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1、形容词,副词(易错题)()1.1 wore sports shoes to the ball yesterday eve ning by mistake!Oh, dear, you must be very at the ball!A. embarrassedB.satisfiedC.tired()2.How is the stude nt in your class?To be hon est, he is not eno ugh. He hardly ever jo ins us.A.activeB.creativeC.hard-worki ng()3.So I dressed him,

2、put on his shoes, carried him on myback and walked out. Soon he fell A.asleepB.sleepC.sleepy()4.Then wed bury(埋葬)our faces in watermelon, eating only theheart -the juiciest,sweetest, most seed-free part -andaway the rest. A.gree nest;goB.whitest;keepC.reddest;throw()5.He has a drawer full of medals

3、but he is too to wear them.A.ho nestB.modestC.en ergetic()6.Whe n I was on my home, it sudde nly started to rain .A.heavilyB.quicklyC.hardly()7. Can you catch what the speaker is say ing, Tina?Sorry, He speaks so fast that I canun dersta nd himA.hardlyB.probablyC.exactly()8.Why do stude nts love Mr.

4、Brow n?Because he is very . Healways explains problems over and over aga in.A.seriousB.patie ntC.creative()9.I sick. I may have a fever.You d better go to see a doctor.A.feelB.lookC.sou nd()10.There are sharing bikes in many cities. So there will bepolluti on.A.less and less; more and moreB.fewer an

5、d fewer; less andlessC. more and more; less and less ()11. You are so to do that! You may get into trouble.C.sillyof all. C.littleA.seriousB.sleepy()12.-Did you love your day trip?-Yes, we enjo yed the roller coaster A.moreB.mostworkers.()13.All of us want to do more work with time andA.more; muchB.

6、less;fewerC.fewer;less()14.The water in the lakes and rivers in Yunnan became because of the dry weather.A.fewer and fewerB.more and more C.l ess and less()15. Dont stay up too late, Jack. You will feel inclassn ext day.I wont, mom.A.sleepyB.asleepC.en ergetic()16.What do you think of the cake that

7、is made by my mother?I like it very much. It tastes .A.goodB.wellC.terrible()17.Pattis mum was . She called Megs mum to tell her what good work the girls had done.A.worriedB.a ngryC.pleased()18. We had a football match yesterday , Our fans cheered us on and we felt more con fide nt.A.slowlyB.loudlyC

8、.carelessly()19.Lily did in the exam, but Lucy did eve nA.badly;worseB.bad;worseC.worse;badly()20. We ll have to see goodbye, my dear friends!But Iforget the days we spe nt together.A.alwaysB.ofte nC.n ever()21.There are so many fish swimmi ng in the poor. They veryhappy.A.tasteB.so undCook()22.Help

9、i ng others makes us very . A.lo nelyB.proudC.harmful()23.The pizza looks . It is my favourite.A.lovelyB.sweetlyC.softly()24.The Belt and Roadinitiativeis a good chanee to letand more foreig n stude nts study in our coun try.A.u nluckilyB.reallyC.hardly()25 .In America whe n youre give n a prese nt,

10、 you can ope n it .You dont have to wait.A.immediatelyB.properlyC.carefully()26.I have sent out one top hat already. Now Inin ety-nine A.leftB.alreadyC.yetthewillmorehave()27.You are always right , sir. I also hate such thin gs. But sir,no one really gen tlema n like you can be see n in the world no

11、w.A.hardlyB.aboutC.almost()28.People in differentcountries behave when they eat dinner.A.politelyB.differe ntlyC.healthily()29. -Hey, why are you running so ?-rm afraid ril be late for school.A.fastB.hardC.quietly()30.Eating too muchjunk food is bad for people, forchildren.A.exactlyB.speciallyC.espe

12、cially()31.Remember to e-mail me. All of us hope to hear from you .A.quicklyB.so onC.fast()32.“Let us move a little faster. We don t have timeleft, ” said the your guide.A.ma nyB.muchC.little()33. She close the door in order not to make her gran dpa awake.C.quietlya long time, Tu youyouC.rapidlymore

13、 con fide nt to win theC.carefullyC.broke nA.loudlyB.clearly()34. Afterworking hard bit by bit forwon the Nobel Prize in her eighties.A.successfully()35.The fans game. A.politely()36. My bike is A.newB. especially cheer us on and I feelB.loudly.It will be fixed tomorrow.B.dirty()37 .It is known that

14、 more and more foreig ners are lear ning Chi nese culture now.A.politelyB.loudlyC.widely()38. Eat ing dumpli ngs at the Spring Festival isin ChinaA.luckyB.possibleC.traditi onal()39.Joh n has made great progress in speak ing Chin ese.She works hard at it, you know.A.n everB.seldomC.always()40.Sleep

15、ing is a thi ng, but some people sleep .A.easilyB.badlyC.well()41. Would you like some gree n tea?No, tha nks. Idrink gree n tea. It hurts my stomach.A.almostB.seldomC.still()42.-1 dont think I can find the differe nces betwee n the two pictures.If you do it,Im sure you can find them.A.carefullyB.ca

16、refulC.easily()43.My deskmate is really. She likesto attenddifferentactivities after school.A.activeB.quietC.ho nest()44. Xian is one ofcapitalin Chi na.A.the older, cityB.oldest, citiesC.the oldest, cities()45. The poor weeke nd homework usually makes teachers .A.surprisedB.worriedC.angry()46.Th in

17、gs always get without right ideas. Too much school work makes studentslose interestin learning.Its also bad fortheir .C.bad;healthhas an gedover years.C.greatly air tank, space suit orC.the leastA.worst;eyesB.worse;health()47. Did you find the small village yesterday? Yes, without any difficulty, fo

18、r it A.hardlyB.n early()48. Which do you think isimportant,digital camera for an astr on aut?I thi nk the digital camera.A.l essB.the mostYes. Theyshow respect for our feeli ngs.A.seldomB.alreadyC.always()50.We can collect rain water whe n it rai ns,and use it towater pla nts.A.softlyB.heavilyC.n oi

19、sily()51.Eventhough we are in difficulttimes , we need tohope.A.realB.aliveC.close()49. These people are really nice.keep()52. I can read the words in the newspaper. Its dark. Let me tur n on the light for you.A.clearlyB.n earlyC.hardly()53.We fi nd itto do some readi ng every day.life will be.C.few

20、er, richer sfor you totrust.A.easilyB.helpfulC.i nterested()54. childrenthere are in a family, theirA.The less, the betterB.The fewer, the better()55. If your best friend tells you his secret, it keep them for him. By doing this, you can win others A.specialB. n ecessaryC. possible()56. Suddenly, I

21、had a good idea. I put all the books in a box. Then, I put the box un der my bed. After doing it , I felt very happy.A.carefullyB.slowlyC.correectly()57.We will have a very important exam in June. All of us study harder than before. Because we dont want to let our parents and all the teachers .A.upB

22、.dow nC.out()58. China has apopulation than any other country in theworld.C.l argestC.con fide ntsmiles at people C.frie ndlyA.biggerBarger()59.Mary is good at all the subjects. She looks A.frustratedB.frie ndly()60. Mrs. Smith has a cute baby. It often A.happilyB.lovely()61. Then duri ng the n ext

23、five years, Din dim came back in June and spe nt eight mon ths of the year with Joao . A.simplyB.carefullyC.happily ()62.Skim ming is a kind of read ing strategy. It means read ing anarticleto find the mai n idea without readi ngevery word.A.quicklyB. carefullyC.clearly()63.We did nt talk about that

24、 day for many years. Time went by, whe n we were all ordered and I knew it was safe to tell my dad it was really me. I always felt guilty because of this .A.luckilyB.fi nallyC.sudde nly()64.Could you please take out the trash, Sally? It smells .I cant sta nd it.OK. I will do it right away.A.n iceB.t

25、erribleC.badly()65. Were so tired. Weneed to have a nap because weare always _after lun ch.A.sleepB.sleepyC.asleep()66. -Are you satisfied with the result of the exam?Not at all. I cant have .A.the best oneB.a worse one C.a better one ()67 .If you dont talk with them, they might feel they n eed to a

26、skyou questi ons. A.ma nyB.muchC.l ittle()68.They keep good study ing habits which can also help you become atop stude nt A.easyB.easilyC.easier()69.There are many beautiful places to visit in Anhui, Mount Huang in autu mn.A.simplyB.luckilyC.especially()70. Alice explains things very well, what she

27、says can be understood very _.C.clearlyA.quietlyB.carefully()71.What do you thi nk of the film Rush Hour ?,but some one thi nks its .A.Good eno ugh, bori ng B.Eno ugh good, bori ng C.Good eno ugh, bored()72.The price of the iPhone4 is too . rm afraid I cant afford it.C.lowfrien ds in his class.C.a f

28、ewattacks, many schools across theA.highB.expe nsive()73.Tom n ever helps others, so he hasA.ma nyB.few校园)their campuses .C.to make,safer()74. After several campus ( country have already take n action A.mak in g,safeB.make,safe()75. If you dont work eno ugh_L dont think your dream will come.A.hard ;

29、trueB.hardly;trueC.hard;truly()76. -Dad, its such a long way from our home to the park!-You mea n itsto take a taxi?C.possiblebecause its much thisA.importa ntB.n ecessary()77.Nowman ypeople send cards by e-mail,B.quickerIts rai ning so that B.hard; hard about the result of the exam.way.C.n earerwec

30、a ngo out.C.hardly; hardA.farther()78.It is terrible.A.hard; hardly()79. Mum, Im reallyCheer up. I believe you can be successful.A.patie ntB.satisfiedC.un happymoney and people B.less;more students in his class, Bn; the most carefullyC.l ess;fewer Xiao Mi ng writes . C.Of;very()80.1 think Bob is the suitable pers on to take the job because he can do the work well withA.l ess;less()81._aUtheA.Of; the most carefullyfor several months,I B.slowercarefullycan swim much w.C.fastest()82.Afterpractici ngA.faster()83. Of the two coats, shed like to choose the one to save m oneyfor a book.A.ch


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