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1、会计学1 语法综合讲练倒装句和强调句语法综合讲练倒装句和强调句 第1页/共43页 第2页/共43页 第3页/共43页 e.g. 1) The kite went up into the sky. Up went the kite into the sky. Up into the sky went the kite. 2) The book you want is here. Here is the book you want. 第4页/共43页 3) The door suddenly opened and a dog came in. The door suddenly opened an

2、d in came a dog. 4) Her long brown hair came down. Down came her long brown hair. Away flew the bird. 5) The bird flew away. 注注:主语是人称代词主语是人称代词, 不用主谓倒装不用主谓倒装 . 第5页/共43页 In front of the lonely house sat a little boy. At the edge of the woods lies the log cabin. 第6页/共43页 第7页/共43页 在货物中有圣诞树、鲜花、蜡烛和玩具。在货物中

3、有圣诞树、鲜花、蜡烛和玩具。 Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys. 第8页/共43页 Many fairy tales begin in this way Long long ago , Or Thats how fairy tales begin. 第9页/共43页 在在2004年,中国大约发生了五十多万年,中国大约发生了五十多万 起交通事故。起交通事故。 There were about 500,000 traffic accidents happening in China in 2004. 第10

4、页/共43页 第11页/共43页 B 第12页/共43页 第13页/共43页 He cant answer the question. Neither can I.= I cant, either. 他不能回答这个问题,我也不能。他不能回答这个问题,我也不能。 第14页/共43页 第15页/共43页 第16页/共43页 Only in this way can you learn English well. e.g. 直到那时,他才意识到自己老了。直到那时,他才意识到自己老了。 Only when you have finished your homework can you go out a

5、nd play. Only then did he realize that he was old. 只有用这种方法,你才能学好英语。只有用这种方法,你才能学好英语。 只有完成作业后,你才可以出去玩。只有完成作业后,你才可以出去玩。 第17页/共43页 第18页/共43页 第19页/共43页 e.g. 我们经常警告他们不要那样做。我们经常警告他们不要那样做。 Often do we warn them not to do so. We often warn them not to do so. 第20页/共43页 No sooner had he begun to speak than all

6、 the people laughed. Hardly had he stepped into the classroom when the bell rang. 他刚一开口说话,所有的人都大笑起来。他刚一开口说话,所有的人都大笑起来。 他刚一踏进教室,铃声就响了起来。他刚一踏进教室,铃声就响了起来。 第21页/共43页 e.g. 他不仅能唱流行歌曲,而且还能写一些。他不仅能唱流行歌曲,而且还能写一些。 Not only did he like singing pop songs, but also he could write some. 第22页/共43页 e.g. 直到今天早晨我才想起了

7、一个好主意直到今天早晨我才想起了一个好主意 。 Not until this morning did I get a good idea. I didnt get a good idea until this morning. 第23页/共43页 e.g. 我既不知道这次晚会,也没来。我既不知道这次晚会,也没来。 Neither did I know about the party, nor did I come. 第24页/共43页 第25页/共43页 = Though/Although he was tired,he . e.g. Tired as he was, he worked la

8、te into the night. Child as he is, he knows much. = Though/Although he is a child, he . 第26页/共43页 = Were it to/Should it rain tomorrow, I would not go for a picnic. = Had I attended the meeting, I would have been here. If I had attended the meeting, I would have been here. 第27页/共43页 e.g. 他说的那样的快,我们几乎听不清。他说的那样的快,我们几乎听不清。 8. 在在sothat、suchthat的结构中的结构中 So rapidly did he speak that we could hardly hear him. 9. 用于某些表示祝愿的句子用于某些表示祝愿的句子 。 第28页/共43页 So much lies a village 第29页/共43页 is the teacher satisfied 第30页/共43页 第31页/共43页 第32页/共43页 第33页/共43页 第34页/共43页 第


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