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1、成都七中高2011届高考适应性考试英 语 试 题本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分。考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题 共100分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节 语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:it is impossible for one to get _ he or she wants in the world. a. however b. whatever c. whichever d. whenever 答案b。1. in americ

2、a, if _ friend has invited you to drop in at any time, it is _ best to callbefore visiting to make sure it is convenient for him. a. a; ab. the; ac. a; 不填d. the; 不填2. some people would rather ride bikes as bike riding has _ of the troubles of taking buses. a. nothingb. nonec. somed. neither3. parent

3、s are advised to take pressure _ a child and give him or her some encouragement before an exam. a. offb. overc. fromd. to4. you cant imagine _ fantastic fun web chatting is. really? but it may cause a lot of trouble sometimes. a. whatb. howc. whyd. whether5. the photo brought me back to the memory o

4、f the time in qingdao, _ i spent my summer holiday by the seaside with my friends. a. thatb. whenc. whichd. what6. well have to find someone to have a look at the door. it wont _. a. shutb. be shutc. be shuttingd. shutting7. who is making so much noise in the garden? _ the children. a. there areb. t

5、hey arec. that isd. it is8. i have no dreams _ to have a happy life. a. rather thanb. better thanc. other thand. less than9. he stood up, _ the large door and looked outside. there on the ground lay a white dog. a. opensb. openedc. openingd. having opened10.would you mind my opening the window for s

6、ome fresh air? _ a. why not?b. yes, help yourself. c. no. go ahead, please.d. yes, but youd better not.11. whats the matter with tim? he looks upset. oh, his cell phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never _ again. a. to findb. being foundc. findingd. to be found12. wed better hurry, for there is

7、still a long _ from home. a. roadb. pathc. wayd. route13. the child walked quietly to the bird. _ into the forest when he was about to catch it. a. flew it awayb. away flew itc. flew away itd. away it flew14. you spent ¥300 on a pair of cotton gloves. such a pair of cotton gloves _ be worth so much.

8、 a. mustntb. wouldntc. cantd. neednt15.what are you busy with? the conference _ in our city next week. a. heldb. will be heldc. be holdingd. to be held16. id like to have visited the palace museum last week, but something unexpected _ to my father.a. had happenedb. happenedc. has happenedd. happens1

9、7. just because they make more money than i do, _ they seem to look down on me. a. sob. andc. butd. 不填18. _ is hard is to do good all ones life and never do anything bad. a. heb. itc. thatd. what19. the reason _ matters most in his failing the english test is _ he pays little attention to sentence s

10、tructures. a. why, thatb. that, thatc. which, becaused. what, because20.ive never found a better job and im so glad. _. a. i dont think sob. too bad c. congratulationsd. dont worry第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分满分30分)阅读下面一篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项a、b、c和d中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。用答题卷的考生,请把最佳选项标在答题卷的相应位置。 johns p

11、arents acquired the washer when he was small boy. it happened during world war ii. his family never 21 a washing machine and, since gasoline was expensive, they could not 22 trips to the laundry(洗衣店) several miles away. keeping clothes 23 became a problem for young johns household. a family friend j

12、oined the army, and his wife 24 to go with him. johns family 25 to store their furniture while they were away. to the familys 26 , the friends suggested they use their bendix. so this is how they 27 the washer. young john helped with the washing, and across the years he 28 a love for the old, green

13、bendix. but 29 the war ended. when the friends came to take it back, john grew terribly 30 . his mother 31 him and said, “you must remember, that machine 32 belonged to us in the first place. that we ever got to use it at all was a gift. so, instead of being mad at it being taken 33 , lets use this

14、34 to be grateful that we had it at all.” the lesson turned out 35 . years later, john watched his eight-year-old daughter die a slow and painful death of leukemia(白血病). though he 36 for months with her death, john could not begin getting over from the 37 until he remembered the old bendix. his daug

15、hter was a 38 . when he realized that simple fact, everything changed. he could now begin recovering from the death of his daughter. he started to see her as a marvelous gift that he was fortunate enough to 39 for a time. he felt 40 . he found strength and recovery. he knew he could get through the

16、valley of loss. 21. a. required b. ownedc. repairedd. saw22. a. take b. have c. affordd. ride23. a. cleanb. warmc. nice d. good24. a. agreed b. managedc. desiredd. prepared25. a. offeredb. decided c. expectedd. promised26. a. disappointmentb. astonishment c. sadnessd. regret27. a. boughtb. gotc. bor

17、rowedd. used28. a. achievedb. produced c. developedd. reduced29. a. finally b. obviouslyc. immediatelyd. peacefully30. a. frightenedb. upsetc. hopelessd. confused31. a. explainedb. encouragedc. comfortedd. taught32. a. once b. alreadyc. hardlyd. never33. a. out b. downc. awayd. up34. a. chanceb. suc

18、cessc. eventd. treasure35. a. important b. necessaryc. reasonabled. invaluable36. a. thoughtb. missedc. struggledd. forgot37. a. lessonb. lossc. illnessd. difficulty38. a. deathb. washerc. giftd. loser39. a. shareb. spendc. lived. earn40. a. gratefulb. energeticc. relaxedd. happy第三部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2

19、分,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项a、b、c和d中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。用答题卷的考生,请把最佳选项标在答题卷的相应位置。aive been living in china for a while long enough to observe the long-term deterioration (退化)of my own native language abilities, as well as those of my fellow english speakers. this deterioration can take different fo

20、rms, one of which is the non-standard usage of the words. its source is, specifically, chinese culture, and its target is native english speakers. below i give some of the common ways that the chinese environment strikes down the native speakers linguistic competence (语言能力) . net bar: in chinese, th

21、eyre called “网吧”, this is fine. we generally call them “internet caf” in english. the chinese seem to think that “网吧”should be translated as “net bar” in english, and many careless foreigners have even been misled by this idea. name card: in the english-speaking world, business people have lots of b

22、usiness meetings to discuss business. on these occasions, business people exchange specially printed pieces of paper known as business cards. in china everyone calls them “name cards”, because in chinese they are called “名片”and “name card” is a more direct translation . bean curd. its called “tofu,”

23、 ok! this english word comes from chinese. i know all dictionaries sold in china will tell you “豆腐” is “bean curd” in english and that may represent the two characters nicely, but “bean curd” is more a definition than a comfortable translation. and yet some foreigners start saying “bean curd” rather

24、 than tofu. deplorable (可吧的)!i think you see the pattern. the normal native way of saying something is replaced by a more unnatural way of saying it using other english words. if youve been living in china for a while and find yourself using all of these, you might be on dangerous ground. youre goin

25、g to start making a fool of yourself back home. look out! resist chinglish attempts at destroying your own command of your mother tongue! 41which of the following expressions is more native?abean curdbtofucname carddnet bar 42how does the writer support his main idea? aby comparisonbby examplescby r

26、easoning dby refutation (反驳) 43what is the main cause of the non-standard usage of the words by native english speakers? achinese culturebchinese traditioncenglish flexibility(灵活性)dchinese polluted environment 44the mentioned chinglish words are created in the way _.athat is generally accepted by na

27、tive english speakers bthat is often misunderstood by native english speakers cthat sounds reasonable to native english speakers dthat sounds natural to some chinese blie in bed, by an open window, and listen“no air conditioning? how can you sleep?” a friend asks, horrified. i tell her my family has

28、 decided to shut the air conditioner off and reduce our electric bill. on this first night of our cost-cutting adventure, its only 85 degrees. were not going to suffer, but the three kids complain anyway. theyve grown up in 72-degree comfort, protected from the world outside. “how do you open these

29、windows?” my husband asks. shaking the metal ribs(插销), he finally releases one. bug bodies decorate the window shelf. as we spring the windows one by one, the night noises howl outside-and in. “its too hot to sleep,” my 13-year-old daughter complains. “im about to die from this heat,” her brother co

30、mplains down the hall. “just try it tonight,” i tell them. in truth im too tired to argue for long. my face is sweaty, but i lie quietly listening to the cricket choirs(合唱) outside that remind me of childhood. the neighbors dog howls. probably a passing squirrel. its been years since ive taken the t

31、ime to really listen to the night. i think about grandma, who lived to 92 and still helped with my moms gardening until just a few weeks before she died. and then, im back there at her house in the summer heat of my childhood. i move my pillow to the foot of grandmas bed and angle my face toward the

32、 open window. i turn the pillow, hunting for the cooler side. grandma sees me turn over and over. “if youll just watch for the breeze(清风),” she says, “youll cool off and fall asleep.” she cranks up the venetian blinds(百叶窗). i stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to move. lying still, waiting

33、, i suddenly notice the life outside the window. the bug chorus. neighbors, porch-sitting late, speak in unclear words that calm me. “mom, did you hear that?” my seven-year-old son cries. “i think it was an owl family.” “probably,” i tell him. “just keep listening” without the working air conditione

34、r, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfiltered(未过滤的) night noises seem close enough to touch. i hope im awake tonight when the first breeze sneaks in.45. what is the point the writer wants to make in the passage?a. we should learn to save electricity.b. a peaceful mind is important in modern lif

35、e.c. we should care about the outside world rather than ones inner world.d. modern men live too comfortable a life. 46. the author talks about her grandmother and her childhood to show that _a. people used to live a hard life.b. people at that time were hardworking.c. she has learned a great deal fr

36、om her grandmad. its ok for people to live a simple life. 47. in the writers eyes, her children are _. a. independent from parents protectionb. reliable because of parents love c. lacking in real test of hardships in lifed. full of complaints against life 48. which of the following title best suits

37、the passage?a. waiting for the breeze b. an interesting experiencec. life at present and life in the past d. different times, different childrenccan you do the math:what is one hundred times four,divided by the square root of a hundred? how can you work it out quickly?the answer is fortyyears ago,th

38、ree scientists at texas instruments,jerry merryman,james van tassel and jack kilby,invented the handheld electronic calculatortheir first device could add,subtract,multiply and divide and it was small and easy to takeyet after forty years,calculators in the classroom still add up to the same old deb

39、ate generally calculators are considered to be usefulespecially with more complex mathsome math teachers at every level support the use of calculators and students are even permitted to use them when they take college entrance testsbut it is also thought that young students should know basic calcula

40、tion before they begin using themsome education experts think calculators are used too much. children,they say,learn to depend on these electronic brains instead of their owncalculators may not only give students answers to questions they do not really understand,they may also keep them from discove

41、ring ideas for themselvesother experts,though,say calculators have helped make mathematics more understandable to more studentsthey say calculators give students more time to understand and solve problems,and to develop a better sense of what numbers meanthat way,the reasoning goes,they can feel bet

42、ter about their abilities49which of the following calculation agrees with the question raised in the 1st paragraph?abcd50three scientists at texas instruments invented athe first electronic calculator bthe calculator handlecthe portable electronic calculator dthe first calculator51we can infer from

43、the passage that in the pastamath teachers supported using calculators everywherebstudents were not allowed to use calculator in testscusing calculators in classrooms was under argumentdyoung students had to know how to use calculators52according to experts,calculators benefit students in many ways

44、except aproviding them with answers to the questionsbstopping them discovering ideas for themselvescmaking mathematics more understandableddeveloping a better feeling of their abilitiesdamazing scientific breakthroughhelps you lose weight without starvation diets or tiring exercisehave you ever wish

45、edthere was a fast easy and reliable way to safely drop weight by magically suppressing your food desires? an easy way to use product that magically melts off ugly fat without “dieting,” calorie counting, or tiring exercise? what if this breakthrough could also increase your energy levels and bright

46、ened your mood throughout the day?introducingthe amazing diet patchthe all new amazing diet patch(as seen on tv) is a revolutionary new weight loss system that makes you lose 3 to 7 pounds wee after week! until you fit into the clothes youve always dreamed of! this is the fastest most effective and

47、safe way to lose weight. without starvation diets or strenuous exercise!how does it work?the secret is a material called fucus vesiculosus that suppresses your food desires, and increases your metabolism turning your body into a fat burning machine. just listen to what others are saying about it:aft

48、er the birth of my child i started gaining weight quickly and nothing would make me lose weight. at first i wondered if the diet patch really worked? but i decided to try the free sample, and after the first seven days i lost 7-lbs. i couldnt feel better about myself. sherry parkeri could not believ

49、e how easy it was to use the amazing diet patch! ive tried using pills, but i would always forget to take pills before my meals. now with the patch i just put it on in the morning and forget about it. jeff robins not available in storesbut you can get it right here directly from us through this spec

50、ial online offer. and were willing to absorb 100% of the risk by giving you a 1-week free trial!53. according to the passage, we know that the amazing diet patch is some kind of _. a. pillsb. soupc. vegetablesd. plaster (膏)54. which of the following words can replace the underlined word “suppressing

51、”?a. increasingb. changingc. controllingd. burning 55. the amazing diet patch is available only _. a. on the tvb. through the onlinec. in the drug stored. in the supermarket 56. the purpose of the amazing diet patch is to lose your weight by _.a. change your metabolismb. doing large amount of exerci

52、sesc. brightening your moodd. increasing your diet eallen: ive never been in big fan of the bears, especially the vacation show. on my last trip to disneyland (1999) we passed it by, because we didnt want to spend the time on something we didnt really enjoy. if wed known it would be closed by our ne

53、xt visit, im sure we would have watched it one more time. i was just making the point that it wasnt until disney announced the closing that this feeling suddenly sprang(弹跳) up for the country bear show at disneyland.but i think the idea of keeping some attractions open forever regardless of the numb

54、er of visitors it gets is a mistake. we all have great memories of the bears, but clearly very few kids today (or i should say families today) are making those same memories from this show. that may be a sad fact, but its a fact. isnt it right to use the country bear space to bring in a more popular

55、 attraction so that more kids today can make those magic memories of an attraction they like? otherwise arent we just telling kids today that they “have to” make great memories of the bears, when its obvious that the kids themselves are not enjoying the bears like we did?roger: i am very disappointed that they have decided to retire the country bear playhouse. i remember going to the show as a child, and still enjoyed it as a teenager, and now young adult. it is true that there arent a lot of shows left at dl and with this one closing even less. being at dl does require a


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