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1、Finan cial Con sumer Rights Protectio nSystemAbstract: The consumeris the consumer financespecific exte nsions in the finan cial sector, finan cial consumer protection under the law tilted in the market mainly because of its weak positi on as the global finan cial crisis, China s consumersshould be

2、aware of thefinancial The importaneeof protectionof rights, whilepresent, China s protectionof the rights of financialconsumers still lack the necessaryinstitutionalnorms,which makes our countrymust be issued by thespecialized< ;&It;> ;& gt;Finan cialCon sumerProtectionAct, and the establishment

3、 of specializedfinan cialcon sumerprotecti onin stitutio nsin order toconform Mixed finan cial in dustry developme nt directi on.Keywords:finan cial con sumer rightsprotecti on,perfect system.From a legal standpoint,“consumer ” is definedfor the purpose of personaland family use to purchaseparticula

4、r goods or services received members of society. Finan cial Con sumer Con sumer Protectio n Act is not on lyithe subject, and more is our Law thesis“ target =“ _bla nk“ > The basic econo mic law subject. < ;&It; Con sumerProtectionAct of ” in Article II “: consumersneed topurchase consumption,

5、use of goods or services, their in terests protected by the law .“ so-called con sumers andsuppliers that correspondsto the concept,so that eachin dustry has its own relative con sumer finance in dustry is no exception, the concept of financialconsumers willtherefore born, but our country on financi

6、al consumer rights protectionsystem, there are still many questionsthat n eed further improveme nt and developme nt.First, the defi niti on of finan cial con sumers and their basic rights.(A defi niti on of finan cial con sumers.Financial consumerscan only be individuals,legalpers ons and other soci

7、al orga ni zati ons are not in cluded in the scope of financialconsumers,if closely,“ ConsumerProtecti on Law > > defi niti on, although in real life, i n financialinstitutions,corporate banking , oftenexist“ other legal and social organizations” and the financialin stituti ons of the finan ci

8、al products and finan cial services, the purchase of consumer behavior, but because ofdiffere nces in the stre ngth of the two sides no status, do not comply with the ConsumerProtection Law >><&It;embodied protect the weak concept, thereforeexcluded, but I believe that if there is the possi

9、bility of asymmetricin formati on,the n“ other legalandsocialorga ni zati ons” is alsolikelyto tran slatein toweakpositi on.In addition,these purchase financial products andfinan cial services act itself is desig ned to meet the n eeds of families and in dividuals liv ing,n amelypureconsumption,inve

10、stmentbehavior of individualswereexcluded author believes that the standard of living and living withpersonal needscontinuestoimprove, everyfamily andevery in dividual s in vestme ntand finan cialbehavior has become a n ecessity, if strictly be grouped in the sphereof protection, itis difficulttodiv

11、ide with therequirements of family lifeopen tosome scholars viewthat “ finan cial refers to the con sumpti onn eeds ofcon sumers purchase and use of n atural goods or services received, but after the purchase of goods or services received and to re-enterthe circulation and sell themexcept “ The auth

12、or believes that this view not only affirmed the finan cial con sumer and ordinary con sumershave in com mon, but also poin ted out the differe nee betwee n con sumptio n and in vestme nt banking place.From the forego ing,finan cialin stituti onsandcon sumer behavior particularity, it makes finan ci

13、al con sumers and the gen eralcon sumershave differe ntplace, it is n ecessary to con duct special studies and take protective.(Two) with refere nee to the basic rights of finan cialcon sumers Con sumer Protecti on Act of < ;&It; > >the releva nt provisi ons,comb ined with the basiccharacter

14、istics of financial consumers, we can put the basic rights of financial consumers grouped into eight kin ds, n amely con sumer finance the right to security, finance consumer s right to know, the right to choose the finan cial con sumer finan cial con sumer fair trade, finan cial con sumer privacy,

15、the right to respect for finan cial con sumers, con sumer finance and finan cial damages for con sumer rights associati on and the right 1.Second, China sfinancialconsumerrightsprotecti on deficie ncies.(A) the financial system and financialinstitutional deficie ncy is caused by damage to the fun da

16、me ntal rights of con sumers of finan cial reas ons.Late opening of China s financial industry, as well as the degree of ope nn ess is not high, lead ing to domestic financial institutionsis not strong sense of competition,the more weak sense of service our country s financial regulator has yet to b

17、e set up innovation,financialregulatory duties long just to stabilize the domestic finan cialorder but n eglectsthe sig nifica nee of thefinancial consumer the main goal is todeepen financial reform, as China s state-owned shares of all listed banks, financialinstitutionsthemselves ar

18、echa nging ideology,state-ow nedbanks also like theprivate join t-stock compa ny as a self-fi nancing with other banks to compete with Taiwa n, Competiti on level of service 2 Only in the competitionand development inorder to enhance the state-ow ned finan cial in stituti ons to finance con sumer-ce

19、 ntric service aware ness, I believe that the future will not rely on their own finan cial in stituti ons dominanceagainst the legitimate rights and interests ofcon sumers.(Two) the lack of quality of servicefinan cialin stituti on finan cial con sumer rights is the direct cause of damage.Finan cial

20、in stituti ons have long sided only toin crease profits for the purpose, and did not think that the customer service center, making the lack of attentiontothe rights of financialconsumers,a long time betweenfinan cial in stituti ons and con sumers continue to inten sify the con flict, this has finan

21、 cial con sumers on the coun ter in the bank s bus in ess con ti nued access to toss a dollar banking resources occupied by fierce behavior 6I believe that the only financialinstitutionto acustomer-oriented strategicplanningfor the future, inorder to con ti nu ouslyimprove the level of service,finan

22、 cialproducts more resp on sive to market n eeds.Finan cial in stituti ons should stre ngthe n corporate culture thesis “ target =“ _bla nk“ > corporate culture guidetimely com muni cati on with customers to un dersta nd the lack of services, promote the use of good professional ethics and legal

23、aware ness to protect the legitimate in terests of finan cial con sumers.(Three finan cialcon sumerslack of finan cialkno wledge and reverse ide ntify finan cial fraud.Capacity is not stro ng, but also led to the finan cialinterestsof the consumer s own financial consumersdamaged the main reason is

24、not clear after their rights have been infringed self remedy, not even expect to be able to getcompe nsati onforself-protecti onconsciousnessAs consumers continueto strengthenthefinancial supplement and update financial knowledge,Ibelieve that more and more consumers are able to un dersta nd their r

25、ights, which will be more con ducive to promoting the growth and improvementof financialin stituti ons.Third, improve our finan cialcon sumerrightsprotecti on regime.(A) improveme nt of the legal system.1 as soon as possible to develop specific financial con sumer protecti on laws < ;&It; > >

26、; First, it should be clear in the legislation,“financial consumer” concept.Exists only in our existing legal provisions on financial order, no con sumer finance specific provisi ons to protect those who,therefore, should be promptly added7“financialconsumer ”concept,in order to moreeffectively prot

27、ect financial consumers special rights law“financial consumer” is defined as financial consumers should also con sumers from this an esse ntial way, clear in the finan cial markets, protect the vuln erable positi on 7.Secon dly, it shouldaccelerate thedevelopme ntofspecialized finan cialcon sumerpro

28、tecti onlaws < ;&It;>>our country“Securities Law >>,&It;&It;CommercialBankLaw>><<& gt; >In sura nee Law and other finan cial laws to “ protect the legitimate rights and in terests, ” the releva nt provisi ons, but they are among a target in the Gen eral expla natory,no s

29、pecific scope of the rights or remedies,etc., This isdifficult to achieve when the damage to the interests of finan cial con sumers specific protecti on. exist ing con sumer protecti on laws & It ;&It; & gt; > on ly fromtheperspective of the average consumer provides the basic rights of consumers

30、, but the financial markets than the generalconsumermarket professionals and complexity,which requires the developme nt of specialcon crete<&It;>>Financial Consumer Protection Act tosafeguard the legitimate rights and interests of financial8(2) clear finan cialcon sumerprotecti on ofcon sum

31、 dame ntalrights, the tilt of the earth to protect thefinan cial in terests of con sumers of finan cial scope of the fun dame ntal rights of con sumers if they can be legally determ in ed, finan cial in stituti ons will be able to effectively avoid theuse of“sta ndardcon tract ”to evadeobliga

32、ti ons , in creased con sumer resp on sibility. Finan cial consumer safety the right to information, the right to choose, fair trade, privacy, the right to be respected, damages, rights, and freedom of associatio n en shri ned in law which should be fully so that an advaneeon thecountry s financial

33、market to improve service levels have greatly promoted sig nifica neeand complexfinan cialmarkets, finan cial in stituti ons occupy a n atural mon opoly of in formati on and professi onaltale nt, maki ngfinan cialcon sumers are weak, it is difficult to compete with them, so , specific legislation sh

34、ouldbe appropriateto thefinan cial con sumer protecti on tilt 4(Two in stituti onal sett ings on perfect.1 in the gover nmentin stituti onson finan cial9con sumer protecti on divisi on of the specialized age ncies.China s current financialindustryis actuallybeco mingmixed operatio n, while the finan

35、 cial sectorregulatoryagenciesis sub-sector management (dividedinto the CBRC, CSRC and CIRC three in charge, the lack of a uni fied gover nment authorities bear the resp on sibility to protect finan cial con sumers our country There are at least three governments should make the existing regulatory

36、age ncies to establish effective coord in ati onmecha ni sm,the same n ature of finan cial products harm onize regulatory requirements, to facilitate the work of the finan cialcon sumerprotecti on do reality. adequatefinancial consumer protectionThe Government s rightsis the future financial perform

37、anee measures have been implemented and a good or bad sign, only government agenciesfully considertheprotection of thefinancialinterestsof consumers, inorder toachievefinancialstability and Ion g-term developme nt goals. establishme nt of specialized age ncies on finan cial con sumer protecti on exe

38、rcise of its powers should be better tha n the n ati onal regulatoryfunctionsof financialinstitutions,the conflictbetweenthe interests of financialconsumersshould be10protected as the most important.“financial consumerprotection ” and “ regulation of financial markets” is thework of the gover nment

39、fun cti ons at both en ds, requires governmentdepartmentsadjustedaccordingto actualn eeds of both relati ons, the finan cial markets may exist in the future con sumer issues promptly and timely forecasts regulatory measures to prevent, in order to prevent the transactionharm the interests of consume

40、rs of financialphe nomena.2 In the finan cial regulatory authorities establishedwith inthe specialized finan cialcon sumercompla intswin dow. Finan cial regulators are direct supervisor of each finan cial in stituti on, the finan cial damage to the in terests of consumersin a timely manner after the

41、y reflect theregulatorydepartme ntand compla intscon duciveregulatory unit on surveys and feedback damage to the facts and the results can also be reference to the way the Federal Reserve, has proposed a specialcompla intinformationdatabase, pay full attentionto the views offinancialconsumers, the u

42、se of statisticaltechniquesfocused on con sumer issues reflected in the an alysis and ultimately impleme nted, the problem focus, from12in stituti onal cha nges and protecti on 5.(Three remedies on perfect.1. Theestablishme ntof specialized finan cialcon sumerprotecti ondepartme ntsto achieve thecou

43、ntry sfinancialspending unified regulatoryresp on sibilities.The Finan cial Con sumerProtectio nDivisi on is an adm ini strative departme nt, on the one hand supervisi on of finan cialin stituti ons< ;&It;> >Finan cial Con sumer Protecti on Act complia nee, on the one hand directly facingfinancialconsumersfor financialcon sumers to accept finan cial literacy educati on, training opportunitiesfor the sole purpose of receivingfinancialcon sumer compla in ts.(2) in the countryset up specializedfinancial


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