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1、Rehabilitation of Tabriz Bazaar, Tabriz, Iran, 2006建筑设计:ICHTO东阿塞拜疆办事处Architects: ICHTO East Azerbaijan Office1大不里士集市于 1975 年正式得到保护并在特殊监管下运营。2010 年,它被收录到世界遗产名 录中。集市占地 27h m2,长度超过 5.5k m。到了 20 世纪后期,其中的砖房由于年久失修开始摇摇 欲坠,为此人们建立起了由“集市”社区、市政府 和文化遗产手工业及旅游组织(I C H T O)一起参 加的管理框架。试点的修复项目首先获得了店主们 的支持,也让后续的整体修复项

2、目能达到保护和振 兴集市这一宝贵遗产的目的。在试点项目中,政府 出资 85%,“集市商户”仅出资修复成本的 15%, 但目前集市社区已经负担了修缮基金中 90% 的费 用。从 2000 年以来,集市中的许多复合设施已经在业主和租户的共同参与下得到了修复。基础设施 得到了改善,也相应增建了公共设施。集市标志性 的复杂的砖砌构造既是结构、又是装饰,在用传统 技法修复建筑的现场时,修复专家必须向当地泥瓦 匠学习技艺,对他们来说也是具有挑战性的训练。 建筑独特的帆拱和圆顶呈现复杂的几何形态,而圆 顶节点处(t i m c h e h)也和其他表面的空间一样具 有空间上的重要性。大不里士集市是个独特的城

3、市 保护和发展的案例,因为建筑遗迹在这里起着催化 剂的作用,让集市现在仍能成为大不里士的动感城 市中心。(司马蕾 译)21 砖拱细部/Detail of brick vaults2 细部/Detail40 WA 2013/112013阿卡汗建筑奖Tabriz Bazaar was officially protected in 1975a n d co ve re d b y s p e c i a l s te w a rd s h i p m eas u re s un t il 2010, w h en i t w a s a d d e d t o th e Wo rl d Her i

4、tage List . T he complex covers 27 hectares with over 5.5 kilometres of covered bazaars. By the late 20th century, however, its brick buildings were crumbling due to decades of neglect, and a management framework was established, based on the participation of the bazaar community, together with muni

5、cipal authorities and the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organisation (ICHTO). A successful pilot restoration project was decisive in winning over shopkeepers to the advantages ensuing from an overall rehabilitation pro ject that would conser ve and revitalise the valuable heritage of th

6、e Bazaar. While in the pilot project the government contributed 85% financial coverage and thebazaaricontribution was limited to 15% of the cost of restoration, the bazaar community now provides up to 90% of the funding.Since 2000, numerous complexes within the bazaar have been rehabilitated with th

7、e participation of the owners and tenants. Infrastructure has been improved and public facilities have been built. The sophisticated brickwork throughout hallmark of the Bazaar combines both structure and ornament and proved to be a challenging training ground for current experts in restoration who

8、learned in the field from local masons as it was repaired, using traditional techniques. The unique vaulting and domes present intricate geometries and the timcheh (domed nodal crossroads) combine spatial importance with other space-covering geometries. The Tabriz Bazaar is a unique example of an ur

9、ban conser vation and development project in which heritage plays the role of catalyst and it has reclaimed its position as thedynamic urban centre of the city of Tabriz.3项目信息/Credits and Data客户/Client: Tabriz Bazaari Community 建成时间/Completed: 2006 设计时间/Design: 1994 场地规模/Site Size: 27hm摄影/Photos: AK

10、AA/Amir Anoushfar43 外景/Exterior views4 剖面/SectionWA 2013/11 412013 Aga Khan Award for Architecture7897 鸟瞰/Aerial view8 外景/Exterior views9 鸟瞰/Aerial viewWA 2013/11 432013 Aga Khan Award for Architecture10评论丁力扬 :伊朗大不里士市中心的大巴扎的整修保护 有两个层面值得关注 :一为原则,即强调复原而非 改造。工程主要采用传统的材料和工艺,并尽量恢 复原貌。二为方法,即吸引建筑所承载的原生态中 的

11、原驻商户的全面参与。他们的回归重新激活了大 巴扎的宏观生态,包括几百年来生存在其中的传统 商品生产工艺,以及内部的公用空间都得到继续使 用。项目的建筑师伊朗文化遗产、手工艺和旅 游组织(IC HTO)是一个教育性和研究性的集 合组织,地位和作用类似于美国的史密森尼学会, 是仅由政府提供资助和监督、而并不进行管理的半 官方机构。总之,如参与项目的建筑师所说,“大巴 扎是无法自我修复的”,历史保护建筑的生命之延续 并不复杂,有时只需要建筑中人的生活和时间本身。钟文凯 :大不里士市集既可以看作是一栋具有整体性的建筑,又是一片包罗万象的城区。它包容了迷 宫般的内街、无数的店铺、大大小小的庭院、华丽 精

12、致的砖拱、戏剧性的天光、琳琅满目的商品、来 自世界各地的人群。市集的物质和空间形态庞杂多 样而又统一紧凑,与此共生的是商贸、集会、教育、 宗教等丰富的活动内容,数百年来孕育着经久不息 的经济、社会与文化交流。要保持这样一处活生生 的历史遗产的原真性和可持续性,除了需要政府部 门的指引,在修复过程中发动包括店主和租户在内 的所有利益相关者的参与是必不可少的。被保护的 不仅仅是有形的建筑,还有无形的传统建造技术和 当地手工艺,以及市集所承载的经济、社会与文化 生活。1110 集市通道/Bazaar alley11 集市通道平面/Floor plan of bazaar alley44 WA 201

13、3/112013阿卡汗建筑奖CommentsDING Liyang: T he protection and rehabilitation of the Bazaar of Tabriz embraces twofold aspects. Firstly, in terms of the principle, the project focuses on rehabilitation other than renovation. By applying traditional technique and materials, the architects help the owners res

14、tore their stores. Secondly, the work undertakes the full participation of the local tenants to put back life to the bazaar, which brings back not only the traders and customers, but also the original l a nd s c a p e o f t he b a z a a r, i nc l ud i n g t he va n i s h i n g handcrafts workshops a

15、nd trades and the integrated activities within the public space. The architect of the project, Iran Cultural Heritage, Handcrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHTO), is an educational and research institution overseeing numerous associated museum complexes throughout Iran. It is similar in scope and a

16、ctivity to the Smithsonian Institution as a semi-government owned organization, which is administered and funded by the government who is involved with any direct management. As the local architects says, The bazaar cannot sustain itself , a c t u a l l y i t i s n o t q u i t e h a rd t o k e e p t

17、 h e h i s t o r i c building alive, sometimes what needed is just the truelifetime of the people from inside.ZHONG Wenkai: Tabriz Bazaar could be seen both as a single integrated building and an all-embracing urban complex. It consists of labyrinthine covered streets, numerous shops, a variety of c

18、ourtyards, magnificent brick vaults, dramatic daylight, a glittering array of goods, and people from all over the world. The Bazaars physical and spatial configurations are expansive and diverse, yet highly unified and interconnected. It is closely inter woven with a rich program of trading , assemb

19、ling , educational, and relig ious activities , cultivating long-lasting economical, social, and cultural exchanges over the centuries. In order to preserve the authenticity and sustainability of such a living piece of histor ic her itage, in addition to g uid ance from gover nment agencies, it is i

20、mperative to mobilize all stakeholders including shop owners and tenants throughout the rehabilitation process. What have been preserved are not only the physical structures, but also the intangible traditional building techniques and local crafts, as well as the economic, social, and cultural lives

21、fostered by the Bazaar.1212 集市通道/Bazaar alleyWA 2013/11 452013 Aga Khan Award for Architecture13141513.14 拱顶/Dome15 商店/Shop46 WA 2013/112013阿卡汗建筑奖16171816 清真寺祈祷室/Prayer room of a mosque17 集市通道/Bazaar alley18 拱顶/DomeWA 2013/11 472013 Aga Khan Award for Architecture2A+P/A建筑工作室2A+P/A 玛丽亚格拉齐亚库图利小学Maria

22、Grazia Cutuli Primary School阿卡汗殿下His Highness the Aga Khan法罗德拉沙尼Farrokh Derakhshani郝琳HAO LinB. 1936,日内瓦,瑞士哈佛大学伊斯兰历史荣誉学士 阿卡汗发展网络主席B. 1952,德黑兰,伊朗伊朗国立大学硕士 阿卡汗奖全球总监B.1971,北京,中国剑桥大学博士欧华尔建筑都市事务所 /Integer 绿色智 能设计事务所董事合伙人 乡村营建社创建人、主持建筑师成立于 2005 年罗马,意大利B. 1936, Geneva, SwitzerlandBA (Honors) in Islamic Histo

23、ry, HarvardUniversityChairman, Aga Khan DevelopmentNetworkB. 1952, Tehran, IranMA, National University of Iran Director, Aga Khan Award for ArchitectureEstablished in 2005Rome, ItalyB.1971, Beijing, ChinaPHD., The University of Cambridge Director, Oval Partnership / Integer Intelligent & GreenCo-fou

24、nder / Principal Architect, RuralCommunity Development GroupIaN+建筑工作室IaN+ 玛丽亚格拉齐亚库图利小学Maria Grazia Cutuli Primary School丁力扬DING Liyang利昂联合工作室Ateliers Lion Associs夏尔戴高乐法语学校Lyce Franais Charles de Gaulle成立于 1997 年罗马,意大利B.1980,天津,中国宾夕法尼亚大学建筑学硕士 力禾建景建筑工作室创立人ICHTO大不里士集市复兴 Rehabilitation of Tabriz BazaarE

25、stablished in 1997Rome, Italy成立于 1974 年巴黎,法国B.1980, Tianjin, ChinaMArch., University of PennsylvaniaFounder, landTHING ArchitectsICHTO 东阿塞拜疆办事处成立于 1986 年 大不里士,伊朗马里奥库图利Mario Cutuli玛丽亚格拉齐亚库图利小学 Maria Grazia Cutuli Primary SchoolEstablished in 1974Paris, FranceIran Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts andTou

26、rism Organisation (ICHTO) of EastAzerbaijan ProvinceEstablished in 1986Tabriz, Iran达格尔汉纳及合伙人事务所Dagher Hanna & Partners夏尔戴高乐法语学校Lyce Franais Charles de Gaulle葛明GE Ming罗马,意大利玛丽亚格拉齐亚库图利基金会主 席B.1972 ,江苏,中国东南大学博士 东南大学副教授贝鲁特,黎巴嫩Rome, ItalyP re s i d e n t , t h e M a r i a Gra z i a C u t u l iFoundationB

27、eirut, LebanonB.1972, Jiangsu, ChinaPHD., Southeast University Associate professor, Southeast University名那亚杰恩Minakshi Jain纳高尔堡修缮Rehabilitation of Nagaur Fortma0/emmeazero建筑工作室ma0/emmeazero玛丽亚格拉齐亚库图利小学 Maria Grazia Cutuli Primary School曼谷设计工作室/汶颂普雷姆塔达Bangkok Project Studio/BoonsermPremthada坎塔纳电影动画学院 K a n t a n a F i l m a n d A n i m a t i o nInstitute艾哈迈达巴德,印度环境规划与技术中心客座教师Groupe 3 建筑事务所Groupe 3 Architectes穆罕默德六世足球学院 Mohammed


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