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1、本文格式为word版,下载可任意编辑vb读写ini文件及访问mysql数据库的示例 loadsettings()和savesettings()是读写ini文件的例子,留意要先把ini文件名赋值给inifile这个变量。getsqlval()函数从指定的mysql服务器的指定表中通过指定的sql抓取一个数值。 vb读写ini文件,及访问mysql数据库的示例。 attribute vb_name = module3option explicitpublic declare function getprivateprofilestring lib kernel32 alias getprivate

2、profilestringa (byval lpapplicationname as string, byval lpkeyname as any, byval lpdefault as string, byval lpreturnedstring as string, byval nsize as long, byval lpfilename as string) as longpublic declare function getprivateprofileint lib kernel32 alias getprivateprofileinta (byval lpapplicationna

3、me as string, byval lpkeyname as string, byval ndefault as long, byval lpfilename as string) as longpublic declare function writeprivateprofilestring lib kernel32 alias writeprivateprofilestringa (byval lpapplicationname as string, byval lpkeyname as any, byval lpstring as any, byval lpfilename as s

4、tring) as longtype appsettingl16netenabled(3) as booleanl16nethost(3) as stringl16netport(3) as integerchabointerval as integerend typetype mysql_settinghost as stringport as integerusername as stringpassword as stringdbname as stringsql as stringenabled as booleanend typepublic inifile as stringpub

5、lic appset as appsettingpublic mysqlset(3) as mysql_settingpublic function inireadstring(byval appname as string, byval keyname as string, byval default as string, byval filename as string) as stringdim retstr as stringretstr = string(10000, 0)inireadstring = left(retstr, getprivateprofilestring(app

6、name, byval keyname, default, retstr, len(retstr), filename)end functionsub loadsettings()dim i as integerfor i = 1 to ubound(appset.l16nethost) + 1with appset.l16nethost(i - 1) = inireadstring(main, l16nethost i,, inifile).l16netport(i - 1) = getprivateprofileint(main, l16netport i, 1

7、881, inifile).l16netenabled(i - 1) = cbool(inireadstring(main, l16netenabled i, 0, inifile) 将“true、“false的字符串转成boolean值end withnext iappset.chabointerval = getprivateprofileint(main, chabointerval, 10, inifile)for i = 1 to ubound(mysqlset) + 1with mysqlset(i - 1).host = inireadstring(mysql, host i,

8、, inifile).port = getprivateprofileint(mysql, port i, 3306, inifile).username = inireadstring(mysql, username i, root, inifile).dbname = inireadstring(mysql, dbname i, , inifile).password = inireadstring(mysql, password i, , inifile).sql = inireadstring(mysql, sql i, , inifile).enabled

9、= cbool(inireadstring(mysql, enabled i, false, inifile)end withnext iend subsub savesettings()dim i as integerdim v as integerfor i = 1 to ubound(appset.l16nethost) + 1with appset loadsettings()和savesettings()是读写ini文件的例子,留意要先把ini文件名赋值给inifile这个变量。getsqlval()函数从指定的mysql服务器的指定表中通过指定的sql抓取一个数值。 writepr

10、ivateprofilestring main, l16nethost i, .l16nethost(i - 1), inifile writeprivateprofilestring main, l16netport i, cstr(.l16netport(i - 1), inifilewriteprivateprofilestring main, l16netenabled i, cstr(.l16netenabled(i - 1), inifile 写入的是“true、“falseend withnext iwriteprivateprofilestring main, chaboint

11、erval, cstr(appset.chabointerval), inifilefor i = 1 to ubound(mysqlset) + 1with mysqlset(i - 1)writeprivateprofilestring mysql, host i, .host, inifilewriteprivateprofilestring mysql, port i, cstr(.port), inifilewriteprivateprofilestring mysql, username i, .username, inifilewriteprivateprofilestring

12、mysql, password i, .password, inifilewriteprivateprofilestring mysql, dbname i, .dbname, inifilewriteprivateprofilestring mysql, sql i, .sql, inifilewriteprivateprofilestring mysql, enabled i, cstr(.enabled), inifileend withnext iend subfunction getsqlval(idx as integer) as integerdim con as adodb.c

13、onnectiondim rds as adodb.recordsetdim strconnect as stringstrconnect = driver=mysql odbc 5.1 driver; _uid= mysqlset(idx).username ;pwd= mysqlset(idx).password ; _server= mysqlset(idx).host ;port= mysqlset(idx).port ; _database= mysqlset(idx).dbname ;set con = new adodb.connectionuse a client-side c

14、ursorcon.cursorlocation = aduseclienton error goto err_1con.open strconnectset rds = new adodb.recordsetthe only type of curor that you can use witha client side cursor location is adopenstatic.rds.cursortype = adopenstaticrds.cursorlocation = aduseclientthis guarantees that a record that is being e

15、ditedcan be saved.rds.locktype = adlockpessimistica sql statement indicating which data to get from the database.rds.source = mysqlset(idx).sqlrds.activeconnection = conopen the record set. opening the recordset willcause the movecomplete event for the recordset to fire.rds.openif the pointer is at the end of the recordset ofat the before


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