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1、嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 欢迎使用备战2011届高考英语一轮复习精品资料必修一unit1 friendship一、【高考名师导航】1.suffer用作及物动词和不及物动词的用法是学生易混淆的考点之一。当suffer用作及物动词时,指“遭罪”,不突出原因,指遭受一般的损害、痛苦;而作不及物动词时,通常与介词from连用,指“受-折磨”,突出原因(即其后面得名词),指遭受长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。此考点仍可能是2011年高考命题的侧重点。2. situation为新课标重点词汇,是历年高考中的常考词汇,其测试点不仅仅限于单项填空。通常考查situation, condition和state当“情

2、形,境况”讲时的用法区别。此考点在2011年高考命题中仍会是考查的重点。3.in order to, so as to, in order that和so that的区别一直是高考的设题点。考生在复习备考中应该注意:(1)in order to 引导目的状语,位于句首或句中;(2)so as to 引导目的状语,只位于句中;(3)so that(in order that)引导的状语从句,从句中的谓语动词常与may, might, can, could等情态动词连用。此考点可以和倒装句以及连词放在一起考查,在复习备考中要倍加重视。4.go through, get through, look

3、through等带through类的动介型短语之间的意思辨析和多层意思,一直是高考关注的焦点,一定要掌握,明确其使用方法,考生要根据语境判断区分和判断。近三年的全国各地高考题都有对此类考点的考查,2011年仍作为复习的重点。5.强调句式在近三年的高考题中均有考查,考生做此类题时,要注意强调句中的变化和it句型的辨析。如:it be/has been-since; it be/will bebefore; it be-when等句型。2011年仍可能是高考设题的重点。5.with的复合结构是历年来高考的重点,考生要注意宾语补足语的非谓语动词形式,尤其是现在分词和过去分词的选择和使用。07年山东卷

4、、安徽卷、福建卷和重庆卷均对with符合结构进行了考查。11年高考中可能仍要继续关注此考点。6. “it/that /this is /was the first(second,third)time+that从句(现在完成时/过去完成时)”是一个重要的句型,其从句的变化是高考考查的重点,2009年陕西卷和辽宁卷都考查了该句型。 2011年仍可以作为复习的重点二、【单元要点预览】词汇部分词语辨析1. ignore / neglect / overlook 2. cheat / fool3. calm / quiet / silent / still4. join / join in / take

5、 part in / attend词形变化1. ignore vt. 忽视ignorance n. 无知ignorant adj.无知的2. dusk n. 黄昏; 傍晚dusky adj.昏暗的; 黑暗的3. add v. 添加; 增加addition n. 加, 附加additional adj. 添加的;附加的重点单词1. upset adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的;不适的 vt. (upset, upset) 2. concern v. 担忧; 涉及; 关系到 n. 担心,关注;(利害)关系3. settle vt. 安家; 定居;停留vt. 使定居,安家;解决4. suffer vt.

6、& vi.遭受;忍受;经历5. situation c情形;境遇;(建筑物的)位置。重点词组1. go through 经历;经受2. get along with 与某人相处;(工作的) 进展3. in order to 为了重点句子1. mother asked her if / whether she was very hot with so many clothes on. 2. i dont set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do 3. it was the first time in a year and a

7、half that id seen the night face to face.强调句重点语法直接引语和间接引语 三、【词语辨析】1. ignore / neglect / overlook 【解释】ignore 通常指有意不顾,或不理会显而易见的事物。neglect 侧重指有意的忽略或忽视,也可指粗心与疏忽。overlook 指因匆忙而疏忽或视而不见。 【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空we could not afford to _ such a serious offence.2). he utterly _ my warnings and met with an accide

8、nt.3). dont _ paying him a visit now and then.【答案】 1). overlooked2). ignored 3). neglect2. cheat / fool【解释】cheat 主要指盈利的买卖中或游戏竞赛中欺骗人,骗取人的钱等。fool “愚弄”,指利用人缺乏常识,心理脆弱来欺骗人。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). you may get _ in that shop.2). he cant _ her. she sees through him every time.【答案】1). cheated2). fool3. calm

9、 / quiet / silent / still【解释】calm 天气、水、水面(表风平浪静);(指人时)表示镇定自如。quiet 表“宁静”、“安静”、“寂静”,侧重没有响声,没有噪音和没有动静。指人时侧重性格温和,文静。silent 表“沉默”、“不发言”、“不说话”,常常表示人不爱说话,沉默无语。still “不动的”,指人时侧重一动不动,;指物时指完全没有声音,突出静止不动。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). please stand _ while i take your photo.2). why do you keep _?3). everything was _

10、.4). he remained _ in the face of the enemy.【答案】 1). still2). silent3). quiet4). calm4. join / join in / take part in / attend【解释】join 表示参加组织、党派、团体、军队、俱乐部等join in 表示参加游戏、活动等;join sb. (in sth.) 表(和某人一起)做某事take part in表示参与、参加讨论、游行、比赛、战斗、斗争、运动、庆祝等attend 主要指出席、参加会议、婚礼;听讲座、课、报告、音乐会等;上学、教堂【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适

11、当形式填空1). can i _ the game?2). did you _ the fighting?3). he _ the army last year.4). a lot of people _ her wedding.【答案】 1). join in2). take part in3). joined 4)attended四、【词性变化】1. ignore vt. 忽视ignorance n. 无知ignorant adj.无知的2. dusk n. 黄昏; 傍晚dusky. adj.昏暗的; 黑暗的 3. add v. 添加; 增加addition n. 加, 附加additio

12、nal adj. 添加的;附加的【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空1) i cant _ his rudeness any longer. (ignore)2) to say you were _ of the rules is no excuse. ( ignore)3)we are in complete _ of your plans. (ignore)4)there is _ light inside the cave. (dusk)5)the street lights come on at _ and go off at dawn. (dusk)6)many words hav

13、e been _ to this edition of the dictionary. (add)7) theyve just had an _ to the family. (add)8) there are _ charges. (add)【答案】 1) ignore2)ignorant3) ignorance4) dusky 5) dusk6) added7) addition8) additional五、【重点词汇】upsetvt扰乱;使不适;使心烦vi翻倒,倾覆adj心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的n烦闷;混乱if you do anything to upset my husband,

14、out you go!如果你做出任何使我丈夫心烦的事情,请出去!the boat will upset if a storm breaks如遇暴风雨,这条船会翻掉。she was very upset when he ran awayshes very fond of him,you know他跑开的时候她非常不安。你知道,她很喜欢他。归纳拓展be upset by 被 打乱upset oneself about sth 为某事烦恼ignorevt不理睬;忽视my advice was completely ignored我的建议完全被忽视了。i cant ignore his rudenes

15、s any longer他粗暴无礼,我再也不能不闻不问了。(选自牛津高阶词典)特别提示ignore强调(主观上)故意疏忽,拒绝注意。归纳拓展ignorant adj无知的;不知道的ignorantly adv无知地ignorance n无知辨析活用ignore/neglect(1)ignore是”假装不知,故意不理”的意思,后接名词,为及物动词。如:she saw him coming but she ignored him她看见他走来,却假装没看到他。(2)neglect后可接名词或动名词,也可接不定式。接名词、动名词时,表示”不注意”;接不定式时,表示”忘记”。neglect作及物、不及物

16、动词皆可。如:he has neglected reading他忽视了阅读。concernvt涉及;关系到n(利害)关系;关心;关注this concerns us deeply这事与我们关系极大。parents are concerned with childrens subject selection父母对孩子们的学科选择很关心。it received a cautious welcome from some in the arts world,who expressed concern that the tickets may not reach the most under privi

17、leged它受到了艺术界的一些人谨慎的欢迎,这些人表达了他们的担心:贫困的人们可能难以收到这些(戏)票。归纳拓展as / so far as be concerned 关于;至于;就而言be concerned about 关心be concerned at / over sth. 为某事忧虑be concerned in sth. 牵涉到,与有关,参与迁移应用settlevt定居;安排;解决;决定;支付;使平静vi安家,定居;停留;下陷;沉淀;决定;澄清the new law is partly intended to settle the problem of foreign lorry

18、drivers ignoring limits on weight and hours at the wheel制定新法律一定程度上是为了解决外国货车司机忽视载重量和行车时间限制的问题。donna did not dare settle herself too comfortably into her seatin case she fell asleepdonna不敢使自己在椅子里坐得太舒服,以防睡着了。特别提示因为settle可作及物动词,故有settle sb结构,其被动形式为sb is settled,即settle与sb之间存在动宾关系,所以会见到settled作定语、状语或补语的现

19、象。如:you will find most of the population settled in the south你会发现大部分人都住在南边。归纳拓展settlement n定居,定居点settle down稳定下来,定居下来settle down to do开始认真对待settle a question/an argument解决问题/争端suffervt遭受,经历,忍受;宽恕;允许,容忍扰受痛苦;受损害thats because he doesnt know how much ive suffered”she answered quietly,turning away to hid

20、e the tears on her face”那是因为他不知道我受了多少罪。”她轻声回答,转过身藏起脸上的泪水。people obviously have a need for the resources we gain from cutting trees but we will suffer much more than we will benefit很明显,人们需要通过砍伐树木获得资源,但是(从长远看来)我们所遭受的损失要远大于我们的收益。归纳拓展suffer for为而受苦suffer from患病;受苦【典型例题】the plant cant _the cold weather,

21、so the researchers trying to deal with it.a. suffer for b. suffer c. long for d. suffer from【答案】b 考查suffer与suffer from得区别。【解析】区分suffer及物动词和不及物动词的意思即可。situationsituation c情形;境遇;(建筑物的)位置。how do you analyze the present economic situation?您怎样分析当前的经济局势?im now in a difficult situation.我现在处境困难the house has

22、 a fine situation.这所房子的地点很好归纳拓展situation情况,境况, condition条件, state状态,position位置,场所。【典型例题】you could get into a_where you have to decide immediately.a. condition b.position c. state d.situation【答案】d 句意“你可能遇上一种情况,使你不得不立刻作出决定”。where引导的是定语从句。【解析】此处分析句子结构,这种情况在后面的从句中作状语即可突破六、【重点词组】go through通过(某场所),经过;完成;穿

23、过;经历(困难等);遭受;仔细检查we went through the back door and into the big room where i had been before我们穿过后门,进入了我曾经去过的那个大房间。she struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again她竭力脱下(穿错了的)靴子,然后重新帮我穿上,以完成这项无趣的任务。the country has gone through too many wars这个国家经历了太多的战争。(选自朗

24、文词典)归纳拓展go on(doing/to do sth)继续go against违背go without没有也行,将就go in for赞成,支持,参加go about着手做;承担get through通过,穿过;(工作)完成;(测验)合格;接通电话look through浏览,透过看pass through穿过,经历【典型例题】before they are put into practice, we have to_all the details of the project plan.a. go through b. cut through c. get through d. put

25、 through【答案】a 考查动词短语辨析。cut through抄近路走过,刺穿;get through通过,经过,到达,打电话接通;put through 使穿过,使从事,使经历,接通均不和句意【解析】牢记短语意思,按照句意排除in order to为了since women originally spent their days with the other women and children in the group,they developed the ability to communicate successfully in order to maintain relatio

26、nships由于妇女最初经常和群里其他的妇女和孩子们在一起,她们为了维护人际关系就逐渐培养了成功交流的能力。特别提示in order to的否定形式为in order not to。归纳拓展in order that=so that后跟从句,表目的sothat”如此以致”,引导结果状语从句。辨析活用in order to/so as to两者意思相似,但in order to可以用在句首或句中,而so as to只能用在句中。如:he got up very early in order to/so as to catch the first busin order to catch the

27、first bus,he got up very early(此时不能用so as to)特别提示(1)“in order to do”的否定结构为:“in order not to do”,如:mrsmith didnt take the key with him,so he wanted to get into the room through the window in order not to wake up his wife史密斯先生没带钥匙,所以他想从窗户进去,以免吵醒他的妻子。(2)只有当主从句的主语相同时,so that从句或in order that从句才可以简化为so as

28、 to或in order to引导的目的状语。inorder to在句中的位置可前可后,而so as to一般不放句首。如:we started early so that we could catch the first train:westarted early so as to/in order to catch the first train我们早早地出发,以便可以赶上第一班火车。get along(with)与相处;进展the main purpose of the text is to tell parents how to get along with a teenager这篇文

29、章的主要目的是告诉父母们如何和青少年相处。how is your work getting along?你的工作进展如何?归纳拓展get along/on well/nicely with sb/sth与某人相处得好,某事进展得很好/很顺利get about/around四处走动;传播;流传get over解决;克服;控制get across(使)被理解;(使)被接受特别提示表示”进展,进行”时,get along=get on,二者都是短语动词,其中along和on是副词,其后不能直接加宾语。七、【必备句型剖析】happen to do/be碰巧;恰好another time five mo

30、nths ago,i happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window had to be shut五个月前有一次黄昏该关窗户时,我恰好在楼上。just at that moment a bank clerk put an old,unopened letter on mr lorrys desk,and darnay happened to see the name on it就在这时,一位银行职员把一封旧的,没有打开的信放在了劳里先生的桌子上,darnay碰巧看到了上面的名字(选自双城记)特别提示“happen to do/be”句型,可根据时

31、间关系选用to do sth,to have done sth,to be doing sth。其否定式可在happen前加dont或didnt,也可在不定式前加not,表示”碰巧不”。如:he happened not to be in the office when i got there=he didnt happen to be in the office when i got there我到那里时他恰好不在办公室。归纳拓展it(so)happened that碰巧as it happens令人惊奇的是;恰恰it so happened that the famous actor wa

32、s her brother碰巧那位著名演员是她哥哥。as it happened,1 was there when the fire started火灾发生时我碰巧在那里。happen to do/be与happen to sb(1)happen to do/be(to为动词不定式符号)表示”碰巧,恰好”,后接动词原形。someone in the ticket office happened to notice her售票处正好有人注意到了她。(2)happen to sb(to为介词)表示”(某人)发生了某事”。如:a bad accident happened to the family

33、那家发生了不幸。mom asked her if (whether) she was very hot with so many clothes on.妈妈问她穿那么多衣服是不是很热。解释 with复合结构:with + 宾语+ v. ing / v. ed / to do / adj. / adv. / prep. phrases由“介词with+宾语+宾语补足语” 构成的复合结构在句中通常作为状语,表示背景情况,为方式,原因或条件等,另外,该结构也可以作为定语使用。下面简述几种情况:1) 如果在该结构中的分词表示的动作是由前面的名词或代词发出的,构成主谓关系,该分词用现在分词形式。2) 如

34、果分词表示的动作与前面的名词或代词构成动宾关系,该分词用过去分词形式。3) 宾语补足语也可以使用介词短语,形容词或副词来充当。典例1.with + 宾语 + 副词,如:the square looks more beautiful with all the lights on (= while all the lights are on). with his parents away (= as his parents are away), tom becomes more naughty. 2.with + 宾语 + 介词短语,如:the teacher came in with a boo

35、k in his hand (= while a book was in his hand). the girl looked up with tears in her eyes (= while tears were in her eyes). 3.with + 宾语 + 现在分词,如:with summer corning (= as summer is corning), the weather is becoming hotter and hotter.with the teacher standing beside (= as the teacher was standing bes

36、ide),she felt a bit uneasy. 4.with + 宾语 + 过去分词,如:with the work done (= as the work had been done), she felt greatly relieved. with his hair cut (= as his hair has been cut), he looks much younger. 5.with + 宾语 + 不定式,如:with her to go with us (= as she will go with us), were sure to have a pleasant jou

37、rney. with mr smith to teach them english next term(= as mr smith will teach them english) , they will be greatly improved in spoken english. i dont set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do 我不愿意像大多数人那样在日记中记流水帐解释 as引导的从句为比较状语从句,意为“像大多数人那么做”。as 用作连词,可引导下列状语从句:1). 引导状语从句,强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语的同时

38、性as he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening. 随着他年纪越来越大,他失去了对所有事物的兴趣,除了园艺。2). 引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽然,即使”(从句需倒装)cold as it is, my brother wears only a shirt. 尽管天气冷,我哥只穿了一件衬衫。3). 引导方式状语从句,表示“以方式”。why didnt you take the medicine as i told you to? 为什么你没有按我说的服这药?4). 引导原因状语从句 (=since; beca

39、use),“由于,因为”。as you were not there, i left a message. 因为当时你不在那,所以我给你留了便条。5) 引导比较状语从句。she is as tall as you. 她和你一样高。练习 中译英1. 随着年龄的增长我越来越对科学感兴趣。_2. 由于雨下得很大,你最好穿上雨衣。_3. 他学习很努力,但考试还是没及格。 _【答案】 1. as l get older l get more interested in science 2. as it is raining hard,youd better put on your raincoat 3.

40、 hard as he worked,he failed in the examits the+序数词+time(that)it was the first time in a year and half that id seen the night face to face该句型为:it(that/this)is/was the first(second,third)time+that从句(现在完成时/过去完成时),表示”这(那)是某人第几次做”。(1)在该句型中it可换成this或that,that从句中多用完成时态。this was the last time i had asked y

41、ou for money这是我最后一次问你要钱。(2)该句型的反意疑问句式为isnt it或washt itthis is the first time that you have been here,isnt it?这是你第一次来这里,对吗?it was the first time i had heard her sing,wasnt it?这是我第一次听她唱歌,不是吗?(3)当主句为一般现在时时,从句要用现在完成时,当主句为一般过去时时,从句用过去完成时。it was the last time that i had taken the plane那是我最后一次乘坐飞机。归纳拓展its

42、time+that从句,从句中的谓语动词有两种形式,或者用动词的过去式(be用were),或者用”should+动词原形(should不能省略)”。此句型为虚拟语气,表示”某人该做某事了”,含有该事早该去做而实际上却未做,现在去做似乎都为时已晚的意思。its time(that)we went to bed我们该去睡觉了。its high time that the article were published发表这篇文章是适时的。its time you should do cleaning你该去打扫卫生了。八、【语法考点归纳】直接引语和间接引语()一、基本定义直接引语:直接引用别人的原话,

43、并在原话前后加引号。间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话,多数以宾语从句的形式构成。二、陈述句和疑问句中直接引语和间接引语间的转换1.直接引语变为间接引语时,不同种类的句子有着不同的变化方式。陈述句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句变为间接引语时都转化成了宾语从句,宾语从句必须用陈述语序。直接引语间接引语陈述句he said,“im from america. ”用连词that引导,that可以省略。he said(that)he was from america. 一般疑问句he said,“are you interested in english?”用连词if或whether引导,said改为aske

44、d,其后还可以加sb. ,句子用陈述语序。he asked me if/whether i was interested in english.特殊疑问句 “what do you want?”he asked me.用原来的特殊疑问词引导,句子用陈述语序。he asked me what i wanted. 2.直接引语变为间接引语时,从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等都要作相应的变化。(1)人称的变化在人称变化方面,汉语和英语有相似之处,因此在转换时,要特别注意句子的意义。记忆要诀 直接引语转换为间接引语时人称代词转换规律一主,二宾,三不变。说明:一主指“第一人称看主语”。

45、直接引语改为间接引语时,第一人称的代词和物主代词,必须与主句中的主语的人称一致,在数上不发生变化。二宾指“第二人称看宾语”。第二人称的代词和物主代词变化时,必须随主句中的宾语,如果没有宾语可以加个宾语(如me或us)。三不变指“第三人称不发生变化”。第三人称的代词和物主代词在变为间接引语时,一律不变。“一主”:he/i/you said to rose,“i can help them.”he/i/you told rose that he/i/you could help them.“二宾”:he said to her/me/you,“you can help them.”he said

46、to her/me/you that she/i/you could help them.“三不变”:he said to rose,“she/he/they could help them.”he told rose that she/he/they could help them.(2)时态的变化直接引语间接引语一般现在时he said,“im afraid i cant finish the work before dark.”一般过去时he said(that)he was afraid he couldnt finish the work before dark.现在进行时he sa

47、id,“im using the knife.”过去进行时he said that he was using the knife.一般将来时she said,“ill do it after class.”过去将来时she said(that)she would do it after class.一般过去时he said,“i came to help you.”过去完成时he said(that)he had come to help me.现在完成时she said,“ive not heard from him since may.”过去完成时she said(that)she had

48、 not heard from him since may.过去完成时he said,“i had finished my homework before supper.”过去完成时he said(that)he had finished his homework before supper.注意:直接引语转换为间接引语时,总的原则是向过去推一个时态。(3)时态保持不变的情况主句谓语动词为现在时,间接引语中的动词可保持原来时态。如:he says,“i had a good time last night.”他说:“我昨晚过得很愉快。”he says he had a good time th

49、e night before.他说他昨晚过得很愉快。过去进行时、过去完成时不变。如:“american indians had already been in america by that time,” the historian said. 那个历史学家说:“美洲印第安人那时已经存在于美洲大陆上了。”the historian said american indians had already been in america by that time.那个历史学家说美洲印第安人那时已经存在于美洲大陆了。间接引语中动词所表示的情况说话时仍继续进行或存在,其时态可以不变。如:“i am eig

50、ht,” the boy said. 那个男孩说:“我8岁。” the boy said that he is eight.(现在还是8岁)那个男孩说他8岁。直接引语中若有具体的过去某年、某月、某日作状语,变为间接引语时,时态不变。如:i said,“i was born in march,1977.”我说:“我生于1977年3月。” i said i was born in march,1977.我说我生于1977年3月。直接引语表达的是习惯性动作、客观事实或科学真理时,变为间接引语时态不变。如:“the moon moves around the earth,” the astronome

51、r said. 天文学家说:“月亮绕着地球转。”the astronomer said the moon moves around the earth.天文学家说月亮绕着地球转。(4)指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化速记表项目直接引语间接引语指示代词thisthatthesethosenowthen时间状语todaythat daythis week(month,etc. )that week(month,etc.)yesterdaythe day beforelast week(month,etc. )the week(month,etc.)beforethree days(a ye

52、ar,etc. )agothree days(a year,etc.)beforetomorrowthe next(following)daynext week(month,etc. )the next(following)week(month,etc.)地点状语herethere动词comego注意:如果在当地转述,here不必改为there;come也不必改为go。记忆要诀 陈述句和疑问句中直接引语变间接引语的方法1.直接引语是陈述句变间接引语的方法去掉引号加 “that”,人称变化要灵活,时态向后退一步,状语变化背表格。2.直接引语是一般疑问句变间接引语的方法去掉引号加 “if” (wh

53、ether),陈述语序要记住,时态、人称和状语,小心变化别马虎。3.直接引语是特殊疑问句变间接引语的方法直接引语去引号,陈述语序莫忘掉。小心助动词,去它最重要。4.直接引语是感叹句变间接引语的方法去掉引号保留how/what;去掉引号加 “that”,感叹语句改陈述。直接引语与间接引语当我们引用别人的话时,如果引用的是别人的原话,那么被引用的部分就叫直接引语,一般用”引起来。如果我们把意思转述出来,那么这样的话就叫间接引语。间接引语在多数情况下都构成一个宾语从句。纵观近几年的高考试题,对于间接引语的考查一般集中在时态、人称和语序上。此外,从阅卷老师反馈的信息来看,书面表达中经常出现这方面的失分。如何把一个直接引语变成间接引语呢?考点1 人称的变化1“一随主”。直接引语中的第一人称在变为问接引语后,应与主句中主语的人称一致。he says”i have finished my homework”=he says that he has finished his homework2“二随宾”。若直接引语中有第二人称,变间接引语时,应与主句中的宾语的人称一致。she said to tom”can you help me?”=she asked tom if/whether he could help her3”三不变”。直接引语中的


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