



1、8B Unit 4 A good read 读背讲义Comic strip背诵使用中文英文怎么处理这些书what to do with these books把它们给我give them to me用它们够冰箱上的盒子use them to reach the box on the fridge不得不,必须have toWelcome to the unit背诵使用中文英文一本关于二战中的德国的书a book about Germany in World War II对历史书感兴趣be interested in history books提高我对过去的认识improve my knowled

2、ge of the past在业余时间in your spare time看小说和戏剧read novels and plays一本法国作家写的书a book by a French writer那个丑陋男人的故事the story of the ugly man真的打动了我really touch meReading背诵使用中文英文我们的船以后,我尽我所能地游了很 远。After our ship、I.撞在岩石上crash against the rocks尽量游得远些swim as far as possible到的时候by the time感觉到脚下的土地feel the land un

3、der my feet筋疲力尽be tired out.倒在沙滩上fall down on the beach去睡觉go to sleep醒来wake up被绑在地上be tied to the ground感到我腿上有东西feel something on my leg爬过我的肚子和脖子move up over my stomach and neck站在我的脸附近stand near my face看见一个非常矮小的人see a very small man和我的小拇指一样大the same size as my little finger这个小矮人this tiny person开始爬遍我

4、的全身start climbing all over me朝他们大喊大叫shout at them使他们全跌倒make them all fall over很快又站了起来soon get up again继续爬过我的身体continue moving across my body其中一个小人one of these small men也不知道该说什么dont know what to say either试着松开一只手try to pull one hand free终于把绳子挣断了finally manage to break the ropes举起我的左手lifte my left han

5、d into the air开始大叫begin to shout低下头look down一大群小人a huge army of tiny people径直朝我走来come straight towards me从他们身边逃开run away from them怎么逃开how to get awayGrammarPart A背诵使用中文英文推荐如此多有趣的书recommend so many interesting books决定先读哪一本decide which to read first在哪里找到这本书where to find the book找出,查明find out如何在这么短的时间内

6、环游世界how to travel around the world in such a short time什么时候交读书报告when to hand in the book report写些什么what to write about关于你书的任何东西anything about your book你对它的看法what you think of it看一些有关这本书的评论read some reviews about the book在写之前before writing找谁帮助写作who to ask for help with writing一直在那里帮助我们be always there

7、 to help usIntegrated skillsSpeak up背诵使用中文英文想要一些历史书want some history books在哪里找到他们where to find them在电脑上搜索信息search for information on the computer_次at a time借这些书两周时间keep the books for two weeks按时归还return them on time怎样续借how to renew them每次来到我们的效劳台come to our desk every time不必dont have to只要在网上续借即可just

8、 renew them onlineTask背诵使用中文英文每周花7个多小时阅读spend over 7 hours a week reading阅读不同类型的书籍read different types of books在工作日on weekdays睡觉前阅读半个小时read for about half an hour before going to bed周末at the weekend对历史书感兴趣be interested in history books最喜欢小说like novels best中国四大名著the four great classical Chinese novels就在我家对面be just opposite my home给我很多关于书的建议give me lots of advice on book讨论读


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