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3、帮助读者进一步理解女王演讲,也再次证明了韩礼德系统功能语法理论的实用性和适用性。关键词:人际功能,语气,情态,人称abstractthis thesis adopts quantitative and qualitative research methods to uncover the interpersonal function embodied in queens christmas speech in 2017 via the analysis of its mood, modality and personalpronounundertheframeworkofinterperson

4、alfunctionofsfgofhalliday.through analysis, it can be found that: 1) declarative mood takes up a big percentage in the speech, followed by interrogative mood. this accords with the two basic functions of queens christmas speech in 2017. declarative mood is used to provide information, such as the hi

5、storical origin of christmas, the past and future activities of the queen and the royal family, and the concern of british royalty to british. the declarative mood is more persuasive and acceptable than the interrogative mood and imperative mood. 2) the modulation takes up the same percentage with t

6、he modalization, and the former makes the speech more objective in modality system. the queens speech is the ingenious combination of these two. moreover, the median modal verb is the most frequently used, followed by the low value modal verb. in the queens christmas speech in 2017, the high-value m

7、odal verbs were hardly used. the low value modal verbs shorten the distance between the queen and the citizen. the median modal verb makes the queens speech objectivity and emotion. 3) in personal system, the first person use ratio is far higher than the two or three person, that is, the queen trans

8、mits information to the audience from his own point of view, making the audience further understand and accept the content of the speech.this thesis explores how queen builds effective communication with audience through the choice of language, and uncovers the attitudes to international hot topics,

9、 the reflection of historical events, and the condolences and encouragements to her nations and worlds people. this thesis help readers to have better understanding about queens speeches, and attest the practicability and applicability of sfg of halliday.keywords: interpersonal functional, mood, mod

10、ality, pronouncontents中文摘要 6abstract 8list of tables 7chapter 1 introduction 101.1 background of the research 101.2 objectives and significance of the study 111.3 layout of the thesis11chapter 2 literature review.11.2.2 a review of previous studies at home12chapter 3 theoretical framework143.1 syste

11、mic functional grammar143.1.1 mood system 163.1.2 modality system 163.1.3 personal pronoun system 173.2 research design183.2.1 research questions183.2.2 subject183.2.3 methods 18chapter 4 analysis of the interpersonal function 184.1 mood features of queens 2017 christmas speech 194.1.1declarative se

12、ntences 204.1.2 interrogative sentences 214.2 modality features of queens 2017 christmas speech214.2.1 low value modal verb 224.2.2 medium value modal verb234.3.1 first personal pronoun 244.3.2 second personal pronoun 254.3.3 third personal pronoun 25chapter 5 conclusion26 5.1major findings 265.2 im

13、plications of the study265.3 limitations of the study 27 5.4 suggestions for further studies 27 reference28 tables and figurestable 1 basic speech roles (thompson 2008:47)16table 2 mood in queens christmas speech19table 3 modal value of queens christmas speech in 2017 21table 7third personal pronoun

14、 24figure 1 types of modality (thompson 2008: 67) 17chapter1 introductionin this chapter, background, objectives and outline of the study will be introduced, and hopefully this part will provide readers with a basic understanding of this study.background of the studyspeech is a kind of public activi

15、ty which takes an important social function. so is public speech. since ancient time, political speech has been an important way for governments and government leaders to convey political orders and gain the publics supports. so the study of queens help us understand british situation.with the devel

16、opment of the world, english has become more and more popular in china. english is not only the most common international language in the world today,butalsothemostwidelyusedlanguageintheworld.according to statistics in 1986, nearly 400 million of the native speakers in the world speak english, and

17、almost one out of ten people speaks english.peopleintheunitedkingdom,theunitedstates,canada,australia,newzealandandothercountriesspeakenglish,andabout20countriesintheworlduseenglishasofficialorsecondlanguage.morethan70%oftheworldsmailiswritteninenglish.60%oftheworldsradioprogramisconductedinenglish.

18、mostoftheinformationintheworldispublishedinenglish,mostoftheinternationalconferencesare based on english as the first universal language,anditisalsooneoftheofficialworkinglanguagesoftheunitednations.inshort,englishisanimportant communicationtoolinthefieldsofinternationalpolitics,military,economy,sci

19、enceandtechnology,culture,trade,transportationandsoon.with the expansion of chinas opening to the outside world,theprogressofscienceandtechnologyandtheimprovementofinternational status, a large number of specialized talents who are proficient in foreign languages are urgentlyneededtoacceleratethepro

20、cessoffourmodernizationsinourcountryandmakeourcountryplayagreaterand more active role in international affairs. therefore, typical english, especially england loyalty english get more and more popular for people to imitate. english queen is the representation of england, so her speech has representa

21、tiveness. analyzing queens speech become very important for chinese and foreign scholars. this thesis will study english queens christmas speech from one aspectinterpersonal function to help people learn how queen gives a speech in a certain degree, and to understand english culture, custom and so o

22、n.the british royal speech began in 1932, and the idea of christmas speech was put forward by john reith, the founder of the british broadcasting corporation. in the same year, george v published the first royal christmas speech by the new media - radio. in december 15, 1952, the british queen eliza

23、beth ii published her christmas speech at the hall of sanderlin, until today. as a head of a state and religious leader, the queens christmas speech is not only a celebration of the festival, but also the confidence and the cohesion of british nation. british royal political speeches represented by

24、the british queen are more elegant, more volatile in the modality system, more diverse in speech, more interesting and more appealing to philosophical prose.the systemic functional grammar created and developed by halliday. sfg has gone through 4 stages. the beginning of the first stage is marked by

25、 categories of theory of grammar (1961), which is mainly a syntactic (grammatical) theory; the beginning of second stage is some notes on “deep” grammar (1966), these paper show that order and category grammar has been developed into systematic grammar . the beginning of the third stage is the publi

26、cation of notes on transitivity and theme in english during 1967 to 1968, in which he first proposed the concepts of experience function, logical function, and interpersonal function. on this basis, halliday explicitly proposed three meta-functions of ideational, interpersonal and textual in languag

27、e structure and language function which is an important cornerstone of systemic functional linguistics. the beginning of fourth stage is probably from the middle and late 1970s. halliday gave us a complete view of meta-function through a series of works. during this period, meta-function includes th

28、ree aspects: ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function.gregory (1988) proposed that language could have these meta-functions: ideational function, interpersonal function, textual function and polite function. butler (1996) has made a new interpretation of meta-function, whose

29、core is systemic semantics based on paradigmatic selection and butler emphasizes the role of environmental factors. fawcett(1973a,1973b) had two different vies from halliday that one was the system net only limited in semantics, the other was language had six functions (experiential, logical, interp

30、ersonal, expressive, thematic and informational). fawcett (1980) improved his functional ideas that the six functions can be further divided into eight functions: experiential, logical relations, negativity, interactional, affective, thematic, informational function.1.2 objectives of the studythis t

31、hesis tries to explore some rules of speeches of queen and the function based on international functional theory. this thesis also tries to make some contributions to other political speeches.hopefully, it will provide answers to the following questions:1) what are the functions of the mood, modalit

32、y and personal pronoun in queens speech?2) how can these features contribute to the interpersonal function of queens christmas speech?1.3 layout of the thesisthis thesis is composed of five chapters.chapter 1 makes a general introduction to the background and aims of the study as well as the outline

33、 of the study. chapter 2 provides a brief review of the previous work in relevant field, including a brief introduction of contributions made by numerous researchers, and what are used in this thesis. chapter 3 introduces the research design of the study, concluding theoretical framework, data colle

34、ction, research methods and research steps. chapter 4 concludes the study with a discussion on major findings, limitations of this thesis and some suggestions for the further study.chapter 2 literature reviewas we all know that systemic-functional grammar was proposed by m.a.k. halliday. it can be c

35、lassified into ideational function, interpersonal function, textual functional, and these three are called meta-functional theory. this thesis studies the interpersonal analysis of british queens christmas speech in 2017.2.1 a review of previous studies abroadthere is a lot of linguistics who study

36、functional grammar, in abroad and china. in abroad, some scholars develop systemic-functional grammar. harrington (2005) presented a longitudinal analysis of vowels from the annual christmas speech of queen elizabeth ii over a 50-year period in order to investigate whether adults adapted to sound ch

37、anges taking place in the community. the sound change was analyzed in this paper, which was sometimes known as happy-tensing, concerned the tensing of the final vowel in words like happy in british english received pronunciation over the course of the last 50 years. in china, there are also some peo

38、ple study that. setareh et al (2012) compared the approaches to persian information structure in two functional theories: systemic functional grammar role and reference grammar. by selecting 400 data from scientific and educational texts, stories and newspapers we have analyzed the relationship betw

39、een information structure in one hand, and phonology, semantics, morphology and syntax in another hand based on hallidays systemic functional grammar and vanvalins role and reference grammar. also, advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned approaches in relation to information structure are inve

40、stigated. after discussing what is meant by information distribution in each theory, we examine the classification of focus in each approach. finally the obtained results of persian data show that the relationship between information structure in one hand and phonology, semantics, morphology and syn

41、tax in another hand is not regular and rule-governed. moreover, studies represent despite the different analytical methods and the shortcomings of each theory, the obtained outcomes in the framework of these two approaches have some in common because of similarity in functional nature of the both. m

42、artin (2016) presents a brief history of systemic functional linguistics, taking hallidays 1961 word paper, “categories of the theory of grammar” as point of departure. it outlines the key strands of thought which have informed the development of sfl, focusing on first: why it is referred to as syst

43、emic, as functional and as systemic functional; second: how it developed this orientation with reference to phonology, lexical-grammar and discourse semantics; and third: how it has extended this perspective to models of context (register and genre) and multimodality (taking into consideration modal

44、ities of communication beyond language). the paper ends with a brief note on recent developments and a comment on the dialectic of theory and practice through which sfl positions as an applied linguistics.2.2 a review of previous studies at homeli (2001) tried to expand the framework of interpersona

45、l meaning in functional grammar, and discussed various means to realize interpersonal meaning, the interpersonal meaning at the level of discourse, and the language resources that can be separated but interlaced to realize ideational, interpersonal and textual function. he also proposed three aspect

46、s of cognition, evaluation and interaction to examine the semantic scope of interpersonal meaning and tries to establish an interpersonal model based on these three elements, including microsocial and macro society. li got a conclusion that interpersonal meaning should go beyond the framework of the

47、 functional grammar, and it needs a wider dimension macrosocial dimension to be developed. yang (2009) proposed a dynamic analysis of the grammar to find the interpersonal function of discourse. she took the grammar in a text as a single variable rather than a multivariable to observe the pattern of

48、 its discourse rather than the structure of the clause. from this point of this view, this paper analyzed the discourse of foreign language class, and fund that the grammar coming from the mood system selectively forms two dynamic interpersonal patterns: boundary type and stage type. through the des

49、cription of these two patterns, this paper proved that the dynamic interpersonal meaning is not only limited by the speakers attitude and reflected by words, but also includes the dynamic characteristics in the speech interaction process which is embodied by grammar. zhang et al (2015) proposed the

50、concept of “semantic system of identification”, which belong to the category of interpersonal meaning in systemic-functional linguistics. and he thought “identification” was not only the key goal, but also the key means of political speeches. this paper interpreted the semantics of identification an

51、d ideology from barack obamas speech to analyze the choices of the lexical-grammatical resources. analyzing and interpreting the semantic system of identification helped us more to understand the politics, culture and ideology of a country. in this paper the “semantic system of identification” just

52、is a conclusion of a political speech which lacks of completeness and generality. and the significance of this paper is proposing the direction of identity semantics in study. if a certain number of representative political speeches will be analyzed, the induction of identity semantic system will be

53、 more systematic and perfect. zeng et al (2005) discussed the interpersonal meaning of the projection signal in terms of the interpersonal function. this paper systematically investigated “projection signal” mainly from the perspective of interpersonal function in systemic functional grammar, which

54、was conducted under two general structures: projection clause nexuses and projection clauses. the “projection signal” has two functions: attribution meaning and interpersonal meaning. this paper tried to analyze the“projection signal” of interpersonal meaning and establish a hierarchical pattern of

55、“projection signal” in terms of interpersonal meaning distribution. this paper got that the choice of “projection signal” is the choice of interpersonal meaning to a great degree. the interpersonal meaning embodied by “projection signal” can be divided in to four levels to indicate the pinion of the

56、 speaker or others. li (2002) discussed several questions about what is the syntax of mood as an interpersonal system. he explored the composition of mood from three aspects: the determining part of the subject and the predicate verb, modal responsibility and modal adjuncts, the exchange and interac

57、tion of mood and dialogue, and the control of topics. this paper explored that the mood was the grammatical resource for the conversational participants in constructing interpersonal meaning, through some examples. this paper put forward the significance of the interchangeability of the roles in ana

58、lyzing the linking of language resources, the roles and role relationship, was not corresponding the choice of language to a certain interpersonal relationship. it is only in a discourse to examine the pattern of the formation of the mood, and in combination with the context of the specific discourse, the interpersonal meaning of the discourse can be understood. hu (2016) shown that the chinese roots of hallidays theories from two aspects: one was that halliday learned the basic methodology and insights from his chinese professors, when studying chinese in c


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