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1、扬州树人学校2021-2021学年第二学期期末试卷八年级英语总分值:14分;考试时间:110分钟第I卷选择题80分一、听力共20小题:每题1分,计20分第一局部 听对话答复以下问题tr 10分,每题1分本局部共有10道小题,每题你将听到一段对话,选出你认为最适宜的答案,每段对话听两遍。1. Which sign does the man mean?2. What did the girl do yesterday?3. Which country won the championship?5. Who was in Centre School?A. MaryB. Harry6. Whats t

2、he probable relationship关系between the two speakers?C. BillA. Father and daughter.B. Driver and passenger7. How long has Mrs Smith been here?A. For two yearsB. For half a year.8. Where did they have their dinner?A. At the mans homeB. At the womans home.C. Teacher and student.C. For two and a half yea

3、rs.C. At a restaurant.9. Why is the boy still in the library?A. Because the book is interesting.B. Because he forgets the time.C. Because the bad weather prevents him from leaving10. How much time is left for the woman?A. 10 minutesB. 20 minutes.C. 30 minutes.第二局部 听对话和短文答复以下问题。你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段

4、对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每题5秒钟:听完后,每题你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最适宜的备选答案。听对话,答复第11-12小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀的信号,进入第一篇短文。11. Who did Lin Tao travel with?B. Just by himself. C. His friends.A. His parents.12. How did Lin Tao travel?A. By bus.B. By car.C. By train.Joe ReadEducation background He had studied in school for fourteen y

5、ears He was already 13 years old when he finishes school.Fathers advice He should go to the town and get a good job. Some clever people would be needed to work 14 Hunting for a job A man took Joe into a 15 Joe answered the question quickly听第一篇短文,答复第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确的答案,完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待“嘀的信号,进入下一篇

6、短文。13. A. eighteenB. sixteenC. seventeenB. in a bankC. in an office14. A. in a computer company15. A. small roomB. big officeC. small hotel听第二篇短文,答复第16-20小题。16. The young man wantedA. to learn to drawB. to buy an egg17. The old manA. couldnt draw well B. didnt teach the young man18. The young man dr

7、ew an egg quickly andA. lcf( the old mans house B.didnt draw eggs any longer19. The old man asked the young man to draw.A. many eggs at a time B. eggs again and again20. The old man thoughtC. to learn to draw an eggC. became the young mans teacherC. showed it to the old manC. some good eggs in a few

8、 daysA. it wasnt easy to draw an egg wellB. he had no time to teach the young manC. he was too old to teach the young man二、单项选择共15小题;每题1分,计15分21 Asvolunteer at the Beijing Expo 2021, Lu Ming understandsidea of green lifebetter than beforeA. a; anB. a; theC. the; anD. the; the22. She wasan email from

9、 her & tend the whole morning、but it didnt come.A. explainingB. expressingC experiencingD expecting23. A great person once said, If you follow your heart and never, your dream will come true.-I think so. I believe I will enter a good high school this year if I try hardA. give awayB. give backC give

10、outD. give up24. There are smiles everywhere.on the faces of childrenA. nearlyB. especiallyC. finallyD. luckily25. We young people shouldntthink about failure in the past, instead we should beto face the future A. usually, enough braveB seldom enough braveC. sometimes, brave enoughD. always, brave e

11、nough26. Iii Britain, people woif t push past you if you are They will wait until you move away A. by the wayB. on the wayC in their wayD in some ways27. Whatwill you win after winning the competition in the programme Stay to the End站到底? -A free trip to Bali Island.A. prizeB. attentionC adviceD mess

12、age28. The China International Search and Rescue Team has brought help and hope to people in disastersaround the world since it18 years ago.A. set upB. is set upC was set upD. will be set up29. Parents enjoy any progress their children have made and will feelthemA. angiy withB. interested inC proud

13、ofD. worried about30. Well go to the cinema tonight. Will you go with us? -Fd love to, but if my sisterdoesnt go, I wontA. too, alsoB. as well, eitherC. as well, neither D. too. as well31. All we needenough money to carry onwork.A. are, aboutB. is, aboutC. is, withD. are, with32. Though Sally is afr

14、aid, she made up her minda stewardess女乘务员.A. to flying, to becomeB. of flying, to becomingC. of flying, to becomeD. of flying, of becoming33. In order to improve her speech, Mary would like to spenddays on it.A. a little moreB a bit moreC. some moreD. much more34. What a heavy rain! Will it stop tom

15、orrow? - We re getting into the rainy season now.A. Of course notB. Tm afraid soC. Thats possible D. Fm a&aid not35. If you keep practising English every day. you,ll be better at it. -A. Each dog has its dayB. Many hands make light workC. Practice makes perfectD. The grass is always greener on the o

16、ther side三、完形填空共15小题;每题1分,计15分阅读以下短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选岀一个最正确答案。In San Francisco, I had this amazing experience While I was waiting for the bus. I saw a homelessperson carrying a 36 which said that he would like a cup of hot coffeeAs soon as I 37 it, I knew it was time for me to carry out执 行the task. I

17、joyfully ran acrossthe street, thinking that getting 38 a cup of hot coffee would be great. I went to Uncle Bobsnearby and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me a 39I then walked back to thestreet corner where the man had 40 When I went up to him, I could see that the 41 I got.the more

18、joy in his eyes I could seeWhen I 42 him the hot coffee, I just said.This is 43 you, my dear. I could see so much44 in his face and even a tear眼泪was running down He kept thanking me and holding his coffeelike the biggest 45 and prize in his life. 1 made me cry that an 46 action can bring somuch joy

19、and make someone feel really warm.I walked back to the 47 with such a happy mood心 情.When the bus driver opened the doorand I wanted to pay the bus ticket, 48 , he waved me through and said, Honey, you dont need to pay.This is on me. He explained that it 49 his heart to see that I gave away free coff

20、eeThis 50 moment was the warmest in my heart and it gave my day and my life a brand new start.It brings me such a joy to simply love and bless36. A. posterB. noticeC.pictureD sign37B readC.facedD. held38 A. meB. youC.herD him39 A. ticketB handC.cup of coffeeD. prize40 A. stayedB visitedC.sharedD exp

21、ected41 A. betterB closerC.fartherD more42 A. showedB. soldC.handedD made43 A. forB withC.fromD about44 A. sadnessB worryCjoyD. hope45. A. lessonB treasureC.secretD chance46 A. unusualB. simpleC.strangeD. careless47 A. homeless personB young ladyC.coffee shopD bus stop48 A. in the endB in factC.to m

22、y surpriseD to be honest49 A. tookB. touchedC.brokeD gave50 A. luckyB interestingC.amazingD successful四.阅读理解共15小题;每题2分,计30分阅读以下短文,根据短文内容,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最正确答案。Pm sure you all know how important recycling is. Recycling is when you take old things and turnthem into new things. It sounds like magic, but

23、 its actually very scientific科学的.MaterialsThe first thing you have to do is to collect items that can be recycled.Only certainmaterials can be recycled.This include things made out of paper, metal, glass andplastic Daily thingsEveryday items made out of these materials Soda cans are a good example T

24、heyare made out of metal. Magazines and newspapers are made out of paper. So arecereal boxes Some bottles of juice are made out of glass. Bags and yogurtcontainers are made out of plastic There are many things that can be recycled.LoopThese things are usually stamped with the recycling loop. The thr

25、ee arrows that goin the triangle 三角形circle This shows that the cycle continues I terns are thrownaway, but continue their lives as something elseProcessLets go back to the process of recyclingThe items are put in the recyclingbinA tnick carries the items to a recycling plant.The materials are separa

26、tedand squashed into square cubes Companies buy and turn them into new products.51 What is recycling according to die passage?A. Its a magic of performanceB Its a way of burning old things.C. It s a way to make old things usefulD. Its a medical research52. Which of the following materials is not men

27、tioned in the passage?A. RubberB. MetalC. GlassD. Plastic53 The passage is mainly about.A. recyclable materialsB. recyclable daily thingsC. the recycling processD. recycling in a scientific wayBTable manners are how to behave when you have a meal. Different countries have different tablemanners Now

28、leis see some table manners in the following countriesJapanIt is OK to make some noises when you eat noodles in Japan. Making some noises is not Hide but apraise to the cook The Japanese also say it tastes better if you make some noises while eatingWhat eke to watch: Its miportant to say Thanks befo

29、re and after a meal.FranceIn France, a meal is like a ceremony. People enjoy it and make it a special event. You should neverdiscuss money over dinner. And going Dutch 各自彳寸费is not polite.What else to watch: You need to finish everything on your plateMexicoIn Mexico, whenever you catch the eye of som

30、eone who is eatmg, even a stranger, its good maimersto say fcfcprovecho wliich means enjoy:What else to watch: Where you sit is important in this country Before you get seated, look for placecards, or wait until the host seats you. And you must say Enjoy your meaf before you leave the table.54. What

31、*s the polite way to eat noodles in Japan?A. Eating quietlyB. Eating quickly.C Leaving some. D. Making some noises.55. What dont people like to talk about over dinner in France?A. Money.B. Weather.C. SportsD. News.56. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The Japanese always eat quietlyB. Where you sit

32、is important in Mexico.C. People in France like going Dutch when eating out.D. Strangers never talk to people who are eating in Mexico.57. This passage is mainly aboutA. sports starsB. dinner partiesC. eating habits D. table mannersCKing and Queen of Hearts were seated on their throne when Alice and

33、 the Griffin arrived A greatcrowd had assembled around the thronesThe Knave stood before them in chains A soldier stood on each side of the Knave to guard him.Standing near the King was the White Rabbit He held a trumpet in one hand and a scroll of parchmentin the other.In the very middle of the cou

34、rt was a table with a large dish of tarts. They looked so delicious that itmade Alice quite hungry just to look at them.I wish theyd get the trial done, she thoughts and hand out the refreshmentsBut there seemed to be no chance of this So she started looking at everything around her to pass thetime.

35、 Alice had never been in a court before she took pride that she knew so much about it from herstudies.5&Who guarded the Knave?A. A soldier.B. Two soldiers.C. The white Rabbit. D. A great crowd.59. Why did Alice start looking for everything around her to pass the time?A. Because she handed out the re

36、freshmentsB. Because she wasnt quite hungry.C. Because there seemed to be no chance to get the trial doneD. Because she had never been in a court.60. Where was a large dish of tarts?A.On the table.B. In the front of the court.C. On the throneD. In the White Rabbits hand61. Which is the correct order

37、?a. Alice started looking at everything around her.b. A soldier stood on each side of the Knave to guard him.c. A great crowd had assembled around the thronesd. Alice was hungry.A. cbadB. beadC. cabdDDo you have a lucky number? What is it? Many people have a special number that they hope willbring t

38、hem good luckIn Chinese culture, some numbers are believed to be lucky or unlucky based on the Chinese wordthat the number sounds similar to.For example, the word for die number 8 soiuids similar to the xrord for making a fortune 运气,贝才富 y So people consider it a very lucky number. Some people will e

39、ven spend a lot of money to hate8s in their phone number or on their vehicle license plate车牌照number. The opening ceremony ofthe Beijing Olympics began at 8:08 pm on Aug 8,2021.The number 9 is also a lucky number because of its connection to the emperors of China There werenine dragons on emperors fo

40、bes龙袍and Chinese myth held that the dragon had nine children Thenumber 9 also stands for fcfclong lasting: Thats why a man always proposcsR婚to a woman with 99or 999 roses.So whats an unlucky number in China? One example is 4. Many Chinese people see 4 as an unluckynumber because it sounds similar to

41、 the character for deatliBecause of this, many buildings skip跳 过the fourth floor, and simply call it the fifth floor. InHong Kong, some buildings even skip all floors numbered with 4, such as 4, 14, 24, 34 and all 40-49floors. Some buildings also skip the 13lh floor, as this is considered an unlucky

42、 number in the West. Asa result a building whose highest floor is 50 many have only 35 physical floors62. What makes Chinese people believe a number is lucky or unlucky?A. The shape of the number.B. The sound of the number.C. The history of the number.D. The spelling of the number.63 Why will people

43、 spend a lot of money to have 8s in phone numbers or on vehicle license platenumbers?A. Because they believe 8 will make them live forever.B. Because they believe 8 will bring good luckC. Because 8 is easy to remember.D. Because 8 stands for fashion.64. A building whose highest floor is 60 in Hong K

44、ong might only havephysical floors if itskips all the unlucky numbersA. 35B. 44C. 50D. 6065. What is the story mainly about?A. Lucky and unlucky numbers in Western culture B. Meanings of different lucky numbersC. Meanings of different unlucky numbersD. Lucky and unlucky numbers in Chinese culture、第I

45、I卷非选择题60分 友情提示:以下答案请写在答题纸上五、词汇应用共10小题:每题1分,计10分根据句子总思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。每空一词66. For her. book were asto life as bread.必要的67. All theare proud of the athletes who take part in the Special Olympic Games.教练6& We can make our world better bywaste into different groups分开69. The host with an excellen

46、t spoken English grew up in theof China.西匕方70. When and where to go on the trip has been underfor a whole day now.讨论71 Choosehow you spend time and with whom you spend it. wise.72.1nstead of mshing at life, I wanted something more(mean)73. Surprisingly. the player without arms finishedin the 1500-me

47、ter race at last, (four)74 After hearing the bad news, he looked eventhan before(pale)75. In our class, NBA fans areboys, not many girls shows interest in it. (most)六、任务型阅读(共10空:每空1分,计10分)阅读短文并根据短文内容完成表格。(每空一词)Its a big challenge for you to achieve any personal goal in time. And it always seems that

48、 you wonthave enough time to finish all you need to do. Do you know the way to make the time for your goal?Here are some tips which may help you.Focus on(集中)one thing at a time Remember not to take on too many goals at a time or yourenergy will run out soon. Once one goal is finished, you can go to

49、the next one Set up at least a monthper goal.Prioritize(优先处理)the most important. We have more than one thing to complete. If we put allthe things before our goal, we wont evei find die time for it. If we put our goal at the first place, wellmake the timeKeep your goal simple. Its important not to ma

50、ke your goal too difficult. If you want to be slini, forexample, you just need to develop the habit for your health, walking each day (or running or cyclingetc), drinking more water, eating fruits and vegetables instead of junk snacks.Close your door. Try to set a time that you wont be disturbed (扌丁

51、扰) If you are disturbed from timeto time, you really dont have the time to help out. So you must shut your door when working on themost important tasks If so, you will get them done better.Stop wasting time. In our daily life, there are many things wasting your time, such as watchingdrama series and

52、 going to bars. If you don t do them, it won t change your life. So stop doing them tofree up time for your goals.If you follow the above you will succeed in achieving your goals.How to Make the Time for Your Personal GoalsSomehelpful76Focus on one thingat a time One goal a time, or you may 77 out o

53、f your energy. Set up at least a month per goal.Prioritize the mostimportant Dont put other things before our goal. If your goal comes 78, well make die timeKeep your goalsimple Its important not to make your goal 79 To get slim, you need to develop a 80 habit.Close your door You need to set a time

54、to 81 being disturbed. Keep your door 82 if you want to get the goals donebetter.Stopping wastingtime Many things are iust a 83 of time like watchingdrama series and going to bars. It wont make a 84 to your life if you dont do them. Stop them to free up time for your goals.You will 85 your goals suc

55、cessfully if you follow the above七、缺词填空共10空:每空1分,计10分阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。For many years, no one could c 86 with people who had been bom without hearing These deafpeople were not a 87 to use a spoken languageBut, beginning in the 1700s, the deaf were taught a s 88 language Using the language, theycould share thoughts and ideas with o 89 The language they used was a language w 90 sound.It was a sign languageH 91 did this sign language work? The deaf were taught to make certain


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