



1、精品文档推荐信I am writing to you in support of Mr./Ms. Full Name and his/her desire toattend University Name for the Program Title program. Though many students ask me to make this request on their behalf, I only recommend students whom I feel arewell-suited for the program of their choice. Mr./Ms. Last N

2、ame is one of those students and therefore, I highly recommend that he/she be given the opportunity to attend your university.As Professor s Title of Professor s Department at University Name, Iwork with many students who have substantial knowledge of Subject. Each year Inotice that only a few outst

3、anding students offer a unique perspective and reallyembrace theirlearningof the subjectmatter.Mr./Ms. LastName has consistentlyshown such a strong desire to learn that I simply could not turn down his/herrequest for recommendation.I firstmet Mr./Ms. Last Name in my Course Title course during the Se

4、asonand Year semester.Compared to the class average ofClassAverage,Mr./Ms.LastName earned a Grade in the class.Mr./Ms.Last Name wasevaluated on explainbasis for grades, e.g., exams, papers, etc., in which he/she performedexceptionally well.Though Mr./Ms.Last Name has consistentlyexceededinallareasof

5、his/hercoursework, the best example of his/her intelligence shone through apaper/presentation/project/etc. on work s title. The work clearly showedhis/her ability to deliver a clear, concise and well-thought presentation witha new perspective by demonstrating embellish here.Mr./Ms.LastName continues

6、 toimpress me withhis/herknowledge,skillanddedicationtohis/herwork. I m sure you willfindhim/hertobe a studentwhosetalents will only shine further through your graduate program. It is my hope thatyou will accept his/her admissionto your university. Feel free to contact meifyou require further inform

7、ation.精品文档精品文档I am writingto you in supportof Mr./Ms.FullName and his/herdesireto attendUniversity Name for the Program Title program. Though many students ask me tomake this request on their behalf, I only recommend students whom I feel arewell-suited for the program of their choice. Mr./Ms. Last N

8、ame is one of thosestudents and therefore, I highly recommend that he/she be given the opportunityto attend your university.As Professor s Title of Professor s Department at University Name, Iwork withmany studentswho have substantialknowledge of Subject.Mr./Ms.LastName has consistently shown such a

9、 strong desire to learn subject that I simplycould not turn down his/her request for recommendation.I firstmet Mr./Ms. Last Name in my Course Title course during the Seasonand Yearsemester.Compared to the classaverage of ClassAverage,Mr./Ms.LastName earned a Grade in the class.Mr./Ms.Last Name wasev

10、aluated on explainbasis for grades, e.g., exams, papers, etc., in which he/she performedexceptionally well.FirstName is an outstandingindividualwitha strongcharacter.He/Shehasthe abilityto produce impressive results ina wide varietyof areas.First Nameis/has list of positive traits/skills, e.g. organ

11、ized, motivated, etc. I haveseen astonishingresultson complex projectsthatofferedgreatattentionto detailwhere quality was never compromised. Additionally, he/she has a very positiveattitude and truly embraces learning all there is to know about subject.Though First Name has consistently exceeded in

12、all areas of his/her coursework, the best example of his/her intelligence shone through apaper/presentation/project/etc. on Work s Title. The work clearly showed his/her ability to deliver a clear, concise, and well-thought presentation with a new perspective by demonstrating embellish here.In addit

13、ion to his/her coursework, First Name also dedicated some of his/her time volunteering at Club or Organization Name. His/Her positionrequired him/her to list of tasks. He/She felt volunteering was an important leadership role, in which he/she learned list of skills. The skills acquiredthrough volunt

14、eering will be beneficial to all of First Name future endeavors. First Name has the ability to manage and organize his/her time and schedule around different activities without having them interfere with school. His/Her精品文档精品文档experience at Club or Organization Name provided him/her with the aptitud

15、e that he/she needs for graduate school and for a career in name of career.I believe First Name is destined to be a leader in type of field, andtherefore is an excellent candidate for your school. I highly recommend that youconsiderhis/herapplication,as he/shewillbe a greatassetto yourprogram.I m su

16、re you willfindhim/herto be a studentwhose talentswillonly shinefurtherthroughyour graduateprogram.Itis my hope thatyou willaccepthis/heradmissionto your university. If you would like further information, please feel free tocontact me.Dear Sir or Madam,It is my pleasure to recommend Miss Lee who is

17、one of my favorite students for her application to postgraduate studies in your university. I am James Spencer Abbey, the statistics lecturer in the Lo ndon School of Economics and Political Science.I got to know Miss Lee personally when she was taking the course Elementary Statistical Theory, havin

18、g served as her class teacher and lecturer. As I observe, she showed great attitude in her Eng lish. She scored 7.5 points in her IELTS examination which shows that she has superb written and verbal skills and I feel proud of her. As we know even tutors incoming high school freshmen who are struggli

19、ng with their English courses. She deserved the scores. In 2006-2008, Miss Lee has bee n achieved A-level certificate at Bellerbys College; she learnt professional courses, such as: Accou nting, Core Math, Economics, and Business. Furthermore, she got 3 As and a B in four subjects. A fter graduation

20、, she was not satisfied with her present achievement and she started to study BSC Accounting& Finance at our LSE University. She performed activity in class and assisted me to do r esearch, and all the work handed to her completed satisfactorily. Through five years business study , she already found

21、 a solid academic foundation, which helps her further postgraduate study well. Apart from course work, Lee also possesses outstanding leaderLeep and extensive practical work experience. She performed Charity Team Leader of Chinese Scholars and Students Association at LES in 2008-2009. She worked con

22、scientiously and responsibly, and involved in taking lead in sp ecific events, for instance, annual volunteering teaching programme in Sichuan and Tibet, photo e精品文档精品文档xhibitions, Charity Run in London, Charity Concert, and weekly fundraising events. One thing should be pointed out is that she succ

23、essfully raised 1388 fund for the Overseas Chinese Students Ch ildren. In the event, she leading her peers to contact with many enterprises outside the university, g ets support for school sactivities and Chinese embassy, so that she established well corporation rel ationship with Chinese embassy, sponsors and charity teams in universities across the UK. How br illiant she is. It is not everyone can do.


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