



1、词汇模式对中国英语学习者单词学习的影响自从hoey(1991)的语篇中的词汇模式一书出版以来,在国内外语言教师和研究者中引起了巨大的反响。与此同时,关于词汇模式的研究也应运而生。但这些研究都局限于理论层次,并没有科学的实证研究。yamada(2005)是唯一对词汇模式进行了实证研究,但也没有涉足对词汇教学的应用。基于以上研究的不足,本论文试图研究词汇模式对中国英语学习者单词学习的影响,冀在给词汇教学和词汇模式的应用提供有益的启示。 为此,研究者进行了为期一个半月的实验。受试分为实验组和控制组。实验组进行了词汇模式的培训。通过对受试的上学期期末考试成绩得出两组受试的语言水平相当。随后,通过前测了


3、导致了对释义模式的识别存在困难。3)中国英语学习者忽视遇到的生词也导致了释义模式的识别存在困难。(3)通过问卷调查对这一理论的应用有了进一步的认识。1)92%的受试者认为简单重复模式最容易识别,而释义模式最难识别。只有9.1%的受试者认为上下义模式难以识别。2)81.9%的受试者认为词汇模式对生词学习的短期效果显著。10%的受试者则认为对生词的长期记忆也有所帮助。8.1%的受试者认为这一理论对单词学习没有任何帮助。3)95.9%的受试者认为这一理论对他们英语单词的学习方法没有任何影响。他们不会把这一理论用到英语单词学习的实践中。 本文从认知语言学的角度为词汇模式的应用提供理论支柱。记忆理论以及

4、隐性和显性教学理论对词汇模式应用于词汇教学中提供了深层次的解释。同时,学习者的语言水平和通过语境推测词义也对实验的结果产生了影响。本文通过实证研究,为词汇教学和词汇模式理论的应用提供了借鉴。在教学过程中,教师应加深学习者的词汇知识深度,加强目标词的词汇训练和再学习的优越性。同时,也应该慎重选择教学策略和阅读材料。译文the current research tackles the effect of lexical patterns instruction on chinese efl learners vocabulary learning from a cognitive perspect

5、ive. to be more specific, it examines the short-term and long-term effect of the instruction respectively. the introduction of lexical patterns by hoey (1991) sheds light on vocabulary learning. it has generated an enthusiastic interest among the linguistic teachers and researchers at home and abroa

6、d. great deals of researches have been done regarding the lexical patterns in vocabulary teaching and learning. however, all the researches linger around the theoretical level. to date, no research has given the convincing empirical evidence for the application of the lexical pattern. yamada (2005)

7、is the only empirical one that investigates the difference of the lexical pattern between hoeys and those recognized by japanese learners, but not pertaining to the application of it in vocabulary either.a one and a half months training program was set up to deal with the research. the participants

8、who received the instruction of lexical patterns served as the experimental group whereas the participants who received no instruction were considered as the control group. prior to the experiment, comparisons were made on the average score of both groups to make sure that they were on a par in term

9、s of language proficiency. in order to assess the effect of the instruction, a battery of tests was administered to the participants: a pre-test, a post-test, a delayed retention test and a resemblance test with a follow-up questionnaire. the pre-test was held to test the participants knowledge abou

10、t the target words before the instruction. the post-test aimed to address the short-term effect of the instruction on the vocabulary learning. the delayed retention test was designed to evaluate the long-term effect of the instruction on the vocabulary learning. the purpose of the resemblance test w

11、as to investigate the difference of the lexical pattern perceived by the chinese learners and hoey. the response of the questionnaire depicted a detailed picture of the participants attitudes towards the application of the lexical pattern. through the experiment, the following conclusions could be d

12、rawn.(1) the instruction of lexical patterns only had the short-term effect of vocabulary immediate gains but not the long-term effect of the vocabulary delayed retention.(2) differences existed between hoeys lexical patterns and those recognized by chinese students. for chinese learners, it was not

13、 as simple as hoey once claimed. the difference existed as follows. 1) chinese students were able to recognize repetition patterns more easily than paraphrase patterns. 2) chinese students were unable to identify the less-well-known meaning of the frequent words, thus failing to identify some paraph

14、rase patterns. 3) chinese students tended to ignore them when encountering the unfamiliar words, which also rendered them the failure in identifying some paraphrase links.(3) from questionnaire, we can delineate a clearer picture of the theory. 1) for the theory itself, 92% of the students responded

15、 that simple repetitions were easy to identify and the simple paraphrase and complex paraphrases were of the two types that were the most difficult to perceive. only 9.1% of the participants answered that the hyponymic type was hard to recognize. 2) with regard to the helpfulness of the theory towar

16、ds the lexical immediate gains and retention, 81.9% of students responded that the lexical pattern helped them learn the new words in a short time. 10% of them said that it did help them in remembering the new words over time. 8.1% of them said that it did not help them in vocabulary learning any wa

17、y. 3) as for the extent of theory in affecting the lexical learning, 95.9% of the participants answered that the instruction would not exert an influence on their lexical learning method. they will not exploit the method of lexical pattern finding to learn the new words in the future. two cognitive

18、views were introduced to serve as a theoretical basis for the instruction of the lexical pattern: the memory theory and the implicit and explicit instruction theory. in addition, the language proficiency and the contextual inferring also played a role in the instruction of the lexical pattern. the research provides insightful implications for the l2 vocabulary teaching and the application of the lexical pattern. teachers should teach the multiple meanings of a word in rich contexts to ensure the learners depth of vocabulary knowledge. the


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