1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!怎么写乌克兰留学申请书 乌克兰位于欧洲大陆东部,近些年,越来越多的中国同学选择到乌克兰读书,那么乌克兰留学申请书应当怎样写呢?下面就是我给大家带来的怎么写乌克兰留学申请书_留学申请书2021模板,盼望能关心到大家! 怎么写乌克兰留学申请书 dear _, the most important element of my classroom, my office, or my home is apersonal relationship. i have figured this out on examination of my activitiesin
2、high school (youth group regional president), college (telephone crisiscounselor, resident advisor), or profession (teacher). as a teacher i made apoint of getting to know every student in my classes personally. it quicklybecame my experience that students were more willing to learn, work, and excel
3、when they were appreciated as individuals and when they knew that the adult inthe classroom genuinely liked them. after a few years experience teaching seniors, i accepted a teaching jobat the middle school with the freshman class that had just learned they wouldnot physically be moving to the high
4、school. how would i motivate and get toknow these kids? everything that i had ever heard about or remembered about 9thgrade made me want to turn and run. but what convinced me to take this job wastechnology. in my interview i learned that instead of the library, i was to usethe internet (the what?).
5、 i was told that i would receive a laptop computer(arent those the things that people with real jobs used?) and that the kidscould teach me anything i needed to know. computers became my thing. immediately i began to learn how to surf theinternet from 8th and 9th graders (sanj and judy said i was te
6、achers pet). mykids opened up and set aside their raging adolescence to use technology to helpme and help each other. as the year with the freshmen continued, i wasoverjoyed. first, my kids and i had the best rapport in years (gosh miss glazer,are all of your powerpoint slides gonna look the same?).
7、 second, my creativityin teaching increased as new doors were opened to me and in turn to my students(conspiracy takes on a whole new meaning when the internet is your primarysource). third, i was learning new and exciting things. i had finally found acombination of skills that affected my students
8、in such a positive way that iknew i had to share my findings. i have since taken my computer knowledge, instructional design ideas, plusmy emphasis on personal relationships and applied it to teachers and students inmy district and other districts in the north texas area. through the learning, desig
9、n, and technology program at stanford universityi hope to continue on the route that started for me at the middle school. i knowthat i will learn new things and have an opportunity to apply them toeducational settings. i also know that i will be able to establish relationshipswith colleagues, profes
10、sors, and other students. although a masters degree isthe short term goal, i believe that my long term goal remains the same as when ibegan using technology in my classroom three years ago: to see students bettereducated through a curriculum infused with technology by teachers who do notlose sight o
11、f the personal relationships that benefit all kids. this long-term goal may be achieved by working in a single school, a schooldistrict, or an educational center. it may be reached by teaching new teacherson the university level, by instructing at-risk students in a countyafter-school program, or by
12、 designing a terrific new classroom model andimplementing it through a regional education lab with a grant from the u.s.department of education. whatever the job, my aim remains the same and as it did years ago with myfreshmen, i feel certain that i will use any situation to fulfill my goal tobenefi
13、t students (can you say optimistic, or is it opportunistic?) yours sincerely, 乌克兰留学热门院校及专业推举 1、基辅国立大学 基辅国立大学,是乌克兰的最的综合性大学。成立于1834年,在欧洲及世界上的训练机构中占据了重要地位,享有良好的声誉。现有在校同学20,000余人,教职员工3000余名,其中包括17位院士、321位教授和1000多位副博士。 专业推举:国际关系、语言学、经济、新闻、法律、心理学等 2、哈尔科夫国立大学 乌克兰哈尔科夫国立大学是东欧最古老的大学之一,这个乌克兰的科学和训练中心建立于
14、 1805年1月29日,它是当时小俄罗斯和当今乌克兰境内最早建立的大学。 专业推举:物理、医学、金融、外语等 3、乌克兰国立航空大学 全球民航三大名校之一,拥有自己的机场。 1934年建校,毕业文凭为世界上全部参加里斯本航空公约的国家所成认。欧洲的欧洲航空平安专家地区培训中心。曾派4位专家援建北京航空航天大学。 专业推举:理学、工学、经济学、管理学、建筑学、训练学、法学等 4、基辅理工大学 世界上最古老、规模的工科大学之一。 1898年建校,全称乌克兰国立技术大学,化学家门捷列夫曾担当基辅理工学院国家考试委员会主任。人类第一个载人(加加林)航天器的总设计师出自本校;第一架直升飞机的设计师也出自
15、本校。 专业推举:法学、理学、文学等 5、文尼察国立医药大学 文尼察国立医科大学创立于1921年,是乌克兰最古老的医科大学之一,培育了很多的世界的医学家,大学目前是乌克兰的医科大学,欧洲三大医学院之一。其局部讨论所始终在欧洲医学界和世界医学界占有肯定的科研地位。 专业推举:制药学、临床学、药剂师、运动医学等 6、柴可夫斯基音乐学院 乌克兰国立柴可夫斯基音乐学院以悠久的历史、严谨的教学而著称。在这所乌克兰古老的音乐学院里云集了世界文明的导师和音乐家,拥有全乌克兰的乐谱图书馆和先进音乐厅。 专业推举:流行歌曲演唱、作曲、声乐、钢琴、大提琴等 7、利沃夫国立美术学院 利沃夫美术学院的全称为利沃夫艺术
16、学院,它位于乌克兰西部重镇利沃夫市中心,利沃夫市素有小巴黎之美称,这里风景旖丽迷人,建筑风格特别,历史悠久曲折,文化兼收并蓄,不仅是东欧旅游胜地,而且是的人文荟萃之乡。 专业推举:油画、雕塑、艺术原理、舞台艺术、工艺美术、建筑、艺术品修复等 8、哈尔科夫国立美术学院 哈尔科夫国立工艺美术大学始建于1768年,学校坐落于乌克兰哈尔科夫大学城,具有古老的传统,是乌克兰的三所美术院校之一。 专业推举:建筑设计、电脑设计、家具设计、艺术品修复、雕塑、素描、油画等 乌克兰留学省钱技巧参考 一、规划费用 大家在学年初,就应当对自己的乌克兰的开销,进展一个有规划的支配,在这一年也许要花多少钱,可以进展大致区
17、间的预报,因为大笔的开销如吃和住,是相对固定的。 而其他的支出,只占有比拟少的一局部,即便有比拟大的差异,根底在那里,不会对大家的生活产生很大的影响,不过假如有额外大笔的开销,需要进展额外的预备。 二、支配出行 一般同学的生活场所,会围绕学校进展辐射,大家大局部时间生活的空间,是比拟狭窄的,所以根本上不会有远间隔 的出行,所以大家除了往返国内,根本上不会有大笔的出行支出。 而平常的出行,根本上都是用法地铁或者公交来代步的,这个时候大家肯定要办一张交通卡,大家出行的次数越多,可以省下的钱也会越多,因为每次都可以打折。 三、确定住宿 虽然住校在平安和便利上都有很大的优势,但是对比起价格,还是租房中的合租会更划算一些,人数越多越划算,而且住宿
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