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1、.餐饮服务:为了方便掌握学习情境内容,我们通过五个情境来学习Model 1:Table Reservation 用餐预订服务 Model 2:Receiving the Guest in the Restaurant 接待客人用餐 Model 3:Taking orders 点菜Model 4Serving Dishes 上菜 Model 5Pay the bill 付账 Model 1:Table Reservation 用餐预订服务技能要点*1. When the guests ask you to reserve(为什么而保留) for him , you must pay more a

2、ttention(注意要做某事) to ask him to the table or private room.当客人要求你为他订餐时,要注意询问他是要订餐台还是要包间。*2. Ask the guest about the information of the table reservation:从客人那里获得下列用餐信息:The number of the person就餐人数 Table in the lobby or a private room 大堂的餐台还是包间The demands for the table or the private room 对餐台还是包间的要求,如靠窗

3、吸烟等需求The time of arrival 宾客到达的时间Under whose name the reservation is made and contact telephone number or the room number.订餐者姓名联系电话号码或房号。*3. Confirm.确认。*4. Express your expectation to the guests.表达对客人的期盼。餐厅常用口语*1. 查看座位Just a moment, please. Ill check the availability for you.请稍等,我来为您查查是否有空位。*2. 座位已满I

4、m afraid were fully booked for that time.恐怕那个时间餐位已经订满了。*3. 变更时间Is it possible for you to change the time?您是否可以换个时间呢?*4. 座位选择Would you like a table in the lobby or in a private room?您是喜欢大厅的餐台还是包间呢?*6. 桌位要求And can I booking a table by the window?您可以为我留一张靠窗的桌位吗?*7. 询问要求Any special requirement?有什么特别要求吗?

5、*8. 预订已满Im afraid that table is reserved for 8 p.m.恐怕那张桌已经被预订了。 Table Reservation 餐桌预订 场景:Mr. Smith wants to have the dinner with his friends tonight. So he called the IAP to order. 斯密斯先生将在今晚与他的朋友用餐所以他致电给IAP做预定。C=Caller打电话询问的客人 W=Waiter 服务生C: Hello. Is this IAP? 你好,请问是陶樂咖啡厅吗?W: Yes. May I help you?

6、是的,需要我效劳吗?C: Yes, Id like to reserve a table for tonight, please. 我想预定今晚的座位。W: Certainly. Sir. How many people, Please? 好的,请问共有几位? C: Six. 六位。W: At what time can we expect(期待) you? 请问几点光临?C: Oh, at 7:00 tonight. 噢,今晚七点。W: Would you like a table in the main restaurant or in a private room, sir? 先生,请问

7、您想订大厅还是包房呢?C: The main restaurant will be fine. 大厅的席位就可以了。W: Certainly, sir. A table for six at 7 tonight. May I have your name and telephone number, please? 好的,今晚七点钟,六个人的餐桌。可以告诉我您的姓名和电话吗?C: Sure. Its John Smith and my number is 68888888.当然可以。我叫约翰.史密斯,电话号码是68888888.W: Thank you very much, Mr. Smith.

8、 Let me repeat your reservation: you book a table for six at 7 oclock tonight and your phone number is 68888888.Am I right?非常感谢您,史密斯先生。请让我重复您的预定:您在今晚七点预定了六人桌,您的电话号码是68888888.是对的吗?C:Yes, it is是这样的。W: My name is Ivy and we look forward to seeing you.我叫Ivy,非常期待您的光临。C: See you tonight. Goodbye. 晚上见。W: G

9、oodbye. 再见。 1.1A Private Room Reservation包厢预订-中餐厅实用对话(Practical Dialogues)Mr. Smith will have the dinner with his customers. He called the PP to reserve the private room. 斯密斯先生将和他的客户用晚餐,他致电给乐宫预定一个包厢。C=Customers 顾客 W=Waiter 服务生W: Hello! PP. this is Miss. Sue speaking .Can I help you? 您好,乐宫。 我是Sue,有什么

10、可以帮到您?C: May I have a private room for this afternoon? 我想订个包房。W: Yes. Ill arrange that for you. Can I have your name, please? 可以,我给您安排。请问您的名字是?C: John Smith. 约翰 史密斯。W: Mr. Smith, how many guests? 史密斯先生,有多少客人?C: Five. 五位。W: And then, when are you coming? 什么时候来就餐呢?C: At 7 oclock this afternoon. Is it

11、OK? 今天下午7点,行吧?W: OK. Do you have any special requirements? I mean for vegetarians or something else.可以,您有任何特殊的要求吗?比如是素食者或其他什么特殊的?C: Oh, I see. Id like it. My guests are all vegetarians(素食者). 喔,可以,我喜欢。我朋友都吃素食。实用词汇和术语face-to face reservation面对面预订Telephone Reservation电话预订Sichuan Cuisine四川菜,简称川菜Cantones

12、e Cuisine广东菜,简称粤菜Food and Beverage Director餐饮部总监Chinese Restaurant Manager中餐厅经理Banquet Manager宴会部经理Restaurant Supervisor餐厅主管Western Restaurant Manager西餐厅经理Asst. Western Restaurant Manager西餐厅副经理host餐厅男咨客hostess餐厅女咨客waiter男侍应生waitress女侍应生Model 2:Receiving the Guest in the Restaurant 接待客人用餐技能要点*1. Ask

13、the guests if they have a reservation or not. If “yes”, lead them to the booked table. If “no”, ask them the number of people, and escort them to choose a table for them. 问清有否预留座位。如果有,领位到预订的餐台;如果没有,询问有几位,然后引领为人挑选合适的餐台.*2. When the guests are going to seat, arrange them take their seats as soon as po

14、ssible. Arrange the tea or some drinks immediately(立即).入座时,安排客人尽快就座,并及时安排茶水或是饮料。 *3. After the guests are seated, give them the menu. 在客人坐定后,才上菜单。常用句子口语*1. 问侯客人Good evening, sir. Welcome to our restaurant. 先生,晚上好,欢迎光临本餐厅。*2. 祝福用语Have a good evening. 祝您有个愉快的夜晚。*3. 等待用语Now would you please take a seat

15、 and wait over there? 您先在那边坐下来等好吗?*4. 指导宾客We have a window table reserved for you. 我们为您保留了一张窗边的桌子。*5. 建议换桌What about the one which is close the window? 有一张靠窗的桌子您觉得合适吗?*6. 安排宾客We will arrange the seat you very soon. 我们将尽快安排您入座。*7. 儿童服务Would you like a high chair for your child? 要不要给您的孩子拿一张高椅呢?1.2 Rec

16、eiving the Guest with a Reservation 接待有预订的客人Betty has reserved the table. Now she and her friend went to the restaurant. The host received them.贝蒂已经预定了座位,现在她和她的朋友来到了餐厅,咨客迎接了她们。W=Waiter C= BettyW: Good evening. How are you today? 晚上好。您今天好吗?C: its ok, thank you. 很好,谢谢你!W: Do you have a reservation? 请问

17、您有预定座位吗?C: Yes, we do. A reservation for two under Smith. 有,我们订了两位。是以史密斯的名字订的。W: Just a moment, please Here it is 7:00 p.m. Betty Smith, two, non-smoking(非吸烟区).请稍等一下。-有的,在这儿,晚上7:00,贝蒂-史密斯,两个人,不抽烟。C: Thats us. 是我们,没错。W: Right this way, please. 这边请。1.2 Receiving the Guest without a Reservation 接待没有预订的

18、客人Mr. White and his wife went to the restaurant to have the dinner. But they have no reservation. The waiter receiving them and escort them to choose the table that fits them. 怀特夫妇来到餐厅用餐可是她们没有用餐,服务员接待了她们并且帮助他们选择了合适的座位。W=Waiter B=BakeW: Good evening, sir and madam. Welcome to our restaurant. Do you h

19、ave a reservation? 晚上好,先生、夫人。欢迎到我们酒店。有预定吗?B: Im afraid I havent. Do you have a table for two? 没有。 有双人桌吗?W: Im sorry to say that we dont have any vacant seat at this moment. Would you please wait in the lounge for about five minutes? Ill seat you if the table is ready.对不起,目前我们没有空的。 请在休息室等大约5分钟好吗?桌子准备

20、好了我就安排你们。B: It sounds nice. Nancy, lets go to the lounge then. 好吧,南希,我们去休息室。(Five minutes later) (5分钟后)W: I am sorry to have kept you waiting, sir and madam. Now we have a table for you. This way, please. 对不起,让你们久等了,先生、夫人。现在为你们准备了一张桌子,请这边走好吗?(客人入座后)W: What kind of drink would you like tonight? 今晚您想喝

21、点什么?B: Green tea, please. 请拿杯绿茶吧!W: Ill bring them to you right away. 我一会就拿来。Model 3:Taking orders 点菜技能要点*1. The order of the western dishes begins from the host or hostess generally. If the host wants the guests order by themselves, begins from the first guest (by the right to the host or hostess).

22、 Usually, men order for the women. The ladies dont order.西餐点餐的顺序一般从主人或者女主人开始。如主人示意请宾客分别点菜,则从主宾(主宾一般坐在男主人或女主人的右边)开始。一般男生为女士点菜,女士不直接接受点菜。*2. Pay more attention to asking the guest about his demands in detail of the order when you take the order. So the chef can cook by his demand.(需求)在接受点菜时,必须问清客人的需求,

23、以便厨师按客人的口味进行烹饪。*3. After ordered the food or beverage, the waiter should read the meal the guest ordered one by one.当客人点完食物或饮料后,点菜员要一道一道地报点他们点的菜。点餐常用句*1. 主动服务Shall I make a recommendation? 需要我推荐吗?*2. 建议顾客How about something to drink? 来点饮料怎么样?*3. 续杯提醒Does that come with refills? 可以续杯吗?*4. 准备点菜 Are yo

24、u ready to order now, sir? 先生您准备点菜了吗?*5. 开始点菜Id like to try the chicken, please. 我想试试鸡肉。*6. 推荐菜肴Why not try the XXX? 干嘛不试试XXX?*7. 询问菜单Is there a set menu for lunch? 有午餐的套饭菜单吗?8. 特色菜推荐Its the specialties of our restaurant. 这是我们餐厅的特色菜。*9. 时间说明Your dish takes ten minutes to prepare. 您的菜需要十分钟准备。*10. 后续服

25、务What will you have to follow the soup? 喝完了汤,您要吃什么?*11. 询问客人的口味Would you like it rare, medium, or well-done? (点牛排时) 您喜欢煮得生一点儿,中等程度,还是老一点儿?*12. 表示抱歉Im sorry, there are no xxx. 很抱歉,没有XXX了。*14. 提供餐类We have both buffet-style and a la carte dishes, which would you prefer?我们有自助式和点菜式,您喜欢哪一种?*15. 今日特色Do you

26、 have todays chefs dish? 今日有推荐菜吗?1.3 Taking a la cart Orders for Western Food 西餐点菜服务场景:Tom wants to taste western food this evening. He comes to a restaurant to have a western dinner. But he has no reservation.汤姆今晚想吃西餐,他去到餐点准备用餐可是他没有预定。W=Waitress H=Hostess J=Tom JonesH: Good evening. Welcome to our

27、restaurant. Have you made a reservation? 晚上好,欢迎到我们餐厅来,请问您有预订吗?J: No, we havent. 没有。H: Three people? 是三位吗?J: Right. 是的。H: This way, please. How is this table? 这边请。这个位置怎么样?J: Its fine. 很好。H: Thank you. Take your seat, please. 谢谢。请坐。W: Good evening. May I take your order now? 晚上好,可以点餐了吗?J: Do you have

28、any specialties? 您有什么特色菜推荐吗?W: Yes, you can try our appetizer called smoked, it taste very delicious.是的,您可以尝试一下我们的头盘-熏三文鱼,吃起来很美味。J: For an appetizer(开胃菜/头盘), smoked salmon. 来一道开胃菜,熏三文鱼。W: Do you need order salad? And which dressing you want?您需要点沙拉吗?配什么酱汁?J: wed like three large fruit salads with bal

29、samic and vinaigrette dressing.我们需要三份大的水果沙拉配香脂醋汁和油醋汁。W: What soup would you like? 要什么汤?J: Fish soup, French style. 法式鱼汤。W: And, for the main course? 请问要什么主菜?J: Two T-Bone Steaks and a rump steak. 两份T 骨牛排,一份牛腿排。W: How would you like your steak done? 牛排要几分熟?J: Medium- well. 七分熟。W: What kind of sauce w

30、ould you want? 要哪种酱汁?J: Black pepper and mushroom cream sauce.黑椒汁和奶油蘑菇汁。W: Would you like some vegetables? 要些蔬菜吗?J: The curried vegetables. 咖喱蔬菜。W: Anything for dessert? 需要甜点吗?J: Strawberry ice cream for all. 每人一份草莓冰激凌。W: Anything else? 还需要别的吗?J: No, Im afraid thats all. 不,已经足够了。cuisine烹饪,烹饪法greasy油

31、腻的heavy难消化的hot刺激的,辣的light清淡的,易消化的present呈上,送上specialist特制品,特产specification规格,说明书bean菜豆sauce酱汁,调味汁delicious美味可口的spicy加香料的Model 4:Serving Dishes 上菜*1. After the guests almost have arrived, you can ask them politely: “Excuses me, may I serve you?” 客人基本到齐后礼貌询问是否可以上菜“打扰一下,请问可以上菜了吗?”*2. Before serving dis

32、hes, called the correct names of the dish. “Hello, this is , please enjoying!” 上菜品前,清晰正确报出菜名,“您好,这是,请慢用!” *3. If the guests need divide the dishes, at first, you should ask them: “would you need to divide your dishes?” 如果需要分菜,先询问客人“请问是否需要分菜?”*4. After serving the last dish, you should tell the guest

33、s: “This is the complete course.”当上最后一道菜时,低声告诉客人“您好,菜已上齐!”上菜常用句*1. 询问菜肴Heres the shelled shrimp. (Is it) yours? 这是虾仁,是您的吗?*2. 介绍菜肴This one is called XXX. 这菜叫xxx。*3. 顾客催促Would you hurry up? 能不能快一点啊?*4. 询问口感Did you enjoy your meal? 这菜吃起来还和您的胃口吗?*5. 上汤Shall I put the soup in the middle of the table? 我把

34、汤放在桌子中央,好吗?*7. 慢慢享用Take your time and enjoy it. 您慢慢享用吧。*8. 上菜提醒Watch out for the plate. Its a little hot. 请小心盘子,有点烫。*9. 延迟上菜Please hold the food; we still have one friend coming. 请稍后上菜,我们还有一个朋友没到。*10. 上菜次序The Chinese way is to serve the soup first and then the food; if you like, well bring you the f

35、ood first. 按中国的方式,是先上汤再上菜;如果您喜欢,我们可以先上菜再上汤。*11. 表示抱歉Im really sorry about that, Ill tell the chef to hurry. 真的很抱歉,我会叫厨师快一点儿。*12. 上菜完毕This is the complete course. There is dessert to follow. 全部的菜已经上齐了,接下来还有点心。1.4 Serving the Western dinner 西餐服务Mr. Xiang and his friends want to have a sirloin steak. T

36、hey go to a western restaurant to have lunch. 向先生和他的朋友想吃沙朗牛排,他们去到一间西餐厅用午餐。W=Waiter X=Mr. XiangW: Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to our restaurant. 您好,先生。欢迎你来到我们餐馆。X: Good afternoon. 你好。W: May I show you our lunch menu? 您现在要午餐菜单吗?X: Yes, please. 可以。W: Here it is. 给您菜单。X: Yes, Ill have a mixed salad and

37、 sirloin steak. Which vegetables come with the steak? 好,我要一份混合沙拉、一份沙朗牛排。牛排配有什么蔬菜?W: French fries, carrots and peas. 薯条、胡萝卜和豌豆。X: Thats fine. By the way, Id like come beer and a cup of coffee. 不错。顺便来到啤酒和一杯咖啡。W: Yes, how would you like your steak, sir?好的,先生,你的牛排怎么做?X: Ill have it medium rare, please.

38、Do you have any salad oil? 三分熟,您有沙拉油吗?W: Certainly. Ill bring some to you. 有,我给您拿些来。X: Thanks. 谢谢。 实用词汇a knife and fork一副刀叉seafood海味,海鲜fried炸的frozen冰冻的mess tin饭盒rare嫩的local cuisine地方风味well-done熟透的tough咬不动的Model 5:pay the bill 结账Guest: Tom Tom: Could we have the check, please? 汤姆:请拿帐单来好吗? Waiter: Her

39、e is your check RMB86yuan.侍者:给您,一共86元Tom: Do you accept tuque(支票)? 汤姆:你们收支票吗? Waiter: No, Im sorry we dont. We accept credit cards and cash or you can pay for room charge.侍者:对不起,我们不收。我们只收信用卡和现金,您也可以用房费来支付。Tom: Well, I dont have any cash with me. I have to pay by credit cards. Here it is!汤姆:我没带现金。我必须

40、用信用卡结帐了,这是我的信用卡。Waiter: Do you have a password of your card? 您的卡有密码吗?(刷卡前先核实是否为有效的信用卡,有无客人签名)Tom:Yes.有密码Waiter:OK, please input the password. 好的,请您输一下密码。(刷卡后双手将卡还给客人,礼貌的让客人在POS单上签名并再次告知刷卡的金额)R:Please sign in POS list to confirm.请您在POS单上签字确认.Tom: Oh, please wait for a minute. I want to go with the fo

41、od left.汤姆:请稍等一会。我想把剩下的食物带走。 Waiter: I see. I will bring some to-go boxes for you.侍者:我明白。我会为您拿一个打包盒。 Tom: Thank you.汤姆:谢谢。为方便学习将结账分为以下三类:1. room charge:入房帐 2.cash 现金 3.crecit card 信用卡Waiter: Here is your check RMB 970yuan.这是您的账单,一共是970元人民币。G: Can I pay for room charge?我可以入房帐吗?W: Of course, can I have your room number?当然可以,可以告诉我您的房间号码吗?G:My room number is 1818.我的房间号码是1818.W:Please wait a moment。请您稍等一会儿。核查后发现1818的客人房间


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