1、巧用智慧,开启学生思想之门记英语课堂教学偶发事件的处理每一位教师课前都精心设计教学思路, 备课充分详细, 既备课文知识, 又备学生的现有情况, 也不忘考虑学生出现意外情况该怎么及时处理? 无论是我们听的公开课还是自己开展的教学公开课, 课堂教学活动基本上按照教师原先设计好的思路井然有序地进行。但在平时课堂教学中,都能如此有序地进行吗? 当然不可能。课堂教学是教师与学生的双边活动, 教师所面对的学生不是有待加工的无生命的材料,而是一群活泼好动的孩子。他们的兴趣爱好、学习程度等各方面均各不相同,正如霍姆林斯基所说的:“教育工作对象是人, 而且是一群特殊的人 理智、情感、性格、意志、观念、信念正处于
2、形成的人。”再加上外在因素的影响, 课堂里随时都可能冒出一些难以预料的问题,甚至学生作出一些出格的事情,因此在教学中必然会出现偶发事件。 如果教师处理不当或当时手足无措,控制不了局面,后果便会不堪设想。相反地, 如果教师能够巧妙地应变,对学生进行恰到好处的引导和教育,不仅能使学生认识到自己行为的不当,而且有利于课堂教学有序地进行, 促进学生自主地学习,让学生从中受益。下面讲讲本人在英语教学中碰到几件偶发事件及处理过程。我现在任教的初二(3)班,学生总体素质较高, 学习能力较强。 他们在读小学时, 就在课外学了剑桥英语、小星星英语或新概念英语之类, 这些学生英语水平相对较高, 有一定的课外词汇量
3、。其中有一个叫栗文婷的女生很聪明, 英语也学得不错,但她的思维、想法比较“怪异”, 课堂上常常有独特的见解。记得有一次我上book ii unit21 lesson83 第三部分有这么一个讨论题 “what will you do if you have a lot of money?” 学生回答踊跃。有的说:“if i have a lot of money, first i will help the poor children. they are so poor that they cant afford to go to school. next ill buy a big house
4、 for my parents. at last i will buy myself many books. i like reading books.” 也有的说 “if i have a lot of money, i will build some houses to let the beggars live in“good idea! you are good students. you are kind-hearted. i wish your dreams will come true.” 对学生们这种善意的想法我表示充分的肯定。这时坐在后面的栗文婷举手问我:“miss zhou,
5、 官用英语怎们说?” 我告诉她“officer.” 她紧接着说: “if i have a lot of money, i will buy myself an officer. i will use my power to punish these bad men. these bad men are hateful. they take a lot of money from the poor people. they also do many bad things. but they arent be punished.” (punish一词及被动语态的简单用法我在周六兴趣小组活动已教过
6、他们, 一些学生会使用。) 这个学生说的时候, 情绪还异常的激动。我说 “moons (her english name) idea is very good我还没把话讲完, 坐在第一排的一位男生用中文大声地说:“是的。 现在社会太黑暗,贪官受贿, 照样逍遥法外。我妈说, 我们捐给贫困地区的钱,并没有落到真正需要钱的人手里, 反而被贪官抢去。” 这个学生刚讲完, 另一个学生又接上话茬了:“你们看过前几天的东南商报没有?报上说宁波街上的卖花儿童得到的钱全被控制他们的坏人拿走。” 这下学生纷纷议论开了, 他们用中文相互议论着社会的阴暗面, 把平时所听到的、看到的唧唧喳喳地讨论着, 全然不顾讲台上的
7、我。 我还听到其中一位学生说:“其实捐款没啥意思,还不如给自己买点好吃的。” 我听了,糟了, 本来打算借此话题对他们的思想好好教育一番, 现在反而弄巧成拙。 如果以后他们果真有这样的思想, 那该怎们办?这岂不是误导学生? 我得想个办法。我婉转地问:“are we having an english class or a chinese class?” 学生们愣了一下, 我接着说 “we are having an english class now. so please say it in english, not in chinese, ok?” “ok.” “maybe your idea
8、s are right. but do you think all the people are bad?” ss: “no.” t: “are there many good, kind-hearted people? ss: “yes.” do you know luo nanying? a teacher from qinghai came to ningbo to see the doctor.” ss: “yes.” t: “she was badly ill, she needed an operation. the operation needed thirty thousand
9、 yuan. but she didnt have too much money. she thought she would die. when the people in ningbo knew her, what did they do?” s1: they gave away their money.” s2: “some people went to see her in hospital.” t: “yes, you are right. some people gave her some money, then they went away even without leavin
10、g their names. do you think they are kind?” ss: “yes.” t: “there was another story, a girl called xiao yanzi, she hurt her face in the hot oil. the people in ningbo know it, they went to see her and gave away a lot of money.” 这两件事宁波人几乎都知道,学生也不例外, 他们听了后深有同感。 我继续说到: “it reported that more and more peo
11、ple in ningbo become warm-hearted. so do in the other cities, i think. there are many true stories in ningbo evening papers these days. the stories are all about some poor people who eats little food, wears old clothes to help the poorer people.” 这时我听到下面学生在悄悄地谈论着他们所见所闻的助人为乐的好事,我心中暗喜, 事情总算有转机了。 我继续说道
12、:“maybe there are some bad people. but i think there are only a few bad men. most of the people are kind. china is doing something to punish the bad men these years. some bad officers were put into prison. there are fewer and fewer bad men now. do you think so?” ss: “yes.” t: “if we always do good t
13、hings, if we give our love to the poor , others will also do it like that. in this way, our country will become better and better. now we must try our best to do what we can do. dont care about what others did. do you agree with me?” 这时学生都点头表示我的话很有道理。 然后我用中文说:“一个国家、社会总有好的一面, 阴暗的一面。 我们应积极地看到好的一面, 我们更
14、因该尽我们一切的努力去做对人类有意义的事, 这样社会才会进步, 人们的思想才会提高。” 通过今天的教育, 我相信学生的思想会扭转过来的。我任教的还有一个班初二(4)班, 学生调皮可爱, 上课气氛浓烈, 学生兴趣浓厚,他们爱举手表达自己的观点。特别当我让学生根据所给的短语说句子时, 班上几个调皮的男生, 像比赛一样, 一个比一个说得新颖、有趣, 甚至他们相互借此攻击、取笑对方。记得一次我上dream一课时问学生:“do you often have dreams?” ss: “yes.” t: “did you remember your dreams?” ss: “yes.” t: “what
15、 did you dream? what was your dream?” s1: “i dreamed i traveled in paris. it was really wonderful.”这时一个叫倪一文的学生手举得很高,期待着我叫他回答, 看他脸色好像有什么得意创举, 接着我就问他: “you wanted to tell us what your dream was, right?” ni yiwen: “yes. i dreamed chen chao fell into the river yesterday.” (陈超是他的英语学习伙伴。 他们两个课后喜欢争论。这两个人个性
16、差不多, 调皮、爱开玩笑、喜欢逗。) 这时全班发出一阵爆笑, 有几个学生开始骚动。 但还好, 过了一会儿就恢复了平静。 我就因势利导: “did you come to save him?” ni yiwen: “no, beca-use i couldnt swim.” t: “what happened then? did anyone to help him?” ni yiwen: “no. he cried help! help! i also cried help! help! then i woke up.” 这是班上已有几个学生按捺不住自己了, 开始私下议论。 我还没示意他坐下,
17、 只见陈超同学举起了高高的手, 我问:“do you have anything to say?” chen chao: “yes. last night i also had a dream. i dreamed that ni yiwen had an accident. he broke his leg, he lay on the ground and couldnt stand up.” 话音还没落, 倪一文立刻站起来: “oh i remembered. then i fell asleep again, i went on with my dream. no one could
18、come to help him. he died in the river.” 这时教室一片哗然, 有的哈哈大笑, 有的乘机起哄说:“陈超快上, 倪一文说你死了呢。” 顿时教室里乱哄哄。陈超也不示弱,急着开口了:“ni yiwen” 我一看情形不对,一场毫无意义的争斗要开始了。我冷静一思考,赶紧大声说: “can we stop laughing?” 这时全班已有所安静。我大声地说:“we know dreams are always opposite to our reality. some people dreamedthey had lots of money. did their d
19、reams come true?” ss: “no.” t: “you are right. their dreams wont come true, but they could come true in their dreams.i often dreamed i flew to the moon. but we know i will never fly to the moon. did you have the dreams like mine?” s1: “yes. i often dreamed of funny things, but they would never be tr
20、ue.” s2: “i often dreamed i had full marks, but i didnt get full marks”. t: “yes, you are right. ni yiwen, is chen chao your good friend?” ni yiwen: “of course.” t: “do you wish he will die?” ni yiwen: “of course not.” t: “maybe you wish he will live forlong time, so you can play with him, and you w
21、ont feel lonely.” ni yiwen: “yes.” t: “so you had a terrible dream. you wish your dream wont cometrue for ever, right.” ni yiwen: “yes. i just said it for fun.” t: “chen chao,what about you?” chen chao: “so do i.” t: “ni yiewen and chen chao aregood friends, maybe they want to play some jokes to mak
22、e everyone laugh. maybe they want to think out a good idea to make you remember the word dream for ever. do you remember this word?” ss: “yes.” t: “if you want totell others your dreams, you can say i dreamed that or i dreamed of /about sth. do you remember these useful expressions? ss: “yes.” t: “t
23、hank you chen chao and ni yiwen all the same.” 这时课堂已经恢复了原有的平静, 同学们重新回到了正常的学习状态。之后, 我深深地呼了一口气, 一场即将要爆发的争斗总算能平息了。如果我没能及时制止他们的争斗, 说不定还有一场小小的战争呢,那后果将不堪设想。人无完人, 教师也不是圣人, 难免有讲错的地方, 作为每一个老师,当然都想在学生面前表现得很完美。 但是万一出现上述情况,如果教师处理不当,教师不仅很尴尬, 而且会被学生认为老师没水平, 甚至被学生看不起; 如果处理得当, 教师不仅能为自己摆脱窘境, 而且也能起到教育学生的目的。我也亲身经历过类似事
24、情。 那是我教上一届学生初一英语的时候,本来是下午的英语课, 因一位数学老师临时有事情, 把我的课换到上午第二节, 还没来得及仔细备课, 我就捧着一本书去教室了。 当时我想, 反正这个班学生素质较差,学习能力较弱,他们对我的课向来无疑问的, 更不会提什么难的问题了,凭我的教学水平应该能应付。 于是我从容地按照老一套展开教学内容。 当我问学生:“what vegetables do we know?” 学生回答:“potatoes, tomatoes, cabbages.”然后我想补充“onions” 一词。 在补充之前, 我对这个词的发音犹豫了一会儿:重音放在第一个音节还是第二个音节?凭着模糊
25、的记忆我教学生朗读这个单词。然后我叫学生相互谈论:“what do you like? how do you like it /them?” 过了两分钟, 我叫学生相互问答。令人尴尬地一刻终于出现了, 突然一个学生手举得老高, 我就叫他回答, 不曾料到他却说:“ miss zhou, 昨天我预习过了单词, 听过金山词霸的发音, onion的你重音搞错了。” 我当时一听,心慌了。 从教书到现在从未出现过令我如此尴尬的场面, 学生会怎么看我呢?以前偶尔也有说错的时候,总能自圆其说, 今天该怎么跟学生解释呢? 转而一想, 有了, 平时我教学生多听录音, 学生觉得学英语跟听课文录音带无多大关系, 今天
26、我何不借次机会好好地教育他们一番。 我就说:“ first of all i should thank this student. he is very clever and brave. when i was a middle school student, i thought i could learn english well if i could do a lot of english exercises. i neednt listen to the tape. but i was wrong. as a result, my spoken english is not very g
27、ood. my pronunciation is not so beautiful. so today i even made a mistake. fortunately, this student corrected my mistake, or i will go on with my mistake. so you mustnt follow me. you must speak more english, listen to more tapes, and you will improve your english.” 我边用英语讲的同时,边把出现的生词: brave, as a r
28、esult, spoken english, pronunciation, mistake, correct, improve写在黑板上。然后用中文告诉他们现在的磁带录音讲的都是纯正英语国家人士念的英语, 他们的发音纯正、地道, 就算老师念的再好, 也不及他们地道的口语。 所以你们要多听、多模仿, 这样你们的听力、口语会很快地提高,读起课文来,自然流畅。再次感谢这位同学的指正。一场惊险总算过去了。通过这些话语, 不仅为自己摆脱困境, 而且能因势利导, 教育学生多听课文录音的重要性。 与此同时, 也为学生接触新的词汇brave, as a result, spoken english, pronunciation, mistake, correct, improve创造了条件。这些词是常用词, 对他们今后的阅读有一定的帮助。 转头再瞧瞧那位给我指正的学生, 特别自豪, 后半节听课特别认
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