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1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!2021年匆匆走过的英文短语 对于匆忙走过的英文短语,大家不肯定说过,但是肯定做过。下面就由我为大家带来关于匆忙走过的英文短语,盼望大家能有所收获。 匆忙走过的英语短语 1. she had no wish to hurry alone through the streets of london by night. 她可不想单独在夜晚匆忙走过伦敦的街道。 2. her womans heart was warm with desire for them. 如今,她在那些美丽的东西面前不再匆忙走过. 3. you also find drivers wi

2、ll be abrupt and people push past you. 你会发觉司机也都很匆忙,人们从你身边匆忙走过. 4. let the crowds hurry by while you take your time. 在你闲适地闲逛的时候,让人群从你身旁匆忙走过. 5. throughhurry , does not mean that i would not thinking. 匆忙走过, 不代表心里没有思想. 6. a cold, pale nun hurried by. 一个冷冰冰的, 面色苍白的修女匆忙走过. 7. caption: buddha: young myanm

3、ar monks ran beside a gigantic reclining buddha statue in yangon, myanmar, wednesday. 描绘: 大佛: 周三在缅甸首都仰光, 年轻的僧人匆忙走过一尊宏大的卧佛像. 8. she swept him a curtsey. 她走过时对他匆忙行一屈膝礼. 匆忙走过的英语例句 一个冷冰冰的,面色苍白的修女匆忙走过。 a cold, pale nun hurried by. 面对失去工作或房屋的担忧或现实,消费者会匆忙走过公正贸易(fairtrade)的货架,去选择一些家庭负担得起的东西。 faced with the

4、fear, or reality, of losing their jobs or homes, consumers would rush past thefairtrade shelves and pick up something the family could afford. 我观看到,昨天早晨人们匆忙走过归零地(译注:groundzero,即世贸遗址)建筑工地时,那些人确定不再想到这些建筑物的倒塌是由恐惧攻击造成的。 the people i watched hurrying to work past the construction site at ground zero earl

5、y yesterdaymorning were surely not thinking about buildings collapsing as a result of terrorist attack. 防暴警察匆忙走过希腊银行的总部大楼。 这里正经受一场示威游行,以纪念2021年被雅典警方误杀的15岁少年alexisgrigoropoulos 。 riot police walk past the bank of greece headquarters during a demonstration marking the two-year anniversary of the polic

6、e killing of teenager alexis grigoropoulos in athens. 她曾说,自己只是这些珠宝的临时守护者,一张脸庞,一个身影,在电影镜头下匆忙走过,抑或者佩戴着这些首饰在柔软的镜头下摆出种种造型。 she was only their temporary custodian, she said, a form and a face caught fleetingly by themovie camera or posing, in soft focus, behind the hard stones. 他匆忙走过赴,消逝在森林里。 he hurried

7、by and disappeared in the wood. 他看到他的好伴侣李茂昌匆忙走过。 suddenly he saw his friend li maochang hurrying by. 这一次,他没有匆忙走过。 this time he did not hurried by her. 多一份留意,多一份真爱,我们匆忙走过的岁月,正是为了用自己的微笑,好心和亲切,心血,去沉淀更多的美妙。 greater attention, more than one true love, we hurried the years, precisely to their smile,goodwi

8、ll and cordial, effort, to precipitate more beautiful. 当时的爱情匆忙走过,除了伤口能留下什么,你总是在我孤独流泪的时候,用你的双臂紧紧抱着我。 the initial love passed through in a hurry, could leave behind anything except the wound, youalways lonely burst into tears in me, closely was hugging me with yours double arm. 我观察那人匆忙走过,想挡住他,但没挡住。 i

9、saw the man rush through, want to stop him, but not stopped. 突然,他看到自己的伴侣李昌匆忙走过。 suddenly he saw his friend li chang hurrying by. 晨间,住在市郊高级社区的通勤族,会匆忙走过在街尾刷牙的儿童。 in the morning, commuters from gated communities in the suburbs pass children brushing their teeth at the edge of the street. 在将来的时代,可能极少有人信

10、任,这样一个血肉之躯曾经在地球上匆忙走过。 generations to come, it may be, will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth. 在一家卖女士时尚用品店门口,一位不那么自然的大妈匆忙走过 sell the lady the vogue thing store doorway at a not so natural aunt walks through in a hurry 2021年虽然已匆忙走过,但这一年注定将在中国汽车成长的历

11、程中留下深深的印迹。 although 2021 has passed by, this year will be doomed to leave deep impression in chineseauto history. 在将来的时代,可能极少有人信任,这样一个血肉之躯曾经在地球上匆忙走过。 generations to come, it may well be, will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in fleshand blood walked upon this earth. 人们匆忙走过,脸上看起来一点都没有放

12、松的感觉。 people are rushing by and do not have a relaxed look on their face at all. 匆忙走过的双语例句 1. 她匆忙向第四号月台入口处走过去。 she hurried over to the entrance to no.4 platform. 2. 他匆忙走过去,消逝在森林里。 he hurried by and disappeared in the wood. 3. 我们观察他在这儿匆忙走过。 we saw him going hereat once. 4. 接下来,有一天晚上,哪个可疑的家伙偶尔来这酒巴喝酒,匆

13、忙地从者侍者面前走过。 then one night, the suspicious -looking felloe happened to stop by for a drink. 5. 他们刚走过那架木香花棚的时候,观察雷鸣和徐曼丽正从树荫中走出来,匆忙地跑向灵堂前去了。 as they passed the trellis with the banksia roses they spotted col.lei and hsu man-li emerging from a grove and hurrying towards the funeral hall. 6. (外面,一个穿着雨衣的

14、人在树丛中匆忙走过。) outside, a man in a raincoat shuffles through the bushes. 7. 一个冷冰冰的,面色苍白的修女匆忙走过。 a cold, pale nun hurried by. 8. 他们刚走过那架木香花棚的时候,观察雷鸣和徐曼丽正从树荫中走出来,匆忙地跑向灵堂前去了。 as they passed the trellis with the banksia roses they spotted col.lei and hsu man-li emerging from a grove and hurrying towards th

15、e funeral hall 9. 哈利观察海德薇栖息在一只仓谷猫头鹰和一支黄褐色猫头鹰之间,便匆忙走过去,脚踩在洒满鸟粪的地上差点摔倒。 he spotted hedwig nestled between a barn owl and a tawny, and hurried over to her, sliding a little on the dropping-strewn floor (gf15). 10. 描绘:大佛:周三在缅甸首都仰光,年轻的僧人匆忙走过一尊宏大的卧佛像。 caption :big buddha: young myanmar monks ran beside a

16、gigantic reclining buddha statue in yangon, myanmar, wednesday. 11. 当游行队伍进入洛杉矶纪念体育场时,市长维雅莱构沙一一介绍湖人队众将;当介绍到科比的时候,科比只是匆忙从维雅莱构沙身边走过,没有和他握手示意。 later at the rally inside the coliseum, villaraigosa introduced the players and when kobe came out on stage he blew right past villaraigosa and refused to shake

17、his hand. 12. 遇到匆忙分开你人生的人时,要感谢他走过你的人生,因为他是你精彩回憧的一部份。 left in a hurry you encounter in life people, we should thank him through your life, because he is wonderful to you a part of the irresolute. 13. 2021年12月14日白俄罗斯首都明斯克,一名妇女正打着伞从市中心一处悬挂圣诞节宣扬画的地方匆忙走过。 belarusian woman passes by a christmas poster on the wall of a building in downtown minsk, belarus, thursday, dec.14, 2021. 14. 2021年12月14日白俄罗斯首都明斯克,一名妇女正打着伞从市中心一处悬挂圣诞节


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