句 1)引导条件状语从句的连词和词组有if,unless,as(so) long as,on condition that,in case,provided(providing) that,supposing等。 as long as you have the right equipment,you can use a telephone line to transmit computer data. 2)引导让步状语从句的连词和词组有though,although,whether,even though,even if,no matter what(when,how.),w
38、hatever(whenever,wherever,however.)等。though,even if等引导状语从句可转换成含有as的部分倒装结构,具有强调意义。其结构为“形容词(副词、动词、名词)+as+主语+谓语”。 no matter what you may say,i would not change my mind. young as he is,he is quite experienced in this work.(=though he is young) child as he is,he can speak english fluently.(=though he is
39、a child) *方式状语从句 引导方式状语从句的连词有as,just as,as if,as though等。as if,as though引导的状语从句中,谓语动词常用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反。 the young man made the experiment just as the teacher had taught him. everything went on as usual as if nothing had happened. 总结 从句(subordinate clause)是复合句中不能独立成句,但具有主语部分和谓语部分,由that、who、when等引导词(conn
40、ective)引导的非主句部分。 编辑本段分类 从句有主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句、定语从句和状语从句6类。前四类由于主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句及同位语从句在句子的功用相当于名词,所以通称名词性从句;后两类定语从句和状语从句功用相当于形容词,称为形容词性从句。状语从句还可以分为条件状语从句、原因状语从句、方位状语从句和时间状语从句。 1.主语从句(subject clause):用作主语的从句叫主语从句。引导主语从句的关联词有从属连词、疑问代词、疑问副词、缩合连接代词、缩合连接副词等。 2.表语从句(predicative clause):用作表语的从句叫表语从句。引导表语从句的
41、关联词与引导主语从句的关联词大都一样。 3.宾语从句(object clause):在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句.宾语从句分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句。 编辑本段宾语从句 第一部分 一.、定义: 宾语从句就是一个句子作动词或介词的宾语。 二、学习宾语从句要抓住三要素:连接词、语序和时态。 连接词一般都是that(指事务或人),which(指事),who(指人) 1从句为陈述句,常选择连接词that或将that省略,直接与主句相连。 2从句为一般疑问句,常选择连接词if或whether。在whetheror not结构中不能用if替换。 3从句为特殊疑问句,
42、常选择what,when,where,which,who,how等的疑问代、副词作连接词。 当who为主语时,句式为:who+谓语+其他 判断时态情况: 1.主句是一般现在时,从句为各种时态情况 2.主句是一般过去时,从句为各种相应过去时态注意:从句描绘客观事实,用一般现在时 3.主句是一般将来时,一般从句为一般现在时(“主将从现”) 例题: 1. the teacher told the children that the sun round. a. was b. is c. were d. are 2. i believe that our team the basketball matc
43、h. a. win b. won c. will win d. wins 3. i dont know to visit the old man. a. whether b. if c. that d. who 4.the soldiers soon reached( )was once an old temple( )the villagers used as a school. a.which;where b.what;which c.where;which d.what;where 答4:选b,动词reach后接宾语从句,从句缺少宾语,where不可,which引导宾语从句时表疑问含义“
44、哪一个”而此句中并非疑问含义,不知道哪一座庙宇,而是用what从句表陈述含义,意“过去的一座旧庙宇”;temple后为对其修饰的定语从句,用关系代词which代替,并在从句中作动词used的宾语,use sth. as“把用作 宾语从句,在复合句中作宾语,位于及物动词后; tell him which class you are in do you know what he likes? (1)主、从句时态一致: 主句谓语过去时,从句相应过去时; he answered that he was listening to me. 篇三:中考英语定语从句用法归纳总结 中考定语从句用法归纳总结 定语
45、从句: 在复合句中修饰名词或代词的句子叫作定语从句。 先行词: 定语从句所修饰的名词或代词。 关系词: 引导定语从句的词,分为关系代词(who,whom,that,which,whose)和关系副词(where,when,why,)。 复合句 : the manwho (that) came is mike. 先行词关系代词 li ming is the onethat got full marks in our class. 先行词 关系代词 上句的黑体字为复合句中的主句,蓝体字为定语从句. 一 定语从句的关系代词 which的用法: 若先行词指物则代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语或宾语. t
46、his is the penwhich was given by my friend. 先行词指物代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语 this is the penwhich my friend gave to me. 先行词指物代替先行词在定语从句中充当宾语 二 定语从句的关系代词 who的用法: 若先行词指人则代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语或宾语(如果前面带介词则必须用whom) the man who is wearing a white suit is my brother. 先行词指人代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语 the man whowhom he wanted to see las
47、t week is in shanghai. 先行词指人代替先行词在定语从句中充当宾语 she is the girl with whom i went there. 先行词指人代替先行词在定语从句中充当介宾且介词于前. 三 定语从句的关系代词 whom的用法: 若先行词指人则代替先行词在定语从句中充当宾语(包括介词的宾语) ,与who的区别是如果前面带介词则必须用whom this is the teacher whomwho we like best. 先行词指人代替先行词在定语从句中充当宾语 she is the girl whom who i went with there. 先行词
48、指人代替先行词在定语从句中充当介宾. 在从句中作定语。如: the girl whose mother is a doctor is waiting for you outside 妈妈是个医生的那个女孩在外面等你。 this is the house whose window was broken in the winds last night. 四 定语从句的关系代词 that的用法: 若先行词指人或物则代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语或宾语 the animal that which is lost is a panda. 先行词指物代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语 she is the p
49、erson that who we are worried about. 先行词指人代替先行词在定语从句中充当宾语 注意1. that which在代物时常常可以通用,但有时只宜于用which ,不用that (1) 关系代词前有介词时. this is the hotel in which you will stay. (2) 如有两个定语从句,其中一句的关系代词是that,另一句宜于用which. let me show you the novel that i borrowed from the library which was newly open (开放)to us. (3)先行词
50、本身是that时,用which. eg, whats that which flashed in the sky just now?刚才天空中一闪而过的是什么东西? 注意2. that which在代物时常常可以通用,但有时只宜于用that ,不用which. (1) 先行词是形容词最高级或者它的前面有形容词最高级时 this is the best that has been used against air pollution(反对空气污染) in cities. english is the most difficult subject that you will learn durin
51、g these years. hes the cleverest boy that my teacher likes. (2) 先行词是序数词,或它的前面有一个序数词时 he is the last person that i want to see. (3) 主句中已有疑问词whowhich时 which is the bike that you lost? who is the person that is standing at the gate? (4) 先行词既有人又有物时 the bike and its rider that had run over (撞倒了)an old ma
52、n were taken to the police station. i can remember well the persons and some pictures that i saw in the room. (5) 先行词是all,much,little,few,some,something,everything,anything,nothing,none,the one等代词时 you should hand in all that you have. we havent got much that we can offer you. i mean the one that yo
53、u talked about just now. (6) 先行词前面有only,any,few,little,no,all,one of,the same,the very,the last,the right等词修饰时 the only thing that we can do is to give you some money. li ming is the only one that got full marks (满分)in our class. li ming is one of the students that want to be teachers in our class.
54、he is the very man that helped the girl out of the water.他正是把那个女孩从水里救出来的那个男人。 (7) 有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已用which,另外一个宜用that edison built up a factory(办了一个工厂) which produced things that had never been seen before (8)当先行词在主句中做表语,而关系代词也在从句中做表语时,用that. he is not the man that he used to be.他不再是从前的他了。 注意3. 用who不宜用that的情况 (1) 先行词是指人的不定代词,eg: one,anyone,no one,all,nobody,anybody,those等。 those who have good manners will be respected.那些有礼貌的人会受到人们的尊敬。 (2)当先行词指人并含有较长的后置定语或在被分割的定语从句中时。the boy was crying hard who lost his way while
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