



1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!商务合同的首部内容 合同一般分为首部(head),主体(body)和尾部(end)三局部。今日我们先来具体地讲解一下首部应当包括那些内容。接下来,我给大家预备了商务合同的首部内容,欢送大家参考与借鉴。 商务合同的首部内容 首部一般包括以下几点内容: 1. 合同的名称。 合同一般写作contract,假如是正本那么在右上方注明original,副本那么注明copy。比方购置合同purchase contract,销售合同sale contract,租赁合同lease contract,运输合同shipping contract,等等。 2. 合同的编号。

2、 通常合同的编号是由年份,公司代码,部门等构成的。比方03cmec, da006,这个编号中03指03年;cmec是china machinery1 export company(中国机械出口公司)公司的缩写;da是depart a,a部;006指第六份文件。那么合起来就是中国机械出口公司a部03年第六份合同。 3. 签约日期。 英语的日期大家都会表示,在这里需要留意的是,通常美国月份在前,而英国日期在前。月份可以用缩写,但要用英语大写表示。比方:mar. 2, 1992。从这个日期我们就可以看出这份合同是与美国人签的。 4. 签约地点。 5. 买卖双方的名称、地址和联络方式。 我们都知道,通

3、常在合同的开头就要注明甲方和乙方。这里有一些职位的名称供大家参考: 董事长president / chairman; 董事会board of director; 经理ceo / general manager; 部门经理department manager; 有限公司corporation. ltd. / company. ltd.; 分公司branch; 子公司subsidiary; 6. 序言(preface) 在合同的甲方乙方下面我们通常会有一些对合同的描绘,比方:this contract is signed by and between the buyer and the selle

4、r, according to the terms and conditions stipulated3 below.这份合同是买卖双方之间依据以下条款而签定的。 扩展:出租业务怎样纳营业税? how do we pay business tax in leasing property? 纳税人:您好,我是一家外国公司,能介绍一下租赁业务营业税如何交纳吗? taxpayer1: excuse me, i am from a foreign company, would you help me to know how to pay business tax on leasing property

5、? 税务局:愿意效劳。你们租赁什么? tax official: i like to do, but it is hard to say in one word. can you tell me what kind of property your company wants to lease? 纳税人:还没确定。这对纳税有影响吗? taxpayer: we have not decided2 it. is that important for tax? 税务局:有很大影响。假如租赁的是动产,在中国设有机构且它同租赁业务有关系时,你公司才应在中国纳税。 tax official: yes, i

6、t is the main factor in determining whether your operation is taxable. the leasing of movable property, for example, is taxable provided your company have an establishment within china, and bear relevance3 to the operation . 纳税人:您说的机构是指代办处吗? taxpayer: does the establishment mean the representative o

7、ffice? 税务局:不仅是代办处,还包括管理和营业机构、作业场所和代理人。 tax official: not merely the representative office, it also include the establishment of management and business, the site of assignment and agent. 纳税人:明白了。那租赁无形资产呐? taxpayer: i see. what about the leasing of intangible asset? 税务局:对无形资产,只要它的用法地在中国,不管有没有在中国设有机构,

8、都要纳营业税。不动产也一样,只要它的坐落地在中国。 tax official: if the intangible asset is used in china, the leasing operation is taxable, no matter whether the company has establishment in china .so is the immovable property, provided the property is located in china. 纳税人:其他状况呢? taxpayer: what you said is important to us

9、, and anything else? 税务局:在计算应税收入时要区分融资租赁和经营租赁。 tax official: the tax base depends on the nature of leasing item, the finance leasing and business leasing. 纳税人:什么是融资租赁? taxpayer: what do you mean by the finance leasing? 税务局:指被租赁资产的全部权在租赁到期时转移到承租方的一种租赁。对这种状况,计税收入要按总收入减去资产的购置价后的余额计算。 tax official: it m

10、eans the leasing operation that the ownership of the property will ultimately be passed to the borrower at the end of the leasing period. in this case, the business tax is levied4 on the net rental5 amount received after deducting6 the purchase price of the leased asset. 纳税人:经营租赁不涉及资产的全部权,对吧? taxpayer: the business leasing do not involve the passing of the ownership, is that right? 税务局:对!它的全部租赁收入都要计税。 tax official: yes .so different from the finance leasing situation, the


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